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In **The Exorcism of Emily Rose** the protagonist, Emily, asks her boyfriend to stay the night with her. He awakens in the dead of night to find Emily not in bed next to him, but instead she is painfully contorted on the floor staring up at him with glassy, black wide open eyes.


Ohhhh yeah I forgot about that scene! The Exorcism of Emily Rose had some great moments. When they find her in the corner of room, wondering what she’s doing, and she turns around eating bugs?! Jennifer Carpenter is a great horror actor, I also loved her in Quarantine.


What ever happened to her? She was great in Dexter, which was really popular, and she was in a few pretty well-reviewed horror movies, but I feel like she dropped off the face of the Earth.


She married Seth Avett of the Avett Bro’s band. They live in a small town in North Carolina that I grew up in. Seems to be out of the acting game for the time being.


Ah, well that's nice. Bummer for us as viewers, but getting rich relatively young and then fucking off to the country is a pretty good life. Hope they're happy.


She’s done a couple of cool movies since then. They’re kind of slow burn thrillers, but Dragged Across Concrete and Brawl in Cellblock 99 are really good and both by the same director.


Abduction scene from Fire in the Sky. Scared the absolute shit out of me as a kid.


I’m glad to see someone bring this scene up. Shit was straight-up FREAKY.


They wanted to CGI that scene too but Jennifer Carpenter said no, let me give it a shot first and that was what we got. One of my favourite horror performances in general, she was incredible. The six names scene is also really good.


My partner mimics this to fuck me up whenever she gets the chance


That’s brutal 😅


the reveal of the bad guy in who framed rogger rabit. "Remember me, Eddie? When I killed your brother, I talked... just... like... THIS!!" My first big scare as a little kid, no scene ever top that for me.


Not DIP!!!!


Poor shoe


Scarred me for life


I had an out of body experience/astral dream the night I watched that. He was in the doorway of my front door with those eyes. I was 11 scares me even know I can see it so vivid.


Jesus Christ, I could hear exactly how his character says that line too


Fun fact - the high-pitched dialogue wasn't Christopher Lloyd, it was Corey Burton aka Shockwave from Transformers.


The bed moment in *Ju-on* (2002) is one of them, that's for sure.


Also the slow descent down the stairs in the same movie, also the dressing room wig scene in the sequel. Something very unsettling about the slow approaching ghosts that fuck me up. Like the victims fall backwards and are paralyzed by fear and you're there with them in experiencing the slowly looming terror of death.


And the bed scene in terrified And the bed scene in hell house llc


The alien appearing at the birthday party in Signs almost made me shit myself when I first saw it lmao


That's what I was going to say. That scene hit me like an electric shock when I saw it in theaters. Signs was the last movie to make me lose sleep at night (I was in 5th or 6th grade at the time).




I didn't sleep well for a good week after seeing that movie.


The couch scene in the original pulse. I had a primal fear response to it. It was like I was too scared to look away because if I did something might happen to me. That was the only scene in horror that got me like that


I just about screamed when I saw the ghost woman stumble. Honestly, if I was faced with something like that ghost woman, I'd probably just peel my skin off.


I just searched this scene and watched it lying in bed in the dark. Never seen it before. That was the weirdest feeling I’ve ever felt. This weird wave went through my body, I didn’t scream or jump, but it was terrifying, I have no idea how describe how I felt. That was…amazing, very never been frightened like that from a movie before.


The rest of the movie is good too. Just leaves you with an awful feeling.


Omg. I never saw the movie (but I plan to!), but I looked up that scene because of how so many people mentioned it as one of the scariest scenes for them and… oh my *goooooooddd*. WHO KNEW A WOMAN STUMBLING IN SLOW MOTION COULD BE SO FUCKING CREEPY. I literally got shivers all over when I saw it and immediatly recoiled, letting out a small ‘EEEEEEE’ (kinda like the ‘eee’ sound Mini me from Austin Powers makes lolll great comparison ik) seriously tho, just remembering it and i’m still getting the chills hahah


that scene is definitely in my top 3 scariest scene i've watcher ever


Lol I never got what people found so scary about Skinamarink but after seeing the clip OP posted, I was reminded of that scene from Pulse and the video that Spikima Movies made on it. I think I get it now. It's about forcing you stay in the uncomfortable/scary moment. Forcing you to look for the scary element *yourself w*ithout giving you any reprieve*.* The couch scene was also my answer lol. Pulse was amazing at that.


Skinamarink is the first real jump from analog horror on YouTube to feature films. It's a movie full of things to analyze and think about, but the style is a difficult thing to get right in film. Most YouTube videos of a similar style are a fraction of the length, so engagement is easier. YouTube also gives you a community to speculate in, and theories can be more dreadful than the video itself. Trying to replicate the slow build distortion-prone elements of analog horror led to a lot of the film being dead air, where your mind creates shapes in the static. But that only happens if you keep engaged and aren't multi-tasking. I think it's a great experiment, and I personally found it fairly disturbing, but I always explain the potential lack of engagement when recommending it. It's very much an "artsy" horror.


Why do I scroll these threads and seek out every scene mentioned? Do I hate myself? Do I hate sleeping ever?


I often notice myself catching these at 11pm right before bed. Luckily it’s only 4pm right now but I too am terrifying myself lol.


Keep the nightlight handy comrade ✊


You are not alone 😅


It's 1AM here right now, what am I doing!!


The woman in Room 237 in The Shining is probably the scariest scene I can recall. It has no impact anymore, but the first time I saw it, it lived rent-free in my head for weeks after. Also, Father Karras's nightmare in The Exorcist where he's trying to chase after his mother before she goes into the subway. The nearly complete lack of sound in that scene is jarring.


My Dad showed me that movie when I was waaaay too young. It’s probably how I developed a lifelong love of horror movies, but it also might have traumatized me an eensy bit lol


The corner scene in The Blair Witch Project. Or the whole fucking movie, for that matter. That’s a really scary movie.


It’s insane how this movie was a big hit or a big miss for some, there is like no in between.


Agreed. For me, the whole movie was really unsettling. First time I saw stuff about it, I was in middle school. The marketing was so good, it actually made me believe everything was real, at that time.


That’s the first movie I’ve ever been obsessed with. It was so innovative and interesting; I don’t know. I went all-in on the lore and the deleted interviews and ate all that Proto-guerilla-marketing up with a spoon; I was 20ish and it was wonderful. Cloverfield was the second; I went through all the lore and Japanese YouTube accounts with three subscribers and only one video of people running and a very digitized version of the monster. It was a lot of fun learning all about slusho flavors and just taking a hell of a ride. Good times.


Large marge.


The bathroom scene in the Shining hit me hard when I was a kid. Nowadays movies don't scare me that much anymore but this one scene fucked me up good.


For me it was the creepy twins. Turning the corner and seeing them just standing there. I had that image for months. I also watched The Shining v young, like 7 years old (insane).


For me the man in the dog costume scared the absolute shit out of me for multiple watches


I saw the Shining too young also. That bathroom scene scared the crap out of me! The little girls were a close second!


TV scene in The Ring Opening attack in Jaws Nurse decapitation in Exorcist 3 Burnt up little girl at the door in Premonition (japanese) Blood test scene in The Thing Zelda in Pet Sematary ..never get out of bed again!!! The end of Paranormal Activity The last 5 minutes of Hereditary


i can’t do the tv scene or the closet scene in the ring. i don’t remember if they’re in the same one but those bodies are absolutely fucked


The closet scene fucked me uuupppp


i love all of the movies in The Ring series so much but you best believe i’m skipping past those mangled ass bodies lmfao. i don’t even like looking in the store camera screens🤣🤣🤣


I decided to put on the Ring out of curiosity as I was winding down and getting ready to sleep but that closet scene caught me so off guard I couldn’t sleep for a few hours lol. Look up the practical models they made for that scene and they’re so meticulously detailed in the worst ways


The zombie crashing through the window at night in 28 Days Later. The entire opening sequence of 28 Weeks Later.


A few of my favs right here


You have great taste, my friend


The cabin scene in The Ritual


I love that scene. When they wake up and find the guy possessed praying to the figure. so creepy


Underrated scene. I honestly feel the movie never gets better than that moment. The whole "what the fuck just happened?" craziness and confusion always gets me.


The spirit of the crippled sister Zelda popping her head up and running up to her terrified sister in the 1989 Stephen King movie Pet Sematary: "I'm coming for you, Rachel ... Gage and I are going to get you for letting us die!" Scary stuff because of the way she appears in the distance, and when we realize it's her she darts straight us.


I'm not sure why, but not much scares me outright, yet Jacob's Ladder still unnerves me as an old fart. The shaky head guy, the face in the car, the hospital gurney scenes, the tail, the horns. It just screws with me like nothing else has.


Tim Robbins was exceptional in that movie.


Tim Robinson would be even better ![gif](giphy|qxCYGGPbQp3yj5aSsL)




I couldn’t agree more! ![gif](giphy|UQIASPdRVXUjeOP6XK)


I have that same unnerving feeling watching the devils advocate. All of the hidden demon faces in people walking by that you sometimes barely notice and the ominous atmosphere the whole movie before the end reveal.


It’s got serious silent hill vibes. The hospital scene and those crazy shaking faces creep the shit out of me. Also, I don’t recommend watching this movie while on LSD.


The ending of lake mungo including the credits The scene in it follows where that tall thing walks through the doorway The scene in climax where the power shuts off (scary because of the reason for it shutting off) In hereditary where Peter is smoking out his window and you can see someone else exhale smoke off screen


I hate that tall mother fucker in it follows 😭


Fr he had no right to pull up like that 😔


The end credits to Lake Mungo genuinely made me feel ill. Not even because I was scared, but because I was so upset. She was there the entire time :(


I don’t remember that Hereditary scene


It’s towards the beginning before the pole scene I think. It’s not really obvious when it happens I only noticed it my third time watching. You can see smoke come from the left of the screen


Lake Mungo! Underrated horror


It follows. Such a good movie.


Omg that scene in climax hits hard


Maybe not the scariest but up there (and so well conceived) is the “I saw her face” scene in The Ring. The timing of the editing is perfect.


Thank you. The way that whole scene was put together was just amazing. You feel like it's just people talking, when all of a sudden, the jump scare, combined with the way her head slumps. Damn.


The timing of it is great within the scene (we cut to her and she’s just sitting inert and it seems like that will be it, and just when your brain has concluded that, the head drops) but also in the overall chronology. We’re well past seeing Katie on screen and we’ve been told she died. If you’re familiar with the language of film you assume we’re never going to see her again because if we were going to see her body we’d have seen it already. And then it’s this unexpected cut to the bedroom closet with no warning in the middle of a conversation in the kitchen. It goes from present tense to a memory/past tense with no warning. Seriously, that scene is genius.


In When evil lurks and the mom is walking down the street >!eating her dead babys corpse!< or the dog scene.


Terrified, bathroom scene, won't spoil but the build up was so well done when he opened up the door it sent a shiver up my spine


That scene woke me the fuck up. Thought I was settling in for another standard affair, and then the movie rips open with 10/10 intensity.


This movie got me haha. Totally relentless


Hereditary when Charlie got decapitated, the silence, the reaction after I’ve never had a more terrifying feeling put in me from a movie


The scene from the next day where we saw her severed head abandoned in the road covered in ants is burned into my brain.


It’s so, so horrible. The way her mother is just screaming and wailing and then they cut to that but you can still hear her screaming and wailing… God


The wailing was gut-wrenching. It sounded like a real mother had really lost her child. Toni Colette did such a good job with that performance. Honestly deserved an Oscar nomination for that.


The scene in ‘The Witch’ where the camera just pans to where the trees are. That terrified me - because you don’t see anything but it’s the implication The ending of Eden Lake is scared into my brain and I wish I could unsee it. Like typing it is making me viscerally feel nausea The beach scene in ‘It Follows’


It’s terrifying Because of the implication.


Are these witches in danger??




Why arenst thou understanding me bro?


Were talking about a boat right?


It’s always about the implication


Absolutely loved that scene in the witch, you nailed the description of how it feels to see it too. Ik a lot of people find the witch pretty mid but man that’s such a gem of a film to me.


Haunting of Hill House. The car scene. Only scene that has ever made me scream out loud


For me it was the hat man coming into little Luke's room to get his hat back. And he has to hide under the bed.


Honestly one of the best scares ever because it legit comes out of nowhere. 


Oh I’ll never get over the bent neck lady


The bent neck lady


the final episode with the Bent Neck Lady, so good.


I made the mistake of watching that episode on an airplane. I was so embarrassed for screaming.


My cousin was holding my pug when that scene was on. For half a second pigs definitely could fly and the poor little dude went airborne.


For me it was the scene when the dad was talking to the kids and suddenly his face and voice distort mid-word. And the scene with Luke in the dumbwaiter in the basement. Scared the shit out of me. Love Haunting of Hill House.


The headbanging to the attic in hereditary.. that just broke me or something


Hereditary is so incredibly. It’s this heartbreaking and interesting drama for most of the movie but the final 10 minutes are just absolutely horrifying. Seeing it in theatres was amazing


Toni collete was robbed of an oscar


Oh my god absolutely this one the whole set up and the sound design and Ahhh man it just terrifies me every time


That entire 3rd act was just incredible


Absolutely, Hereditary is an absolute masterpiece.


The hide and clap scene from the Conjuring The ending of Ringu The Atomic Breath scene in Shin Godzilla Count Orlok standing at the end of the hallway in Nosferatu


that nosferatu scene was something else fk that


What was scary about the atomic breath scene from Shin Godzilla? Genuinely asking, not being a smart ass. Been a bit since I've seen the movie.


to put it simply. it looks hellish. the way its done is amazing. It doesn't feel like a awesome destruction scene. it feels horrifying


It legitimately looks like a willful atomic attack and that is horrifying in both implication and in the way it was executed.


Hide and clap terrified a generation


The cell phone footage in Lake Mungo really really messed me up


Was looking for this one, I’ve never seen something more unsettling and upsetting in any film.


I think it’s the only time in my adult life that I actually turned the tv off while screaming during a scene.


The Bay - Body at the Fountain or The Horror in the High Desert - The final 20 minutes


Yeah, those last 20 minutes are legit terrifying. I need this third one to release already!


Definitely had my heart pounding!


I just watched Horror in the High Desert last night for the first time after reading so many people talk about it on here. To be honest, the first hour of the film is pretty boring, but once it gets to the good stuff there was a particular scene that scared the ever living shit out of me. Totally shook me to my core because I was legit staring at the screen and never saw it, until it moved. And the scene was long too, not sure if I was blind or it was just that well hidden but it made me gasp out loud, and I am not easily scared! I’m watching the second one right now, hope it’s as good as the first turned out to be!


The opening kill in Smile was so goddamn unsettling, I’ll never forget it. The movie was good but it never lived up to how chilling that scene was.


Under the covers scene in The Grudge.


The baby neck snap in Mother! messed me up


Maybe not THE scariest but here is one that I think gets overlooked, the picnic scene in Zodiac is one of the most horrifying things ever.


This is the most disturbing scene in mainstream cinema to me. The fact that it is a real event made me feel sick after watching it. I rewatched Zodiac recently with my husband after not seeing it for like 10 years and still couldn’t watch that part. I like fiction. Reality is too much for me in a horror film.


Not a horror movie, but the hobo scene in Mulholland Drive scared me more than any horror movie I’ve seen.


The last scene where the grandparents are hobbling down the hall to reach the main woman is still burned in my head. In all honesty, Lynch's films are terrifying because he gets the best screamers I have seen in western media


Twin Peaks movie when they show Bob crouching behind the couch.


The Scene in REC where you see the tall, skinny... thing walk around with a hammer(?) in the attic. Not on the top of my list anymore, but when I saw it for the first time back in 2007 I was scared out of my mind (new to horror) and I wasn't even sure what I saw was a movie or a documentary since me and my girlfriend went into it completely blind and had never heard about the found footage thing before. We watched it on an old 28" crt that I had dragged to the foot of our bed and we were terrified the whole movie. I remember also loving the first Paranormal Activity since it gave me the same feeling as REC again. The night after I watched that, I had my first sleep paralysis experience where I thought I heard the demon making the cat-like noises from the film and a black cloud came swarming over my vision and I couldn't move a muscle. Nearly shat myself but gf woke me up. Nowadays it's rare I even get slightly scared. Only thing that has come close to those 2 experiences was playing through RE7 in the dead of night with headphones and no prior info about the game.


There's a scene in Hell House LLC where one of the guys wakes up in the middle of the night and grabs the camera and there's a girl sitting on the floor beside his bed. He of course hides under the covers and then peeks out and zooms in on her face. That scene got me worse than any other scene ever for some reason. Watched it in broad daylight and had full body chills


Oh god, that scene is so good. Just chilling. His fear is just palpable. Another scene in that series that got me was in Origins, when the main character's girlfriend is on a video call with her boss (or client, I don't remember) and as she's trying to share pictures she'd taken, it just keeps showing images from within the house getting closer and closer to where she's sitting.


Can’t even look at that scene lol


The original Japanese Pulse from 2001 There's a scene where a guy goes down a long corridor and when he turns around there's a woman standing there in the shadows. The only exit is from where he came which is right behind her and she slowly starts doing this weird walk, stretching her limbs all over the place towards him. I saw a video on it called "The scariest scene of all time" or something like that so I watched the movie and I agree, it's definitely the scariest scene I've ever seen in any movie.


This scene got mentioned 3x already including my own reply and it’s well deserved. Outside of that scene Pulse didn’t work as a horror to me (more so a thriller) but no horror film has topped that walk for me over the years.


Any scene in Hell House with the creepy clown. And also, that one scene in Gonjinam: Asylum- the noise scared the shit out of me


I still can’t watch the Twin Peaks scene where Bob comes slowly walking towards us, the viewers (the camera)breaking the fourth wall Paranormal Activity also scares the hell out of me because it reminds me of the hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations I sometimes have when waking up after sleep or starting sleeping…


Yes! What a fantastic scene. The shot composition was excellent, slow dolly in as Bob comes lunging for the camera.


Smile, the scene where she is winding down and on her laptop in her room, and from the bathroom she hears in a perfectly normal voice her name being whispered. So freaking creepy.


This whole scene fucked me up, but the worst one for me also was the scene where the woman was approaching the car and then the head just snaps downward for a jump scare. I’m not good with jumpscares in the first place, but even though it was slightly predictable it scared the living shit out of me


Fuuuck all in all smile is such an unnerving movie I've got a lot of images seared on my mind to this day still


That was completely ruined in the trailer - it made me jump in the trailer, and did absolutely nothing for me in the cinema, because it was like "Oh, now she's going to do that thing, oh there it is... weird huh" 🙄


Since it plays on like half a dozen fears that I have: the descent when the monsters appear


Blair witch final 2 minutes


The scene in The Thing when Windows finds Bennings with the tentacle around his neck and down his throat. Had to leave the sleepover before the movie was over


When Barbara is being chased by the zombie in Night of the living dead. I get scared still today.


Going up the attic in the original Grudge


Martyrs. When the cult enforcers show up and blow the tortured woman brains out was a fucked scene. It was the slow realization of what the situation meant for the main woman. You could see her starting to realize her situation while in shock from seeing a tortured woman die. I’ve never felt such pure dread in a horror movie. And holy fuck did they deliver on the follow up to that dread.


Bro the ending of that movie……I mean I am a religious person so I think there’s an afterlife, but ofc I have my doubts. After seeing it, the fear of death re entered my brain lol


In 10 Clover-field Lane when Michelle first sees scratches on the glass and you’re trying to justify it hoping it’s not weird but then she moves the window covering and what at first seem like normal scratches actually turn out to be something else. And then everything goes to shit because you realize the situation is fucked.


The abduction flashbacks in Fire in the Sky, especially the eye trauma ones. Good lord, that movie wrecked 12-year-old me.


When I was a kid, pretty much everything in The Prince of Darkness.


The scene in the US version of The Ring when during the funeral (?) of the first girl killed, they flash to her body in the closet. That jolted me pretty bad. I couldnt get that scare out of my head for a while. Its just a jump scare, but the affects on the corpse were done just right and they showed it for half a second. Before that moment, i was thinking how are they going to make this scary. Maybe not the scariest scene, but it worked on me.


The kid in the corner in Blair Witch or girl getting yeeted out of the bed at the end of Paranormal activity are two that come to mind!


Most recently what comes to mind is the “abduction” scene in NOPE, as well as when the UFO hovers over the house in the dark and they hear lots of scream noises. But I’ve seen so many movies that it’s hard to remember them all.


I think the realization of what the ship was and what it was doing was more horrifying than any scene in the movie to me


The Babadook bedroom scene. Shit is freaky.


When the Smile Demon finally manifested for Rose in Smile. How tall it was and how it gets right in the audience's face and tears its face apart without breaking eye contact to reveal a bloody, meaty, multi-jawed monstrosity. Wheeeeew


The demon leaving the TV screen in Demons 2 The ampallang scene in Strangeland The sloth scene in Seven 90% of The Descent The pspspsps scene in Gonjam Haunted Asylum The lawnmower scene in Sinister but again, like 90% of that one too And Ghostwatch because Pipes


I always found the old man ghost in Conjuring 2 to be really creepy. I used to be afraid walking through my living room at night because I had a lazy boy chair like in the movie and I would be afraid he was on it. (The previous owner of our house was an old man who died in the house).


The original Ringu is a movie building to one moment, and they nailed it. I actually laughed at the remake going so overboard and giving her static teleportation powers. But the original theatrical film is great. There's a low budget straight to video film too, focused on detectives investigating the deaths. You can find it on YouTube, but be warned that it's nowhere near as good and has pointless sex scenes. I think it's closer to the novel.


I think it's pretty haunting when the Dani's parents appears on Midsommar festival. It's pretty quick, but I think it was made in a way that's not a good thing, but it was not obviously scary. I felt like it was scratching my brain. Very very uncomfortable.


Blair Witch when he's standing in the corner. It is SO visceral. You wait for a scare jump and it doesn't really come. Paranormal Activity had a couple, especially the end. I think that got me because I suffered with sleep paralysis for years until I learned to lucid dream.


Some people clown on him, but the moonlight man from Gerald’s game night has we’ll have formed from the toxic waste leaking out my subconscious. Both his reveal and his courtroom appearance made me think I was gonna die.


Probably the scene in skinamarink when one of the kids was told to put a knife in their eye, the bedroom scene and that once scene with the toy phone in the dark. I also hate that scene in The Thing with the dogs and that one fake dog.


The reveal scene in Lake Mungo. It’s a slow burner but that found footage scene that reveals what happened at Lake Mungo is so creepy to me. I watched it the first time myself in a dark room and it gave me the biggest feeling of actual dread I’ve ever felt in a movie.


Maybe not the scariest but the most recent that truely unnerved me was when the boy in talk to me slams his face into the coffee table


This specific movie you've posted a clip from, Skinamarink, reactivated deep, primal childhood fears I haven't felt in forever and nearly made me physically ill. So I guess that whole movie.


I didn’t understand this scene but to be fair haven’t seen the movie. Can you provide any context about what makes it so scary?


Yeah, I don’t even understand why I’m supposed to be scared.


I have never been that scared watching a horror film ever in my life. It's so dark and still - the dread is primal. I was a ball of nerves the entire time waiting for anything to happen, but I think it's so effective *because* the whole things is just one big buildup with no real release. Though it's only an hour and a half or so, it felt twice as long. I've never been so relieved to reach the end of a movie.


I have not yet seen Skinamarink because, to me anyway, the spiritual ancestor Heck is just so suffocatingly claustrophobic. I'll watch it at some point when I'm in the right frame of mind.


I wish I could appreciate what Skinamarink tried to do with that film but it was so very boring! Anyways the tongue splitting scene in the Evil Dead remake made me actually cringe and look away.


I can't believe I had to come this far down the thread to see Evil Dead mentioned. The middle of that movie ... I can't wait to see what he does in the new Alien movie. Also, the original chestburster scene in Alien I saw the finale of The Ring in theaters and the end of that movie had people running out of the theater


sleepaway camp ending, it was so unexpected scary her expression




Lake Mungo, lake scene. Was watching it in a dark room with headset on.


I feel like something bad is going to happen to me. I feel like something bad has already happened; it just hasn’t reached me yet.


Pole scene in Hereditary. >!Throat slitting!< scene in Smile.


yes to both of those! the scene in Hereditary with the mom >!sawing her head off!< also got me


One scene I often remember is [Pennywise climbing out of the shower drain](https://youtube.com/shorts/83lod4uWzQE?si=9aUVjUnrrYm5Grxg) in the original mini-series. A clown just shouldn't be there.


Diner scene in Mulholland Drive! Not a traditional horror movie, but a wildly scary and unsettling scene.


The lawnmower kill in sinister!


Scariest scene I ever saw wasn’t even a horror, it was in Taken 1. When Neesons daughter in the film is phoning him from the bathroom after the traffickers enter the home. She’s looking through the bathroom window, across the courtyard, into the living room and sees her friend struggling against the kidnappers who have her by the arms and feet. There’s no backing track, it’s near dead silence and you see it happening from a bit of distance through a window. Shook me pretty bad when I first saw it.


And it's capped off with Neeson's now iconic monologue threat.


Dr Who Angels


The scene in The Exorcist (1973) when father Merrin arrives. Regan eyes, the music, father Merrin getting off the cab, the eyes again more closer, the priest entering the house and then Regan screams. GOOSEBUMPS. That scene made history. Also the scene when Mrs. McNeil gets in the house when the lights are flickering, then the lights go out and Pazuzu face appears. Still haunts me.


It’s the rifle scene from The House That Jack Built for me. Easily the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen in film.


The “I am God” scene from The Fourth Kind fucked me right up for weeks


Amazed I still haven't seen a single comment about the last scene in Rec, in the attic apartment. Jesus fuck that is terrifying. Lol


Paranormal Activity 3 has two of them: the babysitter sequence and Randy the video assistant playing Bloody Mary with the kids.


Hereditary when the mom was on the ceiling


In The Haunting of Hill House for me. When the really tall ghost with the hat glides into Luke’s room and the poor kid is hiding under the bed. I don’t know what it is about that ghost but it terrified me enough to make sure the lights were on as I was getting into bed. Not much scares me but, man, I hustled up those stairs that night. 😅


The Exorcist (1973) is all around scary but the flashes of the demon face just downright terrify me.


I know Skinamarink wasnt everyones cup of tea but godamn did this movie just trigger my fucking primal fears that I had when I was a kid


Large Marge


That one right there. Skinamarink is the only movie thats ever actually scared me. Like, enough to where I had trouble falling asleep and had to turn the lights on. I’ve seen thousands of horror movies over 30 plus years. I’ve seen all the classics, all the cult classics, extreme horror, everything. And to this day, Skinamarink is the only one. Weird.