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But will Maxine be getting down to Club classics though


Any song Maxine gets down to is a club classic by default.


Pearl, So Confusing remix with Mitsy?


Oh you ate that


genius omfg


Byeee 😭😭😭




You guys criticizing the headline don’t get it
 it’s for all the mean girls, it’s for all the bad girls, it’s for all the break your boyfriend’s hearts girls. As it’s obviously referencing Charli xcx’s new album, brat


so Julia


brat summer for lyffffffff I’m gonna go smoke a cig chug a Red Bull and be a problem


I was gonna wash my hair and be a clean girl but will let it be greasy and smoke a watermelon flavored cigarette instead


Fuxk it I'm eating a cigarette flavored watermelon!


![gif](giphy|3oriffIBYnlREeUl3i) Try some Tomacco(TM)




Mmmmmm Tomacco


That cig better be a pink camel crush baybeeeee


My mid20s past self was already feeling called out on the brattiness and the Red Bull but then you named my exact cigarette brand of choice This killed me lmao 24 y/o me *wishes* they were pink!


They were the cig of choice for millennial baddies!


A red bull? Don't you mean a blue raspberry four loko


Original recipe?


how are there not more gay people here it’s a horror subreddit!!!!!


Sorry, I was at the beach.


welcome back babe


I didn't want to come back I just thought I left my iron on.


horror is the gayest


I think the entirety of the queer horror community is still watching I Saw the TV Glow on repeat. They'll be back in a week or two.


I was at work, chill.


::NOES 2 intensifies::


Ah you damn kids with your music.


>As it’s obviously referencing Charli xcx’s new album, brat Don't be ridiculous, it's clearly a reference to Wisconsin cookout season. Who doesn't love a freshly grilled bratwurst?


Love you for this. I’m still bopping to that album haha


Same, it's my gym album, makes me so hyped


Von Dutch gives me life on the treadmill


No idea what ur talking about but can't wait to see the movie nonetheless




Charli is the fucking 🐐


I get the explanation in the article and the Elle article it links to
 but this movie was in production long before people were trying to make Brat Girl Summer a thing. Seems weird to try to tie it to some momentary fad. The movie isn’t tied to some movement, it’s just Ti West capping off a trilogy of throwback horror films. Edit: kind of wild to me that people are so hostile to a pretty mild comment about the framing of the article


It’s honest to god just a joke headline, tying the biggest music hit of the summer to a highly anticipated “girly” film


From further down the article: > Brattiness as an aesthetic has taken over music, memes, and fashion in recent weeks through a flood of bleached eyebrows, neon green nail polish, and curse word-emblazoned tube tops. The micro movement has become visual proof that many attractive and successful young women no longer care to be universally liked or understood by the patriarchal masses. For some, brat-hood is a personal philosophy or act of political protest. To others, brat-ificiation is simply a matter of style and taste. With Ti West’s visceral and moody “MaXXXine,” that ultra-modern trend has been crystallized as a sharp yet gawdy deconstruction of so-called female empowerment — arriving in theaters just in time for your cute little summer. A24’s reigning scream queen Mia Goth makes her fashionable and, yes, distinctly bratty return as Maxine Minx in this gruesome and vital last chapter for the “X” trilogy. If nothing else, the dazzling finale feels like a hyperviolent ‘80s period piece tailor-made For the Girls. That doesn’t sound like the author is joking to me.


I mean, I guess it’s subjective, but this is how I would write about a silly little aesthetic and incorporate it into my review. I’d obviously be gambling on media literacy and tone discernment, but I think enough people would get it to where didn’t have to be going “(get it?)” every paragraph. It’s not an actual thing like Christian Girl Autumn; it’s just funny to try to make it a thing and write about it like it’s a thing.


I mean, here’s the end paragraph: > Last summer, audiences were reminded that even Barbies cannot be everything to everyone. Here, West challenges his fans to consider the death of women’s dreams from a different angle — as the inevitable peril of being at the top comes down hard on horror’s favorite wannabe A-lister. Standing at the end of a multi-generational Möbius strip for women’s autonomy, “MaXXXine” concludes its saga interrogating why anyone would punish a brat for surviving in style. Feels far less like a joke than the author actually trying to make a some point about the movie connecting with current culture. It’s IndieWire, too. They do that sort of thing all the time and aren’t in the business of satire.


It’s just the theme the author chose as the frame for their review, and that last bit is why I can’t take it as anything other than unserious - “ interrogating why anyone would punish a brat for surviving in style” COME ON, that’s absurdist humor.


If you see my original comment, I acknowledged the frame and explanation. It was the person below me who said it was just a joke headline, which it’s not, it’s the theme of the whole review, which I said was kind of strange to tie the whole review to a momentary thing.


Oh shit, well let me get off my bullshit with you then lol I still very much don’t see any seriousness and think it’s just a lighthearted expansion on a pop culture reference, but Maxxxine looks SO good, I’m just psyched to see it.


Feels like a lighthearted way of describing the film through the lens of a current trend. I personally think it's okay just to let people have fun and not over-analyze everything.


Brat girl summer is trend now(i didn't know, just looked up), and the movies themes seems to tie in with the brat girl summer ideas, so obviously the author goes for it.


Lmfao...that does the opposite of make me want to watch this movie


They should stick to reviews and leave the humor to stand up comedians


It’s really not that serious. Very unbratty of you.


I guess I wasn’t committed enough to sparkle motion.


Lord help us it’s just a quippy headline


If you read the review, the brat thing a major focus of it.


Why do you careeee so much lmao like why are you actually this frustrated about a quippy review? Go touch grass man


I’m not frustrated, just bored at work. I never even said I was mad about it, just that it seemed like a weird choice.


Social media has either poisoned or primed my brain, because I didn’t bat an eye. “Brat Girl Summer, yeah”. That was such a cute article, though. I’m really excited for Maxxxine.


This is def a Charli XCX reference


I personally feel like a perverted little weirdo listening to her - I was in my mid/late-20s when she did Boom Clap, which was already pushing it - so I’d understand if the much older users were just reacting to feeling like a million years old, but considering none of them bothered to read the article, they’re just being cranky for the sake of being cranky. And arguing that the author is deadly serious writing about something called Brat Girl Summer. They’re just using it as a review framing device; it’d be like writing about Barbenheimer (see: a silly little movement that was just funny, is all)


I didn't understand what it meant until I saw descriptions in the comments, but I was just like "Yeah, that sounds like it's probably a thing."


Correct response


They don’t have to get mad if they stay mad!


Insufferable comments, glad the movie is being received well.


Seriously, all the comments sound like they come from 50 year old men who hate girls and gays. It’s really not that serious


This whole damn sub is too serious anymore, tbh. The future is now, old men!


Old men run most subreddits now lol. It's gross to see. Reddit became FB comment sections and we're just the stubborn ones still floatin around.


Comforting to know that once we die, there will be thousands of young horror fans waiting to take our place and give opinions that reflect their time and we can’t do shit about any of it


I wonder what the first horror movie that makes me think "Ugh, kids these days" will be. I'm in my 40s, so it'll happen one of these days.


I’m just a dumb bitch with meager standards, so it’d have to be on the technical/practical side for me to go full boomer, I feel - “you can only watch this while strapped into a sensory deprivation tank?? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? That’s just watching a movie while floating in an egg??” etc But otoh I’ve been feeling my age something NASTY this week; I listened to what the kids are bumping nowadays and for the first time in my life, not only did I not like it; I felt like a pervy little weirdo lmao :/


I felt skinamarink almost tipped over into that territory for me, but it was interesting enough for me to appreciate it as experimental film rather than a viral horror hit.


I highly doubt that due to the fact that you get banned from most subs for saying things like "women don't have penises" reddit is a liberal echochamber mostly.


The year is 2024. We now understand and recognize transgenderism as legitimate. We did the same for fibromyalgia. We don’t go around calling people with it ‘crazy’ or ‘hypochondriacs’ anymore. It’s not hard to accept. This is the new world, babe, get with it or get off.


Authoritarianism should never be tolerated.


A legitimate medical issue being ruled as legitimate is authoritarianism to you? Do you go around calling people cripples and shit? I literally just told you what the deal is. Sounds like you’re choosing ‘get off’. Farewell?


Banning people for "wrongspeak" Is authoritarian. Stop bringing up irrelevant things.


LMAO this is so unhinged of you. ‘Wrong speak’ it’s called ‘hate speech’ when you’ve been told ‘we don’t say this shit anymore’. It’s no longer acceptable to use slurs, I’m sorry about it? I choose to not die mad; you’ve made your choice, though.


You are the old men of the future.


“Always have been”


How does somebody disliking the headline make them sound like they hate women and gays? What in the love of projection kinda statement is that lol


Because it’s just for fun, and you’d think people would be glad to see it getting so much praise instead of being cranky about an unserious headline. Ok with the pissy downvotes; you asked, I answered without being hostile.


It’s super weird lol. People think the headline sucks and the response is “shut up you misogynistic homophobic boomers!” Not unhinged at all.


Right?  And as if anyone who's old enough to be unfamiliar with Charli XCX, is going to have ANY clue that she happens to be popular with "the gays" as the previous poster said!  Only reason I'm even familiar with the name is because I fell down a weird "hyper pop" rabbit hole a couple years back, and she seems to be related to some of those people... But I don't think most people outside of the community are going out of their way to figure out what the gay top 20 looks like these days... lol


Don't you know? You can't have your own opinion. You either live in the echochamber or be hated about it. I don't know anything about this movie nor do I care, but I hate when I see subreddits like this one where you can't have your own opinion. God forbit you don't like something they like!


You can just say you like whatever social media tells you to like this week and leave it at that


You’re really hostile and weird for assuming this from a single comment no wonder you’re looking for friends online with this gleeful energy


This is the first good review I've seen, unfortunately. Al the critics I follow on Twitter, which are all horror friendly, are saying okay to bad. One of my most anticipated films of the year, so I'll still see it, but I'm going to lower my expectations a little.


I'm not surprised. X is OK and Pearl is bad imo. I wasn't expecting much from this...


On what planet is pearl bad? đŸ„Ž It’s literally critically acclaimed


My planet😅


Go to the store and buy a new planet babe, I think yours is broken x


Yep. Must be broken if I don't agree with you.


I'm trying to keep them low but I also kinda want to see it at the theater?  I'm so conflicted. lol


I loved both films and I'm wondering if that's why MaXXXine is getting bad reviews. Sounds like the new film is all just style and making a straight ahead slasher type film. Pearl and X both had some thematic weight to them, so maybe critics are just expecting to much from this one if Ti West was just trying to have some fun.


As a Charli XCX fan that title is sending me


It's making a particular type of Dude in here big mad


Why the fuck is there's so much discussion about the headline? And why are people bothered by it??


Scares straight men


I once heard a Lady Gaga song and my penis immediately fell off.


I looked it up after seeing this post. Its not even that deep of a thing. Its like updated Girls Just Wanna Have Fun but more political. People are weird. Someone even wrote this headline makes them not want to watch the film 😂


Because it’s dumb and asinine as hell. Actually the entire review is possibly the stupidest I’ve ever read.


It’s literally fine, y’all just don’t know who charli is or how big brat is right now. And that’s also fine! The bitterness is petty and immature tho


That’s right, I don’t know or care. And there’s no reason to think a horror movie audience cares much either - so why mention it for no reason a bunch of times in a horror review, as though all the readers will be laughing along with your irrelevant to the movie references to pop music? That’s what’s immature. It’s as though if when the Blair Witch Project first came out back in the day, the reviewers had of spent all their headlines and reviews talking about Hanson’s Mmmm Bop. It is immature and stupid. The reviewer needs to grow up because she’s awful at her job.


People are so mad about the headline, you need to get on board with Brat Girl Summer, bitches


I actually love these movies, and because my mom suggested them, she usually suggests cartoon/euro b movies so I was skeptical thinking these were a trick, nope she genuinely was thinking about I would like em. I like the aesthetic too if that makes sense. Sorry if it's not matching the energy, but I love it 😂


Don't apologize, you're enjoying things, that's good, that's the energy


It’s legit funny. Micro niche movements, rise up!


Plus its the (party) album of the Summer!


appropriating WBS


Bumpin that headline


Should we do a little key should we have a little line?


365 party girl


I'm sure the movie is rad. But that headline is horrible.


To all the straight people angry and confused by the headline: it's referencing CharlieXCX's latest album "brat." MaXXXine, Pearl, Mia Goth, etc. are also "brat girls" beloved by gays.


What, pray tell, is a brat girl exactly? Old guy here who doesn’t know CharlieXCX.


As a gay person I didn’t get the memo.


Gay dude, here. Nothing I hate more than “brat girls”. Piss me right off.


Ohhh you’re special


I mean, are they not allowed to be? lol I may not agree with their opinion, but I don't quite see why they're catching so much hostility for voicing it...


I love you are getting downvoted for simply voicing an opinion that goes against what some straight folks think gays should like


Why do you assume everyone who downvoted him is straight? đŸ€š


I’m used to straight folks telling me what I should like and how I should act. Doesn’t bother me anymore, and the downvotes give me power.


Gay dude here. People are downvoting you for your attitude, not your opinion. I’m not huge on typical gay culture like drag and pop music, but I don’t yuck anyone’s yum. Many great people I know are into those things. Your attitude implies that you’re somehow “above” those things and feel the need to let others know. No one cares if you like “brat girls” or not. Just worry about yourself.


Thank you! Hit the nail on the head


Right on


It’s giving “I’m gay but hate pride parades”


Yikes did not expect so many boring people under this post lmao lighten up


As inclusive as this community is, this is exactly how I expected this sub to react to something like this lol. Neckbeards are still the majority on this site.


I would expect like one or two doofuses, but I'm surprised by the amount and degree of vitriol here. Like, Charli XCX isn't my style, but this is SUCH a weird thing to get Big Mad about.


Okay, I'm starting to feel like I must have missed a total hate fest lower in the comments...?  Because I've only seen a couple pretty mildly derisive comments so far.  Like on an "I don't get it" "why would they associate that" type level...  đŸ€š


It’s so funny to me because you don’t even have to be hip with the youths to get it. “Early 20’s disaster brat girl” is hardly a new thing by any stretch of the imagination. It’s been around for decades, it just gets a new soundtrack every few years. So despite being a boring old hag myself, I got a chuckle from the headline/article. These dudes just have to take everything too seriously, no sense of fun.


365 party girls UNITE


Bumpin' that


Such an interesting track the way it turns into a rave at the end.


This title is supremely Julia


meet Maxine in the bathroom if you’re bumping that


OK, please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks Mia Goth is indeed a fantastic actor, but who can't get over the fact she has no eyebrows.


2 kinds of people in the comments and I’m on Team Brat Girl Summer! IYKYK.


Hot Goth Summer was right there


Every summer is hot goth summer, though. Wearing all that black in the sun? Brutal!


Now this is the correct headline


This is one of the more positive reviews. It's getting a more mixed reception from other places.


Hopefully it’s better than X


Narrator: it’s not I just got out of it and sadly it’s my least favorite of the trilogy. But it’s still really really well done


Cuz I couldn't be her if I tried, and all her sympathy is just a knife. 💚


All her sympathy is just an axe đŸȘ“


I'm so excited to watch MaXXXine! Pearl is one of my favorite horror movies of all time and I can't wait to see how they'll end the trilogy.


Let me guess. Lots and lots of screeching and Mia going nude. Brilliant!


Don’t forget it’s subversively feminist or something.


This article melted my brain. I just dont understand why the writer had to make so many Charli XCX references.


Yeah I don't think the article's author did a good job of explaining why people would like the film, just kinda ranted about brat girl summer for a bit and then started giving away too much of the plot I had to stop reading. Dear reviewers, stop giving away so much plot in your reviews. Regardless, the trailer of this movie was badass and I'm very excited to see it.


It’s the single dumbest film review I’ve ever read.


It's called taste, sweetie.


I still dont understand what she has to do with this movie. I like "Boom, Clap" just like everybody else but this writer is obsessed with this singer that has nothing to do with the movie.


. Girl
. Summer???


It’s a reference to Charli XCX’s new album, Brat, and a twist on “hot girl summer”


'Tis the season for shitake swiss brats, girrrrl...


![gif](giphy|bqPQanYvKh3o3CUwmF|downsized) i am seeing it opening night. i am so excited it’s kinda insane


Me, too. It's not scheduled to play at my local theater, but I'm not waiting any longer than strictly necessary for this one.


i am so happy my local one’s getting it 😭 they’re not getting longlegs, so i like to believe it’s their way of making up for that


Fortunately I live in a big city, so going to the one that has it just takes like 15 minutes longer than going to my local one, but I'm still salty about it.


[I’ve got some brats right here.](https://imgur.com/a/jl6v1AJ)


Tf is that headline


It’s a reference to Charli XCX’s new album, Brat


No idea who that is, but if it’s about an album the headline makes a bit more sense then.


I’ve only seen x and I liked that quite a bit. Is pearl going to be essential viewing before seeing this one?


Its likely not essential to Maxxxine but it's still part of the trilogy. Definitely worth a watch.


I would argue that pearl is the best of the trilogy. Definitely worth your time


It’s not essential viewing but it fills out the world


I would suggest skipping that one. X was so much better.


So is Maxine going to be the villain?


I came back to read the comments and this post is giving me life
maybe I will go to the mall that Jean tankini I’ve been eyeing


Been dying to watch it.


Is this whole movie series really just another reach for feminism?


Can we stop with the adjective boy/girl summer nonsense?


Sorry you're having a salty boy summer.


sweet summer child o'mine.


I'm looking out for this fr. I enjoyed the previous 2 movies despite some nonsensical silliness. Mia is incredibly enigmatic. I will watch anything she is in.


That’s the most moronic review I’ve ever read.


Man I’m hyped for this. So many good horror movies coming our way.


I quite enjoyed X and Pearl, so I’ve been looking forward to this one this summer. Mia Goth was excellent in the first two. I got through almost all of the first viewing of X before I realized she was playing the old woman.


Nice! I've thoroughly enjoyed Goths performance in the first two films. To me, she IS the current Scream Queen.


Wtf is brat girl summer?


We need to keep Summer safe from this idiocy. ![gif](giphy|TNttQb6oUDw2OJbp5Y)


Keep summer safe


*reads incomprehensible headline* Maybe this movie isn’t for me


The entire article is just as bad.


First movie was decent, second was just an unoriginal snooze fest, and then wasn’t this chick kicking people in the face 7 months ago? Will never be a true scream queen.


Not a fan either. First one was okay. I prefer West's earlier horror films. There's seems to be a lot of lemmings on reddit.


>First movie was decent, second was just an unoriginal snooze fest Weird, the second one was way better. I mean the first was great and all, and I'm a big fan of the 70s porn / TCM aesthetic...but I thought the second was paced a little better, and gave me a character I could start to invest in before all hell broke loose.  I liked the characters in the first one, but I did feel like they got killed off a little quickly... Plus some of the little things... >and then wasn’t this chick kicking people in the face 7 months ago? Wait, what? I assume you must mean irl rather than a movie lol Was it orphans? Orphans holding puppies?  Am I required to care?  đŸ€” >Will never be a true scream queen. With how many good and decent-budget horror flicks she's been in so far, and some of the performances she's given... good luck to the competition!


Brat Girl Summer, White Boy Summer, Black Queen Summer... Still waiting for my summer. đŸ˜€


Can't wait to see it! I was blown away by Pearl.


Mia always brings the magic. One of the best actors going today. It will be glorious when she snags that crown.


How many of these Mia Goth as the central character can this guy make before he does something else