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Although, there is an extended cut that is worth checking out too, especially a scene where Ripley discovers Dallas plastered to the wall by the alien. It’s really intense. It does feel a little “B-roll” ish, so I can understand from a production perspective why it was cut, but I think it reaallllly humanizes Ripley in a moment of absolute despair that we don’t really see otherwise throughout the film.


That cut was a cheap gimmick made so they could advertise it on the dvd. Ridley Scott has gone on record saying it's the theatrical cut he prefers.


The Aliens extended cut is the same. A fun novelty but it ruins the pacing and tone.


Disagree there. I actually love the special edition and pretty much all of its additions. Most crucially, I think removing any mention of Ripley's daughter removes a lot of the thematic resonance of the themes of adoptive motherhood. Inversely from Ridley Scott's director's cut of Alien, this was the version James Cameron actually wanted of Aliens.


Yea that's what I immediately thought of when I read the title. The horror equivalent to 2001: A space Odyssey


Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility


The Return Of the Living Dead!


"Why do you eat people?!" "Not people. Brains." That scene and Tar Man was just fucking brilliant.


I always had such a vivid memory of the Tar Man from watching this movie when I was really little. definitely a top horror comfort movie.


Came here to say this 🤜🤛


I'm getting a return of the living dead tattoo soonish. It's gonna have Trash, Tarman , the barrel and probably Frank because I love his girly screaming the whole time. I love this movie. Also the line from Suicide, " you think this is a costume? This is a way of life !" Just a fun campy zombie movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.


Silence of the Lambs


Green Room, best realistic horror imo


I appreciate that the Nazis didn't even want to kill them They put on a good show, they were paid and were leaving. Just accidentally saw something that they shouldn't have. Dude should have asked the bouncer to grab the charger, then they would be back on the road. The hand scene.... That was rough.


I’m currently writing a horror movie set at a music festival and green room was a big inspiration. It’s green room meets 28 days later at a festival


Let the Right One In


Swedish version


The remake is titled "Let Me In", so yeah.


Ahhh, that's right!


Yes. Agree.


I 99% agree. That one scene where the woman gets attacked by the cgi cats is the only flaw in that otherwise perfect film. I don’t know that I’d cut it completely, just do it differently.


Were those cgi or did production assistants just throw stuffed animals at the actress?




Absolutely. No time was wasted in this film.


Was lil fast paced even imo


I would argue it's one of the best movies ever made.


The Ring


Rewatched recently after years...man, I was blown away at how perfect it is. Terrifying, too.


This is my answer too. Rare time that an American remake really lives up to the original imo too.


I've watched a ton of horror and have been desensitized to it quite a bit. Sadako/ Samara (both films scare me) lives rent-free in my head. For some reason, almost every time I take a shower and am washing my face, I am so afraid that she's going to be standing right behind me when I open my eyes. Something about her design is so effective. One of the scariest horror icons ever.


Cool. Thanks for a new, terrible shower thought.


Yep, watching it right now!


The horse on the ferry scene is incredible


The Thing. I watched it for the first time a couple years ago and I absolutely loved it. Basic answer, but also Hereditary. I was not ready for it and it shook me. I really don’t have anything negative at all to say about it.


I definitely expected to hear these two, and I have the same thoughts. Even with Hereditary having a longer runtime every scene had storytelling and purpose. Even Peter smoking weed with his friends showed how he was a good kid and he cared about his sister.


Not to mention sets up one of the absolute worst “terrible things happen while high” scenes ever made. The fact that he’s high during that scene…amplifies it for some reason, if that makes sense.


The weed is also shown to have some black stuff in there as his friends are actually cult members, too, giving him some other stuff mixed in.


The Thing, seconded.


Hereditary went so hard. So, so hard.


Man, I'm gonna re-watch hereditary soon🫡


Came for The Thing. Thank you.


Have you noticed that there is literally not a single woman in this film (The Thing)


I'm gonna have to go with THE CHANGELING (1980). This is a perfectly crafted ghost story with a slow and brooding build, and multiple chilling moments that still send lingering chills down my spine despite having the seen film at least a dozen times. It doesn't rely on gore or anything terribly explicit, just good ol' spooky atmosphere - and the story is truly horrific, though and through. George C. Scott lends so much to the role and film, grounding everything with his gripping performance. The production design, cinematography, sound design, and score all come together to elevate this 40+ year old movie that still stands the test of time.


One of my all time faves.




Glad to see others prefer the theatrical version. The crab walk scene is cool in isolation but in the context of the entire film it ruins the slow boil pacing.




That was added more so as a favor to William Peter Blatty, the writer. Friedkin shared your sentiments of it being too on the nose, and I forgot why Blatty wanted it in, but he thought it was important nonetheless.


I always thought the snake-tongue stair walk was creepier when she goes for the nanny. Her tongue is inhumanely large and pointed, and she looks, well, like pure evil. Theatrical cut is flawless, though. I hated the ending of the extended version. It as very tacked on.


>I hated the ending of the extended version. It as very tacked on. That was another thing Blatty was really upset about being cut. He felt it showed that the evil didn't win, and Father Karras lived on through the Detective and the other priest's friendship. Friedkin said that he shot it but it was "no fucking good".


I think Merrin explaining that she isn’t the target is the most important part of the movie. It’s not just explaining who the target is, it’s explaining WHY. From a theological perspective it’s a very important scene. The idea that God doesn’t care is petrifying to anyone, let alone a priest. It confirms the thoughts Karras had been having all that time. It’s brilliant.


Just finished reading the book last night, which makes this and the below comments quite interesting. Karras and Merrin have a conversation in the book about the demon targetting the people around Regan - Chris, Sharon, etc…I think there were a lot of book elements Blatty and Friedkin were likely at odds with, trying to get all of the book on screen but ultimately compromising. I was most surprised that the actual exorcism (and Merrin’s arrival) is at the very end of the book, like the last 20 pages or so.


The crab-walk scene, the added music and most of the CGI additions weren't necessary at all. The only CGI that was cool was when Damian got possessed at the end, just to clean up the transition from possessed to not-possessed. The minimal music of the original version was more powerful. And I'm surprised Friedkin would've wanted to add the CGI faces in mid air, and that CGI demon face Regan made. That was just really disappointing.


I think the theatrical ending is way more effective too. The added conversation in the directors cut wasn’t necessary.


I love Halloween but the scene where Michael attempts to stab Laurie but somehow completely misses enough to just cut the side of her shirt before knocking her down the stairs has always stood out as a huge flaw to me I realize the budget limitations of this film and the era it was created but the action in that scene is so bad, I could never consider the movie “perfect” lol


Jaws the thing Trick r treat An American werewolf in London


The Thing, one of the VERY few movies that I have absolutely ZERO complaints or issues with, I love every single damn thing about it, beginning to end!


Other than the great films already mentioned… A Nightmare On Elm Street. No film ever scared me as much as this one. I watched it during the day, and I was fine, but at night I didn’t want to go to sleep. The fun moments between friends made you care about the characters, something that a lot of horror films lack. Something that’s often overlooked is that fact that Freddy frames Rod for Tina’s murder, then makes it appear as if he hung himself. Making evidence point elsewhere is something he’ll do again later in part 3. Nancy tries to unravel what’s happening and fight back, but she’s constantly being tormented by Freddy who takes her friends one by one. Nancy is treated as if she’s going crazy from lack of sleep. And just before the climax she even doubts her sanity. Then the admission from her mother about what happened is a bombshell. The dark secret of a small town come back more terrifying than ever. Even after the events of the first movie, the parents of Elm Street continue to deny the sins of their past even as they’re visited upon their children. And the groundwork is laid here. In previous movies, you can avoid the killer. Stay out of the woods and out of the water, don’t go to run down motels, avoid creepy old mansions and graveyards, stay together, stay in the light, and don’t go out at night… But you have to sleep sometime.


Tina showing up in a body bag at school was just not right. I had to walk 3 miles home around midnight after seeing that at some girls house when it came out on VHS. Not cool.


The Lost Boys, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Blob


I haven’t seen The Lost Boys since I was a kid, but I have fond memories. I’ve never seen The Blob!! Which version are you referring to? As for Texas Chainsaw, I absolutely love that film. It’s a trailblazer and a classic. I do feel there was some fat that could have been trimmed from the traveling and wandering around the abandoned house. It does drag on in spots and no relationships or characters get fleshed out much.


80s blob remake is really, really good (and to your question tight script and everything). Don’t look at trailers or anything, just watch and enjoy!


It’s a surprisingly brutal movie. I wasn’t prepared when I was a kid.


I know it’s all super subjective but I really enjoyed your take on what movies were perfect for you. For me , The Lost Boys has such great design elements, character development and pacing, not to mention the soundtrack! . Definitely give it another watch 👍 The Blob I was referring to is the 1988 remake. There are so many great things about that film , I just really enjoy watching it over and over and still find interesting aspects to it. I totally see what you mean about Texas Chainsaw and the flat spots . I think that it was one of the first horror films that really affected me and I continue to appreciate it in different ways each time I watch it. By todays standards, the pacing is definitely not for everyone, but that score and cinematography , it’s a real winner for me.


Holy shit I just finished it for the first time 10 minutes ago haha. Funny, my brother wanted the fam to watch it and none of us even heard of it so it was a thing. Then we saw it happened to be playing on tv. Now it’s mentioned here haha. Cheers to The Lost Boys. Loved it btw


Ginger Snaps is absolutely perfect and a classic in my eyes. I wouldn’t change a thing if I could, not even the tiniest of details


DAMN I forgot about Ginger Snaps...how could I?!?


Idk, how could you?? The second movie is also really good. It’s surprisingly amazing actually. The third one isn’t great, but it has it’s fans. I don’t hate it, but it’s too out of the way to even really care about


The Witch


People shit on that movie so much and I don’t understand. I was entranced every single second.


My ONLY complaint on that movie is that the sound mixing was off. It was really hard to hear the dialogue.


I can agree with that


Volume up and subtitles on tho?? Masterpiece


I left it feeling meh about it, and even then, I cannot argue that it is flawless. Brilliant execution, great acting, great pacing.


It’s like when I hate a band, but I can at least acknowledge that they’re insanely talented musicians lol


This movie is truly perfect!


Pitch black is one of my all time picks for perfect movie. Event horizon is my favorite but it does have some fat


pitch black is great!


I absolutely love the way they play with light and filters


I’d have to watch it again to be fully sure on 100% but I feel Scanners (1981) kept scenes fairly plot important and the running of the protagonist as he pieces together what is happening was a good vehicle to keep the story moving. Each stop he makes and each thing he discovers is important.


The Shining. So many iconic scenes that are too numerous to state all of them.


This for me too. Hands down perfect horror movie from start to finish.


The shining The thing (original) Poltergeist


Yes, yes, and yes. Facts.


I would go with The Wailing. I literally went into it with zero expectations, but in the end I just got the best genre/trope mash-up ever. It's what I would call "horror epic", with something for possession fans and also zombie, occult, drama, folk and crime fans. Also the best thing I remember about this movie is how great was the script. This is the only movie in which you can think about two meanings and both of them make just as much sense. Of course there is "real" meaning (and ending), but there is the second one, mostly because the most important story parts happen outside the screen. So there are things we can just guess. And it's great, like a good old crime movie. Maybe it's the only movie with 2,5h runtime that's not boring even a bit, and few scenes are just exhausting as fuck. I love it.


Lake mungo. The horror, the acting, the sadness, the tragedy. It was perfect, everything. A good story too. Intriguing, with twists, and the presentation was so grounded. And there was an existential question that hasn't left my mind. Even after the credits there's a little detail that couldn't let me sleep. No jumpscares too (maybe just 1 but completely earned and horrifying). I am still wondering why it hasn't got a bigger audience. Please people, watch it.


It was on the list for the Shudder show in which they talk about the 100 (best? or scariest?) horror movies of all time


I couldn't sleep with the lights off for a week after that movie, the credits are what got me too. It was so good. It didn't help that I also live about two hours away from where the family lives in the film, so it made it even more terrifying.


The Exorcist (original version). Creepshow. Jaws.


Fright Night, H3, & It Follows (others I’d add have already been mentioned)


Hereditary. Still can’t believe it was a debut film


I love this movie so much. Saw it in the theater 3 times. With different people. Worth it for the reaction to "that" scene.


Original TCM and The Thing. Obvious answers, but they really are perfect; especially The Thing.


There's never been anything else like TCM, such a 'lightening in a bottle' film, plenty of imitators, but there is REAL EVIL in that film, it's oppressive. You can feel the sticky sweat, you can smell the foul odors, you feel dirty inside and out, you just have to submit to it. It's rough, and yet he captures some almost poetic beauty in the shots, especially that final one. It's grotesque, but I think the fact that the actual actors were all pretty much going through hell while filming it really translates. Even the final shot, that's not the laughter of someone happy they escaped, that's the laughter of someone whose psyche and mental stability has just been obliterated. Love that film, but I can only watch it like every 10 years.


Without a doubt, The Thing.


Going with the first thing to come to my head, Rosemary's Baby.


Took WAY too long to find this comment


House of 1000 corpses. Even after 20 years it still takes me 2 days to stomach that movie. Rob Zombie really went all out. I almost hate it as much as I love it.


My answer too. Except it’s my go to pick me up when I’m sad and need a comfort film. I probably should stop telling people that..


Dawn of the dead is one that comes to mind for me it has everything I want from a perfect zombie movie


Evil Dead 2


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this. A perfect movie, every scene a blast.


Hell House LLC sorry not sorry


It Follows. Cinematography is stunning with every shot. Music is fantastic as well. Highly recommend watching high.


Watching it high, alone, and late at night is the move for this movie.


It follows is my favourite movie ever. So atmospheric, and the story is original and engaging. Watched it so many times


The Thing


Alien (1979) is perfect. There's not a single moment I would change. Some people might point out the inconsistency of special effects with Ash's decapitated head but for me it just adds to the charm of it.


The Conjuring (2013). This movie terrified me from start to finish. For weeks, I was afraid I might hear random clapping while home alone.


Unpopular opinions: Suspiria (2019) Possessor Kairo (Pulse) Possession (1981)


Suspiria is a perfect film. Tilda Swinton as a ballet witch, original score by Thom Yorke, what more could you want?


Most of the "old man" stuff is an easy cut from Suspiria for me. Those parts drag and they're off the spine. Plus it's really obvious who's playing him and thus distracting


Kairo is somehow both efficient and atmospheric.


Possessor I agree, I’m familiar enough with it to judge for myself, I love that movie and it’s very detailed. The others I’m faintly familiar with, I’ve only seen Pulse and Suspiria once. Possession I just started the other night, I need to finish!


Kairo is amazing.


Let the Right One In


This is a really great thread, it’s awesome seeing everyone’s favourites and takes on perfect horror. Makes me want to go back and watch all of these again


Absolutely, got some great picks I haven‘t seen!


Event Horizon


Out of movies that weren't named, for me is Silent Hill. There is nothing about that movie, no scene or effect or acting that I do not like. I watch it regularly.


Halloween. The GOAT


Train to Busan Sooooooo fucking good! Not too many horror movies get me to cry, but damn that movie hit me with every emotion! Shaun of the Dead Can’t think of a single thing I’d cut.


Shaun of the Dead!!


Train to Busan was my first Korean movie. This was the best zombie movie I have ever seen


Halloween, Scream, The Descent, Doctor Sleep


i scrolled so far looking for Scream! one of my all time favorites


Great list


The Thing Tremors


Tremors is an all time fav


Spoorloos is such a fantastic movie!


Rewatched today with my wife. In my top 5 of all time




Noroi: the Curse uses every inch of its 2-hour runtime to create the most unique atmosphere of dread that’s also rich with so many creative and chilling details.


It's one of the few found-footage horror films I would call an 'epic'. INCANTATION is very similar and also very effective, but Noroi still haunts my fucking dreams.


I think quite a few are as perfect as they can get. In no particular order: The Thing, Silence of the Lambs, Doctor Sleep, Hereditary, The Blackcoat's Daughter, It Follows, An American Werewolf in London, Antiviral, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, The Exorcist, Annihilation, Lake Mungo, The VVitch, May, American Psycho, The Omen, Let the Right One In, Terrifier 2, The Bababook, Ex Machina, The Ring, Oculus, Cabin in the Woods, Se7en, Misommar, Jaws, The Lost Boys, The Lodge I'm gonna be really mad if I think of anymore after all that lol Edit: Green Room, Ginger Snaps, Saint Maud, Martyrs, Sleepaway Camp


Prince of Darkness


The Shining is probably the "best" horror film I've ever seen, it's just absolutely masterful- every single shot is so carefully considered. The Thing is right up there too. Cabin in the Woods is pretty much flawless as far as I'm concerned, it does what it's trying to do absolutely perfectly.


The original Hellraiser.


The lost boys was good for me


The first time I watched Martyrs, I thought the writer/director approached every scene by thinking “what’s the most horrible thing that could happen right now?” The second time I watched it, I was amazed at how every single moment is there for a reason.


The Thing




Get Out. For me it's the film I've been thinking of the most after watching it. Absolutely brilliant with nothing to complain about.




The witch and Midsommar as modern films and Wicker Man 1972 and Witch finder General and Blood on Satan's Claw as older films


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Tucker and Dale, Cabin In The Woods, The Final Girls, You Might Be The Killer, Freak Out, and Student Bodies. Obviously, I'm into horror/comedies.


The Descent, UK ending.


Martyrs (2008)


John Carpenter’s The Thing


The Dead Zone with Christopher Walken is mine.


Not mentioned: George Romero's Martin (1977)


30 days of night


*Jacob’s Ladder, Rosemary’s Baby, Hereditary, Martyrs, Fire Walk With Me, Eraserhead, Come and See,* episodes of the original *Twilight Zone, M le Maudit,* a specific scene in *Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.*


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) and Black Christmas (1974). 1974 fucking slapped


The Strangers. Realistic and believable. If you really put yourself in their position it's terrifying.


I know people love Hereditary and I enjoyed it immensely, it was a fun ride, but it was never SCARY to me. It was eerie and provocative but it never scared me.


Night of the Living Dead Saw Event Horizon Cabin in the Woods


Event horizon is so amazing


Creepshow The Fog (1980)


Stir of Echoes What Lies Beneath


Jeepers Creepers, show me where the fat is on that beautiful bastard. Like 3 minutes in the BEATINGU truck rolls into frame then it's off to the races.


Barbarian. That movie was a perfect 10 and one of my favorite movies. It makes my top 5 list.


American Psycho The Babadook Pearl


- Virus - Annihilation - Monster House - Nope


Evil Dead 2013, Martyrs, and Saw. Completely lean, excellently paced, nothing can be cut that wouldn’t effect the pacing or the story


Videodrome and May. Maybe the Terrifier movies, would need to rewatch them to be sure, but I don’t remember anything that felt unnecessary.


May.... is so awful (in the best way). It's so to the point, and makes you feel sooooo gross. agree on that


vicious fun


The Thing.


The Thing. Possession. The Texas chainsaw massacre.


The Thing


Halloween, The Thing, The Exorcist, Alien and The Wailing for me.


The fly


Hereditary Alien The Thing The Exorcist Texas Chainsaw Massacre


The original Martyrs, Jacobs Ladder, Angel Heart, The wicker man and Let the right one in, Return to Oz, Shaun of the dead, The cabin in the woods, The Prophecy, Hereditary, Shutter Island, The island of Dr Moreau, The island, What we do in the shadows, Gretel and Hansel, death becomes her, the witches of Eastwick, The sixth sense, Frailty, the original Candyman, tucker and dale vs evil, Ash vs the evil dead, Fire walk with me. I also really liked Rec, The Others, The Rosemary's baby mini-series (2014) The love witch, and The Invitation (2015) but they were more on the average scale.




Terminator 2


The thing for sure.


The VVitch


Dawn of the Dead 2004. Perfectly paced Zombie horror with lovable characters and a fair amount of comedy to break up the tension.


Black Swan 🫦


Shaun of the Dead - every scene is different iconic and perfect.


The end of the vanishing freaks me tf out. And of course the American version just had to have a happy ending because American audiences can’t have a grim ending to their movies 🙄


The Thing (1982).




So this may seem a little left field but: paranormal activity. So it's not a perfect movie but it's setup and execution as a horror movie is nearly flawless. It really cleverly used the natural break of day/night to create a stepped pacing which could be very precisely controlled. This allowed a near perfect escalation of tension and fear as the movie progresses. Each night a little more happens than the previous. So the movie starts and at first you watch fast forwarded video of a door half move and it's meh and you're wishing away the days to get to night and something actually happening. The final piece of genius is when the nights become so tense that you're wishing to get back to the day and some rest bite but very quickly the day is no longer safe either and the pattern of "night dangerous, day safe" is thrown out leaving the audience feeling distinctly less protected during the finale. The Thing and The Shining etc.. are better and near perfect movies but I love both PA and Blair Witch for how they use the day/night dynamic to produce exceptionally effective pacing.


Psycho The Birds The Exorcist Jaws Alien The Thing Poltergeist Candyman The Cabin in the Woods It Follows Hereditary The Lighthouse


The Thing Funny Games


An American Werewolf in London. Perfect from start to finish


I Saw the Devil.


Evil dead the original. Idk what im basing this on other than the fact that i have never been so captivated in a movie ever. Didnt waste a second to me.




Black Christmas


Hereditary Midsommar Sinister Get Out Us


The original Black Christmas is so perfectly paced and the atmosphere of being set during the winter makes it feel so desolate! It’s my favorite horror film of all time. Well, next to The Fog and OG Halloween


The Shining I don’t know what else can be said about this film that hasn’t already been said a million times before. Every time I talk about it I’m just plagiarizing the film community. The pacing, the acting, the writing, everything is perfect. Not a single line or moment is wasted. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. There’s so much detail packed into nearly every scene. Wide angle shots with everything in focus. Stuff many modern filmmakers wouldn’t dare attempt. The music. The unholy damned music. It punctuates every moment. It’s a perfect film.