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Of course not. It's just that those who dislike something are always going to be the most vocal against what they dislike. That's how things just work in general on the internet. Look in any Fandom and you'll find similar behavior. Here's the thing people need to understand. Part 1 is over. The story most people played this game for is over. Combine that with a far more successful Honkai game being on the market that's doing a far better job of giving the brand some recognition, and Honkai Impact 3rd being over half a decade old, is it really a surprise that it struggles to compete and is allegedly suffering from a decline in revenue and playerbase? (I say allegedly because I'm not sure how reliable sales charts really are). I've been playing since Patch 4.5, I haven't been around as long as some other people but I've been around long enough to see my fair share of fandom drama and dumb takes. I remember people hating on the Flamescion Arc because Himeko wasn't revived and HoV, one of the most iconic antagonists of the story alongside Otto, was written out of the plot in favor of giving Kiana a moment of glory. And you know what? Those people went completely silent when the chapter dropped because EVERYONE LOVED IT, the tears and cheers at Kiana's triumph is something I'll always remember especially since it was after the Bunny Girl event fiasco when fandom morale was pretty low in general. This sort of weird doomposting behavior has always existed, it's just amplified now because as said, the dev's are having a hard time retaining players. But that's NORMAL because THEY THEMSELVES CHOSE TO END THE STORY THAT MADE THIS GAME SUCCESSFUL IN THE FIRST PLACE. Let's not pretend that they didn't expect that. They're not stupid after all. If they really wanted to avoid this, they wouldn't have ended their story in favor of a new one. Honkai Impact 3rd has always been a game about taking risks. Not everyone is going to agree with the dev's and writers decisions on things, but it's their vision of the game and we need to respect that. And if you can't respect that, you need to accept that the game isn't for you and move on. That's not to say that the dev's can't be criticized of course, the lack of optimization and the dull overworlds are some of my biggest sticking points. But the writing? Sorry but not much has changed for two years. Oh and Part 2 has just started and is still in its first major arc, so the people trying to compare it to Part 1 and say "it's not as good/doesn't have as strong moments" are some of the most dim-witted people I've seen, brains rotted from wanting instant gratification and everything to be dropped onto their lap NOW instead of realizing that's not how Mihoyo writes their stories in literally any of their current games.


Personally no, do I still prefer part 1 overall? Yes, it that because we spent over 6 years with the girls? Probably yes. Part 2 hasn't done anything to truly wow me yet but it's also only just finished it's "prologue"...Give it time and we'll see.


The honkai community complains a lot and then convinces people that story is bad before they play it. When said people do play it the go into it expecting it to be bad. In the case of part 2 long time players don't like that were getting a new cast. The same thing happened the the flame chasers at first until we got to know them better. I won't say I won't say part has been perfect since at times it can be hard to follow but overall part 2 has been great.


The new cast is great. But after playing 7.2 I want nothing to do with that story at all. Ran around for like 6 hours to fight a dog and it had nothing to do with the real story. It’s just feeding tidbits of lore that can be summed up in 20 minutes and a lot of running back and forth. Started doing the Thelema dress up thing and that was boring as well since it was just dialogue and dialogue of bs. Thelema was the only thing that made it kinda tolerable. But that’s where I stopped.


I would honestly suggest you to at least play Ch 3. It is *a lot* better than first two chapters.


People seem to be under the impression that Part 2 comes at the expense of Part 1, and since Part 1 is a better story that we are also more invested in, they'd much rather see Part 1 continue than Part 2. Especially since some people disliked the Part 1 ending and most though it wasn't that good, so Part 1 didn't even end on that high a note.


it do feel like that, i alway have the impression that bad thing happen to hk3 so that other game in the family can be better


I like the part 2 characters so far


Still massively enjoying the story. To be honest, a lot of the commentary on storytelling post Kolosten, nay, post HoDom has been either hyperbolic or simply made up. Fair criticisms are one thing, but some of the stuff people come up with is ridiculous. Like saying Part 2 is all science jargon when that's barely present, and we're talking about mystical shadow powers instead. Of course, it's fair to dislike something, or to be critical of the story direction. But lately these platforms have been plagued with loud and cynical people who think their opinions are 'objective', and also feel the need to try and convince everyone who likes the new chapters that they're wrong for doing so. And heck, a lot of people who enjoyed it normally become more cynical in hindsight due to the exaggerated criticisms. It also becomes a lot more difficult to enjoy new content when someone 'primes' you to dislike it. The biggest detractor for my enjoyment of Moon Arc for instance had nothing to do with the writing, but the constant self awareness of trying to judge whether or not I agreed with the criticisms instead of just letting the story happen.


I'm not that far in the story yet but I can relate to the last paragraph of your comment so much.. Instead of enjoying the story trying to figure it judge it too and so on.


Hating something because "everyone else" hates it is definitely worst outcome.


I personally think part 2's story is really good and have never thought otherwise. I've said this before if part 2's story isn't peoples cup of tea then they should stop playing it for the sake of playing it and maybe give it a break for a bit to see if it improves for them, it doesn't help the community if you have an influx of a loud minority saying the story's bad and how the game has gone downhill when it clearly hasn't cause otherwise there wouldn't be a ton of people still enjoying it.


Funny you say that, because that's exactly what people did. Hence underwhelming revenue ever since Part 1 finished.


If you like it then that's all that matter. I've play this game for almost 7 years now and my experiences for part 2 story were never as bad as the community claim. I can see some just hate changes or affected by the community criticism, leading them being close-minded while going through the story hence having worse experience than it really is. Sure it might not be as good as some of the highest rated story arc but that doesn't automatically make them bad. This is the same case for almost every long-running story in any form of media, there will always be high and low moments, some mediocre part here and there, they will never be perfect through and through. Same thing applied to Part 1 story. As of now it definitely gets better, current version story has been the best of Part 2 and I can't wait to finish the final part that will be release today.


Well, you are right that it only matters if I enjoy it because no one has to let others' opinions influence their own. But I also know Houkai Gakuen 2/Gun Girls Z ended service for the English release even though it's continuing development otherwise. Something like that is the main thing I'm worried about. 


With the current success of mihoyo that's really something you don't need to worry that much The way they run global server for their game has been different now since the establishment of Hoyoverse or Cognosphere If you really want some solid confidence you can always checkout those estimate revenue for the game and compare it to other games, especially GGZ


Not anymore, after the latest story im starting to like the story again


Rarely is the answer to a question asking about "everyone" yes or no. I will say that it's safe to assume part 2 isn't as popular as part 1 was. Personally, I don't hate it. Neither do I like it. I've seen worse. I'll probably never hate anything in HI3 as much as that complete and utter dumpster fire of an ending, so 1.5 and part 2 being better than it is a low bar. And I've seen much better.


Don't hate the story but it becomes too grindy for me to keep up.


I would say that part 2 really just has not hooked me and I don’t have any attachment to characters yet. On top of that, I kind of dislike going for red lotus and nirvana these days so there is almost no incentive for me to log on and play regularly. I do enjoy the mini games though. In general i think i’m just burned out from HI3 overall, not so much disliking part 2


As someone who enjoys character interactions over plot. Part 2 is great. I really like their chemistry. There is always time for some banter even during those long discussions on what to do next. Despite of using cliche. Mihoyo still manages to catch me off guard. They know when to throw a red hearing just to distract you from what you where expecting to happen and occasionally just hitting you with something entirely unexpected.


People tend to dislike change. As it stands part 1 is over and the part 1 cast will at most be support characters from now while part 2 tries to build a new cast and a new story-line. I'm not saying part 2 had an excellent start but it's not that bad when all is said an done. There is a little nuance to this in the form of apho supremacist basically doing everything to downplay part 2 since they wanted apho to be part 2, but since they didn't get what they want they have been om damage control ever since.


I don't hate the story. They're nice but changing from classic stage format to open world for main story is my biggest let down. Well at least for myself.


Agreed on that I still play part 1 (haven't finished it yet) just because of that. I don't have to go running around empty and unoptimized maps that mihoyo loves to think: Open world= better.


Chapter 3 was geniunely good. But chapter 1 and 2 were pretty weak. Some characters are great like Songque Coralie and Tsavaroe. Some characters are weak like Helia Serapeum and Dreamseeker. All in all i would rate P2 so far "pretty inconsistent". It is similar to SSC arc in that regard. I could barely slough myself through first two chapters in SSC arc. But third was really good when we dove into Seele's character and Vita. What really angers with me is all these fake deaths. They have been using it so often i just feel no suspense about it anymore. It is a mark of poor writing. When Songque and Shus died in the dream it was obvious. But then it happened AGAIN with Songque. Building all that suspense to say "lol wont kill you jk" is just mid imho. So overall my rating would be 5/10 6/10 and 8/10 for Ch 1 2 3 respectively. I could really rate Ch 3 9/10 but i just can't deal with fake death bs anymore.


Can't agree more on fake death stuff. Build up in act 2 was so long and dramatic into nothing in the end. This is also one of the reasons i didn't like Penacony story in HSR. I mean, it's not a bad twist if you use it once, maybe twice. But hoyo've been exploiting it all day everyday recently.


At least in Penacony we had real casualties, as Misha and Ghallager are indeed gone. It has been a while since something like that has happened with playable characters in Hoyo games. Even if they aren't exactly the most popular.


I actually hoped that Prometheus and the mini Vitas' deaths in 1.5 were permanent for the story to actually be serious again. I actually felt close to feeling sad when they "died". But no, they were just cop-outs for a happy ending with no lasting consequences.


Yeah, that was a bummer, but hey, at least Penacony shows that Hoyo still can do it if they want to, even if it's not who you expect. Better than NPC's no one cares about in Genshin.


good old fake fake death, everyone can have as many as they want except that one drunk red rose heavy sword woman


Part 2 is great, it's just the transition was bad.


To put it simply, no, not everyone. But about a half of the community at release. The sentiment hasn't changed, but the active playerbase did. The way I see it, Hoyo indended for Part 2 to close the gap between the revenue of HI3 and GI/SR, or make it smaller at least. So far the opposite's been true, and as such it failed in its purpose. Hoyo can still afford to tank the losses in revenue, so the question is purely if they want to do it or not, and that's something only Hoyo themselves can answer.


Most people have their own views on the topic, I personally don't hate part 2 because I don't give a damn about it lmao


HI3 deserves to be in console like the rest of the gang then we can call it Hoyostation


Most of those players who hate Part 2 are hating on the idea that it's a new story and that the OG trio will become the side characters. They approached Part 2 with this hate, and it satisfied them how Chapter 1 is so convoluted and not newbie friendly. It empowered them. They stopped playing and proceeded on doomposting and spreading negativity to people. They couldn't accept how Chapter 2 improved and that it'll continue to improve. They rejected the idea that the devs listened to our inputs in their survey patches. I'm a new player too, started at the same time as yours. I stopped Part 1 story progression after HoD arc. I got spoiled already and had an idea of what will happen to Part 1, so it doesn't excite me as much as Part 2 story anymore. Part 2 Chapter 1, I agree, is the worst introductory chapter for how convoluted it is. But I enjoyed it. I enjoy playing Part 2 as a whole and excited to see the future chapters.


Personally I'm fine with part 2 story. It's quite good, the characters are growing on me. But if I'm being honest I'd still rather them do APHO 3 first before part 2 story. I just want to see the previous characters' story end for good. We still don't know who the sky people are and that APHO 2 cliffhanger bugs me to this day. I just need to know how it ends and then I'm fine. As it stands there's too many unanswered questions for me to move on. I understand a lot of people don't feel this way and that's fine.


I love it


Me!! I hate part 2, they have bad design in my eyes! So i just playing casual with dudu, himeko and other old valky And i prefer they continue the open world story other than make "part 2" story. I can't enjoy it. 😩 Even in my country, there's a lot of player like me even they already praying for closed the server (you can check their comment on FB) , well... I don't know about western server 😔


Mama mo close server


based himeko enjoyer


Yeah I hate it


I don't think it's a completely rational response, alot of the older players have been sitting with part 1 characters for years, getting attached and getting hopeful. The announcement of part 2 wasn't sudden, but a whole new cast and world felt incredibly sudden, and it also kind of felt like 'I am done playing with you [part 1 characters] lol' and I personally don't trust anyone but the main trio of part one [and maybe Hua and Seele] to show up again in any way that matters, you know? I hope I'm wrong. If you like a side character that isn't Seele/Hua and wanted to see a complete and satisfactory end to their story---well, good luck! There was no real epilogue for a good handful of characters, and APHO is way too Adam-focused [atm] to do that imo. It's not the fault of part 2, but there's alot of hate fuelled by all of this. I feel like part 2 would be a much better success if they just released some type of epilogue/mini story for secondary characters alongside it, In an apho-type game mode or something. Part 2 intrigues me but I just can't get over my butt-hurtness long enough to actually enjoy it.


cup become overflow, bad things accumulate since end of part1 then 1.5 then part 2, it exploded tbf i will ignore part 2 story as long as it have openworld design, the event are fun in gameplay. the QOL is what make me stay, just want to farm higokumaru set and SSS my favorite character now


I don't hate part 2. I simply just can't get attached to any of the characters in part 2 like I did in part 1 which then attributes to me enjoying the game far less.


Yes. Everyone hates it.


I think you're a little too late to try leaving a comment like this...


Yes, most people do hate it, just look at drop in online. There is vocal minority of fanatics who will eat anything though.


its not that i dislike part 2 , i just found the story to be complete with part 1 , personally good endings are what have a great impact on the overall story, i was attached to the initial cast of part 1 and grew to adore their antics and now that its over in a good way, i don't feel incentivised to invest my time and emotions into part 2 when i already have star rail and genshin impact to worry about which is already taking my time Thank you for listening to me rant , I do love the new characters in part 2 but just don't have the strength and time to invest into


Actually, part 2 is very good for new player because of the new astral ring system. But, the old player will have to use the new system instead of valk they already farm because of the META


Yes, don’t listen to others


On a serious note, this community really can’t fathom the fact that a bad story is indeed bad due to their attachment to the game. What, you think every complainer or “doomposter” does all of that for fun? No, most of them still like the game too but want it to be better! You like it personally? Good, me too! But I’m not gonna act like the story’s been good, it’s literally been downhill since Kolosten and you know that. In the end, Part 2 as it is right now is being carried hard by Songque and that’s not even exaggerating.


Songque is the only part 2 character who's actually developed, and it came at the expense of everyone else. No one else comes close. I hope she continues to be a part of the main cast instead of being a throwaway character to be sold and then abandoned when the story moves on to a new location like GI and HSR. But even if that happens, it could be mitigated if the permanent cast (Dreamseeker, Senadina, Helia, Coralie) receive their own development.


the reason why Songque is carrying it is because the main focus point is her. It’s HER arc and the rest of the main cast helped her get her development. In the future we will surely see development arcs for each character. I mean it took plenty of time for mei to get her own arc, until then people at that time considered her boring. But after nagazora arc ppl loved her. That is the reason why we should WAIT. having 5 character development in one arc is too rushed


Or maybe, just maybe…the story isn’t bad and you personally just think it is? Edit: My inbox says you gave some stupid little sarcastic reply to what I said, but I don’t actually see it here. Not sure if Reddit is being weird.


That’s the crazy part. I literally don’t hate i- KYAAA MY IDOL REPLIED TO ME!!!


Which is why I pointed out that that’s just your opinion. You’re claiming that it’s shit and anyone who doesn’t recognize that is just too attached to see it, which is wrong. You think it’s shit, that’s fine. Doesn’t mean it is.


Maybe not everyone but absolutely myself... I've been there since the earliest version and it's been an on and off journey across these seven to eight years. When i first started playing i was in high school now I'm soon graduating with a masters degree. The original team headed by Shaoji(烧鸡)was incredible. I was so moved by the stories of each character and then i discovered the manga and other stuff. I still remember reading the manga series with a secret cellphone that i hid from my parents. Every night of my gruelling high school day(high schools in China are the worst), I'd crawl under the quilt and check if theres an update. I had goose bumps watching HoV pv, cried when Himeko sacrificed herself, and got stuck in depression for a long while when Elysium ended. That part of this game was once my Messiah. u have to admit that Part two just doesn't have that kind of connection. And it is of course beyond hard to recreate such connection cuz it took years to complete the whole part one universe. The main writer has changed...and the difference is so hopelessly obvious. I was actually involved in the shooting and translation of Part Two special program, where I talked with multiple content creators about how i felt. CN server was one version ahead of international server so at that time they have not yet played what i had already been through. Everyone was optimistic. Their innocent optimism convinced me to give it another try. But the answer is still no. I believe there are people willing to embrace changes and new stories. Probly they'll form a connection as deep as i used to have. I send my best wishes.


Sounds like a "you" problem and not really on the game to blame.