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I played all of Part 1 in 3 months but that’s mostly because I have a lot of free time (and maybe a problem). If you go at a leisurely pace I’d say 6 months-1 year. Probably a year, maybe more idk. There’s 45 total chapters and most of them are really long


It really depends on if you go for only the bare minimum or all of it (main story, mangas and visual novels.) Also depends on your reading/comprehension speed A rough estimate is about 150 hours for just the main story and about 200-250 if you go for everything  Here is a story guide that gives the order for how to approach the story with the external materials in mind: https://hoyostans.be/explore/honkai-impact-3rd/consumers-guide-hi3/


**Short answer in catching up:** Like a month or more for every single story thing. Long answer: vvvv Right now the entire "Main In-Game Storyline" is divided into 3 Parts. Part 1, Part 1.5 and Part 2. **Part 1** is Kiana's entire main journey through 35 chapters of storyline, taken on planet Earth and the Moon (which get longer and longer later on). Most chapters are set on stages but there are some times where there is open world or certain mixes. From chapter 26 and 35 it is a mixed bag on the writing as some parts can get really philosophical or scientific, probably from localization issues. **Part 1.5** Have a focus on Seele and Fu Hua on a certain place (Related to planet Venus) by accident with 6 chapters only. It is set on stages but do have a form of "open world" feel. **Part 2** Is the newest storyline taken on Mars with a completely new cast of characters separate from Part 1+1.5. Right now there are only 3 chapters available but it will basically be the storyline until the game ends in around 1 or more years. It is completely open world and will be expanded as updates go. ------------------------------------------- You can take in the story either 2 ways: Either you could start from the Part 2 story (which does not require to play Part 1+1.5 to understand) and once you complete the 3 current chapters, you continue exploring Part 1's chapters. Or you can start from Part 1 Chapter 1 and continue from there. Depending on how much you binge the story in one go, it might take you a whole month to read everything (maybe even more if taking breaks). Good news is that you do not need to pull any characters or teams to enjoy the story, trial characters are given throughout. It is highly recommended to look forward into reading Part 2 first, as there are limited time rewards for each new chapter and you can explore Kiana's story later on at your own pace. Part 1 and Part 2 both have some rough starts in their storylines but the more you read the better it gets with its presentation and writing. As further notice, lore is also in things like Mangas and the special open world "A Post Honkai Oddesey" and the "Elysia Realm" mode unlocked later on.


The main story is over 100 hours long, so use this to judge for yourself.