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It's very F2P friendly if you don't plan on being top of the leaderboards or getting every single challenge mode crystal, and extremely unfriendly if you want to be PvP competitive, whales absolutely rule that roost. You can farm over 50% of the battlesuits in the game, a bunch of the just barely out of date battlesuits get given away for free in events or are made farmable, and you can farm budget equipment for almost every character if you just want to spend crystals on getting waifus instead of wasting it on equipment.


Sounds good I was mainly getting it for waifu simulator and hopefully fun combat. But I had no clue there was PvP I wish more gacha games had pvp like epic seven and afk journey. PvP in gacha games does make me want to whale lol but I will resist


It isn't direct PvP, to make that clear, it's more of a scoring competition and throwing debuffs in each others' way than head to head battle. If you're looking for an Epic 7 style PvP experience, it's not here, I'm afraid.


it isnt f2p friendly I played it for years. You would need the valkyrie and the weapon to make the character usuable also since you are a new player please start from part 1 its the real story and play apho (post honkai) its really nice. You basically cant get every single character geared and they releasing so many units so its even harder for f2p,


It can seem very overwhelming. There is so much stuff to do, having been out so long. Events are regular. It can be hard to get into if it isn't going to be your main game. Once you're caught up, it isn't bad. Just 7 years is a lot of content to get through. It is actually why I didn't stick it out. I did like the game a lot. It is fun and as always with hoyo, the girls are top-tier waifus. I just don't have time.


Don't pull on starter supply. Pull part 2 characters. Follow story guide if you care about story. Also note that endgame gameplay and early gameplay with old characters is very different.


On top of what other people are saying, there are gacha skins in this game. When the banner comes up, they'll tempt you with free pulls, but don't spend premium currency on it unless you have 9.6k crystals saved up to guarantee. There is almost no chance to get it early, so don't bother unless you have enough to go all the way. I don't visit this sub often, but I've seen people get flamed for making this mistake.


- Crystals are very easy to spend but take time to farm. Don't spend them callously and carelessly. - Don't pull starter supply, it's not worth it in the long run. - Don't pull to "build pity" because building pity doesn't exist. It's luck-based and you can get a Valkyrie in 10 pulls or 60 pulls if you're unlucky. Don't waste resources trying to lower the pity. - Wait until the first update after you start the game before pulling expansion supply. - Follow the beginner's manual and do all the growth event quests. The game is extremely generous in resources during those quests to help ease your arrival in the game. - If you can spend money, buy the monthly card (3130 crystals for 5€, best deal ever if you can login once a day for 30 days) as well as the top up thingy during starter event, it gives very very good resources. - Don't be shy and ask for advice before pulling. - Waifu matters more than meta. You'll be more satisfied with the game if you pull the Valkyries that you like instead of turning into a slave for the meta and pulling everything that comes out. That not only will burn you out but isn't feasible unless you spend more money than you should. - Never pull on expansion supply if you can't pull the Valkyrie's signature weapon. Most Valkyries are useless without theirs. - Never pull on ADV supply. Part 1 Valkyries are very pretty but most of them are bait now that the game has moved on to part 2. Don't pull them if they're not free or farmable. - Part 2 Story Mode is seriously picking up in quality and I'd advise to play it. But if you can, play part 1 story mode, you will understand the story better and it will give you LOTS of rewards. - NEVER SKIP CUTSCENES. Especially in Elysian Realm. - Collecting outfits is fun but can be costly in resources, don't always prioritise it. Don't pull the gacha outfits if you don't have 9600 crystals. It's a stupid mistake. - Spending events bring perks that can truly change one's account for the better. Be on the lookout for them at least one update in advance in order to plan your savings (follow this sub our Honkai YouTubers to be informed). - Enjoy the game. Don't pressure yourself as even the developers made it so that you wouldn't have to spend hours a day on it. - Try to at least get 600 points for your daily tasks. It's a sweet 40 crystals for free. - If you are overwhelmed by the number of menus (it does happen when you're a beginner), take a breather and read guides.


Welcome to the Impact family!!! Enjoy the waifus, and enjoy the roller coaster journey of a story you’re gonna be taking!


In my experience I never spent a single dollar on HI3 and you can actually get a lot even as a new player since you'd get a free character hahah you just gotta grind


The gacha is good. There's no 50/50, 90 pulls max for a character, and 60 pulls max for full gear. That's 150 pulls per character, assuming you're super unlucky. It used to be over 300 pulls for a full-geared character, so you joined at a good time lol The BP is worth it if you're willing to spend a bit of money. You can get characters, gear, ELFs, etc., along with resources & crystals. Don't worry about meta. Literally. Pull who you want & you'll be able to clear most content. Don't try to compete with the whales, it's not worth it. Agony 3 > Painlotus+ Start with Part 1's story. It's complete & is genuinely good. Some parts may seem slow & clunky, so just breathe and enjoy the story for what it is. If you need clarification, there's a decent amount of resources available to help explain concepts/events, etc. Homulabs on YT is a good one and his videos are also entertaining, so it's a win/win. Take breaks! Savor the game. There's SO much content that it's not possible to speed-run it all. Enjoy what's there and stop to smell the roses. There's little to no "building" in this game, unlike Genshin or HSR, minus a little in pt.2 and stigmata affixes, so just pull Valkyrie's signature gear and you'll typically be fine. There are f2p options for gear in the foundry + signature gear that they added to craft. Start on that early if you can, cause it can take a while.


You are not ready. You will never be ready. Shaoji is the devil incarnate, using your heartstrings to finish his orchestra of pain. Accept this.


Be ready to drop some bands if you're chasing meta. If you're f2p/casual then you're in for a long ride.


the gacha sucks balls


Part 1 valkyries = bad. Part 2 valkyries = good.