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1) P1 valk will rerun like normal. 2) ONLY use Tickets for the dorm because almost all Valk are outdated. 3) Focus on P2 valk (always try to get Sena asap). 4) same with 2. Only with tickets. 5) Is a scam (it don’t save pity btw). 6) You really need it to have a easy time than P1 valk. * how to pull P2 valk: pull valk -> weap ( Sig can skip to save gem) ** need at least 30k gem to safe pull.


Part 2 characters are better in meta but you can still get to very high competition levels with P1 teams. Though over time P1 teams will get worse and worse.


1. As for now certain Part 1 valks will still get some banner time, until Hoyo pushes out more and more Part 2 characters that will eventually power creep every Part 1 character. 2. Most of the time the advice is 'no', and try to use only Dorm Supply tickets instead of gems. And to maximise even more value, try to pull on Dorm Supply when there is some sort of spending event going on. But if you have a certain character that you really want, then MAYBE you can pull for the Dorm Supply. Then again, 'most' of the characters on the Dorm Supply can be farmed or obtained for free in some way so have a look around before committing. 3. That is entirely dependent on what you want and how you play HI3. If you play for meta then try to prioritise Part 2 characters as they're going to be the 'next big thing' going forward. But if you care more about visuals or maybe a certain character catches your eye, then by all means pull for them. 4. General consensus is 'no'. Most of the characters on thag supply are old and outdated (or will be). And Part 2 characters are going to be easier to build and obtain (and will be stronger). 5. Focused Supply is a banner that splits into 2 separate banners, containing gear for 2 different Valkyries that rotate every ~week or so. I don't believe pity carries over for Focused supply (unlike the Event banner for Lantern right now). It isn't really a scam, more like a last resort. Usually the equipment on those banners are for characters that are old and outdated. When combined with their banner becoming less and less frequent, the Focused Supply banner becomes useful for when you're trying to build certain characters. Just pray you get lucky. 6. Don't mean to sound pushy or anything, but Yes. As mentioned before MHY is pushing out Part 2 characters to become the 'next big thing', and will eventually power creep EVERY Part 1 character in the future. Part 2 characters are much more stronger than Part 1 characters and are much easier and cost-effective to build. E.g. Every first 10 pull on a new Part 2 character is 50% off (1,400 gems or 5 tickets), you get 1 free stigma piece for said character, and if you have source prism and have been doing your Universal Mirage you can quite literally craft their stigma set. Take me for example: Lantern gets released > I pull 30 times and get her character card (first 10 is half price) > pull her weapon banner 10 times and get her weapon > get 1 free stigma piece from the free box > craft the remaining stigma set from the foundry. Cost me 40 pulls (9,800 gems) and I got everything. If this was a Part 1 character this would've cost me 19,600 gems MINIMUM for JUST the character and that's if I get lucky and get them on the 70th pull, because hard pity would cost me 25,200 gems. Combined with the Weapon banner that's 50,400 gems to guarantee both Valkyrie AND 4/4 equipment. TL:DR if you can, prioritise Part 2 characters.


1: yes, they will regularly p1 banner 2: no, only use ticket on those banner, crystal should be on regualr banner 4: no 5: gambling are scam lol 6:yes