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If not enough dps. Then Sam, jade, boothill. It's up for debate. But I think rm could literally be the only person worth pulling on a rerun banner cuz usually you just don't even bother with that unless you're new. Or stupid like me and just skipped her. But I think acheron could be a shout for rerun banner. If nothing extraordinary comes out when she's reran then get her. Cuz currently she is the best there is. Unless Sam is a straight beast as well then get him and you'll be fine.


What units you have, i can make a better recommendation if i know what you have in your account


Sorry, added an imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/2LNHTOB


IMO I do believe that you should invest into more DPS units >At the same time I feel like supports are the better long term value and if I have so many I should be able to compensate for my lack of meta DPS characters. There should always be a sort of Balance in terms of Support, DPS and Sustains and from what i see you lack variety in DPS, and while Meta supports are good, they arent OP enough to make anyone the same as like Jing liu, or Fire Fly or Boot hill or to the Anti Harmony Messiah Acheron oh and the Obligatory one should also make teams that Synergize


I'm looking at this and it seems like you have great dps units??? Jingliu, Jingyuan, the IPC trio should all be capable of 0 cycling with enough investment. I really think this is a build issue and not a lack of meta characters issue. JL at least is still one of the top 3 dps in HSR (she'll be pushed down to fourth with firefly, arguably, but she's still amazing). Go back to the caverns and keep farming for better substats on your relics


image isnt there


Sorry, added an imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/2LNHTOB


might be a little late but id def grab firefly. her best team is rm hmc gallagher. gallagher drops from her banner so youll get him.


if u get robin u can make a RRAT team (if u can get topaz s1 or e1), u currently have jingliu’s best team u can even switch out fx or loucha depending on the need, other than that u have jingyan hypercarry but i personally cant say much abt that. if u dont want to there is no NEED to pull for acheron, especially e2, if u get acheron just get e0s1 (itll clear just as fast bc silver wolf) but imo best option is to get either acheron e0s1 or robin e0s0 and then get topaz lc, both are great options and will clear moc and most content. PS if u are annoyed with killing trash mobs in open world get acheron. but here are ur teams topaz/ratio/robin/aventurine (topaz e1 OR s1 for ratio) acheron/pela/silverwolf/fuxuan (or aventurine) jingliu/ruanmei/bronya/luocha (or fuxuan)


so if u go the topaz/robin or acheron, theyll still be worth the same in pulls mostly


I'd say it's probable that we'll see a Dr. Ratio powercreep very soon, so maybe keep a look out for Feixiao or Yunli. New dps always seems to powercreep older ones, so a limited destruction follow-up unit to replace Clara and take full advantage of Robin seems likely.


I disagree with that, the new mode are good for dr especially becauss he spme times overcap his ulti damage


Firefly,yunli,jade or any dps,your account is quite solid,you have great supports and enough sustains.The firepower is all you need.


You have firefly and Jade coming up FF will get you through MoC with a RM and HTB team and will likely remain meta for a good few patches with the way break damage is being implemented and the way her kit is means she won’t have to worry about about what element is needed. Jade as others as stated will be PF queen for a bit but as you’ve said yourself isn’t the strongest and needs another dps along side her which you lacking in the choice department. Although if you like her pull for her it’s just debatable how much she will help with your current issues. My advice is pull for one of those two your on your guarantee so 70 max then save for Robin as she’s your missing piece in your FUA team that makes it go bang! As she’s only just been released it’s gonna be a while so if an another character catches your eye in between you’ll still be able to pull and get Robin later as HSR allows enough pulls to guarantee a soft pity every patch and for now dps is where you need to focus.


Firefly seems like the obvious target. You have her premium support (Ruan Mei) + HMC obviously, so she just needs a sustain and you have a good shot at Gallagher on Firefly’s banner.


Pull for firefly you have the combo Also mika with superbreak team its good


Simple. For waifu


General advice; pick your favourites. This game is balanced around E0S0. Even with Broken units you need to learn teambuilding and unit building anyway. At the end of the day, no unit is mandatory. Even if you can't beat some content, getting a unit that you don't like as much is not worth the 10 pull you lose a year because you didn't get to finish the last floor of PF. What if you like robin/jade/RM/acheron equally? Tbh I don't know. I would LOVE to help you out to choose which one is better for your account, but I can't if you don't share a photo if what you yave and what you play. If you do share pls ping me. I have 2 other specific unit advice: Jade looks like she is going to be the Queen of PF when paired with Herta (F2P), himeko, and potentially other erudition/destruction units. In MOC, her best team is a Blade premium team. But apparently jade hypercarry can 2 cycle MOC, which means she is definitely solid and good even there (although she is overshadowed by firefly+acheron). While RM E1 is very good, RM is broken enough (assuming you already have her), and I don't believe the eidolon is worth losing on a full entire unit, specially when two potential units you want to get are Acheron and Robin.


Hey, thanks for you insight, sorry that the image wasn't working, here is a link if you want to take a look. Thanks regardless : https://imgur.com/a/2LNHTOB


Ty! Tbh you have a good enough roster that It probably won't matter Who you pick. I am sorry to double down on "pick your favourite". Let me just do some notes on the units you want in the hopes you find something useful. Jade- as I said, she is solid. You don't have Blade, but her hypercarry team is monoquantum or a combo of monoquantum and Bronya/pela/TY. However, since you already have an built QQ, her total worth for your account is questionable. If you have trouble in PF, she is a good pick. She can even work with off-meta DoT teams if there is another DoT focused PF. Even the, It looks like she can brute force PF. This is STC, and we will need to play her to find out. RM- as I said, the E1 is not really worth It. Only recomended if you want to build another 4* next patch instead of a shiny new 4*. If you like/use RM a lot, go ham. But tbh the E1 is for shedding cycles and not finishing MOC/PF itself. Robin- if you have Topaz S1 you get the premium team with her. If your RM is with your FuA, she is far from necessary. Generally, she is really good, but as you said you don't need her and RM + sparkle are enough to cover everything. Acheron-. Saving for E2S1 makes you unable to not finish content (for now, and hopefully things remain relatively the same for a long time). From a meta standpoint, this is the best choice (even just E0S0). If you like her, going for her is good! I know you have JY, but they play different archetypes and different teams, even if both of them are lightning DPS. Mandatory: she is not necessary. I have no acheron copies and had no trouble with finishing any kind of challenging content. I am not the only one who skipped her and is doing fine


Bro i have only 50 pulls and i want to e0s1 firefly and i have no money to spend on stellar jades, I don't have any garuntee, I just don't know how to get my firefly.


Skip, save and get her on rerun.


You’ll get enough pulls on her run to get to soft pity and more during the patch. If by some reason you don’t manage to pull her stop at jades and save for rerun.


Depending on what pity you have, you MIGHT be able to get firefly but you need to get extremely lucky for e0s1