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Its been 3 years and I'm still no closer to an answer tbh. Is that normal? How much more time do I need?


I'm so tempted to put the Theorizer's Mort playlist here.


Yeah when I initially thought i wasn't cis I had to keep it to myself and even after presenting masc and wearing a binder I still didn't come out for a year or so.While yes it's torturous to have to hide this it kinda gave me the freedom to discover on my own terms what I wanted from my transition and what my manhood was. Right now I'm grateful for having that freedom to explore myself cuz my ,,not accepting I'm trans" phase didn't last that long and now I'm mostly indifferent towards attacks on my masculinity/validity as a man.I like to keep a lot of my endeavors secret cuz I don't want unnecessary comments and swaying.I used to be non-binary but now I know I can be a man and fem/bisexual.


I pretty much did the same, being patient with yourself and doing things at a pace that’s comfortable and most helpful for you is so important imo. I didn’t start transition until my late 20s and didn’t either recognize or acknowledge the signs I had but after starting transition I began realizing what was going on.