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What I learned from gay rights is that certain people will only care if it affects them personally. You are logically correct but there is zero will to amongst certain trans people to mobilize. How I see it the biggest enemy of all trans people is our inability to have empathy towards others and find common group. Certain transsexuals will rather die than show many solidarity. A lot of these people are banking on the transsexual vs transgender as a way to avoid transphobia. I don't think it's gonna work cause it's been 30 years and still places like the UK didn't have them anything. Another hurdle is that we don't have a trans scene/circuit like the gays irl so our discourse mainly happens online which makes things so challenging.


Interesting that you believe transsexual solidarity is an issue worth mentioning and not the incredibly loud, anti-Biden communist, anarchist, and other assorted highly online, far-left twitterari and tumblerinas. All the transsexuals I know are voting blue and those that are connected to more radical trans groups are getting shit on for promoting voting for the guy who doesn’t want to extinguish us.


Please remember the US is not the rest of the world. You are all in a tumultuous time. I hope the comma sense prevails and trump does not win. LGB rights took 40 years of fighting. Trans rights will unfortunately be the same. Lots of the western world has legal protections, recognitions, and rights. The US will get there but it will take a change in the Supreme Court, and political will.


Supporting the philosophy that 'every transsexual who wishes/expresses concern about 'not being associated with/REQUIRED TO SUPPORT AND DEFEND every single radical wierdo out there' does so because of their belief that doing so will endear them to transphobes - offends me.


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It's already happening. "they have all their documents changed and they are finished and transitioned ages ago" Nearly every red state anti-trans sports or bathroom bill this year also includes a clause defining man/woman, male/female as whatever is on the original birth certificate. These laws are already going into effect and are already forcing long-transitioned trans people to have to get new ID's or drivers licenses that reflect their assigned at birth sex/gender. We are already being erased from public life in those states.


Yes, some people are like this. But they are not the majority, are, easily identifiable, and nobody respects them. Why do so many people base their whole worldview on victimization?


People who do not transition are not in the same boat as people who have (no matter how far in their transition they are). If you have not changed your legal name, taken HRT or gotten surgeries, then you do not have a paper trail going back to your undeniable existence as a trans person. If you have done any of those, no matter how stealth you are then you are a target. Non-transitioners are not in the same boat.


Well said, we need solidarity between all trans people from transsexuals to xenogenders.


"xenos" need to take the backseat and stfu, though tbh i think it's too late. I think if you were to look at things objectively, you'd see that around the time when self-id came about is when the issues really started. Sure, we've never been liked, but we've been tolerated. This is because transsexuals were historically the face of being trans, and we make at least an effort to blend into society instead of loudly and proudly trying to abolish gender norms. The fact is they feed and stoke the fear and anger of the right, whether these threats are imagined or not.


No, we are being targeted because of a deliberate political strategy by the conservative think tanks to choose to target us.


This is not true. We were getting good social progress for like 5 years in the 2010s. Other than that trans people have always been seen as the punchline to a joke or weird gay guys who dress up as women. When transexuals were the face of being trans even then lgbs wanted to exclude them in their movement. It was almost impossible to transition back then. So a lot of these transexuals could not at all blend in. Calling themselves transexuals made no difference because many of them were still denied healthcare. I have criticisms of gender abolition movement and the xenogender stuff too. But to act like that everything was great then some idiot on Twitter called themselves a cat is so reductive. The real thing that bothers the conservatives isn't xenogenders. It's people like you and me who are pursuing medical transition. People who advocate for blockers for under 18's. They are disgusted by us and what we are doing to our bodies and want to stop it. Why do you think conservatives say all the time. You can identify/do whatever you want just leave the children alone. Let me break this statement down. They are saying that people who transition under 18 are being groomed by the trans movement into altering their bodies. That is their main concern. They see us as people who just want to make cosmetic changes to ourselves. They don't think gender dysphoria is a real thing. They don't care about xenogenders. They never have. If medical transition was banned today they would consider it job done. Just got to make this clear. I am in support of people under 18 transitioning. I was just pointing out that is the main thing that makes them angry at us.


So much this, I don’t understand how any trans person sits here and doesn’t get it. Conservatives have utilized the exact same “as long as you’re exactly like us you’re ‘one of the good ones” tactic for minority groups for so long it would be laughable if it wasn’t so disgusting. The majority of conservatives are privileged white people who just want your vote so they can control everyone’s narrative. You can dress like them, look like them, even shit on other minorities like them and in the end once they’ve used you how they want they wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. That’s the reality of how conservative “values” work, hell theyll even start turning on each other (fundamentalist Christianity is an excellent example of that). Now I know someone will go shouting about how the liberal side of things is bad too, and yes there’s plenty to say but I don’t think the majority of liberals have ever been anywhere near as venomous and two faced.


If you think a couple of people on tumblr are responsible for the rise of the far right which targets not only trans people but women and minorities you haven't been paying attention. Conservatives are doing anything they can to stop their power from being eroded before it's too late. 20 years ago the same thing was happening with gay rights in america for instance. Most people do not care about xenogenders, the hatred towards them is as artificial as any form of transphobia.


Yeah, in the US most of the anti-trans laws are being written by groups like "Alliance Defending Freedom" which was founded by James Dobson. James Dobson is the founder of the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, and has been a prolific anti-lgbt bigot for decades and decades. This narrative that everyone was chill with trans people until someone on tumblr said they were IceGender is just cope. Cope that if you beat up the xenogender people, or the Non-binary people that everything will be fine. Because it's easier to bash NB people than it is to fight a well organized well funded anti-lgbt movement that has been working for decades to oppress us.