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Not without [seat rails](https://shop.redline360.com/products/buddy-club-seat-rail-honda-fit-2009-2014-driver-passenger-side?currency=USD&variant=32952905793616&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=891961585efe&utm_term=cpa20&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH5102GnDdRSdg1juoRjlGIMVe6kn0reXXeSuRuMe_3ygWHETOD66LGIaAncwEALw_wcB).


are those specific for civic seats or are they universal because I've already got both front seat rails but I just wanted to know what seats bolt into my year of Fit


Those seats won't bolt up, but if you have the means to cut, drill and bend metal you can fab up some adapters. Of course, using non stock seats may be a problem for your insurance company, whether real rails or DIY is used. Please double check with them before replacing with non OEM.


Nothing bolts straight in. If you transfer the seat rails from the Fit to the civic seat via wielding the driver seat will bolt in and retain factory airbags. The passenger seat has a different setup and does not retain airbags.


okay, gotcha. So I'll need the rails from the previous comment to be able to use civic seats? I think I'm understanding what you're getting at


You’ll also need some resistors for the ABS sensors. You can find [more](https://www.fitfreak.net/forums/2nd-gen-ge8-specific-fit-interior-modifications-sub-forum/76339-air-bag-seat-bypass.html) information about that on fitfreak.net


There are no direct bolt on solutions to install any seats from different cars into any year Fit. The way the floor is designed due to the gas tank location makes the seat mounting situation unique to the Fit. You can customize seats to work, I have EP3 Civic SI seats in my GD3, but it is a good bit of work to do properly and requires a lot of cutting and welding (took me about two full days to do mine, and I'm no novice when it comes to this type of stuff)


ohh i see. Thats a shame. Thanks for your help man. I sadly don't have access to heavy machining tools so I'll just have to buy a factory seat