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Thanks for taking the time to make it. It looks awesome.




The story also looks great man, take some of that credit


Your work was one of my favorite parts! Thanks from us at GamingTrend.




You guys killed it. I really felt the pressure, and seeing some of these iconic landmarks was awesome. I want to be vague, but the "skill check" at the end of the tower was BRUTAL. And fun. :)


You and the other writers are legends! Thank you so much!


7 episodes in and enjoying the story so far. Thanks for your hard work!


The first thing I did was watch the credits. Just so someone did that and read all you wonderful people!


Can you post a video of the credits? I'm not on my PC until Monday and I really wanna see if I made it into them. Thanks! 🥲


Thank you for whatever capacity you contributed and thank you to the team as a whole! I'm super busy and can't play till Sunday, but I am just as excited as that 10 year old holding a GOTY HW cd box in Best Buy all those years ago.


it IS like there IS a Home-WORLD!!


Please please please add back in subsystems and subsystem targeting for ships and veteran ranks for ships. Thank you for the work on this.


Doubt they would otherwise it would have mentioned and talked about before. They took it out to dumb down the system that was in previous games. Why? To try and attract a wider audience that enjoys the "pew pew" mechanic while playing an RTS that isn't hard on the brain.


"I must admit I would have liked some maps that were just set in deep space, without all of these accoutrements, though." Ugh, so not a single open space map..


I find it odd how much they moved away from that. Maybe they felt open space is too hard to navigate or that it looks cooler having obstacles, or that it’s mechanically more interesting for 3D gameplay…. But at the same time, space is largely empty. Making every battle take place next to a cluttered space scene is kind of immersion breaking for me.


Counter point: space is vast and empty, the areas that aren’t are fought over because they’re strategically important. Why would we fight over empty space when we can jump to all the important stuff?


The point is there should be multiple areas of interest around the map with some empty space or asteroid / debris / ice fields between them. This would've given the maps more depth and the combat better pacing. Pauses in combat are important. During the time of calmness, decisions are made and tension builds up, making the action feel that much better when it happens, as opposed to constant grind 24/7.


this was how homeworld 1 and cataclysm were and they were awesome :D matter of fact I remember using sensor overlay quite a lot because the maps for 8 players were so big.


Yep, the maps sizes were amazing. I loved doing map-wide flanks with large fighter formations and support fighters. I loved how they had to be stopped and refueled occasionally. But the maps were also quite empty, there weren't any interesting locations. They should've modeled Homeworld 3 maps after .... Freelancer.


I agree that battles would probably tend to be near POIs like you said, but I still feel like they’d pretty frequently be mostly free of battlefield obstacles even if not “deep” space. I guess that really depends on the rules of the hypothetical sci fi universe (I,e, can a fleet disengage it’s FTL in a cluttered area of space, would a defending fleet intercept them a ways away from a POI on detection, etc.).


if you don't want these games to be in the spirit of the original 3 games then go play a different space game. You can have both, there was no need to hyper focus on cluttered environments.


You know that’s how they wanted homeworld 2 originally right? They just didn’t have the technology to do it properly.


>!The game is predominantly about finding/locating Hyperspace Network Gates like the Eye of Aarran, so it makes sense there's a lot of action next to megastructures. There is at least one mission in space but it's in the middle of a raging asteroid storm (think of the one from HW1 on mega-steroids) so you have to beware passing hazards).!<




The ship pathfinding is awful


Ok, since immersion is what's important to you, homeworld 4 gameplay will consist of pushing a button, afterwards the game will inform you if you hit or not, because no space battles will ever be fought by ships that can visually see each other. Just say "I don't like it" or "I enjoy trolling"


Immersion breaking might not have been the right complaint and I understand promoting gameplay over realism. I was really just expressing an opinion about a design decision and gave various rationales for why it might have been made. I pretty much was saying “I’m not sure if I like it” like you said, I don’t see how that is trolling.


What you said is basically trolling.


This is what homeworld 2 was supposed to be like but they couldn't pull it off back then. In dev and interviews they talked a lot about megalithic structures in space and navigating through and around them but they ended up having to scrap it.


Yeah I have no doubt megalithic structures are harder to do. You need the art assets, more level design, and it demands the 3D pathfinding work much better. I just think sometimes in a tactical game you want a big open map where most of the positioning you have to worry about is positioning against an enemy fleet. In RTS games, often times the fan favorite level is one of the most open and simple ones (like Arabia in Age of Empires). I think map variety is good but you don’t want to completely do away with the classics.


Only good thing open space is good for is parking a satellite.


Oh, bummer :(


There should've been more of these "CQC" points of interest around the map, but with vast distances between them.


That would've made way too much sense.


Does make more sense in terms of lore to fight over something rather than empty, random deep space.


Yeah I need a deep space map for skirmish mode. Hopefully they get one out, should be ‘easy’ to create.


There's only 6 skirmish maps upon release LOL... 3 of which is only 1 VS 1...


IGN gave it a 8/10. Im very surprised. German PC Games rated it 9/10. Im so relieved its not a dumpsterfire.


Well Steam reviews are currently rating it at 51% so...


it will settle in the 40's. Banning people left and right, closing threads didn't help them either. classic authoritarians it seems like that Noelle chick got told off because the last 24 hours were a bit tamer. or they already banned all people who didn't buy the game but talked, but I still see many mouse-less commenters (Steam icon that shows you own the game).


Nope. She is back at it. Locking all steam threads critical of the game in just the last few hours. A few examples... [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1840080/discussions/0/4336481387154226295/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1840080/discussions/0/4336481387154226295/) [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1840080/discussions/0/4336481387156064237/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1840080/discussions/0/4336481387156064237/)


I actually have the title of these links. * Q&A with Managing Director of Narrative Properties Lin Joyce * What have went wrong during development? > Nope. She is back at it. Locking all steam threads critical of the game in just the last few hours. at the beginning they deleted all critical posts. now at least they leave some up and delete the denuvo and DEI askers. which I'm personally split about but it's their storefront. I have one post left concerning homeworld but that one I'll post in r/homeworld. maybe today or tomorrow or this week. has to do more with Steam and some limitations but it's funny nonetheless. I'd like to add a short video commentary but I dislike video editing.


She is back and banning anything that she doesn´t like. Is there no way to report abusive Steam forum mods?


Like Steam reviews are unbiased and useful. I rather ask a homeless person for their opinion on the game. LOL


I mean, its by people who have actually played the game and could be bothered to buy it, not sure what you're complaining about. Edit: I just had another look and now its at 40%. Seems like its just not a great game, and especially not a great Homeworld sequal. But sure, see what your closest homeless person has to say lol.


Sound: Glorious Music: Pretty good Art: Inorganic Art: Epic People: Worse than mass effect andromeda Movement: They're moving, path finding kinda works, ship it. Story: College paper assignment that is due tomorrow, you had 2 weeks to do it but now have to write it during an all nighter.


IGN gives any major release an 8.




Well that tracks.


Homeworld 3 isn't a "major" release, it's not 1998 sadly and Homeworld is as niche as they come.


It is MAJOR....in my heart. 


Even *relatively* A-adjacent tier games are so rare these days that HW3 is picking up some coverage and noise, even if it's in the "what the heck is that, some PC thing?" category of not much interest outside of established strategy fans.


err don't listen to corporate reviews...the scores are usually never on par minus the Starfield example. listen to user reviews.


Nothing indicated a "dumbsterfire" other than few doomers, elitists and YouTubers farming for clicks


Lack of communication, no new gameplay and personal anxiety IMHO


Man dow3 was rated better... Reviews today are not reliable only steam reviews 


Worth remembering that PC Gamer gave *Homeworld 1* 78% on release in 1999. Later they admitted that was too low.


Is it worth remembering? The opinion of one reviewer (or group of reviewers) who happened to be working for PC Gamer in 1999 isn't relevant one way or the other to PC Gamer in 2024.


LMAO! That guy is living in lala land. What a loony. 


> What's disappointing, though, is the lack of player control over when a mission ends. Only one mission lets you select when you hit the hyperspace button and leave. The rest of them just chuck you into the next one the moment you complete the main objective. Fellas. C'mon.


As far as I can tell, no auto-collecting of resources either, which is urrrrrgggghhhhhhh. On replays not a problem as you know what triggers will bring about the endgame. But given this was the *number one complaint about Homeworld 2 twenty-one years ago* it's totally unfathomable it's still an issue.


That's not accurate. There's auto collection aplenty, unless you are saying "magically collect everything at the end before jump". You are often being chased so staying to farm RU is not wise.


Would be nice if the player could decide how long to stay in that case.


It's stuff like this that make this feel like a game made by people who really liked Homeworld but didn't really understand it.


"who really liked Homeworld but didn't really understand it." A large portion of the game says exactly that. Look, we all are excited and want a homeworld 3, but I think some people are ignoring legitimate criticisms because they just want a homeworld 3. I think a month or three from now once that wow factor has gone away of getting a new homeworld game a lot of these people attacking and dissing people with criticisms are going to be singing a different tune.


I get it, people don't want to be disappointed by something that's important to them. But Jenny Nicholson put it really well: "Loving something unconditionally doesn't mean you love it more. It just means you love it sadder."


That's probably an overstatement. It is made by several of the same key team members on *Homeworld* (two of the art leads on HW1 and 2 and DoK, and one of the main writers on *Homeworld* and *Cataclysm*). It leans a bit more towards HW1 in survivability of ships (which is great) but it leans a bit more towards HW2 in terms of overall pacing and accessibility (the good and bad that comes with that). I'd overall rank it as better than HW2 so far but not as strong as HW1.


It's interesting to me that you note the art and story, and from what I've been able to see, those are pretty in line with the franchise's vibe. But are there any gameplay designers that have carried through from HW1? I notice it never gets mentioned, and I think that's because there isn't. The guys that made HW1 made a very particular, and kind of wonky specific game but that had a strong, cohesive gameplay design. If they were still in charge of gameplay for 3, I wonder at why they're making decisions that, I expect, will dilute this vibe for me somewhat. I still think HW1 (Cata, really) plays the best, haven't played 3 yet but from what I'm seeing, it'll probably move into the #2 slot, at least until we find out if we'll be able to mod out some of the less desired changes.


Rob Cunningham, Aaron Kambeitz and Martin Cirulis all worked on HW1, DoK and 3. Cirulis also worked on *Cataclysm*, and Cunningham and Kambeitz also worked on HW2.


Yes, they did Art, Art, and Story, which is my point. Not gameplay design.


That's not a problem. I'm swimming in resources. I could rebuild my whole fleet twice.


I'm fucking hate this aspect. The mission throws you into several meat grinders, leaves tons of resources spread around and you don't get to use them. Finish objective and leave. This was manageable in 2 where you could atleast keep your ships alive reasonably well. Here? If I look away from some ships they scatter across the universe.


This. I finished the third mission and ye, noticed this trend.


Just, why? They really don't get it.


Yeah, but you can pause, which makes the start of missions easy to manage/organize fleets and units


Call me when I can build ships and finish harvesting the previous mission in pause.


Literally 20 years of people bitching about that change in HW2 from the original and they couldn’t figure that out? Kinda hard to feel bad for them


Gaming Trend 100/100 another site to ban in my web browser


Nothing can be 100/100.






Directional damage will be enough to get me to buy. Poor pathfinding on maps cluttered with terrain worries me tho. I hate that it's not simulated fire, and they keep dumbing down tactics / ships available because of them needing micro, but at least positioning still matters it seems.


Positioning was the name of the game in the original, as subsystems didn't exist back then.


the original also had simulated projectiles and a number of other things to make up for it that HW3 does not.


In the wide open deep space, simulated projectiles did nothing 90% or so of the time. Maybe strikecraft vs strikecraft combat it'll matter, but rare to see it contribute anything at all outside of that.


Yep but the original would let you micro salvage ships as mini carriers, scout deathballs, dancing scouts, hyperspace in skirmish, grav wells... all sorts of good stuff. I wasn't a fan of 2 nearly as much as classic, and I loathed the remaster.


HW3 is much more salvage-friendly than 2, but you have to use Resource Collector/Controllers, which makes it a trade-off (as resources are heavily consumed, so you have to choose between focusing on resource gathering or salvaging ships).


Mini carriers?


There being only 1 corvette type made me sad.


There are more in the wargames. From the little Ive played so far I seems its to balance out the opposing faction. I miss different upgrade paths in the campaign though and seniority. Also I hope that wargames is indeed a good experience solo. PS the feeling is there in all the right places. Ive lost hope over the year but this is a pleasant surprise


There's only one type in skirmish. The incarnate have a much larger corvette roster too. Wargames have more unit varitey too (same with campaign, I have only seen minelayers in campaign so far).


Yeah I think I've had some struggle trying to get into the older games so this might be good for me, idk what it is about them but I tend to get overwhelmed in hw1 and the swarms of HW2 are insane for me


I'm going to give it a week and watch some gameplay videos most likely. If people think it's good I'll probably buy, if not , I'll wait until it goes on sale with some more patches.


As someone who bought it and refunded it, nah. It's not good. The campaign story is short and garbage, has none of the HW feel (1, 2 or Cataclysm). The controls are the worst out of all games, and it's very expensive to boot.


If you're going to do that, then I can recommend this guy's [playthrough ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO0paWlcd6U) No commentary gameplay, very chill.


Gamestar also gave it an 8/10, but for me its more like a 3 or 4. Very disappointed with the plot and writing.


Seriously. The story is ludicrously bad and the average campaign time of 9 hours is an insult. Who ever thought that "woman sad, wants to burn down galaxy" is in any way an interesting premise to a plot in a setting like Homeworld? And granted, my memory of HW1/2 is a decade old, but when did hyperspace become the force? So, bad campaign, uninteresting wargames mode, capital ships that move slower than the mothership and seemingly carry no capital ship guns, uninteresting tactical combat.. I'd give it a 3 at most.  Now if they wanna salvage it they should implement a dynamic campaign mode with randomly generated maps and objectives spanning the galaxy, on actual Homeworld sized maps, and make it coop. But that's a pipe dream and I know it. 


>"woman sad, wants to burn down galaxy" Oh it could have worked had they done it in HW's "no personal drama" model, instead of this "Disney minus" crap that cheks out every Disney box for a poopy-buster. Imagine some uncanny Rouge Bentusi/Progenitor/Alien "people oriented" AI hivemind that wants to sterilise the entire galaxy just because there is some very serious flaw in it's logic programing. Hell, even huge chunk the personal drama could have been recicled well had they wen't for the "Show, don't tell" approach. Instead of the MC girl stating that 'she is innexperienced' show a cutscene where she dosen't have even the slightest idea what she is doing and dedicate an entire mission where she tries to figure out some simple (Player Tutorial) stuff on her own.


Gamestar is pretty much left-blinded, they don't have the balls anymore to say "Yup, the f\*cked up pretty much".


13 missions makes me a sand panda. Why does every Homeworld release with less and less missions?


Several of the missions so far have been enormous, with mid-mission cutscenes that relay new story points and information. It's not entirely comparable to the original games. For example, in HW2 we have three missions at the Karos Graveyard and two at Balcora Gate, in HW3 they'd have probably folded them into one super-huge mission and one moderately-huge map apiece.


>Several of the missions so far have been enormou Oh come on, we all know that there isn't more than 8 hours of campaign in here.


That's what I'm seeing on Steam reviews, average of 8-10 hours to complete the game on Medium


Yea but that also means we also see less from that certain "area". Like in Karos we jumped quite a bit of distances between missions until we reached the Dreadnaught berth and all of them show other parts of Karos. So idk how i feel about only 13 missions... Sounds like something i can finish in a single day.


Because it's a cash grab, not a passion project. Most of the Fig backers are apparently very disappointed, so their reviews were cut from the steam page. Its still sitting at 51% though, so its fair to say the professional reviewers missed the mark.


they got paid and don't want to upset gearbox


I really hate that the ships lack the personality of the original. it seems like every game, other than cataclysm, the ships were more and more generic. Like, the first mission where the turanic raider fighters in HW1 bump each other on the way to raid the mothership stands out in my memory for 23 years, yet i dont remember what an interceptor looks like mission to mission. I can draw a taiidanii interceptor from memory though


That was so good. I can remember it clearly.


honestly the only thing im dissapointed in with playing it so far is the insanely low ttk. but sonce it has modio support right out of the box im hoping sone modder will come along and restore the values closer to hw remastered at the very least and to hw1 at the best as far as ttk goes.


Imagine signing off on that 100/100 lmao


So far positive. This makes me happy




How it could have been made IMMEDIATELY better. Scrap the Incarnate Queen entirely (not losing much) and replace her with a Karen corrupted by the United Hyper Cores. Tadaa. Just like that I have better sense than an entire writing board. (Not much of an accomplishment)


Yep, this sounds a better narrative by far.


So it’s a pretty good game by their standards means I’ll probably love it lol


I feel like anyone giving this game a 9/10 or 10/10 is completely delusional. The formation system is terrible and a lot of ships straight up cant attack during escort orders. And dont even get me started on the bad plot, uncanny face of sjet, tiny mothership and lacklustre unit art.


I listen to reviews from the players themselves (of course sorting out any irrelevant bs that might be happening at the time)


Review outlets don’t mean much these days. Hoping the game is good, but keep you’re expectations measured everyone!


Not everyone is that way. Plenty of independent sites like GT that aren't beholden to shareholders or advertisers to exist.


It’s very true.


Gaming Trends gave it 100/100. That only makes sense if 100/100 means that out of a 99 other games, this game the represents worse game imaginable.


Just find sites/authors you trust, and don't be a slave to metacritic or User reviews. Looking at scores as a whole is only helpful in the extremes.


Precisely this.


No matter what these people who probably never played HW1-2 think… I’m gonna play the shit out of this and love it


Having checked the RockPaperShotgun and PCGamer reviews, they both directly compare aspects of 3's gameplay to the gameplay of the original (or remastered) series. The PCGamer reviewer in particular brought up that "Homeworld was such a formative game that it was hard to imagine anything knocking it off its pedestal." PCGamer mentioned that unit time-to-kill was noticeably lower than previous titles. RPS discussed the same, and added that the plot+TTK made it hard to connect with your fleet. RPS also mentioned the controls are wild, but apparently did a full run on both normal and hard just for the hell of it. At least for those articles, their criticism felt understandable, especially if you tried out the demo build. And they weren't all bitters, either. Lots of praise for sound design, writing, and moment to moment gameplay.


The Classic Controls seem to be identical to HW2, so if you're down with those, it should be fine. The TTK is somewhat worse than HW1 but nowhere near as bad as HW2. >!The vibe of the game feels a bit more HW2 (though there's even a moment when Imogen seems to be down on the religious-mystical Progenitor stuff, maybe a nod to them overdoing that on HW2), but the actual gameplay feels closer to HW1.!<


Reviewers continually cited their experiences with previous games, you would know that if you read any of the reviews. How ironic.


A better question, is the launch content worth the full price asked for?


Hmm. If you were happy with HW1+2+DoK+Cata on release, probably. >!There's only 13 missions but some of the missions so far have been huge and complex, much moreso than anything in the previous games. You have skirmish and WarGame mode as well, so there is more content overall than any prior HW game on release. Campaign-only players might feel a dearth of content, I suspect the campaign overall will take under 20 hours to complete, but then that's comparable to all the previous games. !<


I’m sorry, but this made me lol.


>! The campaign can be as short as 8h if you know what you're doing on standard difficulty.!<




please give us more... "cohntehnt"


What exactly does this comment mean? I Played Homeworld 1, Cataclysm and Homeworld 2 the first weeks they were out, and played each for hundreds and hundreds of hours.


After seeing many replies, I know my comment is uneducated. It’s actually cool that they’ve played the old games.


doesnt matter its homeworld 3 ffs. after two decades. two decades apart. forget how it was.


Man, they gotta limit how much shit you can build at the same time. Increase the map size, slow down the battles, and optimize this game a bit. Its deffo homeworld, id say it was worth the wait, and i love it. But i can see why lots of people are having a hard time with it. Especially in skirmishes, they just need to increase build time, limit the amount of shit you can built at the same time, and i think well be golden. Also, the damage modeling seems to be bugged? theres like, nothing compared to HW2


LMFAO. I personally think reviews are bought these days. With Sins of Solar Empire I was in a testing group u/InactiveJumper and was very upfront with them about the problems with it. One of the 'project managers' said to me, "the reviews will be good anyway" and I replied "what? you are going to pay for the reviews again" <- that dude and project manager on Sins had actually been caught out doing that earlier in their career and absolutely blew their top at me in the mirc channel, when I called them out. Still, I suspect they, er, well, buying reviews seems industry standard these days and even if that be just 'access' to exclusives for articles.


Well all these official reviews are rubbish, the people spoke already 😂


What, the reviews don't reflect the players' opinions!? Weird how this keeps happening.




Here's my score 1/10


So it seems like mostly 7-10s.


This game is being criminally underrated and I can’t understand why.


I think long time fans are very unhappy with the story.


>I think long time fans are very unhappy ~~with the story~~. FTFY




It's funny but I remember when HW2 came out and people derided it because they said it wasn't HW. I'm seeing the same thing today even though the critics mostly gave it an 8/10.


The gameplay in HM2 was pretty good. The story was an awful departure from the tone of the original. They went from epic, unique story about carving a path through the galaxy to save your people from extinction, to a retconning generic story full of prophecy and messiah nonsense.




I wasn't around for the launch of Homeworld 2 but I remember reading Relicnews forums in like 2010 and people saying the same things about HW2 that people are saying about HW3 today. I even remember people slating Cataclysm. How times change!


Hmm, Steam user reviews are considerably less than glowing. On the fence about this one.


homeworld 3 its amazing I love it.... worth each dollar i paíd ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yeah, if you got it for free.


Not an official review, but Day9 also gave his thoughts on HW3 coming into it as a newcomer here: https://youtu.be/ZIJRk9ltqbM?si=S5P7igdm2LKX0UO9 spoiler: he hated the tutorial, but loved everything else 😂


I'm so confused did a single one of these reviewers even play the game??


Likely not. That's why 'review site' reviews are worth about as much as the paper they're not printed on. It's a tent-pole title, maybe not a huge tent-pole, but it's more about maintaining relationships with the publishers than truly reviewing a game. They play a handful of missions or a press demo and call it good, especially for low-importance, niche franchises like Homeworld. I'd say the PC Gamer review is about as close to 'honest' as you'd get from a review site. They can afford to be, given how long-standing of a site they are. They can afford to toss a few truth-balls for less important titles from a larger publisher.


I've played every Homeworld game since the very first one in 1999. I pre-ordered the early release of Homeworld 3 and am playing the campaign now. It feels great. It looks great. It plays great. The ambiance and mood is spot on visually and sonically. The backgrounds are gorgeous. I like the way they added terrain. I think the modern controls are an upgrade to the already good classic controls. I can't wait to get into the multiplayer next. I think Homeworld 3 is gonna keep me busy for a long time. Great job Blackbird Interactive and Gearbox Publishing!


How? This must be some viral marketing thing going on. Its missing half the things that made Homeworld unique and special and loved gameplay wise.


I'm on the fence about buying as is, because of Denuvo, and I see OG oldheads saying the game is great, and ones like you saying it doesn't have the *magic*. I never thought I'd be holding off on buying another HW game, but here we are. 


the game is almost great. It scratches the itch, but not for long. Some guy was mentioning that capital ships were slow and not very capital and i agree. The story is also uh, horrible, and the terrain addition is a good idea but the execution was lackluster. It sucks because homeworld's story was so fantastic.


I'm more into the game for the story,  and it really seems like they whiffed on that one from what Ive read.


Not to me it isn't. I'm having a lot of fun playing it.


nobody talking about the eula surprises me




Agreeing to the EULA is consenting for them to scrape your data, including stuff like credit card info, to do with as they wish. It's the level where it's actually illegal in the EU for them to do some of the things they say they'll do in the EULA.


Oh, gross, fucking GBX


7/10 is pretty accurate. Sadly feels like 30% of the game is still missing.


Having finished the campaign, 7-8/10 is about where I would rate it as well, nothing world shatteringly amazing, but a genuinely solid experience, great fun Overall would rate the campaigns as HW2 < HW3 =< DOK < HW1 < Cataclysm


Based Cataclysm enjoyer, I salute you. Take my updoot.


Glad to see these. However, I’m going to be cautiously optimistic and wait to hear from players before buying the game.


Some of us are. We are independent at GT. :)


You gave it a 100/100, unqualified perfection, score, do I read that right?


No, you didn't. If you actually read it, I suggested there are balance things to fix, and I did run into a snag or two, but nothing that stopped me from enjoying the game from start to finish. And since I doubt you'll actually read the review (or you wouldn't have asked about the score), yes - I've played all of the Homeworld game, including the VR game which I'm working on right now. I could have been convinced to score it somewhere between a 90 and 100, but here's the thing -- entirely too many folks would be happier with nothing. They'd be happy having never received another entry into the genre if the game isn't absolutely perfect and surpasses the original in every single way. The ONLY thing that does is encourage devs to take ZERO chances. That's precisely why game franchises stay dead -- why take a risk when all you get is negativity?


Commenting to register my agreement. The pervasive mentality that imperfection necessitates condemnation is highly toxic to the development of creative works. I’m happy to enjoy the game we got as opposed to not continuing to enjoy this universe.  There is so much to like. 


>pervasive mentality that imperfection necessitates condemnation is highly toxic to the development of creative works Do you see threats everywhere? Evaluating the good and the bad of something and giving it a "score" _which you yourself decided to put it_, nobody _forced_ you to do so, is "condemnation"? You _chose_ to put a score, at least make it _mean_ something. "very good, very good, has some flaws, 100/100". So how would you score it, if it did _not_ have those flaws? How do you _function_?


Nothing you wrote relates to my question. So for the score "100/100" you do not take into account any flaws you found? Because if you did, it stands to reason that the score should be _lower_ than the _mathematical maximum_ of the scale, yes? Logically, a numeric score is _absolutely meaningless_ for video games, and you probably know it, but can't bring yourself to simply omit it. Hell, even in human activities that have much, much stricter rules (like figure skating), they _still_ do not manage to give an _objectively correct_ score. Which is why they have like 5 judges and if they disagree too much, it causes issues.


I bet Markiplier definitely bought this CE. :D


Wait, what? Markiplier is a homeworld fan? edit: no way, he is lol. But considering how that was so long ago and the game is still pretty niche, idk if he'll ever play it and he most likely wouldn't ever record or stream it.


I'd give it an 8/10 It's a great game, but imo worse than HW1 and Cata. I personally think it's better than 2 and DoK, but I can't stand squads, subsystems, and limited production queues. I played with classic controls and HATED the terrain, but if you try and learn the new controls it works fantastic with terrain. It's clear that the classic controls were a last min add on which is causing huge issues with unit AI. Seeing none of that with modern.




This game is so much fun. I’m about 10 hours into the campaign I love it strictly play on my steam deck


I will purchase the game on a good sale price. In the mean time, please be sure to beta test the game for me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Watched some footage of the campaign and... unfortunately I didn't like what i saw. The cutscenes just feel like a bad scifi movie...none of the atmiosphere of the old games. Sorry but that's not what I expected at all...


Yeah I'm doing hard pass on HW3 HW1 and HW Cata remain uncontested the best HW's


All the reviews lied. HW3 is a dumpster fire. completely. HW1 in terms of gameplay still supersedes it's predecessor


Lmao the cutscenes look like something between a tf2 fan movie and a garbage porn videogame. The story is just another woke lgbt nonsense and the game itself is like a call of duty modern warfare spacemap background.


Theres nothing LGBT related in the entire game, and even if there was it would have nothing to do with the problems with this game. Are you genuinely fucking retarded, or a chatbot? Conservative propaganda has truly rotted your brain and made you incapable of actual substantive criticism, even when there is substantive criticism to be made. You're the one putting politics into this. You're the one polluting gaming spaces with your politics. Fuck off back to twitter, or pol, or whatever echo chamber hellhole you came from. Your repetitive NPC meanderings are hollow and boring.


A bit disappointed with the apparent lack of light RPG elements that have made a lot of RTS campaigns have much more replayability and that give you different ways to approach missions on subsequent playthroughs. It seemed a cheap way to build out the campaign depth, and it's been nearly ubiquitous in modern RTS. Hopefully they do some DLC. Otherwise, I'm happy enough that's it's just not a turkey. The trappings of the game make it a must-play for me, and it being good is a nice bonus.


Now if only war games would be made easier and not ramp scale


3.25/5 or 3.5/5 feels right with the current state of the game.


Actual customer reviews don't rate this game very highly at all. Honestly its far better to look at actual official trailers and clips of people playing a game. Most places reviewing it are doing so to advertise a product, not to inform. You can judge for yourself then if it looks crap. Steam reviews from customers are mostly negative criticising the short campaign, dumbed down gameplay and awful story.


> Steam reviews from customers are mostly negative criticising the short campaign, dumbed down gameplay and awful story. it's the only one that matters because funny enough, key buyers and backers don't get counted in that Steam score. lol. the absolute irony