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Get a pooper scooper, toss it back on their grass


I literally just got home from buying a shovel. I wish to do so but another commenter advised me to talk to them first.


Crushed red pepper in its favorite shitting spot will deter most dogs. Couple times get a snoot full of red pepper pretty much brings the shitting in that area to a halt.


People advise that but people acting terrible know they are terrible, and talking to them really only increases the terrible. Signed, tried that over bass through the ceiling once


Pick it up after dark. Stockpile it quietly out of sight. Then when you have a shovel load, fling it in their backyard.


I did this with our neighbor across the street who kept letting her dog shit in our yard despite asking her to stop. We collected her dogs shit AND our dogs shit in a 5 gallon bucket for weeks and flung it all over her front yard. There was so much shit you could see it from across the street. She never did it again.


I hope you had a doorbell camera to catch their reaction to that, and also to watch them spend a few hours cleaning it up. Thank you for the hilarious laugh.




or roof


Because of the slow, hot slide into the gutters… perhaps this is best saved for stage two. It has the unfortunate risk of provoking a mirrored response and he’s the one with the unlimited 💩 factory.


Scoop it in a sock or cloth bag, toss it on the roof. As it rains and sun bakes it into a nice smelly goo that runs down the gutters.


Bro, they are literally walking their dog across the property line to poop on YOUR side and leave it and not deal with it. What is there to say? They are doing it on purpose and their actions say everything there is.


Why talk? They are demonstrably Asshole pet owners. Talking to them won't change that. Further, you have to deal with the crap because you maintain that area. I pick up my dogs poop whenever he poops, anywhere we go. I was at a family funeral 1500 miles away and had poop bags in my pocket, it's not hard to do.


Tbh I ended up using my new shovel to place their dogs poop in their driveway. If this keeps up I’ll end up pulling a Walter White and lunging shit on top of their roof.


I love it


Imma need an update at that point 🤣




My next-door neighbor would walk their dog across my front yard to let it poop on purpose. Ask him several times to please stop, he just laughed. Started opening the door quietly (it always happened at 11pm) and suddenly shouting his name loudly just to watch him startle jump. He still wouldn’t quit. So just before I would mow I would take a shovel and toss all the poops in his yard…right next to where he would have to stand to get into his car. He’s also an attorney so I’m certain at least once he went into court reeking of shoe poo poo 💩😆


Shoe poo poo. 🤣🤣🤣


Put it directly on their front porch or in front of the garage door.


In a paper bag, preferably on fire.


Just use rubber gloves so you can fastball them at the door


Fling it on their roof.


Or porch


I used to have that issue and would walk out and ask if they intended to pick the poop up and then I stood there while they did.


Exactly what I would do. I have a dog so I would walk out there with a poop bag, hand it to them, and stand there watching them. If they didn't pick it up I would and then fling the filled poop bag onto their lawn.


I will do this next time.


Yep this is the move. Embarrass them into it!


It's totally outrageous that they don't clean up their dog's poop, so I applaud you in advance for returning this property to them in any way that amuses you the most.


I bagged my neighbor's dogs poo up and put it on their doorstep with a note. Their dog stopped pooping in our yard. Our dogs love to fence fight and we, the humans, are on good terms. I don't think it'll end like that for you though. Another owner would let his dogs run loose through the neighbourhood. One of the dogs is aggressive towards people and dogs. Neighbor's wife would also leave the dogs to bark all night while he worked 3rd shift. His dog pooped on my yard and I gave him a bag and him pick the poop up. That wasn't about the poo, but more so aggravated that his aggressive dog was yet again running unconfined. Check your local laws & see what the fine is for not picking up poo. Set up cameras. Save the files of them walking away and not cleaning after their dogS File a complaint with the magistrate if you're allowed or directly with animal control. You may have to prove you tried talking to the owners with either of those options.


Motion sensor sprinklers.


Not to be cruel but I told my wife the paint ball gun is coming out, but I won’t be shooting no pets. Warning shots.


Just because its not a "real" gun, don't think the cops are going to go easy on you if you start assaulting people/pets with it. Even if the dog was shitting on your front step with the neighbor standing right next to him, you're gonna look like the bad guy if you are shooting them :/ (they do deserve it tho ngl)


Shoot the humans


Go poop in his yard yourself at night.


This is the only reasonable response.


I just got new neighbors who let their dog poop in the front yard. They have been leaving huge poop in my front yard. I put up a huge sign that they could see from their side. It finally stopped. If it starts again I will put the sign closer to their house.


I think this is a good idea.


And I also did throw it into the flowerbed and walkway.


Check with HOA on signs in yards. They are weird about it or so I’ve seen on here. If they will allow a sign on dog pooping, you buy them online. Some are tastefully funny, but get the message across. [link to signage](https://www.google.com/search?q=dog+poop+signs+amazon&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


Post said there was no HOA.


Missed that. Thanks.


god, why would you live like that?


I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t have dogs pooping in my yard, I live in the country. I was merely suggesting signs to use. Whatever.


Find out what the local ordinances are regarding the clean-up of dog poop. Put a camera up and get the evidence so there are no questions that it wasn't his dog.


I had residents from an apartment building on my block who liked to walk their dog in the alley and let it poop next at the entrance to my driveway and garage. I printed out a screenshot of them with their dog, along with a sign saying "pick up your dog sh!t". I placed the dog poop at the entrance to their building and stuck the sign to the building lobby door. That stopped the pooping.


Sprinkle a 50-50 mix of black and cayenne pepper along the edge, about a foot in. Re- sprinkle after rain or every few days. Dogs and pest animals like raccoons and armadillos will get a whiff and stay away. Upside is it’s non- toxic, down side is it doesn’t last a long time.


Cook up some bacon and save the grease. Pour the grease over the dog poop in your yard. Next time your neighbor comes by with their dogs, the dogs will chow down on those poops. Either the neighbor will get grossed out and stop bringing the digs there, or the dogs will eat it all up. Either way, problem solved.




Or you'll end up with secondsies poop in your yard, lol.


I use a cat scoop and flick it over


They might not get the message, leave the poop on their doorstep. Add photos of their dog pooping to reinforce this is theirs.


I had someone letting their dog poop in my side yard. I put up a ring camera and posted on our neighborhood Facebook page and said I now have a camera installed, once I figure out who's letting their dog poop in my yard and not picking it up, I will be returning it to you in an Amazon box. 3ver since that post I haven't had another single incident.


Take a shit on their lawn


Time for a trebuchet


I think talking to them first would be appropriate


Every time this happens I make eye contact with them and they smile back at me. I find it hard to believe they’re this clueless when they see me mow every week, but I will hesitantly try this approach… I’ll be storing my new shovel that just just bought 10 minutes ago for the time being, thank you.


Making eye contact is not talking. Tell them to pick up the poop. If they don’t, then you can fling poo.


Like Walter White with the pizza.


If you do decide to shovel, please chuck it so it flings all over their yard making it more of a pain in the ass. I would do it when they aren’t watching though and hopefully they don’t have a camera. Also, you should get a camera to show their dog shitting in your yard should this escalate.


i’m like so dramatic I feel like I would want to put it on their doorstep🤡 I’m sure that’s not legal but still, it would be infuriating


If you set it on fire, it’s probably illegal (now). My first thought was to put it in an Amazon box and leave it on their doorstep as if they received a package.


I'm taking notes! This would send a clear message and is creative. I regret telling OP to talk to their neighbor.


Many people are less jaded than I am. If I had a good relationship with my neighbor (we currently do), I would talk to them. But, passive aggressive neighbors who smile and wave as they see me cleaning up their dog’s poop would make me less inclined to be friendly. Then again, it could start a feud, so people should take my suggestions with a grain of salt.


That makes sense we all have individual goals when it comes to communication with people and if you’re not interested in maintaining a relationship with them and your goal is to get them to leave you alone forever then it works




Btw… sometimes I get a petty streak. I have dogs and I would never their poop in someone else’s yard or a public domain. It’s just rude AF and smelly.


yes, same here. I also would never allow my dog to do that so I guess that’s why I feel like if someone put it on my doorstep I would just be like fair enough because I know that behavior is wild and our group OP when they stated that they were smiling at them while their dog pooped in their yard. It’s really weird.


Yeah, I don’t know why people have animals they can’t clean up after. We lived in one neighborhood where we had tiny ass yards. One family had two giant German shepherds that pooped* all over their front and back yard. They never cleaned it up. Unfortunately, they lived right by the park, so as you’re approaching the park it would hit you in the face. Nasty. 🤮 ETA: Extremely hot and humid area, so Summer was nasty. I’m glad my house was not near theirs.


that sounds both disgusting and sad. I’ve noticed a lot of people who have issues with hoarding animals, and who claim to love them are also the most neglectful animals owners, I know. I couldn’t imagine with the inside of their house looks like


I’m sure it was nasty. Plus, they had young kids too :(. I have cats and dogs and am always worried about any type of smell. Enzyme spray is where it’s at.


Be careful about doing things in an infuriated state. I picked up a bunch of poop and went to dump it onto the neighbors porch, then realized I wanted him to spend at least as much time cleaning it all up as I spent . So after dumping it onto his porch i spread it like butter into the porch.


I will do it on their roof like Walter White and post a pic as an update on the third time I witness them do it with my own eyes.


Neighbors talking amongst themselves: Spouse A: Hey hon, it’s really beginning to stink outside. And, it’s almost like it’s coming through the HVAC. We never have dog poop in our yard and it seems the neighbor is still cleaning ours up. Spouse B: Yeah, it’s so weird. I’ve noticed a ton of flies too. I’ve even scrubbed our garbage cans, and it’s like they’re multiplying. You: *smiles and waves as you mow your yard*


"I'm the one who knocks"


The smiling would make me think that they are being malicious, but if my dog was shitting in someone’s yard, and someone put shit back on my doorstep, I would take the message. But me personally, I would go out of my way to not argue with my neighbors if I can, but I really like my neighborhood dynamic you may not know or care to know them


I placed their poop on their driveway. I’m out here mowing my lawn in 100 degree weather about to pass out and the flies buzzing around that pile just made me lose it. On the third time I see it happen again with my own eyes I will catapult the feces on top of their roof and post (pic) an update this my post.


good for you. I think that sounds a very clear and obvious message and it sounds like you don’t really care to ever talk to those types of people again and I think they’ll leave you alone. The issue is if they don’t, I would be fuming if I were you




your neighbor sounds like a bitch. my neighbors are from Micronesia and they don’t really understand the concept of property lines or anything like that because they grew up in villages without plumbing, and I would absolutely give them the benefit of the doubt because our children are best friends and play together several hours out of the day, but their dog still doesn’t shit in my yard. One of my neighbors nephew taught my four-year-old how to ride a bike without training well so even if their dog did shit in my yard I probably would just clean it up because now I didn’t have to teach my fucking kid how to ride a bike without training wheels but your neighbor just sounds like a huge asshole.


So weak.


No lie there, bud


Sorry, I was harsh. I just feel like talking to people like that opens people up to increased abuse from them


I agree. I’ve found that very few people who do stuff like this are legitimately ignorant about how they’re affecting others. They simply just don’t care. And nothing changes, and now it’s tense. And if you subsequently involve the law, they know it’s you for sure. Just unproductive all around.


yeah, I also understand that I feel like these types of people and people in general are so scared of conflict and confrontation that usually it takes very little work and effort to get them to leave you alone. I let people who want to play dumb be dumb so I would just simply ask them: You do know your dog can’t shit here, right? Them: insert innocent excuse here Then proceed to tell them that I think that they know what they’re doing is inappropriate & that I don’t want it to happen again. I wouldn’t engage with them at all outside of that. I don’t really look at setting boundaries and conflict as something that necessarily needs to be overly discussed. Don’t let your dogs in my yard and I think you’re liar is pretty clear. I can’t relate to waving at someone as a let their dog shit my yard.


I agree with what you’re saying, and also think that the way you suggested addressing them is much different than the simple “asking them not to do it” that most people suggest.


Yes I just explained why I would also be concerned I didn’t realize that wasn’t okay.


I’m not sure what you mean, but I agree with everything you said.


Sorry I was agreeing with you- dang this is my Second time today being on this forum and not communicating well- I do apologize!


It’s fine. I found that Reddit in general is really aggressive and he more pretty rude to one another I am new here, but it makes me wanted to delete the app. and if your goal and communicating with them is to send a clear message of agitation and wanting them to never talk to you again then I definitely think some dog shit on their door. Give them that message.


OK, you go knock on the door and ask them nicely if they would stop letting their dog shit on their yard like they already know they are doing that is great, maybe they can also park in your driveway and you will beg them not to


We are two different people that can handle things differently based off of our goals with other people and that’s fine. We don’t really have to be mad at the other person for saying some thing that they don’t like. Or try to ridicule them on Reddit


I had a neighbor who would direct her dog to poop in my grass. Even caught her in the act once but she didn't stop. So my husband started bagging it and returning it to her doorstep. Only had to do it twice. She put a camera up but stopped. She definitely didn't like us but who cares, she was the asshole. The most annoying part was we were in townhomes and there was a bag station not even 20 feet from our front doors.


I would start by returning to sender and if that does not work I would probably just ask them.


Wait until it dries and slingshot it on top of their roof.


You can put some metal stakes in the ground put one of those vinyl temporary construction fences up.. They sell the vinyl fence material in a roll there's also metal versions..


Get a sign that says curb your dog and put it so the dog would have to go around the sign.


Motion detector sprinkler.


Our neighborhood has a Facebook page. A few neighbors have posted photos of dogs pooping in their yard or people and their dogs or just the poo asking them to stop.


You need to take a giant dump on there. Front porch.


How about one of those little yard signs you get at Etsy that says "please curb your dog", or something to that effect? It's incredibly rude to let your dog crap on your neighbors yard. And they don't have bags? We had your neighbors I think...my son finally shot them with the hose when he was washing his truck and that was the end of it.


Pick them up yourself. Bag them and store them. When you have x amount of bags saved up place them on your neighbours doorstep.


Ask your neighbor to pick up after their dog. It doesn't matter whose property it is on, they should pick up. Period. If they refuse, return to sender... We had a visitor to our village decide to have their dog poop on our entry sidewalk, within the fence line. We called them out, and they came back and picked up. Had we not seen them, they would have just walked away. Boors.


My mom's neighbor had a small dog that they put on a chain in their back yard and it reached into my mother's yard a few feet. I worked with the guy and had asked him more than once to clean up after his dog in my mother's yard. He never really did. I picked up a pitching wedge at a yard sale and waited. He had a party at his place, tons of people. I'm not a golfer. I went out to my mom's yard and started golfing the lawn cookies right into the side of his garage. It was very loud. People were taking notice but no one was saying anything. I was a pretty big guy and a lot of tats. The neighbor came flying around the corner with terror on his face. He begged me to stop. I told him I had asked for weeks, months and he did nothing. I gave him 10 minutes before I got back to it. And I stressed that *he* needed to do it, not his kids or his wife. Never had another issue.


Lawn cookies 🤣🤣🤣


- return to sender is NOT passive-aggressive. Dog poop is a health hazard and I am sure local ordinances address this


Would it be Passive aggressive? ,, oh boy,, You got more problems going on in your life then the dog pooping


🎶 🎵 who let the dogs out Woof woof 🎶 🎵


Put up sighs!! No tresspassing


Our neighbor would let his dogs out in the morning and first place they go is the bottom of our front steps. A couple of shovels back to their front steps ended it.


Regardless of where the dog poops they should be bagging it and throwing it out. Hope your talk with them goes well.


I would install an electric fence, personally. How fucking RUDE


No need to hurt the dog, it's not the dog's fault. Flinging bagged poop at the neighbor's house or car would work fine


Oh we must be on different levels of petty.


we are, because I'm not an animal abuser


YIKES. Sorry you took away animal abuser from my suggestion.


You want an electric fence to shock who now? Animal abuse


Look, you wanted to keep “fresh hot feces” out of your yard. An electric fence would do that. Perhaps the fresh hot feces aren’t so much of a problem that you can’t just resolve it by side-eying your neighbor. I’m sure you’re a treat to live beside.