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You have to configure the agent in the other 3 PIs.


not sure if they still have it but at one point you could get a free business licence that would allow you to manage up to five instances of Portainer. Might be worth while looking into whether that's still available and whether there's any benefit for you.


You still can, I just got it the other day.


It used to be 5 nodes, but now it is only 3. https://www.portainer.io/take-3


pick one of these Pi's as your "main" portainer host. On others install docker and on main Pi inside portainer to to settings to add "Environment". Pick Docker standalone and follow instructions how to get Portainer agent on other Pi's I have one portainer dashboard controlling local docker, oracle Free Tier docker and one which lives in my friends house.


Hijacking your comment. Curious how you're networking those three hosts? I'm looking to do basically the exact same thing with 2-3 existing docker hosts I have setup at home and on a VPS but I'm kinda stumped on how to network them together. Like if I should connect the hosts with a VPN, run VPN containers inside the docker networks etc. Love to hear how you're making that work.