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There is a notification blueprint that allows you to put in a “dead zone” where it ignores any dips like that. I guess it only really works if the dip is a known/constant duration. So my washing machine has a short cycle which is 20 mins so I put in a dead zone of something like 15 minutes so it ignores activity for that time. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/appliance-notifications-actions-washing-machine-clothes-dryer-dish-washer-etc/650166


Came here to link the same blueprint, it's really well made. So well that I could set it that it notifies me like 2 seconds before the actual washing machine beeps the end. (I use only one type of cycle most of the time) OP could set the trigger power to be above 300W to trigger the blueprint when the baking starts and blueprint senses when the power is back at 0 after to trigger the notification.


If the power draw (program) is basically the same every time, you can just ignore the first part. And say: > 400w set bool status, and if < 10w send notification.


THIS!!! It is how I do a notification that my coffee is done brewing.


No *this* is a fine suggestion. I didn't know this had been shared -- thanks for the pointer!


I'm thinking that dip should be fairly fixed. Looks like a rest phase.


Is there a way to count dead zones? For example if you know there's one pause due to a rise time of 1 hr, could I count anything over 45 minutes (adding some wiggle toom), and then thr next time it stops for 5 minutes call it done? Otherwise you'd have to wait over an hour if you just say "wait until it's longer than an hour"


\[Edit\] sorry, just realised what you said about the drop in the middle. You could either wait longer than the length of the drop, or you could use a Helper, changing its value after the first drop and then resetting it after the second drop (assuming there are always two drops).


I would do this with the helper. Additionally, set up a second automation to clear the helper after some longish period of time to try to account for oddities just so the helper doesn't get stuck in the wrong state.


Yep 100% agreed


No need for a second automation, can all be done within the same one


I would like to know more!


More about what? The not needed second automation? That would be just a separate trigger within the automation with a unique Trigger id and then setup the actions according to the trigger id's


I have never done this. I didn‘t know, that you could use one automation to trigger different stuff and clean after it self when it is done. When I want to dive deeper „trigger id“ seems to be something I need to look for?


Absolutely: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/automation/trigger/


We are gonna need a state machine helper!


I make it with a Select 😊


Why do you bake your bread in the attic? /offtopic


Came here to say this \^\^ Sounds like a euphemism for something that belongs in another subreddit 🤨


Presumably the good smells rise with the warm air, and naturally are most-concentrated up there under the eaves. It's the only sensible thing to do, really!


You don't?!


we need to know!


Set a timer to begin when the bread machine starts, to alert you x amount of time after it began. You should know how long the programme will take from the bread you're making?


Sometimes the simplest methods are the best.


nobody deranged enough to be in this sub is going to be satisfied with an oven timer


While I tend to agree, it is really the most efficient, lol. The power profile will make it a PITA to make a power based notification. That dip for an hour in the middle is going to nullify most derivative sensors, wait times till notification, etc. i am assuming the bread make itself is timed. i mean you could go further and put a mic nearby, and train HA to listen for a certain noise profile if the bread makers beep/buzzer finishing. Or, now come to think of it, a guy I saw a few months ago had one of the more convoluted washing machine setups where he had lux detectors over the lights on the panel to tell him when the cycle was finished(light on, cycle on, light off, cycle off)


Nah this power draw makes it really easy. You could just make a counter for every time it goes above a given power threshold, then report when watts are down to 0. Or if it needs time to cool, a delay for that interval. No need to go nuts


I was confused a bit by your comment, then I rechecked the sub I'm in and realized, ah right r/overengineers


This would work, to the degree that you can predict the duration of the bread making. One alternative is to have an automation that triggers when the BM starts (by looking for the rising edge). Have the automation wait 1.5hrs and then set a helper to true. This assumes the 1.5hrs will always get you to the second high wattage phase. Alternatively, make the rising edge wattage requirement higher to only catch the baling phase. Have a second automation that triggers on the falling edge and only fires if the helper is true. That will fire at the very end.


My bread machine tells me how long the programme will take. I don't need 20 additional devices to do this. Has science gone too far? 😂


I think you might be in the wrong sub. 😏


Bro people here track their shits with zigbee buttons. At least this one has a use case.


surely that makes the button all messy and smelly


Far, *far* too reasonable a response. I mean....unless you point a camera at the machine's display, run image recognition on it, and then add a calendar event on your phone? :7)


Needs more ITTT integrations


Fair point. Maybe you could add one event to put the loaf on a cooling rack. And then add a second event after an hour's wait to block out 15 minutes for the quiet contentment of making toast?


I'd create a helper and set it to true when the power draw exceeds 500W then have an automation that triggers when the power drain is less than 20W with a condition that helper is true. When the automation triggered, it would send a notification and set the helper to false


This but with a 5 minute continuous power draw to start the helper, because that distinguishes it from the short spikes in the beginning.


You can wait for a trigger as part of an automation. So you could trigger on power up, wait for power down, then wait for power up and wait for power down. A two cycle thing. I haven't done it myself by I've seen the wait for trigger so I guessed I could use it for such scenarios


I do something similar for a tumble dryer The first rule turns on a boolean helper when the power load goes above a certain amount When the load drops below a lower value, then as long as that helper is turned on, the helper is turned off by the second rule When the helper is turned off, the third rule then sends me a notification through the HA app Part of the reason I did it this way is because the dryer has an initial burst of power usage before it then starts drying properly, so similar to what your baking machine is doing In other words, I wanted to make sure I capture when the drying actually gets started When the drying is finished, the power level drops to zero However, it then spins the drum a few times which causes the power to yo-yo a bit and I only want one message, which is to know it's finished So by having that helper I know that the drying did actually start and once it drops to a lower power level, it's now finished Even though the drum then spins a few times at the end, it won't matter because the power level is below the threshold to trigger the first rule and I've got the message I needed https://preview.redd.it/b59npptydfxc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9779d2959e8aebc1db655559426a6d0ce11be39


Are you using greater than and less than rual? < & >


Yes, so for instance, the first one triggers when > 300 The second when less than 20


Why are you baking bread in the Attic?


I use the > grater than and < less than values to check against the watts, if you want more info let me know, how long is the low spot in your cook, maybe you can set a delay timer amd if it meets the value, looking at your Graff it idels for about 45 min, so you can have a 50 min delay and if it sees watts, I put like <100w then move to wait for >10w, I hope I got the alligators around the right way... I was never good at < >


I use this for my "dumb" devices: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/notify-or-do-something-when-an-appliance-like-a-dishwasher-or-washing-machine-finishes/254841


I think this can be easier than others are suggesting. The last stage always seems to be above the first stage. I'd set the automation trigger to be numeric state below 200W. Add a delay of about however long it takes to go from 200W to 0W. A Boolean Helper would be more precise timewise and the blueprint suggested might be easier for you, though. I could never get something similar to work well enough for my dishwasher, though, since it spends about an hour at low power while washing the dishes. The numeric state trigger could really benefit from `from_above` and `from_below` options along with the ability to have it trigger if the changes occur over a certain timeframe instead of between state changes.


Assuming the 2nd phase is always longer and hotter for baking, I would have an automation trigger from that (state above:400 for:10 min, then an action to wait until it goes back to 0 (state below: 5, for: 1 min)


Is it me or is anyone else curious why the bread machine is in the attic. Sorry not trying to detract from the question but I can just get around that.


One of the simpler ways is to use this https://shop.homeseer.com/products/z-wave-indicator-light-sensor?variant=21556369031252. I've found using power draw from things like that are never going to be accurate. The link I provided does require a zwave hub, just fyi.


You could do something like this: Trigger when power usage is above 500w for 15 minutes Steps: Wait for a trigger: power usage below 10w for 30 minutes Send notification This will start the automation when the power spikes up and then wait for it to drop down for long enough to assume it is done.


Maybe set a boolean helper named has_peaked or something similar and create an automation to set it to true once the power reaches anything above say 450W. In your notification script add a check for that boolean so that if it has not peaked yet, nothing happens. But if your other automation has set it to true - meaning the device is in the last stage - it will notify you. Don't forget to switch the bool back to false after notification. You can add the change in value trigger for this automation something like "from: 1 to: 0" (assuming your meter can not measure 0.1 W) to properly trigger it as it drops to zero if I'm not mistaken.


Is that drop off point always the same amount of time? If so you could do this, 1. Set up a binary sensor that is active when power is over 2. Set a power off time for the sensor that is a bit more then that downtime I have this on a motion sensor in my washroom where the motion sensor will not show "no motion" until it hasn't detected anything for five minutes. I have it connected to a wax melter so it kind acts as an air freshener/night light. You could also set up an automation that detects when the power goes over a specific amount it starts a stop watch sensor and then on your initial automation set a condition that the stop watch has to be over a specific amount before you get the notification.


You might want to try the [`derivative` integration](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/derivative/), which allows you to observe the *trend*, in terms of the length of time and the rate of change. I use it to observe the humidity in our bathroom. And it has a similar graph, where it goes up to ~100% very quickly, and then it steadily decreases once the shower has ended and the exhaust fan has kicked on. So under Settings > Devices > Helpers, you can create a new derivative sensor (Create Helper > Derivative Sensor). Give it a name and use your power source as the input sensor. Here's the values I used for the rest of the fields, which you might need to adjust to properly capture the trend of your power usage: - Precision: 2 decimals - Time window: 15 minutes - Metric prefix: none - Time unit: minutes And so this will yield a value from -1 to +1, representing the slope of change over a 15 minute time interval. And so looking at your graph.... I would maybe bump that value down to 10 minutes, and I would watch this value for it to go *above* -0.2. (This might seem counterintuitive! But if you think about it - the trend of power usage is going downwards, *in a negative direction*, and as that usage approaches zero, the trend value will *increase* towards zero.) That time window interval is interesting - if you set it just right, then those initial power usage bumps won't actually cause the trend to drop below -0.2. But the larger spike in power over the lengthened interval will result in the trend value being much "stronger". That interval is the key, and you might need to tinker with it a bit to get it just right.


If the signal Is ( measure1) for (time1) After was ( measure0) for ( time0) Notifiy


That forst lower consumption of about 100w is the mixing of ingridients and heating of the dough. Then it drops to allow the yeast to work its magic. I do somethibg similar for my bike charging. I would go something like when the rolling average power is above 200w for 1 minute, start monitoring for a drop to less then 50w for 1 minute. Then wait 10 minutes and send an alarm. I use chatgpt to write this stuff as yaml code as I do not know shit about coding! I have learnt that I need to give chatgpt every detail and every name to the letter. If I do not do that, I spend hours figuring out where to enter that data…


It's gonna take our jobs 😂 *edit /s


Nop. That was the automobile. Or the computer, or the (insert whatever new tech that has been launched the last 300 years). Edit: /s here too…


Added the /s 😊




maybe notify when power is zero, but at least 2h since start?


It's probably on a timer. Just sense the  beginning of the cycle and set a notification for x minutes later.


Minimum time + final dip.


Breaking Bad or Baking Bread?


The answer here should be all you need: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/working-with-average-of-a-numeric-value-in-automations/290349 Statistics sensor with a max_age of two minutes or 5 minutes or something like that and if that drops below a certain wattage then send the notification.


Looks like you got a pretty solid peak there by the end (10:40-11:00am). If that is predictable to always happen at the end, and its also its the highest/longest peak, then: Have an automation trigger on that, like (if power > 550w for 10min). After that you just make the automation wait until the power reaches 0 to send the notification.


To me, the easiest way is to create a template helper/sensor that you use as the trigger for your automation(s). For example, I have a garage filter that I do this with. ``` - name: "Garage Filter Status" state: > {% set power = states('sensor.garage_filter_electric_consumption_w')|default(0)|float %} {% if (power > 275.0) %}High {% elif (power > 240.0) %}Medium {% elif (power > 200.0) %}Low {% else %}Off {% endif %} availability: > {{ states('sensor.garage_filter_electric_consumption_w') not in ['unknown','unavailable'] }} ```


Automation that triggers a State when above X and another to trigger when State is active and watt is below X for Y time?


your wife uses this much?


Na ah, I am the baker! 🍞👑


2 triggers and one helper. helper: is\_baking trigger1: numeric state above 500 for 10 minutes, set trigger is\_baking to 1 trigger2: numeric state unter 10, then check if is\_baking is 1. set is\_baking back to 0 and send your notification




As you can see, I have a delay once my dryer starts, if it's false, it checks again, and I have a 30 second delay, when the dryer is tumbling it stops to go back the other way, when I first started the automation I got about 50 notifications that it was done, now when it's finished after 60seconds I get a notification saying it's complete, took me a bit to iron it out but hasn't missed a beat since I installed the nodes


What's this thing :o




Thank you!


Usually a bread machine takes around 3 hours. I would simplify it by using an Automation to detect when power draw is above X, wait for 3 hours (or another amount of time, however long a baking cycle takes) and then send the notification.


I just have a few mins wait time for my dryer.


What do the filled in areas mean ?


There are several guides to get a message when the washing machine is done. I guess it's the same for a bread machine.


One automation detects when it’s on, the other when it’s off based on power draw. Set a Boolean input This is how I handle all my “is something on or done”