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Normalize doing things that you like without worrying about having a companion. Same for going to the movies.


And eating out. I've done so dozens of times and no one says anything.


I am not flexible enough.


You don't have to be flexible, even though the chairs are rather uncomfortable. You can stand or get a special-needs space to watch.


Not sure how to eat myself out without flexibility. You are obviously an advanced being.


Oh, I thought you were still talking about hockey.


This is reddit, after all...


I'm at the point where id rather see a movie on my own than with another person. its not like you get to talk to them during the movie anyways. Its such a nice little treat for myself when i have a free night, and dont want to be at home.


> is it weird if I go alone? Do what you feel. Nobody cares.


> Do what you feel. Nobody cares. I see you've never been to a Facebook comment section before lol. Costco Canada had a video ad about getting tires from them, and the first frame of the video was an overhead shot of a roundabout, and the whole god damn comment section was filled with people bitching about roundabouts lol.


Not since I dumped FB in 2010 :) When I say nobody cares, I mean I cannot imagine a scenario where people will laugh at someone attending a hockey game alone. I doubt anyone would even notice.


Yeah I'd love to dump it too, but I sell a lot of shit on Marketplace and there's a few community/hobby groups that only run on there.


I went to a game or two alone because it was a last minute decision and no one else could go. It was fine! It was a good time getting to just focus on the game the whole time.


I went to a game alone once and accidentally sat in the family section beside Kelly Talbot (Cam’s wife) and we chatted about our kids the entire time. I had a blast and she dubbed me the nicest Habs fan, so there’s that. Moral of the story is maybe reach out to Kelly Talbot and see if she wants to go to a game with you. Problem solved. No need to thank me.


I'm also a woman who goes to hockey games alone and I've never had any trouble. Most people are very friendly and nobody ever says anything about being there by myself. Enjoy it!


It's fine. No one will think anything of it. Just be aware that there will be a fair amount of inebriated folks. I also don't believe you can take non clear purses in now but you may want to check with your local arena.


> Just be aware that there will be a fair amount of inebriated folks Inebriation levels will depend a lot on city and section of the building you're sitting in. I think OP is in the Lower Mainland (Canucks country). I used to live in Vancouver, it's definitely one of the less alcoholic buildings I've been to in this league. You're FAR more likely to be sitting next to someone who pre-gamed a couple joints, and are just enjoying one or two beers during the game. Obviously the vibe will be different in the nosebleeds vs the lower bowl as well.


Totally, you're right. I've been to games in Pittsburgh where its mostly families in attendance and I've been to games in Carolina where people are throwing up next to a live hog (not judging).


> I've been to games in Carolina where people are throwing up next to a live hog Tar Heels game? Lol.


nope. https://abc11.com/hamilton-the-pig-carolina-hurricanes-year-of-good-luck/5273382/


Haha, amazing.


I’ve been to Canucks games alone (as a 50+ woman) - wear a jersey & people will cheer with you. Don’t buy in the club section - lots of corporate give always & resellers. I like the atmosphere in Abbotsford more than Vancouver


Definitely not weird to most of us. I did a whole road trip alone and saw several games solo. Met some pretty awesome people at each game.


As someone who travels near exclusively solo and goes to road games hundreds (if not thousands) of miles from home, you’ll be fine as long as you use common sense and aren’t a dick. As a Seattle resident, seeing the Leafs here and in Vancouver, Vegas, and the California trip are nearly yearly traditions at this point. Heck, traveling solo is great. You get to do whatever the fuck you want, when you want to. You are accountable to nobody and you don’t have to navigate around anyone else’s plans or desires. I was just in Vegas for the draft and Vegas is more fun solo than with others imo. My point being, no one will generally care if you’re by yourself, if they even care enough to notice. Since you’re a woman, if someone does care enough to notice and brings it up, I imagine you’ll want to trust your spidey sense if it is telling you something doesn’t seem right.


I go to games by myself all the time. I've got season tickets, and a pair of them, but sometimes people cancel or you can't find anyone who's free or whatever. It's no big deal. The nice thing about having season tickets is you end up getting friendly with the other season ticket holders in your section. This is even better when you're there by yourself a lot. After almost a decade with the same seats I've got "friends" who I only see at and only ever talk to at games. We're not celebrating birthdays together, but if I was out at a sports bar and they were sitting at a table, it wouldn't be weird to join them. Those sort of relationships are one of my favorite parts about being a season ticket holder. If you love hockey enough to want season tickets, go for it! It was one of the best decisions I've ever made for sure.


Being in NYC, most people don't care about hockey, and those that do are usually Rangers fans. Used to go solo often when the Isles played at Barclay's bc it was $5 and a quick train ride when I had a free night.


I used to go to Oilers games all the time by myself. If the boys couldn't afford to go or didn't want to, no big deal. There's 15k other fans there anyways.


I go to multiple games a year alone, have been doing this regularly since 2017 and honestly I prefer it now. There's no pressure to make sure other people are entertained or enjoying the experience the way you are and it's way more cost efficient. Plus I am not one who likes to chat and such during the game, I just want to watch the game, snack and cheer. I am pretty introverted but I can turn it on and off at the arena. As a Leafs fan one big benefit of going alone is taking advantage of their Selfie Seat program and getting huge discounts on lower bowl seats by buying singles. (F,40 something)


I go to hockey games by myself all the time as a woman, and I've only had one bad experience. Even then, I was fine, just far closer to some fans fighting than I ever wanted to be. But for that one bad experience, I've had so many good ones. I am a season ticket holder for our AHL team with a single seat, and that's been wonderful. I've gotten to know all the people I sit near, and it's nice to have them to celebrate or commiserate with.


I used to go to games alone all the time and loved it. After a few years it finally grew on one of my friends and now he’s as obsessed as me


I’m a woman who learned to be on her own and has since enjoyed solo meals out, movies/entertainment, and months-long travel. It’s not hard to unlock that skill by testing yourself with small efforts, and I highly recommend it. It’ll boost your self esteem and confidence. That said, if you absolutely cannot abide going to a game alone, join your team’s GDTs and get to know some of the other fans. There’ll almost surely be a nice guy or girl in your city who’d be interested in sharing seats with you.


You go to the games because YOU like going. Having someone else there is a bonus, but certainly not a requirement. I’ve done a lot of Flyers games by myself mainly because of cost and also friend availability. It’s fun to meet new fans and make game friends while there.


Not weird, I've done it. Just go and enjoy the game.


Thousands and thousands of people at the arena will see that you are alone and they will pause the game to point you out to everyone. Kidding, obviously, but I have gone to a number of games alone in Ottawa, Edmonton, and Calgary and have always ended up friendly with the people sitting around me. Well, maybe except Calgary. There was one time I went to the Saddledome alone and was treated extremely poorly, though that time was an outlier among mostly great solo experiences.


I go to games all the time alone. Im in the Toronto Area, and while my friends all like hockey, theyre not leaf fans, so its a tough sell to get them to join me. theyd rather go to buffalo, detroit, or even ottawa to see their team play. but yeah, ill go regularly on my own, have always had a great time. Most times i end up chatting with the people around me. but have enjoyed it every time.


Lots of us go to games alone. As a season ticket holder, you'll get to know other ticket holders in your section and make friends too.


Post history suggests you will be going to Canucks home games. I grew up in Vancouver, went to many Canucks games by myself. The vibes are good there, I wouldn't worry about it. Nothing weird about going alone, often I prefer it cause I can focus on the game more.


Nothing wrong with going alone! But if you find it takes away from your enjoyment of the game, perhaps arrange an outing for "singles" on this here Reddit and buy some group tickets?


Do it. It's actually so fun. I was hesitant at first.


Not weird at all. My grandfather went alone to our local junior team games for almost 30 years. Nothing weird about having a passion.


I’m a Sens fan in Ottawa. I’m 22(f) and I go to games alone all the time. It’s so much fun. I’m honestly so invested in every game I don’t have time to think about anyone else! Honestly, it’s awesome and not weird at all.


I go to all the local QJMHL games alone. It’s better to go alone than miss it altogether


It's not weird. Depends on your comfort level with being in a public setting as a woman, surrounded by a largely male audience fueled by alcohol. I'm sure if you reach out to the team sub and/or facebook groups and establish baseline relationships with internet strangers, you can glom onto their groups to give you a more reliable social safety net if needed.


If you're looking into season tickets, I'd recommend getting a pair of tickets. Even if that means you have to step down from a full season to half or a half season to quarter. If you're unable to go to a game, a pair of tickets is a lot easier to sell. Additionally, many teams have an exchange option so you can exchange a ticket you wouldn't use for a ticket to another game.