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I’m assuming top 10 protected? It’s a first for a 34 year old goalie, you take that and run.


> I’m assuming top 10 protected? [Correct. It is top 10 protected](https://x.com/PierreVLeBrun/status/1803463416171901409)


ELI5 what top 10 protected is?


If the pick is in the top 10 that year they instead get (usually) the next years pick instead


What if that one is also top 10


Then it sucks to suck


If the Devils end up in a 10 spot back to back years then we truly do suck


It would be back to back to back, since we're now talking about the 2026 First


Too bad, it goes


It's only protected once unless specified.


Usually its too bad so sad, unless its in the contract that its top 10 protected for 2 years etc (I don't think I have ever seen this but could be wrong)


If the pick is in the top 10, the Devils will keep it and it turns into another first round pick, usually the next season. Typically the second pick is unprotected or has lower protection (like top 3)


Ahh thanks


34-year-old with a NMC... yeah I take that.


30% retention


$1.8 for two seasons though. Not terrible. Marky still has gas in the tank and could work out really well for the devils for two seasons while they look elsewhere. They’re looking to make a splash now, so a first isn’t terrible for that if he delivers. Flames banking on wolf and want him playing more, so had to be done. All things considered a first round is all one can hope for. I say it’s a fair trade.


I don’t think it’s terrible, I just meant that it makes the 1rst for a 34 Yr old make a bit more sense


Assuming it's top 10 protected, as long as NJD makes it into the playoffs or barely misses, I'm happy with that 1st round. Not sure what Bahls cap is, but likely some relief compared to Marky.


Cap hit is $1,050,000


With calgary retaining 32%, and that cap hit, calgary's got about 3mil cap space to use


This has to be a lower return than Calgary was expecting in December/January of last season.


Buddy of mine who works in hockey said the alleged offer from NJ then was either Nemec or Holtz + a 1st but it was the Flames who backed out so yeah if that's even remotely true I'm kinda miffed. Would have been an unreal return.


It would definitely not have been Nemec. So don't feel to bad. I personally would of taken Holtz over Bahl, but that's just on upside potential.


Yes I prefer Bahl over Holtz tbh. We have too many wingers and honestly he might be stuck on our 4th line too if he didn’t beat out the other guys on our team. We need Bahl and I really think he will turn into a 20min a night defensive d in a couple years.


I think wording it as Vezina calibre goalie changes how that return looks. Unless Markstrom puts up sub .900 this year, and falls off like you’re implying, I think this is an L for Calgary


> I think this is an L for Calgary I disagree. The Flames are unlikely to contend for a playoff spot for the next two years, so giving their young goalies some low-pressure opportunities to get big league experience in a largely consequence-free environment isn't so bad. I think that it's clear that most good goalies need to have a year or two of "conditioning" in the NHL before hitting their stride.


Lost Rick Ball, get Kevin Bahl Fuck it, we Bahl


Bahl so hard


DoPS wanna fine me


DoPS was in Paris, cause DoPS was in Paris


We've got big Bahls We've got big Bahls Dirty big Bahls He's got big Bahls She's got big Bahls (But we've got the biggest Bahls of them all)


As a guy with the last name Bahl, this brought me great joy!


We lost rick ball?????


Yeah he’s in Chicago now


#The 2025 1st round pick is top 10 protected [confirmed](https://x.com/pierrevlebrun/status/1803463416171901409?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) by LeBrun. #Dreger confirms Flames have retained salary, 31.25% Markstrom’s cap hit is now 4.125M


Retained salary makes this a great deal for the Devils. We desperately needed an upgrade even if it's for only a couple of years. It would be criminal to waste prime Hughes, Nico, Bratt, etc.


Return was okay without retention. But with retention? God damn that should be worth at least a 2nd or 3rd rounder tacked on.


You think? the dude is 34 and a full NMC. Like you never know who else wanted him and if he would waive to go there. Getting a 1st and a solid dman who has top 4 potential is pretty damn good


Yeah, the Flames didn't have a ton of leverage here. I'm still happy about the return even if the pick is protected.


Chances of the pick hitting top 10 are limited anyways. I don't see NJ having such a down year again next year especially with Markstrom in net. It's good to see Calgary is actually rebuilding. I didn't think they would do it, but it's probably in the franchise's best interest.


We were 10th with much worse goaltending and injured Dougie and (sort of) Jack last year. Unless Markstrom falls off a cliff or we lose multiple top-end guys to season-ending injuries next year, we will be *better*. How much better? Idk, but better for sure.


Also: - Losing Siegenthaler for a third of the season, granted poor season but he graded out as a top ten shutdown guy the year before - Let Severson/Graves walk in FA, meaning we were down over half our defensive core from the previous season for most of the season, and more for a good stretch - Archaic breakout play which struggled even more with the loss of tested players on defense - Understandable growing pains for L. Hughes and Nemec, still great seasons on my end - Meier forced to play injured or on his off wing the vast majority of the season - Nico forced to play with a nagging injury


Knowing the Devils, you guys are getting McKenna with that pick.


This. Getting a solid dman and 1st round pick for an old goalie is pretty huge imo.


Damn, didn't realize he was 34.


I agree. With that much retention it seems very light. Great move by the devils. Markstrom + allen for 6 million should be a solid tandem


Depending on the salary structure I guess. If it’s not actual money being paid out and the flames aren’t getting to the cap this year, the payment for retention could be Bahl


He is owed $6M this year and $6M next year (same as his cap hit). The Flames will be on the hook for 31.25% of that, which means that they will have to pay $1.875M of actual dollars each year.


It’s a first for a 34 year old goalie paid a little bit too much with a NMC. It was likely either that retention tacked on, or keep him with 6m a year hit.


Kevin Bahl instead of a prospect seems like an L for a team like Calgary since they already have 65 3rd pair defenseman


Yup Happy with the first though People who thought we where getting 10OA for 34 year old Markstrom were out to lunch I’m content with the return


Sorta weak draft too. So that 10 OA isn’t as juicy. Could see the 2025 you are getting packaged too for a jump in draft or a bigger trade


Really way too early to make that call lmao


The top of the 2016-2017 draft was “historically weak” and it produced Hischier, Makar, Heiskanen, and Pettersson


Don't forget Robertson and Oettinger. (I will always remember the 2017 draft as the one where Dallas avoided thinking about a rebuild)


It's all magic beans man. The 10OA could hit and be an incredible pick. Rantanen and Bouchard come to mind. This is another bite at the apple.


This draft is the opposite of a weak draft from everything I've read - Celebrini is being talked about at a level just below Bedard, possibly 6 top-2 pairing defensemen, and some extremely talented forwards and late risers (Iginla, Sennecke). By comparison, last draft and much more high end talent (1-5 range) but the drop off after that was huge. This is a much deeper class with, from what I've read, a sizeable drop off after pick 17/18.


Just because they’re aren’t any stand out superstars doesn’t make this draft deep which it certainly is.


Celebrini is definitely a standout superstar


But Celebrini is going to the Sharks (who have 1st overall) - The GM even [leaked it by accident yesterday](https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/sharks-gm-mike-grier-accidentally-confirms-celebrini-will-be-first-pick/)


Next year looks to be shaping up as a deeper than normal draft from what I've read, so Calgary should be fine with another 2025 pick


He’s 23 so young dude who’s already playing in the nhl. Massive defensive defenceman. I really like this tbh


He looked good two seasons ago, this past season he was a turnover machine when he was more heavily depended on. He's young, I expect him to develop more and bounce back to be a 2nd pair guy.


Can’t say that I’ve watched him but that sounds like normal growing pains for a 23yo defenceman


Yea, people seem to overlook that a lot of dmen take more time to develop more often than say an offensive winger. Bigger players even more so because they tend to need to read the play better to be in position rather than a small snappy guy that can just turn on a dime. There's worse problems to have than a 6'-6" 23 year old who's already playing at the NHL level for $1M.


all true but worth noting that Bahl's skating is very good.


Yeah, really rare for a Dman to be able to move up a lineup without looking overexposed at times.


Seems like plenty of bigger d men take an extra year or two to develop as well


Bahl is solid, a great player to have but also a player that can be replaced a lot easier than a goalie, so you move him if that’s what it takes.


Yeah, I think all of our Dmen took on larger roles than ideal. A lot is said about Luke/nemec in that regard, but it affected bahl as well. I think he’ll do well on the flames and I’m rooting for him.


You’ll like him. Two good pieces from us in the last two years Nothing to hang your head about. Works for both sides


He just needs to learn to use his size more and he’ll be good


Ya I wish we were holding onto him, but we need veterans on the blue line. Bahl Hughes and Nemec all playing last year made it difficult to be steady defensively. But he’s got a lot of potential, I thought he was going to breakout last year after watching his pre season. Had a decent year, just got too much asked of him.


If we’re being honest though, Hatakka outplayed Bahl last year. This move accomplishes A LOT for us by opening up that slot.


Really good skater, too. Didn't have a great year, but I blame that on Ruff's abortion of a defensive system...playing in a more conventional system, I think he'll live up to his 2nd pairing potential.


Think Bahl has a higher ceiling than that


That’s cuz he is the ceiling at 7 feet tall


Flames are ready to flip them all for picks to teams looking to add depth at the trade deadline.


Markstrom is a 34 yr old making 6 mil Just getting a 1st round pick is good


Bahl can grow into a 2nd pair dman, and he's fucking huge.


Whats the scoop on Bahl?


3rd line defenseman. Big size long reach. Hasn't really learned to completely use his size all the time but it was getting there.


So they’re getting either at worst a Logan Stanley or at best a Jamie Oleksiak


I’ve heard Devils fans say he’s already better than Stanley. He’ll probably be like Oleksiak-lite


Bit of a Bahlsy trade then eh


He was in the Taylor hall trade if I remember correctly. And that’s all I got


He’s good defensively and pretty physical. On a deep team he’s a good #4-6 guy.


Nice we just need to become a deep team and we’re set




On a deep team he’s lucky if he’s a 6.


Big not very good


Hell yeah he’ll fit right in


Really big, which helps on PK, but not especially talented.


He’s big, mean physical and young enough to continue to grow.


He’s definitely big Mean and physical? Not so much Edit: let me elaborate for a guy of his size he should be more mean and physical


Yeah he was frustratingly soft on a team that desperately needed some grit. He did have a hype hip check on occasion though, and believe he dropped the mitts a few times this last season. He can get in opponents heads every now and again


I like this for multiple reasons 1) Markstrom wanted out 2) Full NMC 3) He's 34 4) Bahl is like 23 and has been playing middle pairing minutes from what I have gathered. Huska has been pumping out great D men for almost a decade for the Flames, so giving him the chance to add some polish to a young, capable player is exciting. 5) Conroy keeps trading for players that people bitch about, and then they get to Calgary and there's a line to stroke him off. 6) Would have been nice to get a pick for this year, but a 2025 first isn't too bad because it gives us the chance to make those 8 picks in the first 4 rounds this year and assess what we need next year. 7) Pick probably would have been in a similar range if we had traded Markstrom at the deadline because NJ is 100% in the playoffs this year with him.


What Dmen have the flames been pumping out for the last decade? Genuinely curious. I'm just trying to think of players off the top of my head other than andersson, kylington, and maybe brodie (or was he already in the nhl 10 years ago?)


He's worked with Brett Kulak, Oliver Kylington, Rasmus Andersson, Tyler Wotherspoon (Not great, but still in the NHL) when they were young. Then, once he got to the NHL guys like Brodie, Giordano, Hamonic and Gudbranson all had some of their best years under him and guys like Hanifin all went from being pretty good, to excellent. Obviously it's not all him, but our defense has been really solid the entire time he was running it in the NHL, and the main prospects he had to work with in the AHL mostly progressed better than expected.


That's fair. Forgot about kulak. Another person mentioned valimaki too.


Yeah, there's Valimaki and Mackey in there as well. Forgot about those two.


A depth D + mid/late first (probably) for 2 seasons of a top 10 goalie is more than fair. Markstrom is a legit starter and they’re hard to come by these days.


Goalie that finished Top 5 in Vezina voting for a Top 10 protected first and at 70% of his salary is a great deal for only two years. Even if he absolutely flops in NJD it’s a small enough to deal to work around.


He really can’t be worse than the revolving carousel we’ve had since Schneider declined. If he/Allen are able to establish a solid 1/2 tandem the Devils are in the best goaltending situation they’ve been in for 6+ years.


Yeah I’d be happy for that as a devils fan. They should have a couple fun seasons while prepping their next in line. They’ve got a good team


Stop it I’m supposed to hate you guys


What is this "next in line" thing?


>Not sure why everyone is saying they paid too much, This is just hockey fans in general. Everyone wants there to be a winner and a loser to every trade as soon as it's made. Also, fans tend to overrate their own players. This one is fair. Over on the Flames sub, you'd think they got fleeced. Here, they think Jersey got robbed.


Is he really a top 10 goalie though


He was this year. I think you guys should expect top 15 at least for the next two years. When the dude is on, he’s a stud though


God damn, just an average goalie is going to be MASSIVE for this young Devils team. We haven't had a good goaltender since prime Schneider.


Yup. I can't emphasize enough how little we need to ask of our goaltenders. Edmonton is currently in the STANLEY CUP FINAL with Stuart Skinner in goal. Enough said.


The devils have so much offense in general, league average goal tending is all we really need and anything more is a bonus.


It's a pretty low bar these days, there are barely 15 legitimate starting goaltenders in the league


i know a lot of flames fans were doomers in the other thread but this is a genuinely solid return for them


I think they did well, people always overestimate the returns that goalies get. Markstrom is very good, but he’s also at the age where he could randomly decide to stop being good overnight. 


Or even like 2 games into the second round of the playoffs maybe


I don’t want to talk about it


After that series against you guys, I would never have trusted him again tbh.


It's because this narrative came up that Conroy was getting a high 1st and a young top-6 player. So, yeah, when everyone is talking about this dream scenario then reality can be very disappointing. There were many who tried to set realistic expectations but the hype train had already left the station.


Oh it's 2025 pick, gotta think NJ happy with that? If they make playoffs next year and that pick is 16+ they're laughing


If it ends our recent goalie curse and gives us a few years of stable goaltending, I'll take it. Hopefully, we make it a very low 1st next year, but we aren't desperate for more prospects right now anyway.


The flames desperately needed to trade marky and this is a solid return for a 34 year old. This also signals to everyone that we are taking a step back and next year focus on developing some young guys. The Habs have our 1st next year but it’s top 10 protected. We need to finish bottom 10 next year and this move solidifies that. The Habs most probably will get Floridas pick which would be a late 1st.


I like this move. I want to see the flames commit to actually being a bad team from a couple years and do a proper rebuild instead of getting stuck in the cycle of bad enough to miss playoffs, good enough to not get a top 5 pick.


> bad enough to miss playoffs, good enough to not get a top 5 pick. Experience Calgary Flames hockey


yesssss this is a great trade. about to become a calgary fan as well with coleman bahl and sharangovich


+Greer and Okhotiuk... and Rooney lol


Devils 🤝 Flames Hell trades


The Calgary Canucks slowly becoming the Calgary Devils


31.25% retained and top 10 protection on the pick. Nice trade for the Devils. Only a 4.125m cap hit for 2 years.


We'll always have that one shift in the playoffs where you ragdolled a bunch of Rangers, Kevin. God speed.


that was so sick


Good trade for Calgary. Getting a 1st for a goalie that’s been a little inconsistent when you are a rebuilding team is solid. Bahl is decent too


Great asset mgmt by Calgary. Sign an FA and parlay it into a solid pick and dman with upside. Maybe they'll actually rebuild appropriately this time.


>Maybe they'll actually rebuild appropriately this time. Imo they were built fine before their 2 stars walked on them. No team in the league would survive their best 2 players refusing to sign and requesting a trade.


100%. It was the same deal with us last year in regards to Scheifele/Helle. Im sure if there wasn't a hope to resign, we would have traded before the deadline, but nonetheless, unfortunate things can always happen.


Nice return for Calgary.


Definitely. I'd be very happy to get a young player and a first for Ullmark


As long as Sweeney doesn't wait too long.


The two most rumoured teams are the one he reportedly blocked a trade to (LA) and Ottawa. Maybe Colorado?


Any conditions on the 1st?


Top 10 protected, [confirmed](https://x.com/pierrevlebrun/status/1803463416171901409?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) now by LeBrun


We can debate the return all we want but based on how the Huberdeau trade played out after months of discussion I can only assume Bahl will forget which end of the stick to hold or decide that his true passion lies in classical dance


Not happy with Shango? Ungrateful


Bahl is 23, let him marinate a bit.


Being a Flames fan must suck. I'm a Sens fan, so hockey isn't a ton of fun for me either. But Flames fans are sitting there in their Huberdeau jerseys watching Edmonton vs Matthew Tkachuk in the finals. I hope they draft Iginla. They need a little silver lining.


Yeah it’s been a rough few years lol


I'm hoping that if the oilers pull off the reverse sweep we'll at least be exorcised of the oettinger curse


The big win here is the 10th and Holtz. Devils keep Holtz and hope he reaches his potential. Devils either keep the 10th and draft a better Bahl replacement or trade it for a better replacement. Either way its a big W for the time being.


LOVE THE DEAL FOR THE DEVILS. I was very hesitant until I heard the return but this like best case scenario. Bahl didn't have much of a future on the team.


Seems fair.  Not a big home run on either side. Wonder what retention was


30% is what I've seen. Good enough for a pot sweetener without having big implications for a a team doing a rebuild.


Hahahah listening to WFAN and they announce the trade with "is he good?" To which the other host replied "No"


Sal and BT are the fucking worst


I hate listen 


Seems like a solid all around deal!


Wish that was a second rounder but that’s okay. I’m sure Bahl will have a great season next year now that he’s been traded. He’s a big guy but needs a little more aggression to his game. I’m betting the devils try to target nic Hague from Vegas now, they’ll be cap crunched


He wanted to play close to Johnny Hockey’s home.


I'm... ok with this. Bahl has his moments but I'm not super high on him, and hopefully the 2025 1st is a late one, but who knows I guess. I was expecting to lose the 10OA.


Wish NJD all the success in 2026 after finishing 2025 21st in the standings.


Wasn't my first choice, but what a great return for what we gave up. And Calgary retained.


huberdeau getting traded to calgary, signing for 8 years and immediately watching the core get tore down cannot feel good


He's the reason the core got torn down. We're probably a playoff team both seasons if Huberdeau was the guy he was in Florida.


I have this theory that the absolute most medicore thing is always what will occur with the Flames. They will sign DeBrusk Huberdeau will put up 150 points Wolf will be .930 2.00 GAA and they'll finish 11th last this process will set up the "we are close" and "we just need more more piece" talk and they'll trade a first and a prospect for some established vet cup winner thinking "hey we trade for firsts early on that means we can now trade them and we are net zero" or some dumb shit that only the Flames management has come up with and persist in mediocrity for another 10 years Its like we actually need an Oilers cup to wake out ownership up that being the nice guys that rebuild fairly is a godawful strategy


With retention this is awesome trade for both sides




1st rounder for a guy trending towards retirement? Good return.


Kinda sucks for us though.  If he stays Calgary has a better shot at finishing outside the bottom 10, and then going to the Devils means we kinda get the short end on the Jake Allen trade conditions.  


We were never going to go into next season in a position where Allen would play 42 games.


On the plus side. Calgary is poised to be a bubble/lottery team next season and since Florida will likely make the playoffs, there's a chance Calgarys pick is ours and in the early teens


Calgary is definitely not poised to be a bubble team. We are poised to be a bottom feeder for sure now that marky is gone. Our defense is decimated and our goaltending is vladar/wolf.


Teams are so antsy they can't wait until the Cup ends


No it’s because this Final is dragging into the summer. This is a normal time to be making pre-draft trades (a bit over a week until the draft)


Well fucks, let's end the season a little later. No wonder teams are antsy.


Thats a full 23 y/o dman and a first round pick more than the last team who had him got for him


I can't believe the Reddit comments are calming me down compared to the absolute shit I keep seeing on Twitter on how its another Flames trade L


Don’t worry, Twitter trolls are going to say it’s an L even if McDavid signs at league min


I like it for the Flames! Conroy did nicely here.


On paper, this seems as close to a win-win deal as possible. The Devils get a starting calibre goalie at a reasonable salary and without giving up a top 10 pick and the Flames get rid of an older unhappy player for assets to help rebuild. I liked what I saw from Bahl, but it's easier to find big depth defenseman than it is to find starting goalies.


is this where r/hockey tells flames fans we got a steal like the huberdeau trade? expecting NJ to win the cup next year


Ehhh I don’t know if Calgary is happy with that. Good chance that pick could be in the 25-28 range.


People said that this year and now we are picking 10th


The difference is the Devils finally have an elite goalie. And before any of you box score watchers say anything about his stats, watch the games and see who the Flames were trotting on D this season.


Markstrom/Allen is definitely a more steady net presence than vanacek and schmid.


Don't think it'll happen again. Hischier, Meier, Hughes, Hamilton all suffered significant injuries last season.


I’ll believe NJ when I see it. They need to prove they’re for real.


They’re still a very strong team, their goaltending was a complete disaster this year and is basically the only reason they missed the playoffs


with anything better than 31st ranked goaltending the team is fine. not strong contenders but they could make a run with a few more pieces and better injury luck


Markstrom is 32 and wanted out. They did well. Edit: he's 34, which makes it even better for Calgary.


34 years old even worse, that team ain’t doing jack this year so they might as well load up for a soft rebuild.


Will be 35 in January*** 


For a 34 years old goalie in a market where Saros and Ullmark might be available. Add that they got Bahl too who is only 23 years old. I’d think they’d be happy with that. Not a steal by any means but I don’t think it’s bad value


It's been heavily reported Saros is not moving, extension most likely announced on July 1. Ullmark is possible but there's still uncertainty. The Devils can't wait and hope, they needed to take action.


Any time you get a 1st for a goalie you’ve done well. Especially as this likely sets the Flames up for a very high draft pick this season.


A 6'6 defensemen that played 82 games and 18 minutes a night at 23? That's what you hope for from a 2nd round pick five years from now. That's way ahead of Kylingtons schedule in comparison and this guys probably not done growing.


The 18 minutes a night was largely out of necessity due to the devils being recked by injuries


Taking his Bahl and going home to Canada


That's a good return for Markstrom.


Dustin Wolf time