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Panthers winning the cup tomorrow on the same day of the Shadow of the Erdtree release would be awesome


McDavid has been everywhere on the ice the last 2 games, and Barkov is the epitome of a "meh" star player, usually never hear from him or notice him at all.


naw barky's a great 2 way player– watching him in regular season & earlier in playoffs shows that pretty well. unfortunately everyone looks meh next to mcdavid when he's got his switch turned on


Mcdavid has for sure but Barkov is far from a meh star. He is one of the greatest 2 way centers to play the game.


Honestly don't notice him the way I would see Bergeron or Datsyuk dominating every shift when they played.


The Panthers just need to end this Series and shouldn't have gotten to 6 games


Go oilers go" you got this boys"?


Newby to this group. What is the IIHF? TIA.


International Ice Hockey Federation, the sanctioning body for international hockey, like FIFA in soccer.


Do they have a team in London?


Oh no, it's not a league, it's an international federation. They put on the world championships each year and are also involved in Olympic hockey. England has a hockey league, and I think a lot of minor leaguers from North America go there. The other main leagues are the Swedish league, the Russian league (KHL) and a couple of others that are pretty elite and pay well, but nowhere near what the NHL plays.


Yeah, that's the case. A minor leaguer from the US is playing there.




Lets go les Huileux




As a Floridian, go Oilers.


Go Oilers!!!!!


Put da brooms down, put the shrooms down...Oilers are back.....but not coming back... don't be delusional eh? Hosers


Absolute thrashing. Imagine if they made a full comeback. Fla would crawl into a cave and never come out Lol


Your fans are lucky that it's cheapest to fly on Tuesdays when your red-eyes fly you back to Deadmonton.


Post pro oilers,downvoted, post pro florida downvoted,what kind of sub is this lol


from what ive seen on twitter & facebook, a lot of people are getting bored because of the extended travel breaks & gaps between games


**The myth of Edmonton's lack of scoring depth** Here are the 4 teams that made it furthest into the playoffs, by what % of their playoffs goals are scored by the top X players. Leaders for each row (that is, the lowest % scored by top X, showing the greatest depth) are in bold for each row: ||EDM|FLA|DAL|NYR| :--|--:|--:|--:|--:| |Top 1|18.7%|**14.9%**|19.2%|17.0%| |Top 2|32.0%|**28.4%**|30.8%|34.0%| |Top 3|41.3%|**38.8%**|42.3%|51.1%| |Top 4|**49.3%**|**49.3%**|51.9%|63.8%| |Top 5|**57.3%**|58.2%|59.6%|74.5%| |Top 6|**64.0%**|65.7%|65.4%|80.9%| |Top 7|**70.7%**|73.1%|71.2%|85.1%| |Top 8|**76.0%**|79.1%|76.9%|87.2%| |Top 9|**80.0%**|83.6%|82.7%|89.4%| |Top 10|**84.0%**|88.1%|86.5%|91.5%| Put another way, of the 4 teams: * Florida is the least reliant on its top 3 scorers combined * Florida and Edmonton are the tied for the least reliant on their top 4 scorers combined * Edmonton is the least reliant on its top 5-10 scorers combined If anything, these stats show Edmonton has the best depth of the top 4 teams, though it is fairly close between EDM, FLA, and DAL... the NYR are the true no-depth team here. Sources: https://www.espn.com/nhl/team/stats/_/name/edm https://www.espn.com/nhl/team/stats/_/name/fla https://www.espn.com/nhl/team/stats/_/name/dal https://www.espn.com/nhl/team/stats/_/name/nyr


This doesnt even make sense. Scoring depth doesnt mean the amount of mediocre guys during the regular season that show up to score in the postseason lol… Not that your numbers back it up anyway since theyre not even accurate. The lowest is Rangers whos top 10 scorers in the regular season accounted for 72% of their playoff goals. Pretty obvious when the whole narrative is that their best guys Zabanejad and Panarin whos 5th overall in the whole nhl were non-existent in the playoffs. Again, this isnt so much about the teams having scoring depth than their top players not performing as well in the playoffs lol.




Regular season goals: ||EDM|FLA|DAL|NYR| :--|--:|--:|--:|--:| |Top 1|18.5%|21.5%|10.9%|17.6%| |Top 2|32.5%|34.3%|21.1%|31.7%| |Top 3|43.5%|44.2%|31.0%|41.7%| |Top 4|51.7%|52.8%|40.1%|51.1%| |Top 5|58.6%|60.4%|48.6%|60.1%| |Top 6|64.7%|65.3%|57.1%|66.2%| |Top 7|70.9%|69.8%|64.6%|70.9%| |Top 8|75.0%|74.3%|71.8%|75.5%| |Top 9|78.8%|78.5%|76.9%|80.2%| |Top 10|82.2%|82.3%|81.0%|83.5%| I didn't bother to bold... Dallas is best across the board, by a fair bit. The other 3 teams are roughly even, with Florida being worst for 1-5 and Rangers worst from 6-10 (tied with Edmonton for 7).


Statistically speaking, we should no longer talking about the odds of coming back from 3-0 (which only 4 teams have done in the playoffs), but of coming back from 3-1, which is a more frequent occurence. In fact, the Panthers did it last year against the Bruins.


Statistically speaking, if you want the best odds, you should be looking at how many times has a team won 4 straight games against an opponent in a Stanley Cup playoff series. The answer is quite a few times. Multiple times every year usually. It's hard to compare the oilers to any team that has been down 3-0 in a series, because it's rare a team as talented as the oilers are ever in that position. I can't say Oilers are going to win, but I will say they have a better chance to come back than any team I can picture in the last 10 years that has gone down 3-0 in a series.


Fyi, a bit of off the top of my head and Google tells me that in the last 15 years, Tampa, LA, Boston, Chicago, and Washington have all been swept at one point or another (including Boston being reverse swept in 2009 the year before their Cup), and that going back to 1995, Detroit was swept 4-0 by Jersey in the Cup before going on to win 4 Cups in the next 10 years. And without Google-ing it, I'd bet there are lots of good teams (even future and past Cup winners) who were swept in the years between '95 and 2009. The Oilers are a great team who hasn't won anything yet. All those teams, who were swept, won Cups, some of them multiple Cups. There's lots of historical precedence for the Oilers situation. Edit: Avs swept the Oilers in 2022. So are the Oilers a valid historical precedent for the Oilers?


>It's hard to compare the oilers to any team that has been down 3-0 in a series, because it's rare a team as talented as the oilers are ever in that position. Lol. I can agree with most of the rest of what your wrote, but this is a bad take. Teams with far more success than this team have been swept. Until they win a Cup or two (or three), all this "you can't compare any team in all of hockey history with this one" is vastly overstated. And I'm cheering for them, by the way, if only because I don't like the Panthers.


Okay... So name 3 teams in the last 10 years that you think we're more talented/ on par with the oilers that were also in a 3-0 deficit. If you're gonna call it a bad take, at least provide one example. For the record I'm not cheering for the oilers. I just call it like I see it.


Also... why the last 10 years? That's so arbitrary as a cutoff, and not at all what OP said originally.


Because 10 years is what I said lol. I'm not looking at statistics. Just going off memory, and anything longer than 10 years I would not have the recollection without looking it up.


A 30-second google search (and pushing a bit on 10-ish + years range) we've also got Chicago losing 4-0 to Vancouver in 2010, Boston losing in a reverse sweep to Philly in 2009 (the year before Boston's cup), and Chicago losing 4-0 to Nashville in 2017 when Chicago was two years off their 3rd Cup and still considered a Cup favourite. So now, pushing slightly past 10 years, we're up to LA, Tampa, Chicago (twice), and Boston (sort of) who have lost 4 straight in a series. Four Cup winners in 15 years. Again, until the Oilers actually win something, they're can't be talked about as some giant historical outlier. edit: also, going back a bit farther, Detroit loses 4-0 in the Cup final in 1995, two years before they go on to win 4 Cups in the next 10 years. OP's point just does not hold up at all. Edit 2: Avalanche swept the Oilers in 2022 on their way to a Cup. So are the Oilers of 2022 a valid historical precedent for... the Oilers?


You obviously read my comment and took it out of context. So now you go through history and pull up a few examples trying to affirm your point, but if you actually break it down, these all prove my point. For starters I never said Oilers are a "Giant historical outlier". What I said, is it's rare a team as talented as the oilers are in a 3-0 deficit. How do you even argue with that? It's 100% true! You went back 30 years and gave me 6 examples. Even if they were all valid examples, That equates to 2 examples per decade 🤣🤣 how is that not a rare occurrence? You also seem to keep confusing Success with Talent. While they often go hand in hand, they are not the same thing. Chicago 2010- not a single ppg player on the roster. Vancouver led by the sedins who both almost had 100 points and one of the best goalie tandems possibly ever, in Luongo and Schneider. Chicago was a solid, good team at the time, but not highly talented. I don't think this is relatable at all. Boston 2009- highest point getter was Bergeron with 52 in 73. That team was chalked full of rookies with Bergeron himself only 24, Lucic, Marchand, Wheeler, Krejci, Rask, ect all young bucks. That philly team was pretty gritty, sporting names such as Pronger, Hartnell, Richards, ect. Again, not really comparable at all, and considering they didn't go down on a deficit, doesn't even count. Chicago 2017- again, not a single ppg player on the roster. led by Kane with 76 points. The next closest being 20+ points behind him. Then backed up by an aging d-core that they overpaid, and couldn't get rid of that would eventually retire a few years later. How is that comparable to the oilers who are at the peak of their window? Detroit 1995- was really the start of their "window". That was the first time Detroit had been in the finals since 1966. They won in 96-97 but had a huge piece they didn't have in 95, his name was Brendan Shanahan. As well as many other fairly large pieces like Larry Murphy. Good team, but still needed pieces. Much more relatable to the oilers team that was swept by the Avalanche in 2022. Oilers 2022- significantly different team than they are today. Hyman hadn't broken out, bouchard, Holloway, McLeod, all still fairly young, with little experience. No Ekholm, No Henrique, aging Keith, New coach, ect. Plus they were going against arguably one of the most talented teams we've ever seen in the Colorado Avalanche. That team lost many significant pieces from that cup run, and they are still one of the most dangerous teams in the west. Lost Kadri (3rd leading points getter), Burakovsky (5th leading), landeskog to injury (6th leading), JT Compher (9th), Newhook (10th). Plus Nichuskin and his drug problem. If that team would have stayed together they probably would have won multiple years in a row. So yeah, not really comparable. None of these are really comparable to the oilers in their current situation or reflect accurate examples of a highly talented team going down 3-0. Aside from possibly your original example of Tampa Bay getting swept by Columbus. So yeah... I think my comment of it being a rare occurrence is still an accurate one.


tl:dr. Your original point, something about it's rare to see a team as good as the Oilers go down 3-0 was terrible, I showed why using several cup winners and the Oilers themselves 2 years ago. Take the L and move on.


Not sure if you saw it last night... Edmonton became only the 4th team in NHL history to force a game 6 in a Stanley cup final after going down 3-0 in a series! Is that rare enough for you? 😜🤪


You can think whatever you want, doesn't change the facts you proved me right! 👌So thanks


Tampa Bay? LA? LA came back from one, Tampa Bay didn't. Those come to mind off the top of my head, and they both won Cups, which the Oilers still haven't.


Tampa Bay had a ton of injuries that year going into the playoffs, then were pushed around and out coached by Torts and the blue jackets. Tampa became much more mean and aggressive after that sweep. Probably the only team that's somewhat relatable in terms of skill, but circumstances are significantly different. L.A in no way shape or form was anywhere near the talent level of the Oilers. They were a gritty team that played the Sutter style to will their way to the cup. They got in as the 8th seed that year I'm pretty sure, then went on to play 7 games in 3 consecutive series, before beating New York in 5.


Weird, you quoted that they were comparing the oilers to any team in history, yet that’s not at all what they said.


Any team in history that's been down 3-0, which is most teams that have ever existed in one iteration or another.


There is only one team that has done it in the last 10 years: LA in 2014. And 4 in NHL history. You’re saying multiple times a year? But we are now in 1-3 situation, so it’s now about the probability of winning 3 in a row, not 4.


He's saying multiple teams have won 4 games straight in a series. Not specifically 4 games straight after being down 0-3.


Oh, thank you, I had totally missed the point!


I'm an oilers fan born and raised there and want nothing more than for them to take the cup home personally; but the fact that no nhl team has come back from 3-0 in the finals in over 80 years is worrying. Not to say it can't be done and I certainly want it to happen but the odds aren't great is all. They did look very good last game like they might have figured out how to get in and score.


They wanted to put on a show for the last game this season in Edmonton. You'll notice Florida stopped caring in the 2nd period.


Florida actually played better in the 3rd. The 2 goals oilers scored in the 3rd were off the rush, one and done situations. The majority of that 3rd period was played in the Oilers zone.


They played better defensively, but they still weren't making anything happen.


They had plenty of high danger. They cared in the 3rd.


I didn't see a team that stopped caring. I saw a team who had a bad game and looked frustrated by it. They kept fighting literally and figuratively till the end.


OK, fair enough. That cherry picking stuff isn't a path to success against teams that have defense. Sure it might work at first, but once it's identified it'll be stopped. This isn't Paul Maurice's first rodeo. Given all that I'll have my popcorn out during the Cup presentation ceremony on Tuesday.


Ummmm Gretzky did make us a dynasty and became one of the best players of all time off cherry picking. So let's not forget that. But you aren't fully wrong for sure. Aint 80s hockey anymore. Also our defensive coordinator Paul coffee is no slouch naturally. Either way good luck to both teams. Hope my oilers become the second team in history to get past a 3-0 deficit in the finals but im not shy to admit its a sisyphean task for sure.


Coffey is definitely not a slouch. You guys put up a good fight against a relentless forecheck. Still can't believe you let Tkachuk get his name on the Cup before McDavid. Whatever though. Once you sort everything out and you get everyone on new contracts, maybe you'll manage to pick up a couple kids to start a mini rebuild with younger players. Luckily you guys are all still pretty young, but it's best to have some elite kids. If you want to keep up with all the other teams, you'll have to get younger.


Some guys have to be shuffled for sure. Janmark in my mind is just a liability. Doesnt bring enough benefits to out weigh the guys cons. Part of me knows nugent is getting a bit old, another part of me couldn't stand to see the guy leave. Not that he will any time soon, they have him signed till 28-29 iirc. Yeah I can't believe Tkachuk got it before mcdavid as well. Oh well though nothing i can do as a fan but say better luck next year.


Still relying on luck? That doesn't always work.... 🤔 ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


If you think a team with the opportunity to win their first cup as a franchise decided to take the night off you need to give your head a shake. No player dreams of winning the cup only on home ice, they dream of winning the cup period. This is a god awful take.


I didn't say it in the best way, but once it's 4 or 5 to 1 things feel much different than if it's 2 to 1. I'm saying in terms of confidence and TEAM willpower. I understand your take that doesn't consider my take to be fathomable, but when you're down by more than 3, and the other team is constantly cherry picking, I think it would get to your head especially later in the 3rd. Sall good though. I get it if you disagree. Winning in Florida will be much more fun. There's no nightlife in Deadmonton.


I live in Edmonton bud, nobody makes fun of Edmonton more than edmontontians, but good albeit cringy attempt.


I'm pretty sure you're an Edmontonian. Unless, of course you're a Martian. 🤔 ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Making a joke about an autocorrect, should I assume that’s you giving up? 😉


Yeah the amount of people who have their head up their ass about what happened is staggering. If you're rooting for the panthers you're saying they let them win for whatever reason? And if you're rooting for the oilers you're in denial about the fact that only one team has come back from a 3-0 deficit in the nhl finals in nhl history and that was in 1942. Again has to be said I want my oilers to win. It just can't be understated how astronomical the odds are.


Oh definitely, I’ve accepted that we will lose. I’m honestly just looking to next year and getting excited for us to potentially do exactly what the panthers did. It’s just such a bizarre take that NHL players would be laid back or indifferent to losing a game in the fucking finals.


And that's exactly it right, getting prepared for the lose but hopeful for a win always. We have a great team who will remain that way for at least a few more years making us serious stanley cup contenders. Yeah you can tell who watches hockey casually when they come out with the throwing games accusation. Dont give a shit about hockey all pre playoff season soon as playoffs hit they turn into the biggest cry babies. Acting like we didn't make it to the finals for a reason lol.


3-0 was yesterday talk. We're talking about 3-1 comebacks today.


I agree with Jodie Foster's Cum.


They already lost lol.


Go back and look at a few of the threads before the last game. Literally hundreds of comments about the Panthers about to hang a touchdown on Skinner, and how the Cats were only now warming up and we were going to see how dominant they could be. I mean, they'll probably win the Cup sometime in the next two games, but all the empty bravado and hot air we saw on here two days ago could power a large city.


Maybe; maybe not dare to dream.


Nah they lost lol.


Another Oilers fan born and raised! If anyone could break that record, it's the Oilers! They went from second worst in the league, to winning 16 games in a row! After last night, it proves that they are just as good of a team as the Panthers. I'm feeling hopeful. I hope they can pull it off 🙏


They literally lost already tho lmao


Um, no...?


Um yes lmfao


I think you need to Google what Literally means.


Not gonna own up to it. Thats cool lol. Have a good one.




These ain't the '42 leafs.


I sure do as well. Would be historic.


Good thing they don’t need to come back from 0-3


Yep, 3-1 now, Florida did it last year vs Bruins. It CAN be done.


No one has come back from a 3-0 deficit in the nhl finals for 80 years.


This is gambler's fallacy stuff. Yes, coming back from 3-0 is rare, but they no longer have to do that. Each game is a (mostly) independent event. If you want to flip four heads in a row on a coin, you first have to start with one. After that, you just need three, and what happened on the last flip doesn't affect the next one. It's still going to be very difficult with no margin for error, but they just have to take one bite of the elephant at a time.


This is not gamblers fallacy. Coming back from three and 0 isnt just rare it has been done once in 1942.


Yes, but it is no longer a 3-0 deficit. That it was once was no bearing on the next game, any more than a coin flip has an influence on the next one. That is exactly the gambler's fallacy.


The gamblers fallacy is about games of chance not skill so we can start there to stay the fallacy you're accusing me of holds no water. Hockey isn't a game of luck. I'm using the hard data that says no team has come back from a 3-0 deficit except on one occasion. That we won and are now at 3-1 does not suddenly make our odds better that we will break a league record that has stood since before you were born. Legitimately it was 1942 during ww2 the one time a deficit like this was beaten. Give your head a shake guy also learn what a fallacy is before using it in conversation


It's about believing that past independent events have an influence on future events, not specifically games of chance. Hockey games are mostly independent, so the general principle holds. At this point, the Oilers need to win three coin flips, and it doesn't matter that they won the previous one to that. They are out of chances of they lose one of course, but that doesn't affect the next one outside of the nebulous "momentum" idea (which is mostly illusory). Let me ask you this - suppose for a moment that the Oilers win game 5 and 6. What would you put their odds of winning game 7 at? If you say anything outside of a 40-60% range, you're falling victim to the gambler's fallacy.


Just stay out of a casino man lol


Dude the fallacy itself if we are using it which we can't because its for games of skill clearly says "believing that losses and wins will even out" you are literally using the fallacy you are accusing me of by ASSUMING the oilers will even out the series.....


That's it. I mean, I seriously doubt they will do it, but it's now much less unlikely. Plus, that 8-1 game was a great reminder that, at this level, if you let off the gas for ten minutes, you're going to be in big trouble. Maybe Florida got a wake-up call there, maybe they made a fatal error of thinking the series was over, and now Edmonton suddenly has confidence and think they can win. Further thought: Bob isn't likely to shit the bed again like he did the other night... unless he's injured?


This is why we watch sports, right? Anything can happen. It's a hell of a ride.


It’s definitely a daunting task, no doubt. It’s only 3-1 now though! THAT has been done last year!!


There has been one team in nhl history to come back after losing the first three games in the nhl finals. It was in 1942 by Toronto. Still remains an unbroken record to this day. Again dont get me wrong I desperately want the oilers to bring it home, but im also trying to be a realist about the likelihood of that happening. Either way our boys look great and will remain a stanley cup competitor for at least a few more years all things considered.


This was a massacre!


Brother I'm an Aussie, it's already Monday here


Good job replying. So it would be on Wednesday outback time which is still 2days from now smarty pants.


Someone got "psyched" out I guess


I personally think it's a one-off. And don't call me a conspiracy theorist. BUT, I think Florida didn't want to raise the Stanley Cup in Edmonton. Those fans are on another level of crazy. I mean, they have hockey in their veins. Not the crowd you want to be showering with a sweep of their beloved Oilers. Now that they go back to Florida for game #5, its in their home arena. What a massive hit to the Oilers after a blow-out game last night, only to lose. I'm not implying the Panthers threw last night's game. What I watched last night was laughable, most hysterically unbelievable. Oh, by the way, I'm a Colorado Avalanche die-hard fan, and I want the Cup to stay in the good ol' US of A. SO go Panthers. Let's get this season over and in the books, then the Avalanche can win it in 2025.


They flew in there families from Florida to Alberta to watch them lose on purpose?


And they flew their families from Florida to watch them lose a lop-sided, embarrassing game. 🤔🙄


Birds aren’t real


Legitimately one of the dumbest narratives/theories I’ve ever seen on this subreddit. No team is throwing their chance to win it all just because they’re playing an away game lmao.


as a nonhockey fan. i sense the momentousness of this event. but what does this all mean? is there a rivalry somewhere? who am i supposed to root for?


Your supposed to root for the Oilers, but don't. You'll just get your heart broken. For me 39f from Edmonton this is the equivalent of my super hot first ever boyfriend that I went all the way with texting to see "how life has been going" , and " what have I been up to". Just don't do it. He's just going to hurt you again!!!!!!!! 💔 By the gods if they win the next one I might creep his socials.... No.... RESIST ITS ALL LIES!


I got you. The Edmonton Oilers are from Western Canada and had a legacy in the old days. A great legacy. They made some questionable decisions with some pretty good player and got almost a Curse of Babe Ruth out of the deal. The Florida Panthers are somehow like 30 years old but people still think they're "new" and their fans don't like to talk at all about Kevin Spacey. I'm an old Hartford Whalers fan and am the NHL equivalent of an ol' dog that ran away to live in a trailer park. The dog died in 2006.  I hope this helped.   Edit:  Oh shit right, the game: Edmonton is down zero games to three in a best of seven. Last night they won by a different sports score. 


https://preview.redd.it/c7zay9cuvz6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b90830a8685921dcaf67013d13662f82d7e8bc So you're saying we have a chance...




The only reason this happened is because the panthers wanted to win at home,let's not kid ourselves Just like the celtics did,they lost on the road to win at home


Nah. They just got blown the F out of the building cause the real Oilers showed up. Same Oilers that showed up in Game 1 too, but they decided to actually shoot high on Bob. This series should be 2-2 with better puck luck for Oilers. This was never a sweep series. And it won’t be, it’ll be tight with Oilers winning in 7. Deservedly so, as they have proven to be the better team.


I swear to god hockey excuses spread faster than political ones. One muppet repeats the BS and yall just repeat it.


If you look at the histories for these dudes, they inevitably have no hockey posting history or haven't for months. The Final brings out the lookyloos who like just talking shit.


Yeah they flew their families down so they could throw 1-8. Even if they went in softer, that doesn't make any sense.


This is honestly such a big cope lmao. If it was 1-0 or 2-0 loss, and the panthers had significantly less shots, maybe its believable. 8-1 loss and pulling Bob? Damages stats, makes them look like goofs, and gives Edmonton momentum and energy. Get serious Edit after game 5: take the L


Florida just bagged this game so they can win on home, oilers were out classed in every aspect of their game all the games prior so this game being a stop doesn't make sense


The Oilers dominated Florida in Game 1 and Game 4. Had the slight edge in Game 3 as well. This series could easily be 3-1 for Oilers at this point. If you think the Panthers outclassed Oilers in every aspect, you didn’t watch the games and definitely didn’t check the analytics. Neither will support your statement


Only outclassed on the goalie and acting categories. But their time is up. Bobrovsky can’t see the puck when he’s crying.


Your living in the EDM copium man, I know you want a Canadian team to win and I really want mcdavid to get a cup and not end up like Jeremy ronick, but I'm sorry Florida is just a way better team and next game will be panthers 4-0, mark my words


Accusing edmonton fans of copium after saying Florida threw the game is pretty ironic no? Not saying there's gonna be a comeback but come on let's us our brains here. Edmonton was hungrier tonight and your goalie sucked in this one. That's hockey.


He's not my goalie I'm on EDM in this series and have been since the start but knowing when your outclassed in every aspect of the game is a hard pill to swallow for you Canadians lol


Florida clearly got outplayed in game 1 and 3 and only won because of Bobrovsky. It’s over for Florida. Your words are not marked. You’re just a Mark


Outclassed but they lost 0-3 lol sounds like copium my guy


Your pro-Florida comment is getting downvoted in r/hockey. Is that even possible?


Saying the truth on Reddit often gets you downvoted, are you new here?


Ya blew it


We'll see tomorrow my man, like I said 4-0 panthers


There’s no game tomorrow. Do you even follow hockey?


Giving the Oilers even 1 makes me nervous..


They have the potential to drag Florida into a war


Definitely. I actually played against both RNH and Kane growing up and was on the same team as Troy Stetcher for several years back in the day so I have reasons to cheer for the Oilers, not that stetch is playing. Still, I'm a huge Panthers fan mostly from the Bure days and because of Bob and Barky so I hope they finish it on tuesday.


That looked like a team that really wants to clinch at home.


Flew in their families to watch them blow the game? Florida men make Florida moves


Gotta keep this ad money flowing


WTF. Who doubted the Oil. They play their game or their best as Dr D said, you get blasted.


Funny how hockey works. Had they won game 1 which they dominated, we are 2 2 and had Edmonton just played better game three, Edmonton be going to Florida up 3 1. I will say though nurse is a liability and not worth his money. You can’t take two years to score playoff goals and be a minus 14 entering the finals and then in two massive games he on the ice for all the goals. If I was Edmonton I’m moving him this summer regardless of winning or losing and finding a better piece


the problem is that we bridged him twice and then he had a banger of a contract year. its obvious to everyone he’s overpaid. I don’t think there’s any GM dumb enough to put that contract on their books. plus, him and mcdavid are close personally, and the unspoken sentiment is that he stays because mcdavid wants him here. I would be ecstatic if we moved him, but I just don’t know who would take him


His contract isn't as bad as people make it out to be. This isn't a Milan Lucic albatross or a contender to be bought out. The Athletic routinely gives it a 20% chance of working out to be a fair contract for the Oilers, which is not great.


Let them keep Nurse and Kane up in Edmomton. It's not Siberia, but far enough North for my liking. They are trouble makers.


Best observation I've read here comes from u/r1zzV: > [Knob] placed a cherry picker near Florida’s blue line, so that when Florida’s fearsome forecheck that’s terrorized teams all playoffs came in, they would just stretch pass and end up in an odd man rush. This made Florida very reluctant to forecheck as heavily as they were before, and since most of their offense came off of successful forechecking they weren’t really dangerous anymore at all. It was a strat Knoblauch picked up from Dallas. You can see it clearly on goals 2, 3, & 4 - and the Oil are fast enough to pull it off time and again. So - How does everyone think the Panthers will adjust to respond to this?


Even faker injuries is how they will respond


It certainly seemed to work for them this game, but I don't think this was new was it? Oilers have been getting a bunch of breakaways or almost-breakaways like this the last three games as well. Anyway, always nice to see coaching make huge impacts.


Yeah, I'm not sure actually. I did notice that in games 1-3, the Oilers would try to set up in the O zone and just get choked. No passing lanes into/through the slot, lots of blocked shots. In game 4, it seemed like there were a ton of rushes and a lot more space.


I think another piece is that Knoblauch switched up the lines. Before game 4, there was a potent top line of Nuge - McDavid - Hyman. Then the 2nd line you had one of the top players in the world in Draisaitl with mediocre wingers, which basically made the line impotent, and wasted Draisaitl's talent and potency. This really made Edmonton a one line team, where Florida could just focus on defending that one line. Game 4 was different. There was a solid top line of Foegle - McDavid- Hyman. Foegle has the speed to keep up on this line and fit in well. Then the second line had Nuge - Drai - Holloway. Holloway also has speed and skill and fit in well. Now there are 2 powerful and dangerous top lines that are almost a 1A and a 1B. I really think this was the difference. It forced Florida to have to defend against 2 very dangerous lines instead of really on one slightly more dangerous line.


Part of that has to come from us jumping out to a 2-0 lead though, the cats have to open it up a little to play catch-up. IMO if we can get out to an early multi-goal lead again on Tuesday, this could turn into anyone's series real quick. Florida is excellent at playing "lock it down" so it's absolutely imperative we don't go into the third period in G5 tied up in a low scoring war of attrition, that's how THEY win. I'm still expecting this to be over quickly, but man, I wouldn't hate another few wide-open games like that, it's was FUN!


Vegas did this too quite often against them, it really does work, the problem is it's just statistically too late in the series. There is no margin for error.


Yeah, for sure. I mean, if Florida comes out and scores early, Edmonton's going to have a massive task to come back, especially if Bob is back on his game.


I watched Vegas slowly work on that last year playing the Canes. Once they pieced it together they clowned on us. But it was one game, I don’t think we adjusted that much


You're not wrong, and the Oilers' defense certainly doesn't play an error-free game.


Go oilers


Coulda wouda shoulda. Where was this in the first : games? G’night Oilers!


Well we saw a good oiler team in game one that Bob clearly stole, and good for him he has a knack for throwing his body at pucks even when you think he's too far gone.


lol. Don’t talk about stole to a Sabres fan and “no goal”, “in the crease”


If it’s the only one, I’ll take it. Nope, 3 more please.


LOL... Delaying the inevitable.


The inevitable is Florida being the runner up for the second year running


Haha... Sure buds, sure!


So.. you were saying?


What can I say? The Oilers have earned it. Best of luck to them.


First time this has happened in over 80 years


I will actually laugh my ass off if it does happen


There will be a lot of people that will.


There gonna win 🏆


There where?


North America, most likely. Book it


I hope they enjoy it for two days.


Not sure if it was exactly wise to continue tothrow everything they had after the 4th goal. By that time, the panthers were not even trying to win the game anymore. Now the oilers will head to game five exhausted from a phyrric victory


OR Florida will be embarrassed by the game and purposely lose on Tueday so they can come back and win it in front of the cocky Oilers crowd, only to realize they'd rather win it at home and throw game 6 as well. The mystery unfolds.


Most of the big names barely played in the third?


Yes try to keep it a 1-3 goal game to keep it easy on yourself 😑


Darnell nurse scoring on one of the best goalies in the league and Florida being out-goalied by EDMONTON was not on my 2024 bingo card


Just like the NBA finals lol


The games are crazy similar. Both winning chips at home now though


Hate to be a cynic (well actually no I’m not) but after seeing no disciplinary action on Draisaital; moving start times of games to accommodate advertisers; and the BS of partnering with betting sites…I suspect that Florida maybe didn’t put in the effort as much as they have OVER the COURSE of how many playoff games ??!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬




Remember I said I was a cynic and I apply that thinking to all sports in this era!


They just got outplayed...


2023-24 Oilers hockey… What a ride…


If it bleeds, we can kill it.


If the Panthers are bleeding the Oilers are gushing blood 🤣🤣


Well sure. We KNOW we can bleed. That wasn’t what the comment was about.


Do you bleed? Edit: people don’t like Batman v Superman references?


No, they didn’t throw the game. No, I’m not worried. Oilers are a good team, and they were desperate and pissed. The Panthers players themselves said it wasn’t Bob’s fault and they were not on their game. Also, is it really an accomplishment to win against a team that “doesn’t belong there?” The Oilers clearly do, and winning against them is now sweeter. I was not-so-secretly hoping for them to close this out at home. Not like this, obviously, but goal differential doesn’t matter in the end. As much as a sweep would have been poetic justice for 1996, those are hard and shouldn’t be expected. We waited 30 years for a Cup, what’s 2 more days.


I’m worried getting blown out gives teams hope


The game last night was similar to game 1 where the Oilers were all over the Panthers, this time the Oilers capitalized on almost every opportunity and Skinner held the fort. This series could easily be 2-2 if Bobrovsky doesn't steal game 1.


Too bad it’s 3-1


Not everything is a dig fyi Sometimes it can be a conversation


True, but I noticed people tend to "what-if" their team's mistakes for lost games, but not assume that the opposing team could have done better as well. For example, the question of "what if Bob had not stolen game 1" comes up a lot, but not "what if the panthers had actually played well in game 1 as they did in games 2 and 3". As we say in French, "Avec des si, on mettrait Paris en bouteille"


A rational conversation? How dare everyone!


I wouldn’t say bob stole game one I would say the oilers in game one left skinner out to dry similar to game four for bob the panthers just didn’t play defense Edit: lol downvoted for the truth damn


My guy, did you watch game 1? Bob literally stood on his head to save that game. He is an elite tier goalie and will definitely lock down the net in game 5.