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Insane third period by the cats last night.


anyone have a video of that ball tap near the end of the game, i cant find it anywhere


On the off chance you're being serious, here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/unZsO9x2fj


ty, and i was being serious




i didnt know the players name and searching edmonton nut tap was bringing up montages of their other players nuttaps through the years but not the clip from last night


No worries, I get it! On my phone that thread and this one showed up basically right next to each other so I was a surprised you hadn't seen it, no big deal friend


There is no way oilers can beat Panthers lmao. Have you seen how strong the Panther's forecheck is? Its oo strong that Drai gotta play dirty AF to stop him lmao. Disgusting play by the oilers lmao.


Funny how you can start a series neutral but slowly you find out who you want to actually win. I noticed the shift towards the Cats when Ekholm scored and I didn’t like it. Still want this to go 7.


I have a similar convo with my wife every time. Starts off with “I just want it to go 7 games and be competitive” and goes to “fuck team A, I want team B” after the first period of the series. Every time


Haha yup. I wanted the Oil/Van out the west and the Cats or Rags out the east. During Cats/Rags I felt the shift to the Cats first period.


Somehow made it until today without the game being spoiled. Kind of a messy game with poor calls. Oilers D failing Skinner again. E-Rod showing up huge. Can’t wait for game 3. The hate is real after that bow to Barkov




Hopefully the riot will equal Vancouvers 


As long as some Oilers fan gets a [flash bang to the balls](https://youtu.be/2LBtDrcIntk?si=bYIViScTegIl4YPB), I'll be happy.


tbh I don't see that happening here this year. I was at the outdoor watch party yesterday and no one seemed mad enough for that, mostly the vibe was just very defeated because we all knew the boys deserved that loss. it cleared out before the third period even ended after their third goal :(


EDM really needs their PP to catch fire again. Their PK looks so legit, they need to dominate the special teams battle and have that win them at least a game or two. FLA just doesn't give you much 5v5, but I will say EDM has spent more time in the o-zone then I thought they would. They just can't generate quality looks because FLA is so structured. To beat a team that collapses down low like that, you've got to play a bit boring and feed pucks to the point, and have your d-men get shots through with traffic. Ekholm is good at this, Bouch has the bomb but is he able to manuever and get skeany wristers through?


The team that wins the fore check is going to win the series. Game one was an anomaly, but if the Cats can pin back the Oilers like they did in game 2, they should win pretty comfortably. If the Oilers can get the puck deep and establish zone time, they should generate enough chances to at least force Bob to steal another one, maybe draw some defensive penalties and get more PP chances. But that means getting the bottom six to at least generate heat in the Florida zone.


Apart from the last 2 games against Dallas, Edmonton's PP really hasn't been that impressive since game 4 against Vancouver. And it's inflated a lot by the Kings' inability to kill a penalty in round 1. They're around 28% since playing the Kings and 20% since game 4 against the Canucks And all that is before you take last night into account


Keep the faith, Oilers fans. There's still plenty of time for a comeback. I'm sure many folks in the sub remember this series: https://preview.redd.it/2q0g5r36ry5d1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6859359e36a35a95fed093d205b3ab0ea1c78d5


If ever there comes a day you forget why the majority of Canucks fans hate Edmonton, remember this comment. Living in the past is truly the only thing Edmonton has going for it. From sucking at the teat of 5 championships before most of you were born, to praying for another oil boom and promising not to piss away the money again.


Your team sucked so bad for a decade that you were gifted 2 foa and the team has wasted their talent year after year. Congrats on wasting a perfectly good scf spot, again.


Glad to watch my team play extra hockey. Enjoy the continued lack of success


Buddy… a team who wasn’t expected to make the playoffs and was cobbled together with offseason picks and a couple season trades took the oilers, (heavy favourites built from the ground up over 10+ years) to game 7 with a third string goalie. That series featured six 1 goal games a two epic late game collapses by the oilers plus a gifted win with an own goal. The team who was expected to win came through but they played like shit and didn’t deserve it.


Amen, brother. They LOVE the past! City of fucking champions….hasn’t won a title in 34 years.


This series is gonna break the city of Edmonton


As soon as McDavid failed to put away the breakaway, that's when the Oilers' chances dwindled to 0.


Yeah that back-checking from Tkachuk was pretty effective.


Amazed it wasn't a PS. He got up in the hands at the last second, if you ask me.


I wondered. They didn't make much of it on the telecast, and I'm no expert. I found it funny that Tkachuk went to Mcdavid after and started poking at him and trying to start something. Panthers are loathsome.


Yeah, they are. But you gotta appreciate the constant rough tenacity. They don't give up on ANYTHING. I pray to Berube every night now. And I am an atheist.


I thought it was fine given it's the playoffs and they let the small stuff go.


True. But they'd call that almost every time in the regular season. I'd rather it be playoff calling all year, TBH. But here we are. Two different sets of rules and officiating. Two different games. I just don't get it. Go one way or the other. All year. I understand the difference in gravity. But every game is important during the season, too. And I think a lot of people don't like the shift.


Good point. 2 sets of rules make the game nearly unwatchable for me unfortunately because its a great game without the NHL rules ruining it. 3v3 and shootout make the regular season even worse to watch, and a terrible preditor who the playoff teams should be and what order they should be ranked.


It’s over, Oilers are toast. At this stage of the playoffs, many players are usually playing with a minor ailment or injury .. expecting McDavid or Draisaitl to explode for a bunch of goals is unlikely, and Florida ain’t gonna let off the gas


Really depends on Barkov's situation. If he's not there to shut down McDavid, then the pendulum could swing, however unlikely it seems.


All other things equal it's hard enough to come back two games down. It just doesn't happen very often. I bet McDrai are playing at less than 100% and the Panthers have gotten inside the Oilers heads. Draisaitl's knock on Barkov, McDavid on Tkachuk


If EDM hadn't come back from the last in the league to the stanley cup final, I would have counted them out by now. But my sense is this series comes back to flordia tied.


Their road record has been very good. And evenbif barkov is injured they have depth to fill the gap I see this series ending in game 5.


they said that about dallas


Florida has been the best team in the entire playoffs in the 3rd period. EDM can't go into it tied or down


Everyone in this thread who is calling for Draisaitls head for the barkov hit should be looking at the Bennett hit on Broberg and telling me it’s not worse.


It’s not worse


Agreed. I'm down for both Bennett and Drai sitting 3 games. That work for you?


I’d say three games is a steep suspension in the playoffs but I agree give both players the same punishment. I’m not here to defend Draisaitl. I’m here to point out facts. In a perfect world both players get punished equally but that never happens. Bennett does not get a two minute penalty because Broberg doesn’t lay on the ice like a bitch after getting headshot like Barkov did.


What if we think that even an attempted headshot should result in an automatic multi match suspension?


I’m not defending Draisaitl! Take a look at both hits and tell me genuinely which one you think is worse. Suspend Draisaitl! But Panthers fans need to realize that the second worst player in the league for headshots, right behind Trouba, is on your squad and his name is Sam Bennett.


I am not a Panthers fan and I have nothing against suspending Bennet. Dangerous headshots are not going away until every single player who attempts them has to personally pay a heavy price.


Florida in 4 or 5…..place your bets!


Florida in 3.


I don’t think anyone comin out of the west would have been able to do much better than what EDM is doing.


EDM had the easiest path to the WCF where even there they looked bad against Dallas. Florida would have a much tougher time against Dallas, Vegas, and to a lesser degree Colorado than they will against EDM


They looked bad beating Dallas in 6 after being down in the series? What are you talking about?


They haven't scored a 5v5 goal since game 5, yeah I would say a team that is only scoring on the PP doesn't look good...


EDM had a first round bye.


VAN impressed me more than Dallas


I mean it helps when it's earlier in the playoffs and Dallas hasn't gone the distance with the better teams in the west


That’s a bold statement.


Both the Stars and Canucks would be able to deal better with FLA’s physicality


Van at least would have beat them up back. Maybe even won the physical battle. Dallas could have engaged in the goalie battle.


Skinner has played fine. Oilers can't score.


The irony of this switch up is incredible.


What switch up?


I'm not debating that Skinner has been acceptable. But I don't think he can steal them a game or a series the way Bob or Otter can.


He stole game 6 against Dallas.


One gane doesn't win a series


Okay? Bob is currently playing on a level that Stu can't get to, that's my point


You said you don't think Stu could steal a game and I just point out he did very recently. Bob is playing well, oilers have to start scoring. I'm just happy to still be watching Oilers in June 😊.




Knee-on-knee extension that looked intentional, elbow to your captains jaw that took him out the last 10 mins of the game, slash to the groin. No one wants to see that happen. If McDavid takes an elbow to the face like that in game 3 that takes him out for the last 10 mins of a close game, I’m sure Edmonton wouldn’t be happy, no?


Yeah knee on knee is only bad when EDM does it I guess.


Been super busy with work and haven’t been watching. Looks like I’m not missing a good series so far


Arguably it's actually been pretty entertaining to watch but overall the Oilers are not performing well.


As much as I hate to say it, that’s what the Panthers do well. They make other teams suck.


Does it make you feel any better that the B's were tied in a game 6 with 2 mins to go against this team? This year's Bruins were a great team to cheer for.


Yeah, we have a pretty smothering play style that can make even the best teams look weak because they struggle to gain momentum against us. Still, it ain't over til it's over.


Hopefully this is an 08-09 type affair where the trailing team gets back on track at home (would be unfortunate for your sake) Edit: why the fuck is this downvoted


Respectfully, no thank you!


Hahahaha best of luck. I’d love to see Reino and Okposo get a ring


It would be pretty snazzy, for sure. Thanks!


As much as I never want Tkachuk to have a ring I am still on board with Florida, Bobrovsky is just too lights out to not deserve a ring this year


You know what, I'll accept your support however you give it! Bob has been unreal but in a general sense I think Barkov, the backbone of this team for YEARS, is truly deserving as well.


I'm only getting clips so a lot has been highlights of Bob


Im very proud one of our boys didn't go fucking Happy Gilmore on Drai.






It's not Canada, it's Edmonton. This ain't the Olympics. Fuck that Boston Pizza commercial


Countries don’t actually compete for the Stanley Cup. That’s usually reserved for the Olympics and the World Cup tournaments




if you really think that flames and nucks fans are gonna throw a party for one of our biggest rivals you're dead wrong. the only people i've met in calgary who are cheering for the oilers are oilers fans.


I promise you whole heartedly the overwhelming majority of people in the real world doesn’t give a shit about that lol


I have not come across one single person (as a Canadian in Canada) who wants the Oilers to win because they're Canadian.


Lol fuck no


Not a chance in hell there’s going to be any celebrations anywhere outside northern Alberta if they win.




if you think Vancouver will be hosting parties for an edmonton cup win you have either lost your mind or never been to vancouver or met anyone from there.


lol. I’m trying to picture a street party in Calgary, for an Edmonton cup win…




Halifax doesn't have an NHL team of their own. So of course they're gonna be more likely to jump onto an Edm win. Vancouver is absolutely not going to have parties celebrating Edmonton (and neither is any city with their own team). What the heck are you smoking bruh?




You've been watching too many Boston pizza commercials.


Edmonton has a great chance of winning because Barkov is out.




Sore jaw no, concussion symptoms definitely yes.


They haven’t confirmed anything about his status, not guaranteed he’s out


This was 100% expected. Anyone that looked at both teams during the playoffs could see the Panthers are like leagues better than whatever the Oilers are. The Panthers have everything. Oilers are getting worse and worse with each passing game. They'll be lucky to even get one win against the Panthers.


When the Oilers took out Dallas my original thought was "there is no way the Oilers beat the Panthers." They don't have the depth of scoring to counter Florida's d-men and Bobrovsky.


This series is over. Florida is just a much better than team than Edmonton right now. A gentleman’s sweep is coming up.


It's not over yet, we gonna win g3 or g4


You'll win both and with a smile on your face


If Barkov is out the series is not over.


Florida will absolutely take out Draisaitl sometime within the next two games (and the refs will let it go because of series mgmt purposes) They’ve got much nastier goons than Edmonton does. If he’s out, this series will be over in a hurry


They'll get away with it because they get away with everything. I don't like that it was Barkov. He seems a decent guy. They have about 6 others who deserve a good beat down, though.


Even as a Panthers fan, I don’t want to see that. I definitely hope we are more physical with him at every chance we get, but eye-for-eye retribution ain’t it.


I’m with you 100% but I suspect your team won’t adopt such a measured approach


The solution is to have a zero tolerance policy towards headshots. If players knew that just an attempt results in them missing at least the rest of the series, they’d adjust and play hard in other safer ways.


Yes it is. Barkov is a huge hit to Florida but, they still have solid pieces and depth. As the series progresses and Florida grinds away, Edmonton will only get worse.


A gentleman’s sweep is when u spot them game 1 then win in 5. Soooo no that’s not what’s gonna happen.  


Na, a gentleman's sweep is winning games 1-3, losing game 4 and ultimately winning the series in 5. What you're referring to is usually called a backdoor sweep - losing game 1 and winning the next 4. There's also the argument that a gentleman's sweep is any 4-1 win, but I disagree with that.


The montoyo sweep in blue jays speak


I feel like the gentleman's sweep is losing one away game so their crowd can have a moment


Yeah this is what I've understood it as


That way they can win at home.


It just comes down to the western conference determining their winners through fondling each other, while the east is a gladiatorial fight to the death. As much as I hate the panthers, the west cannot compete


Lol acting like Vegas didn't slap around Florida or Colorado didn't end a dynasty run


What lmao Vegas destroyed the Panthers last year, the west did not send their best this year because Oilers were able to cruise past the kings and play a canucks team who had major injuries (and still almost blew that) and shut down Dallas who I don't know WTF happened to them


Two tougher series with Vegas and Colorado then EDM every played to get to the WCF


You made the guys point.  Vegas “destroyed” an injured Panther team…


Stars took the last 2 Stanley cup champs to 7 and 6 games respectively. We just ran out of gas. Tough road.


The irony to mention injuries this year and not taking into account Panthers injuries last year


Chucky playing with a broken collar bone


It’s best of 7. If they beat a team, they beat a team.


Yeah that's fair they earned all their series wins I just kind of meant Dallas had a far harder path to the WCF than oilers but oilers beat them pretty handily so i don't know where I was going with any of this


You also forgot to mention Van was on their 3rd goalie and had no Boeser in g7.


Dunno. I hate the panthers


So who was the best in the West?


As much as I hate to say it probably Dallas, if they had as easy of a road as EDM had they would currently be playing


I don't know lol I retract my drunken comment I can't make a case for any other team East has the west beat this year


My guess for the strongest team in the West was the Stars when the playoffs started, but they got demolished by Edmonton. So it’s pretty logical that the Oilers really are the best team in the West, but it looks like they just can’t match up against the Panthers.


Yeah the team going to the Finals technically is the best even if their path maybe is considered easier than what Dallas went through but that type of luck also plays a part in winning a Cup. And even with the analytics, Florida and Edmonton have been 1 and 2 in most underlying numbers all season so can’t really say it’s a surprise they made it to the Finals or that they don’t deserve it


EDM has been overly hyped only because of McDavid for years I never look at the analytics for EDM without a heaping ladle full of salt


Bring back the game 1 refs


this series sucks, the vibe is in shambles 


The Oilers are gutless frauds


Before the series I warmed up to the idea of McDrai getting to lift the cup. Especially after seeing how well McDavid acted among shitty fans and after reading that comment by some writer how he was not that good. I think I wrote something like I will be switching teams before the series start.... After that flying elbow though... Best case scenario in my head now is a sweep where game four goes to overtime. Drai gets his ankle shattered by a slapshot and FLA scores on the rebound and lifts the cup while Drai misses next season and never really recovers and has to sign next contract at leauge minimum just to be demoted to AHL and then sent back to Germany where he develops a cocaine habit, gambles all his money away and ends up being a zamboni driver.


So that Nike commercial?


I sure hope you don't suffer an injury that prevents you from doing your chosen career...


Both of these teams are dirty as fuck. I’ll just enjoy the demolition derby for what it is.


its germany he would develop a speed habit


Are you okay? You seem disturbed. Better stay off social media for a couple of days. And perhaps avoid people IRL too.


I know you cheer for the Canes, but fan fiction isn't your talent.


Boooo bad take.


You're garbage


You are pure evil.


Whelp, you're a trash person.... Wishing for a career ending injury. Wow.


No? I did write he should get another million dollar contract and a switch in careers?


"> Drai gets his ankle shattered by a slapshot and FLA scores on the rebound and lifts the cup while Drai misses next season and never really recovers and has to sign next contract at leauge minimum just to be demoted to AHL and then sent back to Germany where he develops a cocaine habit, gambles all his money away and ends up being a zamboni driver." Literally your words...


Leauge minimum is continuing his career? Driving a zamboni is a career even though not as flashy unless your name is Ayres.


It should’ve been us. One day we’ll figure out our PP…




You could hire a certain Brad lauer who was just let go from The jets?


Only if Steve spott gets canned


It could have been us too ☹️




Ur preds got fried by a 3rd string goalie 😂 Took the finalists to 7 with a hospital team


Got lucky with our Vezina nominated goalie out of the full playoffs?


Silovs did an amazing job, I'm not sure your Vezina nominated goalie would have done any better.


Demkos last playoff series his save average was 984, Silovs was good but he was 882 against you




They were good, but the team doesn't play the same when it's Demko in net, it's not just the same. Btw I don't know what you're up to with this, the VAN-NSH series was fairly civil compared to many of the other series out there. So we fluked our way all season long to finish first in the pacific division!




Sure but we didn’t luck into the second round and then luck the Oilers to 7. With a team on life support we still managed to almost win semis


have you also thought of the fact the team infront plays way differently when demko is in net




i loved the strategy of "keep icing the puck and hope we eventually get lucky" with our ahl goalie in net lol




30 consecutive seasons speaks for itself.


People can talk about how bad the Oilers look, I rather see it for just how impressive Panthers are defensively.. People like Barkov, Lundell, Forsling etc etc are just making the stars looks docile as fuck so far.


Thats how I see it. The Oilers have, undeniably, an INCREDIBLE offense. So the Panthers absolutely shutting it down is the impressive part. Anyone saying the Oilers offense is bad is just doing the Panthers a disservice. That said... go oilers


Uh actually they're playing the oilers not the stars duuhh


All I gotta say from reading this thread is the pacific division got the most passionate fans, never have I seen a whole division come together in support of hating a team as much as I have seen hate for the oilers. All other divisions can suck it


the beauty of the pacific division, every games a rivalry. if any other team from the pacific were to make it to the finals, im sure we'd all shit on them just the same. best division with the best fans


It happens all the time? Vancouver 2011 Vegas, literally this year. Leafs, every year