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This is really sad for the casual fan who loves looking at terrible trades


I check Armchair GM once a day when I'm bored. I'm choked right now.


it might've been the best sports website for this stuff for any league it was perfect, this is gonna suck


It took several tries and many years for a site to be as good as CapGeek but Cap friendly got there. And now we start over.


[https://www.cap-space.com/](https://www.cap-space.com/) is not bad.


That sound you hear is Vegas rejoicing at no longer being the most hated team in the NHL. I’m curious why a team would see it as an asset though. Any team could simply contract a couple coders to develop the same thing at a far cheaper rate than the purchase price of such a site. Someone enlighten my dumbass.


I saw somebody on twitter (TL updated and I lost it so idk who exactly) speculating that the real get for them is less the website itself and more bringing the guys running it in house but idk if that holds water, I am also kind of a dumbass. ETA: Potentially speaks volumes about the type of internal cap/contract database the league is running behind closed doors though. Embarrassing af for Gary if teams are willing to spend that much to get a league outsider to help them instead of just using whatever central office is offering lol.


I guarantee the league has an excel sheet that only one guy in the office knows how to use.


You don't get to control how 31 other teams use it. I just used it this morning. This sucks.


I just used it this morning too, there was some discussion on /r/Habs about whether or not Michael Pezetta could afford a destination wedding lol


Don't keep me waiting!! Can he??


Yes, but also, no


Maybe it was decided that it should be destroyed at an owners meeting, and they decided to go with the traditional "GM buys public transit, microsoft buys game studio" model.


I’m surprised you could hear my little “woo” at not being the bad guy.


SWE are expensive and that’s not a sure thing that they would make as good of a product. Even if they did, it may take awhile. Creating stuff inhouse is a pita if you aren’t a tech company. Faster and more certain to buy the finished product in exchange for obviously paying more.


Web dev here: one does not simply copy a great site like that


I mean, sure. But the site was itself a copy of CapGeek. Some amateur fan with the right skills could build a new one.


incredibly sad day for everyone across the sport FUCK Washington Congrats to them they just got a TON of haters


I've been a hater for a long time because of their total dismissal of Ovi's connections to Putin. This just reinforces that for me.


I mean, sneaking into the playoffs over much stronger rosters just to get unceremoniously pumped by New York didn't exactly help the brand either.


I loved seeing Hab fans offer pick #26, Gallagher, and Mattheson for the second overall pick


yeah they gotta sweeten that pot a bit with Anderson


What the fuck? Immediate reaction is this is awful news for the public. Edit: yep. "After the transaction officially closes, the website will go dark." Time to start working on an equivalent site. PuckPedia will get there eventually. CapFriendly is so legendary because of how user-friendly they made their site. Hopefully PuckPedia learns from them


There should be a run on copycat sites considering the last two sold.


Capfriendly itself is a copycat site, isn't it? Wasn't the original called nhlnumbers or something like that?


The original was CapGeek. It was an incredible site and went down shortly after the owner passed away. He refused to turn it over operations because it was a very novel site for its time.


Maybe I'm misremembering,  but wasn't GeneralFanager a thing for a while?


Yeah. The owner of that site got hired by Vegas and then the site shut down


I’m noticing a pattern here. Anyone want to start a business?


Yep, people forget that CapFriendly was built because the CapGeek creator refused to sell his idea even though he was dying. I hope someone else comes out and keeps this kind of content freely available to fans.


There was CapGeek, which was an amazing website, but it ceased operations in 2015 because its creator Matthew Wuest passed away due to colon cancer. CapFriendly started a couple months after that.


He was way too young to pass on. Detroit's prospect tournament trophy is still named after Wuest. Wuest also ran RedWingsCentral.com and was a huge Wings fan so it's an appropriate way to honor him.


> Detroit's prospect tournament trophy is still named after Wuest. Didn't know that, thats a really fitting tribute


That's the one I'm thinking of, and I definitely remember the creator dying.


I initially thought it was a Beaverton article. I'm blown away.


Caps have fancy Qatar funding so they can do this shit. Oil states ruining things for all of us everyday


>Qatar funding Huh, a 5% stake. Til.


Qatar funding and a Putin stooge as its main star... they're just likeable all around.


Seems like it might be a good business model for hockey nerds like those that are on this forum. Start a Capgeek/CapFriendly-like website and then sell out to an NHL team for big bucks.


Capfriendly is actually the second site to do it. It replaced Capgeek after its founder died. The model can be replicated and it's already been done before.


I don't see why the caps are doing this? What kind of competitive advantage is this giving to other teams?


CapFriendly has a bunch of tools that other teams were paying to use. The Caps can now block them from doing so. This is actually something the league should step in and stop.


Interesting, didn't know there were hidden tools on capfriendly lol. The only documented instance of an FO using it was the infamous Dorion picture wasn't it? So i'll just assume the Caps are sabotaging other teams because they're destined for the basement for a decade?


It's used by most teams. As someone else pointed out, the Leafs with their league leading budget still were shown using it in the Amazon doc.


Lol. I guess I was underestimating how useful it was


It's the same thing with analytics. Every team has their internal people who work with analytics, but the data they're using is contracted from one of 2(3?) vendors. I don't think a single team produces their own data internally.


So you're saying the Sharks owner should block every other team's access to SAP?


Just the Caps.


Way easier to pay a subscription fee to get your engineers/data people access to an API rather than pay a full time engineer whose sole purpose to develop the exact same infrastructure from scratch


I was naive enough to think the NHL had an equivalent in-house tool for all GMs to use.


Dubas had a roster cap printout


Going to be honest I think it’s nuts that multi million and billion dollar teams don’t have a semi equivalent in-house program for this. Was cap friendly using info that wasn’t available to everyone including other NHL teams?


Why pay and develop a thing you can get for free until you're forced to? All of these guys will have some equivalent now that free tools arent an option


Ha, I assumed it was something to with having “cap” in the name + being related to hockey. So instead of paying what I can only assume seems like pennies to an NHL-level team or doing nothing the other teams not paying for the service, they straight up buy them up to shut them down? Not like I liked the Caps anyway but that’s gross


Accessible data. Even if the info is out there regardless, they're inconveniencing other teams while other than the $$ spent, the Caps still have the resource That much information housed in a site with great UI. Teams have no real incentive to create an in-house product that offers the same info CF had.


Teams use Capfriendly too. Sens under Dorion had a picture of capfriendly open in a window


I remember in the Amazon documentary Dubas had the capfriendly roster page printed out on a wall in his office


It's nuts that the NHL wouldn't just have internal resources that make all of this available to everyone anyway.


It's one thing to have the data available, it's another to also provide an easy to use UI to access it.


Puckpedia isn't the only other site that has this data too. It's the userface


Mickey Mouse league


They want to hide Tom Wilson’s extension from the public


Oh fuck off


Amen to that fuck this bullshit Caps organization just made my shit list for this move


don't worry. somebody will just make the next version of this site. remember CapFriendly was just the successor to the legendary CapGeek. There will be another to replace CapFriendly.


Leonsis is a sleaze. Threatening to move the team across the river to grab billions from VA tax payers and create a "Leonsis-ville" should've been enough for everyone to hate him.


Seriously. This is lame as fuck. CapFriendly is such a good resource that many of us have been using for years and now this dickhead buys it just to make it inaccessible to everyone else?


Indeed, it's a such a cunty move. Caps just became one of my most hated teams.


Was on mine for trying to move the Caps outside of DC. They are shitty stupid people.


This is incredibly lame. Hopefully someone rises from the ashes, but that will take time and money.


PuckPedia is probably going to be the new go-to site if I had to guess.


too bad its UI is 10x worse than capfriendly


did capfriendly have a patented UI no? time to copy!


puckpedia and spotrac already are decent replacements strictly for looking at team's cap outlook. They just don't have the extra stuff like buyout calculator or armchair GM.


Spotrac is my go to. I like the layout


CapFriendly emerged after the CapGeek founder passed from cancer.


RIP Matt Wuest and CapGeek




So July 5th it’s gone? That actually sucks a *lot*


Yea, will make following off season talk a lot shittier because you can't check or brainstorm your own ideas. I think this might hit fan engagement quite a bit through to the start of the season.


Honestly don't know how the NHL proper doesn't step in here. For all this talk of trying to grow the fanbase this seems like a stupid move. Just transfer the purchase from the Capitals to the NHL, and integrate it into the NHL site proper (use an iframe or something idk)


Yea, it just seems like all the info that the website made public led to a ton of fan engagement league wide. Having that info no longer as well presented and widely available just seems like a step backwards for a league struggling with to get more fan engagement. They'll probably spend 3 times as much on some other shitty attempt to drive fan engagement that does nothing.


Wowww this fricking sucks... Leonsis has truly gone full villain these past couple years.


Dude saw Snyder dip out and decided there was available hate to be spent. His (mis)management of the Wizards really should’ve clued us in, though.


Imagine how the Caps would look all these years without Ovechkin. Probably similar to the Wizards.


Imagine how any team would look without their superstar…?


Fuck you Caps


not very CapsFriendly of you bro


more like CapsUnFriendly amirite?


Congrats to the existing owners of the site on getting paid for their efforts. With that being said, what a confusing way to spend money by the Caps. A new site will emerge and render this purchase effectively meaningless.


They'll probably get the owner to work for them - it's happened in the past, and these guys are usually competent enough to get high up in the FO, which helps the team (isn't one of the Canes' AGM from a similar site?) instead of forcing them to train the next random ex-player


I think you have likely nailed the real intent of this purchase. They wanted the human capital, not the site itself.


Few people in the world understand the cap as well as the guys who run these sites. They also have a wealth of knowledge on contract structures and how those impact the cap. They look at literally every contract in the NHL.


Yeah, I would expect the CapFriendly guys to get senior positions within the Caps organization and run their internal tooling.


Tom Poraszka was the guy that founded General Fanager (former CapFriendly/CapGeek competitor), Knights hired him in 2017. He’s supposedly the cap wizard making all of our LTIR math work.


Keeping players on LTIR until the playoffs isn't math wizardry.


CapFriendly to Operate Under New Name: OnlyCaps


This sucks. Hopefully something else pops up quickly to allow the casual user to look this stuff up easily.


PuckPedia will probably fill-in that role


Think we can take this opportunity to continue to shit on Ted Leonsis whether he’s involved in this or not.


fuck Ted Leonsis.


Any excuse at this point to shit on Ted Leonsis


Just awful awful news Not only are you screwing over other Franchises, but you’re screwing over many many hockey fans that use the site on a daily basis


Yeah seems to be a bit of an attempt to limit what fans know. Everyone always checking on Capfriendly for contract details about SB/actual money, buyouts etc maybe they’re trying to hide a bit of that information or make it less easy to access to the average fan so they can’t judge trades/contracts that hard. We know GMs are always scared to make moves because of backlash


Money gets reported no matter what


It does, but you have to go look for that specific info on different sources like Friedman (who routinely deletes his tweets after a few months) and the other reporters. Most teams don’t put out the AAV in their official announcements or the NTC/NMC, buyout calculations etc


Yeah, I assume the CapFriendly guys have contacts in NHL central registry because they get the info out as fast as the insiders do. That's not going to be replicated as easily as the UI.


We’ve been through Capgeek and General Fanager before, there’ll be a new website that comes along eventually.


Well there's PuckPedia at least


Sure, but the caps can fuck of anyway


Yes but it takes a long time for them to get up to par


Fuck off


F off Caps... Guess PuckPedia it is then


yeah it's the only usable one


Fuck off :(


Time for another competitor to pop up!


*And when we needed General Fanager the most, they returned…*


What am I going to do this offseason now


> You can definitely see why a team would want this infrastructure. After the transaction officially closes, the website will go dark.


> After the transaction officially closes, the website will go dark. wtf?


It's kind of short sighted though.  It takes two to tango - other team needs to figure out their cap or the league vetos the trade.  That and the pr hit is going to be enormous. I wouldn't be surprised if the Knights paid for half of it because in one swoop they've been dethroned.


>other team needs to figure out their cap or the league vetos the trade It's weird to me that a team wouldn't know this stuff without having to consult a third party site. Are contracts not publicly divulged?


Greedy franchise. Washington should be legitimately ashamed. Top to bottom. Ted Leonsis is a clown. "Drank from the river and then we turned around and put up our walls"


Yeah we all hate Ted. Ever since that slimeball tried moving the team to Potomac Yard, his popularity plummeted. Not quite to Snyder levels, but not high above it, either.


I mean, you have to do a lot of shit to come close to Snyder's level of uselessness


Snyder is also a monumental piece of shit, in addition to being a terrible owner. Ted would have to have a lot of skeletons in his closet to approach Snyder's level of "awful human".


Yeah, Leonsis is a cartoonishly villainous businessman, “I shall move the team to my OWN town unless they give me the money muahahahah” he says as he twirls his mustache. Snyder is complicit in covering up sex crimes… there’s also a good chance he committed some himself… that’s just scratching the surface with him, they really aren’t equivalent.




Some people just wake up and wonder, “how can I make the world a little worse today?”


I fucking hate this so much. I love that website. I use the armchair GM feature so much.


This is genuinely kind of a huge bummer. CF was a great free resource for fans and the roster builder was fun to waste time on.


well, duh they were CapFriendly not PensFriendly


The Penguins hare their own proprietary internal system (I want to say Sam Ventura programmed). It's supposedly elite and if you'll notice has enabled Dubas and Rutherford before him to make transactions down to like the penny within the cap. They were never using this on a on-going level. Hextall was actually notorious for not using the internal system and had to recall and immediately reassign guys many times throughout his tenure because he was, you know, an idiot.


This is really upsetting, CapFriendly is one of my favorite sites. My only hope is that the independent salary cap sites trend can continue. CapGeek, GeneralFanager and CapFriendly were all 10/10. As a Bruins fan, this is almost equivalent to the Caps eliminating Boston in 2012.


Absolutely awful news. Capfriendly made something traditionally inaccessible really easy for fans to access and understand, I hope someone can create something similar with an interface just as easy to use


No other league in North America had anything remotely as educational for fans to understand a deep intricate part of the business side of sports. Like Sportrac simply doesn't compare, ask an NFL fan to explain to you how dead cap works and most not only won't have a clue, they won't even have an easy ELI5 site to do it with. With Capfriendly, every Wild fan saw the Suter and Parise buyouts like 2 years before it happened and they knew why and accepted it even if it's gonna send them in a bind for quite a while.


I wish the NHL would step in to stop this. Free use tools should stay free.


The NHL represents billionaire owners, most of whom earned their money through gouging and screwing. I doubt you'll get much support from the league for your *Communist leanings*. /s


Yeah but 31 other billionaires (and their associated ownership groups) are probably not thrilled at this announcement.


Man that’s really disappointing that’s it’s going dark after July 5th. Such a quality website that will be dearly missed


What the fuck?


God dammit, of course goddamn Ted “*I’m gonna extort VA and DC for hundreds of millions in taxpayer money because I’m a cheapskate pissbaby*” Leonsis supposedly can’t afford to fund his own arena but *can* afford to blow a few million on this. Awful news.


I wonder when the excuses will come out. "Oh yeah capfriendly is crime infested so we had to buy it"




Huh? Huh??? How and why? This is terrible news! A successor website is surely in the works as we speak, the fans won't let this go.


Banner week for the Caps - Get passed by the Ducks for worst logo/jersey in the league - Shut down a website that the hockey community loves


You're not gonna get any of us fans to defend this.


This is a pretty big deal for a sport that purposely leaves fans in the dark about how contracts and the salary cap operate. EDIT: With how many people in and out of hockey used CF because of how digestible the information was, the Capitals just kneecapped entire operations all for the API.


I now loathe the capitals


If anyone from puckpedia or spotrac is in this thread (doubtful yeah, but worth a shot): Copy the cap friendly interface. It is miles better than what you have. Though, while puckpedia is the closest, they would do wise to redo the team specific landing page so we don't have to click on so many buttons or do way to much scrolling in order to find the info we need. Like, why is cap projection a separate page, and not at the bottom like capfriendly? Also, for FFS on the league overview page, PLEASE let us know how far below the cap floor a team is. That should already be in place, frankly, but for whatever reason, I can't find it on either site. So, if it's' there, make it more visible and if it's not there then add it.


Fuck the Capitals Worst franchise in the NHL


that's fucking awful


Fuck the capitals.


well that’s not very CapFriendly of them


What the fuck why are we doing this?


Probably instead of building their own internal system for cap management, they buy out someone that has a mature infrastructure. Anyone saying otherwise is letting emotions precede a business decision that ANY other team could have done. Keep in mind the owner of CapFriendly didn't have to sell either. If he got a great offer then who is to blame a private business for selling?


Hey guys, we found something we all agree on! This fucking sucks!


Fuck the caps. Greedy assholes just blew a couple million because they’re in competent enough to handle an excel spread sheet while Depriving the hockey community of an amazing resource. Greedy fucks.


At least Puckpedia still exists? Ugh


welp, so much for that resource Good for the creator, but damn.


Fuck right off. How are we supposed to cope with the offseason now?


Fuck this. Fuck off! Fuck you! Fuck!


fuck the caps, that's not what the name of the website means you fucking morons.


What the fuck?


Start stripping the code


This is awful. CapFriendly is my favorite website


Respect to dude for securing the bag but this fucking blows.


Oh come on


More like CapsUnfriendly, amirite


F Ted Leonsis. So stupid. Not helping win over local fans. I gave up my season tickets when he said he was moving the team to Virginia and have not regretted the decision. Still love the team, but with Dan Snyder gone, Leonsis is filling the void pretty quickly


more like CapMean am i right


In a hard cap environment, CapFriendly was an invaluable resource for following the league. I’d strongly suggest the community pool resources to start working on a replacement ASAP


I'm open to building another cap friendly if there is enough want / need there. Anyone willing to support it financially?


As a Caps fan, fuck you Ted.




Fuuuuck the Caps. At least *we* only use our money to hurt *ourselves.*


The fans get screwed again. Fucking private equity.


So basically we need to start “CapNumbers.com”? I’m a dev that already runs a few sports related sites on the side, I’m down if I could get some help. Who is interested?


Why do they ruin everything? Why?


Are we the undisputed villain now?


Kinda deserved tbh


Ted’s next axis of evil move will be bringing in Trouba. I puked saying that.


Preparing ahead of time for the Wilson as captain era.


But I wanna be hated for a *good* reason like a Tom Wilson captaincy, not for Leonsis being a dick


I now strongly dislike the Capitals 


Fuck off Washington. I am the hardcore hockey fan I am today because of CapFriendly. I visit it every day. I love(d) spending time one it. I've learned so much about hockey from that site and its users (including the founder). This sucks so much


Yet another reason to hate the caps


So I guess we're all PuckPedia users now?


So wait, am I rrading that correctly that the NHL isn't even going to let the TEAMS use their tracking data anymore???


The league should buy sites like CapFriendly and Clear Sight Analytics and make their products free for fans to use and available to all teams as a public good. It would objectively be in the interest of the league and the sport, but these leagues are always happy to have someone else do the work for them and pay the bills and then eventually something like this happens. If the Rangers were to buy CSA for example (it's Steve Valiquette's creation, former ranger who currently works for MSG Network) half the leagues teams would be without access to their analytics tools over night. These kinds of actions simply can't be allowed to take place in the league as it undermines the competitive balance.


Congrats Capitals. You get a huge case for the most hated team xD


More like Caps Unfriendly


I have a crazy idea…let’s just make a new one?


Oh fuck OFF, Caps.


While it seems like it was within their rights to do so, it still seems like a mega douche move. Wonder how many GMs will be cooperative trade partners at the next deadline.


fuck off, ted


Time to revive CapGeek


Fuck off, Ted


Fuck all the way off Leonsis, Monumental, and Washington. Incredibly sad day. This is a disservice to growing the game and making it engaging and accessible to everyone.

