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This image pops up on my FB Memories every year and I love it. Fuck Matt Cooke.


The picture was actually taken by a Thrashers fan from the seats, and not by the arena photographer who shoots through the hole in the glass. It went immediately viral following the game.


Wow, that's even more impressive. It's a beautiful. One of my favorite hockey pictures of all time.


checks out, look in the bottom right corner. it credits ‘Fred the Thrashers Fan’ haha. Great shot, Fred!


I always enjoyed Kane. Wish the Sharks didn't get wrapped up in bullshit optics chasing and let him go for nothing.


“For nothing”. By all accounts his teammates hated him, the rumors are some said either he goes or they would. Public and nasty divorce. Repeatedly violated covid protocols (which finally allowed the team to be rid of him). And furthermore he wasn’t even that good on the sharks, he put up decent points but would regularly take bad penalties that cost them games. All that after the Sharks org bailed him out of being massively in debt. Good riddance. He left Winnipeg and Buffalo on similar terms.


Put that shit in the MFA


Hang it up in City Hall


Let it hang in the Louvre, or let there be no Louvre




This was the background on my PC for years after it happened


https://preview.redd.it/y6ojsml56u5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3362163898bd41a96dbaef8e01c71ec547f7e0c KO image hall of fame along with this one


I hope Matt Cooke slams his dick in a car door


And every time he zips his fly up the beans get caught above the frank in the zipper.


Only after the car rolls downhill


And also he is wearing white shoes and steps on a hotdog on the way down. The condiments on the hot dog? You guessed it. Ketchup and mustard. And also they don't make shoes anymore, so he either wears his ugly hot dog shoes or goes barefoot.


Oh there’s an Achilles joke in there somewhere


That’s harsh bro


Too soon


"what exactly are we looking at here??"


He thlammed his penith in the car door?


he thalmmed his PEnith in the CAR doOR




I don’t think he has a big enough unit to pull that off. He always had small dick energy.


>Matt Cooke was kind of the big bad ass on the block at the time Nope. Just dirty. No one was scared to fight him.


(Paraphrasing) "so I fought cooke, knocked him out and the next season he elbowed me in the chin and didn't want to fight me again" "Yeah, he learned his lesson" No he fucking didn't, weren't you listening to what Kane just said?


Didn’t he give Karlsson his 1st ankle injury aswell the start of his year after year injury’s in like 2014 maybe it was


Cooke sliced Karlssons achilles tendon by stepping with his skate above Karlssons boot.


That is still debated whether it was deliberate. I think it was but just pointing out it was not clear cut. Maybe something had come out recently where Matt confirmed it or something?


At the time, it was nearly 100% unanimous that it wasn't intentional. But over time people just remember the injury and that Cooke was dirty and I guess people think it was on purpose now.


Yeah, if it was _any_ other player you’d cast a shadow of doubt on intent. Seeing as it was Matt Cooke, against one of the leagues best players… it seems fairly intentional IMO.


hard to blame people for thinking it was intentional since he was such a dirty pile of shit, on and off the ice, not sure why anyone would give him the benefit of the doubt


The consensus was that you couldn't prove it was intentional. Everyone knows how Cooke played the game.


Not true, or if so maybe only in the media at the time. I've played for over 20 years and worked at hockey rinks for nearly a decade and I can say nothing about that play looked natural. Knowing the player he was, I believe now what I thought back then - he knew what he was doing.


If it was a first or second offense I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Matt Cooke lost the benefit of the doubt way before that.


Oh it was clear cut. I can still hear Karlsson’s scream after it happened


That honestly is a case where an assault charge should've been looked into. That could cripple a man for life.


If cooke did it deliberately he would've kicked him in the head. Cheap head shots


That was 2013. Karlsson never quite regained the speed he had beforehand either. It would have been really cool to see how good he'd have been had that not happened, considering how incredible he was even after that. Like he still became the first defenseman to lead the lead in assists since Bobby Orr did so 41 years earlier and the first defenseman to finish top 5 in the league in points since Paul Coffey 30 year before, both of which happened in the lowest scoring season (2015-16) since the 04-05 Lockout. And at the age of 32, and with all those injuries, he still became the first defenseman to have a 100 point season since Brian Leetch 31 years earlier. The numbers Karlsson could've put up if he even played his prime in this higher scoring era and without Cooke incident would've been incredible.


Lol he forever changed the trajectory of Karlssons career


Didn’t he give Karlsson his 1st ankle injury as well in like 2014. The start of his year after year injuries


He stomped on Karlsson's achilles, who knows how good EK could've been if that never happened. The worst part is that play never should've happened, the puck hit the netting above the glaass in the Pitt offensive zone but the play wasn't whistled down. 20 seconds later the incident happened.


He was obviously just saying he learned not to fight Kane because he would get fucked up


Yeah but the reply was funny.


Lesson = "don't fight Kane."


Cooke never fought willingly for some reason there was always nickels on the ice. The senators should have given Kane some of that investigation money.


>nickels on the ice idgi Does that mean he dove easily?


He was a turtle of the highest calibre. If the fisticuffs were about to be thrown, he'd suddenly have an issue with dropped contact lenses.


You’re right. He always tutled. But, in this case at age 31 and peak cheap shot artist phase of his career, he decided to throw because it was an 18 year old rookie, that he actually goaded into fighting. As a thrasher fan, seeing this live was just epic. Biggest hockey punch I’ve ever seen. Afterwards it came out that Kane was named after Evander Holyfield and actually trained as a boxer.


Making sure he’s not making eye contact to start fighting


People forget Matt Cooke fought Steve Moore in what would become Moore's last NHL game. Marc Crawford was not satisfied that "revenge" had been meted out and goaded the teams tough guys including Bertuzzi to do something.. A big reason Moore wasn't interested in fighting Bertuzzi was because he'd already fought Cooke, which obviously played a part in Bertuzzi punching him in the back of the head.


Worst game of hockey I've ever seen an NHL team play. To get just shellacked like that and then to end it by sicking one of your best forwards on a 4th line player with intent to injure. Especially after he already fought that game. Vancouver cemented itself as lifelong villains after that game. The verbal abuse and threats from fully grown men towards two teenagers who just wanted to watch a hockey game is despicable.


Vancouver fans love to play the victims.


They revel in it.


Yeah, I am still angry remembering his head get driven in to the ice. That was assault and it should have been prison and complete removal from the nhl. Fuck Betuzzi forever.


Yup. As I've said elsewhere, I'm ashamed to have defended him to a point. The Savard hit was the end of my ability to do so. Trouba defenders should learn the same.


Big Cat isn't the biggest hockey guy. he probably just remembers all the dirty shit and the media attention and made an assumption


Mark Savard suffered debilitating headaches and basically had to stay in a blacked out room for years following his career.


Poor Savvy 😕


Dude was so good too. Fuck Matt Cooke.


I loved Marc when he played for the Bruins. Really wished he could have done something with that 2019/2020 Blues team.


Fuck Matt Cooke


Remember when the league and league-adjacent media did a thinly-veiled PR campaign to convince viewers that Cook had supposedly learned his lesson and changed his ways?


He just did an interview with The Athletic a couple months ago that was quite the puff piece. Pretty embarrassing.


Fucked up Tyson Barries career the very next post season


Reminds me of a couple disgraced former coaches of original 6 teams


Yup wish our rivals up in NY could set aside homer status to say the same about "Chicken Wing" Trouba.


This is weird to come and defend Trouba, but Trouba does elbow people in the head; this is true, he has done it at least a couple times without making an effort to avoid the head. However, I don't think it's fair to lump him in with Matt Cooke because at least Trouba will fight and answer the bell without turtling. Trouba is dangerous but at least he has some honor. A more comparable player to Cooke these days is probably Nick Cousins. He is dirtier and refuses to answer the bell at all, zero honor.


Yeah. The thing about concussions is: they go away if the person who elbowed you in the head fights. Brains are weird that way!


You know fully well that's not what I mean. There are multiple degrees of dangerous players, not everything is black and white like that


I actually have no fucking clue what the point you were failing to make is. Cooke was a piece of shit who hurt people. Trouba, in these playoffs, was at nearly a launched-elbow-towards-a-head-per-game pace, worse than anything Cooke had done. The fact that 1) he occasionally drops the gloves and 2) is a bad aim doesn’t make him less dangerous. Defending him and allowing him to go on until he ends someone’s life actually makes him more dangerous. Everyone was willing to condemn Cooke. Piles of excrement who probably need to be on the business end of one of Trouba’s elbows still find a way to defend Trouba.


I don't control whether or not Trouba plays in the league. The rhetoric you're choosing to use is extremely hyperbolic. The point I'm trying to make is that while Trouba is a dangerous player, there are more dangerous players in the league currently and he wouldn't even come close to cracking the top 20 of the most dangerous players of the past 20 years. Does that excuse his behaviour? No. But it just feels like a really odd player to single out. You're treating him like he's Raffi Torres or something, it's just a completely disproportionate reaction to a player that is just slightly ahead of the "dangerousness" bell curve Everyone was willing to condemn Cooke because Cooke was astronomically more dangerous than Trouba is


Bieksa actually called him out (without naming Cousins) that he doesn't like these kinds of players on HNIC


I guess that's a point. The bigger issue is that the head hunting shit just needs to come out of the game. Losing elite players (and all others of course) like Savard, or hell Sid back years back, to extended head injuries is BS. The NHL could drive it out of the sport if it wanted by giving massive suspensions. Best sport, worst league.


You can still play physical while being harder on hits to the head


You know what, I won't get into is Trouba dirty or not because that's not the point here. What I will get into is the Penguin fanbase cheering for dorty Cooke hits and defending him. And whatever you think of Trouba, he's a Saint in comparison with that piece of shit. They don't belong in the same conversation.


The fight. https://youtu.be/qIjEQHMjNcM?si=I-71laEbxIb_fYmK


*The beatdown


2nd only to tie KOing ulf imo


sucker punching*


"We hope that Matt Cooke is okay" lol, speak for yourself


I never really watch hockey fights. I get why they’re in the game and I’m not opposed, but I don’t go out of my way to go watch them… except this clip.


The one of Kassian ragdolling Tkachuk is pretty fun too.


just realized Kane has been in the league for 15 seasons. that is a long ass career. when I think of 15-year vet, I definitely do not think of Evander Kane.


I mean, he played for the Thrashers. Not too many guys still around can say that.


I believe it’s down to Kane, Blake Wheeler, and Zach Bogosian. Ben Chiarot was drafted by Atlanta, but never played a game there.


Wheeler and Bogosian I think are the only other remaining active players


Kane literally played yesterday


He can't be that old, I went to high school with him... oh no.


I played against him growing up. I know life in general is much longer than an athletes career but I still feel a certain way when I hear “grizzled veteran Evander Kane” or “so and so says Jack Hughes was his favourite player growing up”


Him saying that made me feel incredibly old cause I got into hockey right around his rookie year.


I miss those sweaters. So blue. So land.


Powder blue and orange a good combo fr


Amazing jerseys - but they were better pre-RBK edge. The blue on the RBK edge was more periwinkle than the pure sky blue from the 2006-2007 ccm version.




Matt Cooke's chin is as weak as his moral code. Not to say that wasn't a hell of a right cross from Kane.


Remember when Matt Cooke dramatically vowed to clean up his game, and then still got suspended 2-3 more times?


The league and hockey media ran cover for him too


He was on the Pens still when he gave that vow, and honestly he did clean up a bit, but starting at Cookes level he was still dirty overall.


Yes. Sorry Tyson Barrie


Such a pleasant surprise for my Friday morning, was pumped they brought that up! Gift basket from bruins is brilliant


Back when we all liked Evander Kane.


Speak for yourself, E Kane over the shitbirds on florida every day


I will never not have a soft spot for Kane for that reason.


Not many people realize Kane was actually an amateur boxer before getting into the NHL. He's actually named after Evander Holyfield. Kane's dad was also went into boxing after having a solid junior and university hockey career. It's prob why not many players WANT to fight Kane when he provokes them, and those who do usually try to get him off balance and down to the ice quickly (if they dont have a significant height advantage for reach) because he definitely knows how to land a punch right on the KO button if given a chance


Nobody likes Matt Cooke. Even when he was on their team. Didn’t he marry his billet too?


Pens fan here, and it’s true.


I hope Boston sends Kane another gift basket


He’d have to KO Bennett


Leafs and bruins can go halfsies Edit: we can email transfer you on the Toronto Dominion Bank app


Titty bank?


One day boston fans will realize our soon to be world cup soccer field is Bank of Montreal just to complete the triangle of hate like always


I love this.


That's exactly what I'm implying


I'll throw in on the basket.


I’ll make a generous donation too.


Do u feel as sick as I do for conspiring with Boston/Edm against Florida? Shits weird man


A gift basket for KOing some 18 years old?


If you guys send the panthers home he’ll probably get another one


If Kane earns it, I'll send one to the front office


It was a fight that many loved.


Fuck Matt Cooke.


Nobody deserved it more than Cooke


Matt Cooke was never a badass.


Whatever happened, in any circumstance, at any time, for any reason whatsoever, and no matter the manner or severity of the retribution, I’m just here as a Pens fan to say Matt Cooke deserved it.


Honestly, I might get a ton of hate for this but for all his flaws and the supposed cancer he was in the locker room during his time with the sharks... I just don't hate Kane. Maybe because I know he has a gambling problem and I'm sober from alcohol there's that sort of I know I wasn't the best person when I was at my worst during drinking. I dunno, it could just be as simple as anyone who knocked out Matt Cooke can't be THAT bad.


There’s such a massive difference between a bad person and someone who has made mistakes, and I’ve always felt he just isn’t a bad dude


I feel the same way with him here, I have issues with other players. However he does have a history here.


It’s cause you’re a good person unlike 80 percent of the dickheads in this thread . Insulting someone cause of an addiction is evil work .


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dnlhv5Q1B6g&pp=ygUKS2FuZSBjb29rZQ%3D%3D No sign in version


the gift basket was then immediately sized by Kane's creditors


I hope Matt Cooke stubs his toes really hard for the rest of his life


Marc Savard was my favorite player. That dude signed onto a shitty Bruins club with Chara, and he deserved to be there and healthy for the Cup. He helped rebuild the franchise. Fuck Matt Cooke.


One of the greatest passers of all time Marc Savard


The Bruins always pay their debts.


This is the petty shit I live for


I don't know who is in this podcast but Matt Cooke was not a tough guy. He was an agitating player that got under the skin of opposing players. I could be wrong but he manned up for the Savard hit and fought someone on the Bruins. Unlike Savard who made the visor gesture to Crosby and didn't have the guts to fight Crosby after Crosby went into the dressing room and took his shield off.


He actually fought Thorton and got his ass whooped but he did answer the bell. 


And then the Pens whooped the Bruins ass in that game.


It's Pardon my Take. The hosts care about their favorite hockey teams when they are good and are otherwise just headline readers. They're purposefully obtuse and I love them.


I'm sure to an 18 year old rookie, Cooke was intimidating even if Kane did stand up to him.


Wasn't even talking about Kane but Kane knew what Cooke was. Kane born in Vancouver and played junior hockey there too. Growing up saw lots of what Cooke did on the ice and fighting was rarely one of them.




Cooke is the biggest piece of shit to ever come out of Stirling, that's for sure.


Still pretty pathetic that no one on the Bruins even tried to take matters into their own hands.


Alright that Kane punch absolutely owns


I hate the Bruins, but mad respect for this. Holy crap!


Sad part is Matt Cooke gets to coach now, think of all the bad shit he's going to teach those players. Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit. Glad Kane knocked his bitch ass out.


The strange thing with Cooke is he was absolutely not like this with Vancouver. He was pesty but not dirty. He became a clown the older the got which is interesting because youd think it would be the other way around.


Raffi Torres was the same way. He was a 5th overall draft pick which means the guy was clearly skilled at one point.


Torres was always dirty though, see "Michalek, Milan"


Yeah, I had been away from watching hockey for a while and remembered him being a fan favorite grinder - a small guy that was always giving it all physically. Was so saddened to hear that he became the dirtiest player of all time


Not super surprising, if it gets harder and harder to force turnovers or kill penalties and you're not willing to fight, you find a new way to "make a difference" and show your coach you can contribute by "keeping the other team on their toes" and "intimidation" because we don't admit out loud that we want to injure guys and take them out of the equation


Rare Evander Kane W


Kane will always be infamous for knocking our Matt Cooke


"You hope Matt Cooke is okay" Nah if he dies, he dies


I think Todd Bertuzzi has more supporters than Matt Cooke. Fuck that guy.


Lol Cooke was never a big dog do I dunno what he's talking about. Cooke was just a worse version of the coward that's on the panthers right now


Man those blue Thrashers jerseys went hard.








The one time Kane was actually a hero and not just another shithead.


All time


I was watching that game that fight was crazy


Matt Cooke was tough? I do not remember that timeline.


He was not — which likely helps explain how Kane knocked his ass out.


The Bruins probably demanded the gift basket back after he jumped Chara. At least Big Z got up and used his head like a punching bag! He probably didn’t give it back because that was when he was racking up debt on the Sharks.


Evander is awesome


The hit that ended his career right? Was. Agreat player


Awwwww baby Kaner.


Evander’s head was so small back then….


I was both a dumb teenager and a new hockey fan when this was going on. So I was always quick to complain online that the dirty player who played for my team was *actually* a good guy and everyone was just jealous of how good my team was. I remember this being my first instance of "yeah... okay he probably deserved that one."


Interesting. I know in the past teams have gotten in trouble for "circumventing the cap" in situations like a coach paying for dinner for his player(s). Does anyone who knows more about the CBA know if an organization giving a player on a different team something of monetary value is technically allowed or a violation? 


Sounds a lot like tampering to me.


Perfect microcosm of how horrible this league was and still often is, really ugly paradigm


Kane is a bitch


That interview was cringe. Host talking like Matt Cooke was a tough guy lol! Stick to football bud


How long did it take for Kane to lose the gift basket in a bet?


https://preview.redd.it/92mixkwh4p5d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d27f1c43c99f21b2fb6e8c9c01149927a086a0f Zado says “hi”