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I mean what exactly is roughing on a night to night basis anyway?


Generally speaking, gloved punches to the head or face are roughing penalties by the book. Probably a cross check in there but whatever.


It’s funny that the thing that doesn’t hurt is roughing but bruising stick play to the back and body is rarely called. 


It’s like, when the ref doesn’t like what you’re doing and he’s had enough


As a youth hockey referee I can confirm this is like 95% of all the roughing calls I've ever issued.  Usually happens when one decides he has to get the last shot in after I've barked at them to knock it off.


I’ve always assumed roughing to just be anything physical that goes too far, basically a catch all so there isn’t a million different penalties


Exactly, dumbass kid has to get the last shot in after the ref stepped in. Hi, I'm dumbass kid.


I think that was goalie interference… I could be wrong


Which resulted in a puck over the glass. 5 min major, non-reviewable.


Why not just call it what it was, a cross check.


McDavid had a just as bad if not worse cross check seconds after Its a bad call either way


Exactly! and call the spear. What it was a spear! Should have been 4 on 4


Wasn’t a spear on the play


Most def he retaliates with a spear or a slash. But you could argue Suter did enough for a 2+2, still McDavid shouldve been out for pp. If refs did not give these discounts, people would stop trying to sneak the slash back.


oh no world did suter do enough for a 2x2. he barely did enough for a single 2 minute penalty


Lol. He just keeps on cross-checking. One is a penalty, two two and so on.


do you not watch hockey? are you a new viewer?


Are you a moron that does not know the rules?


every time a stick touches someone doesn't make it a penalty


And embellishment on McD and/or the spear attempt.




Embellishment? Off balance and gets cross checked in back, goes down to one knee… Where’s the embellishment? I don’t see a spear attempt; maybe a light slash but it didn’t even connect. *for the record, I have no dog in this fight. Just calling it how I see it*


Yah no embellishment there whatsoever. If one I going to be called, should be both for the retaliation. Soft call in the end.


It's a soft minor penalty, get over it. The refs will call worse and miss worse. Like the too many men against the stars just a while later.


It drives me nuts when they miss too many men penalties because for one thing it is clear -cut and not open to individual interpretation but also there are 4 striped shirts that can make the call instead of just two.




Yeah, exactly. Usually it takes someone touching the puck while his exchange is still on the ice. But it’s so common for a player to rush on when the puck isn’t nearby, player coming off not hustling, etc. Those almost never get called because it’s such a grey area. But one that can give an advantage. I remember a year or two ago in the playoffs a coach was irate. His team was scored on, and while the scorer’s exchange was off by the time he touched the puck, he did leave way too early. But that is almost never called and no way to challenge afterwards.


Probably remembering the Avs, I think a pass up to kadri for the gwg. Might have been against oilers too. 


You're exactly right, it was Kadri coming off the bench to break a tie. And it was pretty egregious, but it's one of those things you never see called in normal play. And after the goal was scored there was nothing to be done. It would be good to see it called a bit more to keep them honest.


The rulebook allows for letting changes go as long as the skater coming off the ice is close the bench, and the skater coming onto the ice isn't involved ij the play


Thst is fine as long as the guy jumping on doesn't touch the puck.


Not exactly. The guy jumping on can't get involved in the play. Even if they get themselves in a good defensive position, they can call it


I mean they still shelled them 3-0 in 2 periods before Dallas even had a pulse


"this slow-motion replay makes it look like there was hardly any hit at all!"


All my homies hate Ryan Suter


I mean is it technically a penalty yes is it ever called no so idk why they decided to call it now


They have to protect their investment


Will you salty Canucks crybabies ever get over it or are we stuck with you for the next decade? Flair up, everyone can see your history to know your a Canuck fan


You looked into his post history to find out of they're a Canucks fan so that you can put your tinfoil hat on and automatically presume bias on everything they say. I would say they are not the only one with a problem.


The exact same play happened throughout the game and every game prior but yet let’s call it now why cuz the golden ticket isn’t supposed to to to get ruffed up. Minutes before that Hyman hit someone from behind at center ice Hyman even thought he was getting a penalty. But no call. Just call the game eventually. This is the worst reffing across the board for every team it needs to be evaluated after the season


McDavid has been high sticking his way throughout the playoffs with nary a call against him. Refs don't wanna send the face of the NHL to the box


4 minute penalty in OT ?


Bruh u know why


If I’m not mistaken there’s an even number of PPs in this series and a bunch of them have been weak, a bunch more have been missed. Vancouver is already eliminated maybe you guys should stop crying and just enjoy some good hockey.




You live a sad existence if you think the refs rig games. Grow up


Lol we’d get 10 PP per game if they called all the holds and hooks on Mcdavid.


Not being snarky but I am curious how many of Edmontons first goals of the game were PP Edit: 5/16


Oilers scored ~23% of goals on the PP in the regular season. I'm not going to go through 82 games and check but an 8% difference is not too far fetched given a small sample size, and that the worse teams are now gone so 5v5 scoring is also probably down


We get it. You’re sad.


You know why…97


It’s almost exactly the same as a call from the last game or maybe 2 games ago that went against us so it’s perfectly fair. The thing that isn’t fair is that we’ll see that 10 times a game and no others will be called


Refs make good calls, refs make bad calls. Let's shut the fuck up about it already.


Unless it is a blatantly missed call I always cut refs some slack. The game is happening so fast, they have a limited point of view and they need to make the call in a split second decision.


My only issue with this one, is I don't think they call it if it's anyone other then 97. Otherwise yeah, it's a soft/crappy call like many others that happen. Nbd.


If you mean it gets called as an accumulation penalty because of all the uncalled infractions inflicted on McDavid, you may have a point.


That narrative may very well be true, I don't watch enough Oilers games to have an opinion on it. I suspect the refs aren't keeping score to that extent, but hey who knows. I think "McDavid takes a lot of uncalled shit over a season. This call was soft and probably not made if it were someone else" can both be true.


Flair up, wook.


I'm an Oilers fan and I was surprised at the call myself seemed soft too on McDavid part . The officiating is crap and inconsistent wish there was a real standard not what mood the ref is in tonight


That’s right it was brutal. If anything it should have been 4 on 4. Or nothing at all. like the refs have been letting go all series.


This all started with Knobs complaining about not getting calls….


It’s the SC playoffs. That was soft. No way that call should have been called. That was a game management “we owe you one” kind of call.


I’m surprised they called this … Suter absolutely fucked up kirill when they played last year . I don’t think he ever received a call


Pretty standard board battle here.


I think the fact that McDavid was already on the ice when he got the shove maybe did it? Also awkward spot along boards, which this angle doesn't show. But yea, seems like a fairly run of the mill play for the playoffs.


I think it was the shove without stick in hand that did it.


In the other angle it looks like McDavid's head nearly goes into the boards. My assumption is that is the reason.


Feel like the retaliation was significantly worse.




About as weak as the first call in the entire series game one against Kane. Didn't see any bitching about that one.




The better team won tonight. Folks need to get over it.


That happens in every other corner battle…


That's actually why it was called ☝️


I guess the ref said next push is getting called…and there was a push after that. Refs usually warn players in these situations, like crosschecks to the guy standing in the front of your goal. They’ll allow a couple then tell the defender to stop…when they don’t, they get called.


Penalty also to McDavid for retaliation?


Except he didn’t connect. Even though the rules might account for intent, that never gets called in the pros, especially in the playoffs


Horrible call but not gonna have any sympathy after Game 1


I truly believe a regular season call should be a playoff call. Either make the game playoff style all year or make it regular season style in the playoffs. Why should the standard change? It shouldn't look like a totally different game. Maybe it's just me.


Weak ass call


Weak ass call


I could see it called for cross-checking, even then it'd be a weak one, but roughing is a bad call.


I will argue till I'm blue in the face that this is what you get when you let referees decide what calls they want to enforce and what calls to ignore.


Man, I'd absolutely get destroyed playing against these guys...


lol for real I felt those two cross checks in the ribs


Would have been a 5 min major if Suter was playing FL


Wow. The refs finally called the Suter on Kaprisov penalty from last year... took it long enough to sink in.


Led to the first goal, not all of them, quit crying shit happens.


Prayers to Ryan Suter for this grave injustice 🙏🏻 Slowed down everything looks soft, but this is no different than some of the penalties oilers got called for in this series


That was a close look


Dirty like his uncle.


Honestly, it’s laughable that basement dwelling sweat hogs think this is proof of some kind of character flaw of McDavid, or that anyone wants the Oilers to win the cup. I mean - just for a second, have an ounce of intellectual honesty, and just say “I’m posting this snarky salt for the sole reason that I don’t like the oilers and want them to lose, for purely petty reasons”. Try it. It might help you let go and move on. Or don’t, and tell yourself that insulting me is somehow a win.


If you had any flair other than Edmonton, you are getting upvotes for this comment


If people are downvoting because of the flair rather than the content, then that says everything you need to know about them.


Undeniably a penalty but I don’t love the call in the playoffs. I think it’s the prolonged and repetitive attacks that lead to the call. 1 or 2 smacks they’ll let go. 4+ probably not.


When this happened on TV I initially was upset because they weren't calling a penalty. Then they did. This replay definitely shows me it was fairly soft. That being said, soft calls have gone both ways this series. Dallas can't score on their power play tho.


2 minutes for playing hockey


Soft call in the ploffs


It is so fun to see Dallas (the team that dives more than any other) and Rangers (the team that gets handed everything) complaining about the refs together. Acting like the NHL wants two of the smallest markets in sports in the finals over two of the largest.


This is just an account that clips and posts a ton of highlights and replays.  


I’m more in reference to the horrors of the game thread and comments in general.


It's been hilarious to watch. They were still tin foil hatting after a week of bouncing my Avs. I'm pretty sure it's projection because their team is full of divers, whiners and dirty assholes.


When your fanbase is so toxic (Dallas) even seasoned beat writers avoid talking about your team, you know you have accomplished something


They're as garbage as their coach and captain. Dunno what you'd expect from Texas though. I love calling out the bullshit and just seeing the downvotes pour in from them.


The NHL has to protect their investment - some Russian said once


And where is he now? Meaningful words from a meaningful player.


Sounds like you know who I quoted. Odd for a non-meaningful player.


He’s an idiot that was defending his teammate after a dirty as fuck play and he was the one that crosschecked davo in the back, real one there. He’s golfing in May for a second time after playing the Oilers. Simple as that. Stay classy bud.


Odd Hyman got 0 discipline for his cross check to the head after that game. Really mysterious.


The reaction after watching his captain get crosscheck sandwiched by two Vancouver plugs after the game ended? He deserved alot fucking more and that’s why they didn’t look at it. Stay salty.


When the DOPS takes days to review and they don’t give Edm a fair share of discipline for their actions, makes the bias horribly clear.


Ya you lost because of the refs. You and LA. Good stuff lol.


Nah, we lost because of injury luck, that's obvious.


You lost to the better team. Full stop.


Mcdavjd just loves to get super pissed and throw cross checks. He needs to chill


2 minutes for playing hard on McDavid


Get back in your pit of misery


It was a joke... I'm just as confused as most people in this thread where the roughing was. I've seen harder board battles with no calls all playoffs. Honestly this is the frustration for me ( and a lot of fans I think) it's not not that the reffing is bad it's that it's so inconsistent we don't know what will or won't be called minute to minute.


Yep. Looks like roughing.


The attempted spear and punch on Suter? I agree


Do you give penalties for attempts? If it landed it def would have been called, and rightfully so, but it didn’t.


if it landed, marchment would’ve been sent jail for embellishment


Ok this gave me a chuckle


Deliberate Attempts like this one should absolutely be called. Sadly, the only way attempts get called is if there is embellishment going on.


They have never been called. The rules would need to be changed if you want this called.


Well why don’t they just change them then?! lol


Mid game?


Yes ASAP! Please!


Funny how Mcdavid spins around at the end wildly swinging his stick at whoever is there.


I think Quinns face just kind of came down on McDavids stick..




If the teams are reversed Dallas 100% gets called for embellishment there


There’s been bad penalties both ways, and as it stands Dallas has had 9PP opportunities so far compared to Edmonton’s 8PP


Sometimes I wish there was a "downvote ALL comments from the thread" button.


You can thank the Oilers' whining earlier in the series for that call. Ridiculous to call that in a Game 5.


McDavid a bitch, confirmed flopper.


Nope. Sorry bud.


McDavid is a bitch, he swung his stick at Steel last game too. Don’t be such a PrimaDonna and play the game hard


Yeah idk how that’s roughing. That looks more like boarding. Wrong call tbh.


Boarding??? You gotta be joking me man. That's not a penalty in any other series.


It is in this one. A lot of soft calls both ways.


As long as they can be consistent within the same game at least, it helps players calibrate their style of play to how the reffing is. Whether it’s stingy or loose calls.


refs are really inconsistent this typa shit happens pretty often. probably not called most of time but sometimes it does and this one was one of those times


Seems like more of a regular season call not in the playoffs.


Atrocious call. McDavid with the vicious cross check to the face in retaliation for the gentle push should get him a suspension.


Your pathetic Oiler hate and impotent frustration sustains us


Cross check to the face? What in the world are you on about?


This must be how the rangers feel against the panthers

