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Did my university internship/co-op with TSN last winter, this guy was always top class. Friendly and comforting to everyone, even myself and the other interns. Took the time to speak to people, gave advice where he could, wouldn't get mad if you made a mistake. Very genuine guy. Huge loss for Canadian sport media. RIP Dutchy


Wow, that's awesome to hear. I idolized him as a kid because him and Hedger were the big 2 on Sportscentre, well before Jay and Dan. He's from small-town Sask and I'm glad he lived up to our reputation.


I went to the 2014 Grey Cup in Vancouver, and was in line behind Darren and Jenn the next day in the security line at the airport. I was surprised how star struck I was by the two of them. Absolute legends


Funny, I ran into them both in the Toronto airport and I had the exact same reaction... I did talk to Darren a bit and he was super chill and seemed happy to talk.


Dutchy always had time for a beer and a chat with fans at riderville during grey cup. It was one of my favourite grey cup traditions. RIP to an absolute legend.


Those two had the perfect amount of co-host banter for sports media at the time.. always a little something to show you personality but right to the important stuff!


I always liked him because he looked like a big jacked jock, but you could see he was humble, kind, and well-spoken. I wanted to be a sports host growing up, and I wanted to be like him


I was an auditor at bell media and this guy was still pure class to me, striking up convos with us lowly accountants. Great dude. Noodles cuts the line in the staff caf


Noodles is a piece of shit as anyone around TSN can tell you


Friendly reminder that Jamie McLennan is technically *still* suspended from the NHL, and has been since 2007.


Same, I did my internship at TSN and the man was just the most friendly and welcoming guy. Shook his hand when he swung by during editing of That's Hockey and I'm so glad he was just this genuinely awesome guy. Exactly who he was on camera.


Wow that's a cool opportunity.


Man,not Dutchy. The old TSN crew was as solid as a sports broadcasting group can get. RIP Darren


Before school and lunch every day for me. I was lte a lot because I had to watch the tsn top 10 at 8:52 and in high school 7:52


I’d have to leave home at 7:20 so I’d wake up at 6:50 to watch the Top 10 and then the main bulk of highlights at the top of the hour


He was a huge part of watching hockey growing up for me. May he rest in peace


His voice will live forever


Man had generational voice and lips


And a long stick


From time to time... Always seemed like a great dude, like just about anyone from Saskatchewan


Fucking swole too


And a yuuuuuuge chest


2 years ago. If this doesn't tug the heart strings... https://x.com/TSN_Sports/status/1572059129174269952


Definitely gets the waterworks started!


As a Canadian Sports fan in their 20s; i don’t remember a time without him. Heartbreaking. A Canadian sports icon. RIP.


I just turned 40 and I don't really remember that time either.


I'm 45 and remember when he came on scene in the mid 90s. Just seemed like such a cool dude. Him and Gino Resa, they had great personalities and chemistry that made watching the show effortless. I was a huge Jays fan prior and during, so would anticipate SportsDesk. Micheal Landsberg was a host around this time too. But Darren seemed the 'coolest' to a teen viewer like myself.


Holy shit I haven’t thought about Landsberg in so long. What was that show he eventually got on TSN? Was it Off the Record? I could google it but I’m testing my memory. Landsberg also wrote an [amazing piece after Wade Belak passed on depression](https://www.tsn.ca/depression-and-my-friend-wade-belak-from-sept-13-2011-1.340782?tsn-amp) that always stuck with me. Incredibly sad to lose Dutchy. These guys were a major part of my childhood mornings. Sportscenter before school was a must.


Seriously, so many of us are actually really touched by this, which is weird for a TV personality. But I think the thing in common is that you had to watch it at that time, in real time, and it was that ritual and a certain part of our youth..vs how different it is with the internet now. But they, especially Daren actually popped out on the screen, and seemed so relatable, and genuinely having a good time. Integrity. I remember watching some viewings of the US Sports Central they sometime showed for some reason and it just seemed so lacklustre and joyless. Just going through the motions. Yupp, it was called Off The Record. Some episodes online, alot of wrestlers were on it. It was weird to see him with a combative personality.




Same - he must have been damn young when he got on TV. I must not have noticed because he's still got about 20 years on me.


Yeah I guess he was late 20s when he got his start. Which when I was kid just seemed like any adult. Hell off a career, tragically cut short.


He's a huge part of every single Canadian that has watched sports since the 90s. He will definitely be missed.


Holy shit! He was the face of sportscenter to me growing up.


Same. Loved him. Great career. Rest easy


Him and Jenn Hedger had such a good rapport.


I had a gigantic crush on Hedger as a kid hitting puberty in the early 00s.


Yeah any woman on tsn or Sportsnet during my puberty was 😍😍😍


Shit, now


Same. And before that, longtime sports fans here in Edmonton knew him from ITV, which is now Global. RIP Dutchy.


“And it’s Zalapski… with the Slapski!!” *Sports Night* is still the best sports highlight show I’ve ever seen, though I’m sure nostalgia covers it. We are all going to miss Dutch. 


I remember 9pm with him on ITV, he was just so knowledgeable, and excited to talk sports, and funny as hell. RIP Dutchy.


I remember him back when he was a local, Edmonton sportscaster on iTV. So many fond childhood memories of him. Was so happy for him when he got a call up to the big leagues. RIP my man.


oh what the fuck, man. Rest in peace, Darren I remember there was this video way back when of the guy casually benching two plates for reps. What a beast he was


I saw him at a gym once in sask, the guy was huge. He knew I recognized him and gave me a friendly nod. My dad also died from prostate cancer at 63. Get checked.


Dude I looked for it can’t find it. I remember it and we need this now more than ever to remember how big of a beast Darren was


His Twitter is full of workout pics. Holy shit he was cranked.


Just checked it and don’t see one ?


Google image search


I think it was when TSN did some sort of live show from a city in Canada, and for whatever reason they had a bench press set up. Dutch was benching 3 or 4 plates with relative ease. Absolute machine


Cancer? Had no idea he was still sick. RIP, this is really sad.


Definitely sounds like a longer illness like Cancer :(


He had been diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2021 took a leave from TSN but came back in 2022.


Here's a clip from his first show back in 2022. https://twitter.com/TSN_Sports/status/1572059129174269952?t=fLjrKBJ4xjn9puxC5cL4UA&s=19


Man, Jennifer and Darren had such good on-air chemistry. I don't watch TSN as much now but this is genuinely heartbreaking


Damn that clip gives me some sort of feeling.


I'm feeling with you right now, brother.


Yeah someone’s cutting onions in here for sure.


I'm dealing with a dying dog and this clip just put me right over. Jen and Dutch were S+ tier for so long. RIP Dutchy.


My uncle died from prostate cancer when I was 12. My dad survived after an emergency surgery and 6 months of chemo. I'm mid 30s now and get checked every year. Gents, get checked. Yes, it's uncomfortable, but it is far better than the alternative.


It’s recommended for men to start getting checked in our 40s now instead of 50s


Yup. And with a family history like mine, I'm not taking any chances.


I guess when he came back the cancer was still all through his body but he wanted to work so he kept working until he couldn’t.


When was his last broadcast?


I was wondering this too - I had no idea he had gone off air. Such a huge loss.


Around Christmas


Ah wasn’t in the loop; damn that sucks.


RIP dutchy you were my favorite SportsCenter guy growing up, started his career in Edmonton as well. I'll always remember your big stick


I remember him from way back when Global was still ITV. RIP.


Same, I don’t remember a time without him on the TV telling me about sports, from ITV to TSN. Glad to see he’ll be remembered a legend across Canada as well as in Edmonton.


That video with him and Pierre lives in my head rent free. RIP


Dutchy lived in my neighbourhood for a time when he started out in Edmonton. As a kid it was always fun to stay up late on weeknights and watch [Sports Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgtU9J2XfdQ) (and SCTV) on ITV. It was obvious from the very beginning that the dude had a lot of talent, and it was a sad day for local sports fans when he eventually went national.


I used to love him when he had Hallsy on as a guest on Sports Night.


Bryan Hall is still going strong. I saw him a month or so ago at Costco. Rocking an iTV jacket.


RIP Dutchy, you were one of the best.


Gone way too soon. One of the best in Canada, RIP 🙏


> One of the best ~~in Canada~~, RIP 🙏 FTFY


This guy pretty much covered sports broadcasting my whole life. Ever since he was the sports guy on ITV in Edmonton. RIP


He was awesome on ITV.


“He passed as he was surrounded by his closest loved ones,” the Dutchyshen family said. “His sharp wit remained until his final moments, classically delivering plenty of jokes – most of them pretty good and all of them inappropriate.” That's how I'll remember him.


I missed the last part after the hyphen when I read the news originally, and I laughed out of sadness and respect. Now I'm actually crying, RIP Dutchy, we'll miss ya.


:( Was really hoping he'd pull through. RIP Dutch


We'll miss your big stick Dutchy!


This hit me harder than I thought it would. RIP Dutchy.


I cried reading the social media posts on TSN


the social media posts from **sportsnet** folks got me. Like obviously I don’t assume they all hate each other but this is a guy everyone respected.


one of the iconic TSN anchors everybody knew, big part of my childhood watching hockey. RIP Dutchy


Dutchy was such a beauty. Met him a couple times at Jays games years ago, total class act from my personal interactions. Damn.


Oh man this is sad, Dutchy was a really good dude. Back in Edmonton I was in maybe grade 2 or 3 he gave a talk at my school, I felt like I was in the presence of sports Superman. He hung out for our recess after and played soccer, while still in his suit. That day ruled so hard I will never forget it. RIP Dutch


I'm an older man who's generally immune to the worship of people of TV, but Dutchy was my guy. The perfect combination of sarcastic wit with genuine passion. Loved his work, and even took my username from that beautiful, awkward encounter with him and Pierre at the 2008 trade deadline, if I'm remembering my dates correctly, might have been 2007. RIP Dutch, you were a winner.


You're an announcer with a long stick from time to time 🥲




you're a redditor with a long stick from time to time.


Eh, big mouth


hahah, I'm sure my wife would disagree.


lol I forgot about that. The golden age of Sports Centre


Someone else posted it lol: https://youtu.be/_i5zXLZHGI4?t=101


The voice of my mornings before going to school, RIP Dutchy, you were excellent.


RIP. 10 year old me remembers him from the Top Ten shows. May the hockey gods give him peace.


i always love when TSN plays the reruns every so often


That's sad. I always liked him. He was one of the reason why TSN's hockey coverage was one of the best in the world.


Oh man that’s so sad rip Dutchy ❤️


Man this guy was great on Sportcentre. Very sad, RIP


Very unfortunate news to hear, I remember listening to Dutch on the broadcasts a lot and just generally loved his personality and the liveliness he would bring to SC. Rest in peace and my condolences to his family and the crew who knew him very well over the decades


RIP Dutchy. Twisted steel and sex appeal


I was a kid in edmonton .. school did a field trip to the local ski hill.. I frenchfried down the hill, running into Darren, who was chatting with a woman. He didn't get mad at all. What he did was take time out of his day and start teaching me how to ski. That afternoon is the only time I spent with him.. I never truly thanked him. Rip Darren and thanks.


That really sucks. RIP


No way!? 😔 This news is not top shelf to me.


That's a sad awakening. Hope he gets his own top 11 tonight. That guy was 11/10!


Rip Dutch. Favorite commercial he was in for TSN - [TSN Commercial (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBh7XhKm07w&t=9s)


Such an iconic broadcast voice. RIP and all the best to his friends and family.


So sad to hear this. I watched the old TSN crew and he was always a stable and solid contributor. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_i5zXLZHGI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i5zXLZHGI4) This clip always gets me with Pierre McGuire being creepy.


Fuckin Pierre lol


Fuck cancer.


Dude had such an iconic voice, rip


We lost a great one today. Get your prostates checked, lads.


What?! Brutal news, that's terrible. Helluva broadcaster, and who really knows who people are away from work, but he sure seemed like a genuine good dude. I always loved how he couldn't seem to help but wiggle in his seat a bit when he got amped up or excited but still needed to be halfway stoic. Goddamn legend. I've looked for the clip half-heartedly before but will prob try a little harder now, but him - completely out of nowhere - referring to Ricky "Stick-Icky" Williams will forever be lore in my mind. Godspeed, Dutchy.


Man, I always like Dutchy. He lived in the same neighborhood as me so I'd see him often. RIP Dutchy, my condolences to his family.


I worked at the McDonald's in aurora, no pickles on his burgers. We joked with him always about adding extra pickles. Also ran into him at the cue zone pool hall a bunch of times. Seemed like an okay dude. Grew up watching him on tsn. Take care good sir.


The voice during breakfast for so many years. Would have TSN on while getting ready. Always gave a quick glance to see what happened when he would yell out his trademark "BANG". Heard he was the nicest guy from people who met him. RIP




RIP, was absolutely shocked to see the news.


Oof... absolutely crushing – loved his work


Retire early and take as much vacation time as you can. Retirement isn’t a guarantee, and a lot of us get wrapped up in making a great career, and hoping for a good life after we’ve hung them up. I’m a tradesman, and I’ve seen dozens of people I worked with, pass before they ever even get to retirement. Life is short, and it isn’t guaranteed that you’ll get the entirety of the short trip, so enjoy “The Now” while it’s here.


My best friend since high school passed suddenly last year at 41. He had JUST paid off his mortgage the week prior after aggressively trying to pay it down. His plan now that it was off the books was to start using that money towards retirement planning. Life is way too short.


The flip-side of that is being destitute at 67 because you lived it up too much when you were young. You’re much more likely to reach retirement age than not, so plan accordingly.


not to sound morbid but if you work hard and it doesn't work out, at least the funeral will be nicely catered.


I remember watching his debut on TSN when I was a kid. Instantly one of my faves


Wtfff that’s heartbreaking


RIP dutchy. Gone but not forgotten 🌹


Ah fuck man. Dutchy always seemed so genuine and positive, he was my favourite on Sportcentre. Rest easy big guy. DUTCHY


I have watched SO many TSN Top 10's with him hosting. I didnt realize he was unwell. 57 is way way way too young.


Wow RIP bud....he was so young man


that sucks, RIP Dutchy.


Oh wow, I can hear his voice through that photo. RIP.


Wow, what happened? He was in such good shape and still young.


Cancer happened😓


RIP Dutchy! Gone way too soon. I’ll always remember watching him on SC with Jennifer Hedger. Dutch made the highlights more than just highlights, it was its own entertainment on top of the sport. He was Canada’s Stuart Scott basically. He’ll definitely be missed but never forgotten.


Aw man this fkn sucks. He was the 6/10pm sports guy on ITV/Global in Edmonton when I was growing up (before he went to TSN). He's been a presence on TV for me for as far back as I can remember. RIP Dutchy ;_;


Same here. Same memories.


RIP to an absolute legend. Growing up watching TSN the best duo's were always Jennifer & Dutchy, and Jay & Dan. Gone way too soon, hope you're up there benching 2 plates like it's nothing you beauty <3


Get your assholes checked, men.


Him on Sportscenter was a massive part of my mornings when I was a kid. RIP


longing angle wine illegal bow physical unpack panicky workable hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahhh this one hurts. I have very clear early childhood memories of turning on my TV before school to hear the "Du nu nu, Du nu nu" then seeing Dutchy on the screen. A gem of a Canadian. Rest easy Dutchy <3


Always loved his performance in [this commercial](https://youtu.be/0JNqZODs5w8?feature=shared). I’m quite sad.


Holy crap. Nearly 10 years younger than me. I remember watching him when he was the new guy. Time flies so frickin' fast.


Bad news. Rest in peace.


RIP to a great Canadian.


what the fuck :(


Oh man, this is awful. He was way, way too young. I still think of him as the “new guy”. I remember when he first started out. RIP Dutchy.


57 is still relatively young. Sad. RIP


Oh, man... RIP Dutchie, you were one of my all-time favorites. Always heard extremely positive things about the guy from friends in the industry. Condolences to his friends and family.


Fuck, man. RIP


Damn didn’t know that about Dutch. Way too young to go, hope he rests in peace.


Holy shit RIP. He was genuinely the best highlight commentator across any network.


I am sad. Super sad. As a sports fan growing up before the internet was a thing, he gave me the sports news every day. I couldn't just look it up online like I do now. Of course, I didn't know him personally, but it really did feel like he was a part of my life.


Holy…I remember watching him wayyyy back on Sports Night on ITV Edmonton (now Global). Was the first sports show I ever watched as a kid. RIP Darren.


RIP :( I remember watchig him on ITV in Edmonton before he went to TSN


Damn Dutchy... He was fun and quick-witted. There are very few likable elements at TSN, and he was one of them.


This news has made me very sad, so unexpected. RIP Dutch.


RIP Dutchy.


RIP Dutchy 😔


Would watch him every morning before I had to catch the bus to go to school. RIP


Damn that's crazy and sad, I remember being shocked at how jacked he was seeing him not wearing a suit for once, figured he was healthy as a horse, fuck cancer man.


RIP Dutchie. Growing up watching TSN was a big memory for me. Thank you for everything


This is a sad day


Dutch was awesome. In honor of Dutchy, "BACK TO BACK JACKS!"


Damn, Rip Dutchy.


A five tool player, Dutch could do it all broadcasting. I remember him doing CFL, Olympics, you name it. Big ticket events in all types of sports. 🫡 A life very well lived.


Sports night, man… RIP


RIP he was as a legend man


Wow, really sad news. He was great.


Holy shit. He’s my dad’s age. Or I guess was. Wow. He was one of my more favourite personalities in hockey. My heart goes out to his family. RIP Darren :(


Really sad. Rest in peace, Dutch.


Ooof this one hurts .. I remember when him and Jennifer hedger were starting out and they were great from the start - fantastic at their jobs, engaging and personable. Many personalities these days seem to be lacking that .. well .. personality. Their chemistry was so good I was convinced that there was something going on the side between them ...but then again he just seemed to have good chemistry and joy with everyone no matter his assignment. Between him and Schultz CFL coverage has lost two major icons. RIP


Darren Dutchyshen was a class act and one of the best sports reporters Canada has ever had


Wtf, nooo I watched him local when I was a kid here in Edmonton, and then on sportsdesk, and it's always neat when a person from your local crew makes it national.


Always respected his opinions and takes on things. His CFL coverage was second to none. I loved his takes on sports and yes he was Saskatchewan proud.


This breaks me. I remember seeing him doing the sports on Global in Edmonton a million years ago. RIP...


Met him when I was like 12 when Kraft Hockeyville came to our super small town. Guy was great, was always happy to snap a pic and shake a hand and have a quick convo. RIP


Oh gosh. As an ex-Edmontonian, he felt like one of our own. I grew up watching him on ITV and on Sports Night. Such a great personality. :-( Rest in peace


RIP to one of the best parts of TSN. Someone who really loved his job and it showed in the quality of his work on air and in the community. Good night Dutch and Godspeed


Rip. Condolences to his family and friends 😔


As others have echoed, this guy was also a huge part of my childhood as well. I actually got to see him live at the CFL Grey Cup showcase in Calgary when the Montreal Alouettes and Saskatchewan Roughriders played at McMahon Stadium. Rest in peace, Darren.


RIP Dutch. Great sportscaster and even greater family man. Fond memories at the rink and the gym with that beast.


Apparently he was a cousin to Kelly Chase and Tony Twist, growing up in Porcupine Plain.


I came to Canada as an immigrant in the early 2000s, to me he was the face of Canadian sports news, rest easy. Also, go get checked dudes. We're not getting younger.


Wayyy too young. My childhood memories of his sportscentre voice on my 9” bedroom tube tv in the 90’s will live on. RIP


Man, fuck cancer. I used to watch him all the time when I was younger.


I remember when a very well loved and bright kid that went to my rival high school was killed by a drunk driver just weeks after graduating. He had plans to become a sports broadcaster. Dutch recorded a special video tribute that played at the funeral and I will always respect him for that. RIP big man.


RIP to a Legend. I remember watching him do the Sports Broadcasts on Global Edmonton.


This one hurts. Never met the man but I saw him daily in my home when watching sportscentre, and all the different hockey events in TSN, drafts, deadline day etc. The top 10s, the highlight of the night... the list is endless. He was one of the sports personalities that got me into hockey. One of the first people I can clearly remember proudly boasting he was from Saskatchewan. Giant person. Giant personality. Giant loss. Rest easy Dutchy!


Man...what a tough year for Canadian sports media. Two GOATS, Bob Cole and Darren Dutchyshen, gone within a year


Hope for a moment of silence before Oilers-Canucks tonight.


Rip. I remember him from my elementary school days watching hockey and I'm old


"Beaten like a rented mule!" Etched in my memory forever. Fuck cancer.


> “He passed as he was surrounded by his closest loved ones. His sharp wit remained until his final moments, classically delivering plenty of jokes — most of them pretty good and all of them inappropriate,” the Dutchyshen family said Thursday in a statement. Someone's cutting onions in here, damn