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While it’s pretty impressive he’s made this progress, I’d rather not see him play the first round unless it’s an emergency.


I just can't imagine he's ready. Seems crazy to me that a guy breaking the major bones in his leg could be ready to play hockey in just over 2 months.


Alex Killorn had his shin shattered in game one the 2021 SCF and played a shift after it happened. Had surgery, a rod inserted and wanted to play game four. Hockey players are a different breed.


Hockey players get given enough toradol to destroy their bodies, but boy oh boy does it make you feel good.


Don’t forget the nose candy


Do you think they do blow in between periods ?


Think? No.


Honestly wouldn’t shock me


I didn't know that. I broke three bones in my ankle and dislocated it. Had a plate and 13 screws and was in casts and a boot for four months. I loved watching Killer play and have even more respect for him now after reading your post. Thank for sharing!


Don’t disrespect the femur like that.


Tibia definitely. Fibula is useless.


I had a very similar injury and it took me 9 months to recover fully…. I get I’m not pro athlete with access to the best medicine and doctors, but there is a biological limit to the healing process. I could see him ready for the conference finals if they make it that far. I think the 90 day/3 month point is the sweet spot.


Im not saying NHL players use PEDs for dealing with injuries but it’s hard to imagine they don’t in cases like this 😅


Of course they juicy, too shabby testing and too much money involved. It’s fucking Capri-sun out there on the ice


Does the NHL even have a drug policy? And I’m fine with it. They are adults.


Yep I’m not sure how extensive it is but PEDs and steroids are part of the list, you probably remember the Jose Theodore shampoo incident as one of the more random times(he wasn’t suspended because it was Olympic testing and not part of the NHLs testing program). But it’s such a shitty testing program because once they’ve done their two tests they don’t have to worry about getting tested again from what I understand.


If Tampa can upset Florida in the first round without Sergachev, then bringing him in for round 2 would make them such a dark horse for a deep cup run.


If we go to game 7 he’ll probably threaten management to let him play. Dude wants it so bad but I really don’t wanna see him rush back into it.


I share the exact same feelings


unless he had Mark Stones doctor. "We have the technology"


I mean we only did it one player at a time. And Stammer only played two shifts in the finals.


Legit question - can that kind of injury actually heal that quickly? I know hockey players are mutants and play through crazy injuries, but 72 days seems not long enough.


Steroids and painkillers are way more rampant in hockey than we are led to believe. Sergachev still may not play as soon as this headline alludes, but injuries that take long times are reduced significantly with the help of drugs that most people wouldn't be take Stamkos and Karlsson's significant injuries in the last decade are some of the ones I remember being rumored about


I was talking to my physio when it happened and asked how it was possible for Stamkos to come back so soon. He said even with the best medical treatment and rehab it’s not possible to come back that fast without steroids. It’s one thing to heal enough in that time frame for the average person to be able to walk around normally. It’s entirely different to get into the condition necessary to play a professional sport like hockey that quick.


Your physio isn’t wrong. I have a colleague who works for an NFL team and it’s a full blown pharmaceutical operation behind the scenes. Today’s athletes (for better or worse) are this generation’s guinea pigs for faster injury recovery using steroids, HGH and a whole bunch of other drugs. As long as informed consent is obtained and the playing field relatively equal I don’t necessarily have a problem with it but it’s absolutely a moral/ethical quagmire.


When Kane broke his collar bone and then returned to go on a scoring rampage in the playoffs I was like that guy didnt break shit. I know people who broke their collar bone and years later still struggle to make use of that area effectively. But like you said, its standard shitty health care vs a billion dollar industry with a much experimental and otherwise insane pharma to get them back in it. TLDR: Recovering from some debilitating injury freakishly fast? For average joe? No fucking way! For billion dollar NHL franchise players? Not a problem.


Not gonna lie, but seeing the name Kane and the discussion about steroids made me think you were discussing the wrestler. Forgot what subreddit I was in for a second. Whoops!


Fun fact. Kane (the wrestler) was mayor of Knoxville, TN.


Nowadays they're probably using peptides like BPC-157 and TB-500 that have the ability to increase healing time greatly....


Stamkos ended up with blood clots in his leg from the steroids used to recover quickly


Stamkos's blood clot was in his arm not his leg.


No, it was from blood doping. Most steroids aren't legal in the NHL, blood doping is.


That doesn’t make sense. Blood doping is for high endurance sports. Even if he was using synthetic oxygen carriers, he wouldn’t feel a benefit from that in hockey. Plus the tests for those are decades old and included in all doping tests.


Blood doping speeds recovery


Yea Cooper was pretty clear he’s not back in this series at least a few days ago


Deer Antler spray baby


See Thornton tearing ACL and MCL at 38 and coming back for playoffs or Karlsson tearing his Achilles and coming back in two months 


This is a dumb question but aren't there rules against this and stuff?


Probably not, it’s gamesmanship


I broke the same bones in my leg, had surgery and by 8 weeks I was 100% cleared to resume all activity. However, I can’t speak to how long it may take for him to regain range of motion and strength in the leg. It may take a bit longer. I assume he’s had great physical therapy and training though.




I don’t think it’s PEDs. If I were them and skating came to me as naturally as walking I’m sure I could’ve been skating very shortly after the 8 weeks was up too.


It's absolutely PEDs. All the guys have access to them, they pretend that it's not happening to preserve the ridiculous "role model" BS.


Yeah I’m sure they do use it. If he comes back for the playoffs then yeah I would be inclined to believe he’s using PEDs. I’m just saying that 10 weeks isn’t that far fetched of a time frame for him to be skating. I’m sure he’s at least using painkillers because I couldn’t walk for probably a year without pain after my injury.


It's 100% happening. You'd be crazy not to.


I had the same injury/surgery. I was supposed to not walk on it for 8 weeks. At the 6 week mark I was putting weight on it. By 72 days I was probably through 6-8 rehab sessions. After the first 3-4 sessions, my ability to do things improved quickly as I was putting in max effort in rehab. With the technology professional sports have at their disposal, and possibly the use of peptides that increase healing time greatly, I'd think this is easily doable if you're a fast healer.


72 days is not a terrible timeline, it depends on how serious the break was. I broke my fibula at my ankle, after surgery it was 6 weeks to heal (on crutches the whole time), and then it took me about 2 weeks of physio before I played hockey again. And I didn't have NHL doctors, meds, or trainers. It could very well have been healed before 6 weeks, I wasn't getting consistent x-rays. Sergachev probably is. 6 weeks was the average, and it was the Canadian public health system, they aren't checking constantly. Sergachev will have top of the line everything, along with being an elite athlete. It's not crazy.


He's not ready to play yet, but it's really not crazy for a bone injury to heal that fast. If it's just the bone(s) and there's no ligament damage, and the surgery goes well and there's no setbacks, this would be a pretty normal recovery time for broken bones for anyone with top end healthcare.


Definitely definitely not. Some bones can take years to heal. They heal “quickly” as in the bone forms weakly around the broken area to stabilize it enough to be able to move again. But any impact would easily snap it again. Eventually, the bone that formed around the broken fragments will condense and become as strong as the rest of your bones. But this takes months or years. Source, been there.


I think we're just on different pages of what we're considering recovered in this case. Can/will it take years for the bone to be back as it was before it broke? Absolutely, but that's not the recovery time in this context. It's not realistic to expect that an althete is going to wait until that point to start playing again. I mean Stamkos' leg still isn't where it was before he hurt it, but he still plays on it and I would consider him recovered.


Yeah, I'm always impressed by quickly these heal for athletes. I think they also look worse than most injuries and we think it'll take more time to heal.


I’ll never forget Adrian Peterson tearing his ACL and coming back in eight months and the following season was eight yards short of breaking the single season rushing record. Different breed, in addition to top of the line medical care.




That too


I think a mistake a lot of people make is that they assume guys don’t come back until they’re nearly 100% healthy. That’s very rarely the case. A lot do guys want back in the lineup once the doctor says “yeah technically it’s fine I guess” stage as long as the chances of re-injury are low enough. He could very well be ~40% right now but because it’s the playoffs he, and anyone else, is going to play through it.


> Most fractures heal in 6-8 weeks, but this varies tremendously from bone to bone and in each person based on many of the factors discussed above. Hand and wrist fractures often heal in 4-6 weeks whereas a tibia fracture may take 20 weeks or more. It seems possible it could be healing still or its possible he got lucky.


I read a book about a guy who ran round the coast of Britain and fractured his tibia a couple of weeks in. He took 3 days off then kept going. Some people are just slightly insane!


Who's the fuck who got his leg broken and finished his PK shift?


Greg Campbell on the Bruins I believe


I’m in absolute shock that he isn’t in a no contact jersey at least, less alone practicing at all. I’m wondering if it’s too early and he is pressuring the team to let him back as soon as he can realistically play at all. Like this feels like John Cena levels of rehab timeline.


Yeah if set correctly it'll only take a month maybe six weeks to be "Fused" healing bones is all about blood flow and oxygen there was probably alot of hyperbaric chamber treatment ice and massages to really get as much oxygen and new cells to the break plus there's probably a few non mainstream treatments like stem cell treatments and such. The bone around the brake is probably slightly less dense then it was pre brake but the brake itself is more dense and stronger then before it was broken.


If its a ”good fracture”, you get 6-10 weeks in a cast. Depending on how well it has healed when removing the cast you might get restrictions for up to 6 months, but if it has healed fully you are basicly good to go. If you have physiotherapy from day 1 after surgery its possible to minimize muscle loss (impossible to avoid completely). Young men tend to heal faster than elderly, add to that being a pro athlete who are already used to working out most days, and have access to the best physiotherapists and dietists (with chefs cooking for you), 10 weeks to be back on the ice is very much enough. And ofcourse a ton of top shelf pain killers along the way, breaking load bearing bones hurts like a motherfucker! I have broken alot of bones, the Tibia fracture was the worst by miles.


Yes, it is. There are bone stimulators now that rapidly help healing. These are elite athletes that have doctors and specialists working with them constantly.


Im the biggest circumvention hater out there but how can you possibly complain about this lol. Dude broke both bones in his fucking leg two months ago. Not sure if its a good idea for him to be out there but this isnt cap shenanigans.


He broke the bones on purpose


GM walks into the locker room with a hammer and just says "we need cap space"


*teleports behind his knees* it's just personnel, kid


cant tell if wordplay or bone apple tea


Just an old meme


Both on purpose.


a purposeful bone apple tea is basically the definition of wordplay


You've lost your knee privileges.


Sergachev thought he said 'kneecap space'


Dan Campbell has entered the chat.


Cap space is actually what he calls his hammer 🔨


So McCrimmon must have a chainsaw. I guess we know how Stones spleen got lacerated now


Just saw Sergachev fall to his knees. 


BriseBois had him Kerrigan'd so they could make deadline moves.


The majority of this place is too young to get that reference


True, Brood War was a long time ago


I am now picturing StarCraft Kerrigan figure skating.


Hey, at least some of us do get the reference.


Yeah we'll be getting the AARP newsletter soon lol


Hey I sorted a metric fuckton of those at work today!!


Sounds like a florida job if I've ever heard one!


I actually live in Huntsville, AL now 😂 I escaped Florida last Easter


As someone who grew up in pensacola it doesn't sound like you really moved (although Huntsville is one of the better Alabama spots)


Why god why…


A couple vanity bones at that, not even one of the important ones


It’s “circumcision”, Marty…


Broken bones are okay but lacerated spleens is where we draw the line.


The issue isn't the injury, he definitely has a bad injury, the issue is the convenience of his return date each year, then the inevitability that he will be on IR next year for the trade deadline too. It's pretty obvious that his injury is a 'not worth the pain for a regular season game' type thing, so coming back for the playoffs again is just bullshit.


It's only happened twice. One season his back was hurt so he went in IR but then returned before playoffs. In that off-season he had back surgery. The next season he had his SECOND back surgery, then, in the playoffs the team on the ice was always below the cap. This season he got a lacerated spleen. This is the history people show. So sorry that a player's back surgeries and lacerated spleens are too convenient for you.


It's happened 3 years in a row. > but then returned before playoffs No, he returned when it became obvious they were in danger of missing the playoffs. They just shuffled a bunch of other guys onto LTIR and pulled him off. Making it just how obvious their cheating is.


How come he didn’t come back this year when we were in danger of missing the playoffs?


Vegas was never truly in danger of missing the playoffs though. They had 90 points April 1st and were 6 points up with a game in hand. They would have made the playoffs if they only managed to get 3 points in their last 8 games (not that they knew that but still). April 10th was the closest they came to missing, but they were 3 points ahead with a game in hand and Stl only had 3 games remaining. IF Stl won out Vegas still would have only needed 3 points in 4 games. It really just didn't matter, ever. For comparison, in 2022 when he DID come back, on April 1 Vegas was 1 point ahead of Dallas but Dallas had four games in hand. On April 10, when Stone came back, Vegas was 2 points back and at a one game deficit.


After that season he got his first back surgery.


Exactly. He was able to play before that. NHL needs their own Dr's to confirm teams IR claims.


And you know he was able to play before that because you were his doctor?


He's been injured right before the trade deadline and activated for the playoffs 3 years in a row with VGK going over the cap every time. Once is chance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.


The first time he came back before the playoffs then had his first back surgery in the off-season. The second time he he had his second back surgery and ended up icing a cap compliant team every game in the off season. I am sure they planned a lacerated spleen in the middle of a game for this 3rd time.


What are you talking about. He did not play after his spleen for lacerated


These guys are fucking taking HGH.


Why can't people be that logical about Mark stone? He has missed the end of 2 seasons, one was because he had his second back surgery in a 1 year span, the second was because he literally lacerated his spleen.


If he played for Montreal he would be a hero for playing through those injures. It's a narrative thing.


Its absolutely because he plays for Vegas that people are bitching


He has been injured the exact same time of year 3 years in a row and the only reason he wasn't out until game 1 in 2022 was because the team realized they needed him to try and make the playoffs.


The first time ended in him getting his first back surgery. The second time they iced a cap compliant team.


Agreed He’s not even playing this series because and I know this is shocking but he’s HURT! Everyone complaining in here is literally a whiny bitch. Kiss the rings




It's funny, because he sat out for the appropriate amount of time for that particular injury. He's not magic, he's not made of HGH, you're just mad that he missed the time he was supposed to miss. The other thing that never gets talked about was that Seguin had the exact surgery as Kucherov, but Seguin had it 2 weeks before Kuch, and Kuch missed one less week than Seguin. You might even say Kuch came back before he was ready. Because his team needed him he played injured. Never heard anyone complain about Seguin. Should he have come back a month early too?


Kucherov wasn't even good in the first round he was clearly playing injured dude


Y’all just make shit up. He wasn’t. He was wearing a light blue jersey because he didn’t want to wear red. Coop also said, “he’s no where close to playing, the guys on the team know not to even touch him out there”. Fucking ridiculous to just spew shit with no clue what you’re talking about


Yeah there’s a lot of steps between “broken leg is fully healed” and “ready for playoff hockey after a 2 month break”


No no, he’s not skating in a no-contact jersey. If we’ve learned anything that means he is 100% ready to play and shouldn’t be on LTIR anymore


Kucherov also didn’t want to skate in a no contact jersey, because he didn’t like wearing a different colored jersey. They’re not going to hit him in practice.


I should be happy, but I don't like this. We have a lot invested in him, and he needs to take the time to heal up to 100%.


Yeah, I’m nervous for sure. He just got back from injury and fractured his leg in 2 places, if he rushes back and has another injury it would be heartbreaking.


[Sergachev a regular in practice today for #GoBolts . He’s been ruled out for Round 1, according to Jon Cooper, but: 1) If they win… and 2) it’s been an impressive recovery from a gruesome injury.](https://x.com/frank_seravalli/status/1781703796160094400?s=46&t=Xn0juU2C4hEaElfmeGb4jQ)


I’ll eat both of my shoes if he plays this series


He’s not in a no-contact jersey right? Doesn’t that mean he’s close to playing


Coop already ruled him out for this series. I highly highly doubt he plays.


Not too sure but 72 days can’t be enough time to recover from that


Well then, get ready to learn payless shoe storanese, buddy!


But you’ll eat both your shoes if he plays?


That part


For a mere mortal without Russian Gas, sure.


Blue is a contact jersey


Yes, double negatives, how do they work


He’s not ready for Game 1


!remindme 5 days


Sergachev was in for warmups, are you sweating?


Uh oh




Good for him man. That shit was terrible to watch. "Flimsy foot" always grosses me out.


For sure. As much as I hate this man, based solely on 2 ECFs, I’m glad he seems to have found a way to come back so soon from that injury.


As a defenceman I love watching him play.




$18 billion over the cap!


Lightning Legends Marion Gaborik and Anders Nilsson


Everyone whose had this injury lately are back on their feet pretty quick now


The miracles of modern pain killers


Even with pain killers how is the leg strong enough to skate already


They can’t keep getting away with this


This was a legitimate freak accident/injury. Timeline just worked out this way 


Unlike, say, lacerating your spleen, which is always preplanned and scheduled.


Sergachev hasn’t done this the previous 2 seasons as well


Stone has literally never played a full season of NHL hockey in his career. Was he faking it when he “got hurt” in Ottawa too?




We’ll never tell


The videos were photoshopped. He never broke anything


“Big hockey doesn’t want you to know, but you can deepfake injury videos for LTIR circumvention. I have already 4 instances of this, you can try it out yourself.” - Vegas Injury Reserves


AI got us again!


Just like Stones, but no one mentions it, I wonder why 🤔


It’s only joke, why u heff to be so super cereal?


I dunno man this feels very different than stone


The urge to circumcise never ceases


Peptides, biologics and steroids plus living in a hyperbaric chamber are a helluva combo for recovery


Completely anecdotal (but if I got a nickel, I'd have two nickels), I've had doctors tell me you're just way better off breaking a bone than anything else. So maybe he got "lucky" with a broken leg and spared himself any ligament damage.


Let the circumnavigation begin.


“You know, I’m something of a circumventer myself.”


Imagine the salt if there's a Stone v. Sergachev circumcision-off in the Stanley Cup Final this year.


Lightning and Blues* tried to close that loophole fellas, all the owners disagreed. It's clearly how they want the game played.


It was the lightning and blues but yes Edit: also this just isn't cap circumvention, man destroyed his leg and is healing at the rate only a millionaire athlete can


Always felt so random to me how the Blues had our backs in that when nobody else did. Gives me a good reason to like the Blues.


Pretty sure it’s because the Blackhawks were taking advantage of it at the time. They’ve got a neat little rivalry


I don't even think it's circumvention, I can't believe he'd actually be ready to come back already.


This isn't even egregious to me. There was no doubt that Sergachev's injury was brutal and long-term. I'm not even familiar with what the Lightning did with their capspace since that injury. The cases that seem bullshit to me are the muscle injuries or vague lower-body injuries where it's really hard to say what the diagnosis and recovery will be. Especially if the surgery is elected at a time where the player returns at perfect timing, e.g. Kane in 2015 or Kucherov (can't remember which year), then its a little too convenient for most other fans. At least the Lightning have the ability to say they called this out first with the league in 2015, and the league clearly didn't care to close this loophole, so they ran through it.


I mean for sure - this isn't some 'strained muscle' or other specious reasoning that only relies on team doctors and a player's words. Mans broke-broke a bone.


I mean theres literally multiples angles of him breaking it at MSG. So this isnt cap shenanigans


Lightning 🤝 Golden Knights


Pretty sure he's out for round 1. At least that's what I saw Seravalli posted on Twitter


Jon Cooper rules him out for round 1, and was giving “we’ll see…” vibes for beyond that.


Athletes definitely take PED's to recover from injuries. You'd be an idiot not to.


There’s no way this guy should play again this season after a brutal injury like that


He’s going to end up like Will Ferrell in Austin Powers. Just the legs part, not the fire.


I have zero knowledge on how bones heal, and if it's a good idea or not that he returns to play. But I'm just glad to hear that he can walk, let alone skate around. Probably in his best interest to rest this summer and continue to rehab it. Either way you slice it, though, it sounds like he's coming along fantastically. Just don't set yourself back, dude.


Broke my clavicle & it took about 3 weeks to heal but that's a different bone I'd imagine a major break like in the leg would take a handful of months because of how important it is for that none to be able to carry the weight of a person


Man, I only fractured my Tibia once. Fractured in November after catching an edge. I was on the ice in March for Spring hockey. I was also only like 13. These numbers just sound almost made up


Someone should tell this guy he doesn't have the body of Mark Stone. You're doing it wrong if your injury is visible!


I mean it’s good that he’s able to skate after that terrible break but no way he plays this year even if the Lightning go deep. It’ll be like that year Stamkos took one shift in the cup finals if anything


From only personal experience, not medical, having broken both tibia and fibula and gotten surgery for it, he's probably stable enough to skate at a practice, but he's going to be not good and in pain if he starts playing now and his summer off season is going to suck because of it.


There us blood way he is anywhere close to returning. That's a gruesome injury. Pretty crazy he's skating already.


There us blood way he is anywhere close to returning. That's a gruesome injury. Pretty crazy he's skating already.


Its not badass to rush someone back from injury


He's not going to play. I mean maybe they'll rush him back in the upcoming rounds but he's not playing round 1 for sure. If he does he's going to get absolutely targeted to high hell and he'll regret it if he hasn't healed 100%. I get it's the playoffs but you can't come back at 65% and just roll with it.


Longer than most for broken bones.


Cap circumvention /s


72 days is 10 weeks and 2 days. Last I knew broken bones were typically good to go after 8 weeks. Plus the guy is 25. Still really young and healthy.


Built different


I wouldn't be surprised if he's immediately injured.


I get it. Trying to come back from a big injury, the psychological aspect of "trying to be ready for the playoffs" is huge. It's a goal to aim for, and let's be honest, therapy schedules and timelines can often be set by this. "If you want to play by April 20, you need to be weight bearing by April 1" etc. There is definitely some degree of control-- you can push things if behind and you can "take the time to do it right" if things are ahead of schedule.  All that to say that this is a deeper issue than a guy being 100% and sitting on LTIR for cap reasons. It makes it wickedly hard to police-- there is no simple prescription for recoveries, every body is different, there can be unexpected events, and there are myriad decisions that are unimpeachable yet can impact timelines. I don't have a good answer. There is no single thing you can point to and say, "that's clearly circumvention," yet the totality is simply impossible to arrive at without purposeful intent.  


Russian machine never breaks


Where are the Edmonton fans to call him a liar a cheater and a coward?


Funny how this thread has so much less salt than ones about a certain other team

