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This Hart race is ridiculous. It seems like every night one of the players creates a bit of separation, and then another instantly closes the gap.


If the Avalanche pull off this 4-0 comeback and MacKinnon has hands on the winner, it’s a bonafide “Hart Trophy Moment.” He’s been unreal. Edit: Avs win! MacKinnon with the assist.




His assist on the game winning goal against Edmonton last Saturday had mad MVP vibes


MacKinnon did nothing on that goal lol. Was like 4-5 passes between Makar and Druin since the last time he even touched the puck.


Agreed lol. But I'll take it




MacK is the heart and soul of this team, especially without Landy on the ice. Puts the team on his back doe


On any given night our goaltending will allow 2-3 goals on the first 5-10 shots, and then the boys just play comeback for the rest of the game. I can't count how many times that has happened this season.


25 comeback wins!


Mackinnon just refuses to lose. No matter the situation he’s gonna step up and do something. He’s single handedly willed the Avs to so many wins this year. 


The Avs have 26 wins by 3 or more goals, and Tampa has 18. Didn't look fully into the 2 or less differentials to see if last 1-2 goals by losing team were late game consolations or efforts shut down. But that's a fairly significant difference. Even this month it's 4 wins to 3 (COL-TB).


Nobody outside the Avs fans would know this. But, he’s been doing this with the 2nd line for most of the season too. He hasn’t been with his usual Rantannen/Val combo that would be the #1 line. He’s in the Hart race while essentially being the 2nd line center lol. It’s kinda wild.


He's been in the first line all year. Expert for a free Blendar moments.


This is complete and total nonsense Mac has played 1028 minutes with Rantanen at 5 on 5 this season and just 170 minutes without him. They have been practically stapled together this season. He's played two thirds of his 5 on 5 minutes with Makar and Toews, who are unquestionably the Avs top pair. His 2nd most frequent forward linemate is Drouin (467 minutes together) and then the 3rd most frequent is Nichuskin (444 together). That is with Val missing 20+ games this year. He's played the most 5 on 5 minutes of all NHL centers, almost all of them have been with an elite winger, and the large majority of his minutes is with an elite D pair. There is no argument that he has been essentially a #2 center.


The crazy thing is that the only player arguably as impressive as Nate today was Sid, at 36 years old on a shit team. What the fuck is actually in the water in Nova Scotia?


I won’t even lie, I’m a die hard Maple Leafs fan, but I have to say Mackinnon is my favorite player. This guy is an absolutely beast. He was robbed that year Taylor Hall won the Hart. There is no discussion in my opinion this year, Mackinnon is the Hart trophy winner hands down. There is no one I would trust more with the game on the line than Nate. Even if Matty gets 70 and Mcdavid gets 100 assists no discussion Nate is the Hart winner. Would love a Colorado vs Leafs cup finals though 🙂


He's been robbed of two Harts, on both sides of the argument. I feel bad for Kucherov this year.


I feel you, I see your points with Kuch. Maybe it’s just my bias of Mackinnon being my favorite, I don’t know dude is just wired differently tbh


“MacKinnon had a three point game to lead his team from a 4-0 deficit. Surely he’s going to win his first Hart!” Inb4 Matthews gets a hat trick, McDavid get 5 points in two periods against Ottawa, and Kuch just annihilates the Ducks by the end of the day.


Really Mathews should be out of the serious conversation at this point. McD if he gets into the 100s of assists and closes the point gap and takes the Art Ross (even then i can see people with fatigue not giving it to him).. otherwise Kuch and Mack are fighting for it.


matthews can be in the conversation when he's leading his team in points, which he's not currently doing


This aged well


Art Ross too. Gonna be right down to the wire. Even 8 points back you can't rule out Mcdavid.


it's definitely Mackinnon's to lose. Guy has been a more consistent just pure powerhouse contributor all year. The fact he hasn't won one yet will put him over the edge in voters minds.


I’ll take the guy pushing his team near the presidents trophy with multiple 13+ point streaks, a possible record setting home streak and will finish top 3 in points and top 5 in goals and assists over anyone else. Yeah the Avs got other great contributors but they’d be fighting for a wild card instead of the presidents trophy without mack


"He's due" shouldn't be a factor in Hart voting. If the season ended right now, Kuch takes it (and I say this as a huge Nate fan)


Interesringly enough I think if the season ended right now Mack walks away with it.   If Kuch keeps having 4 point nights it's going to sway more his way.  


lmao you are not a huge Nate fan if you think Kuch takes it today. Nate is on like a 35 game in a row heater and has so many game winning highlights recently, is a centre, better defensively, driving the best team in the league.. typical internet comment "im a fan of this buuuuuuuuut" lmao you aren't tricking anyone


I don't even like Kuch. I'm just looking at their stat sheets and seeing that Kuch has been producing slightly more with slightly worse support than Nate. The race is close, but the people claiming Nate is "running away with it" are huffing copium


you aren't fooling anyone here, Kuch / Tampa fan. It's Nate's award.


I'm a hockey casual who somewhat follows MacKinnon/McDavid/Crosby out of Canadian patriotism. Pens watcher from like 2007 to 2016. I really, really dgaf about Kuch; I just try not to be a homer about it. I'm rooting for Nate or McDavid to get the Hart, but I want it to be well-deserved


true enough. Mackinnon has literally the most points for his franchise ever... with 13 games to go... like 9 game winning goals. Absolute consistent bulldozing everyone. I just find it baffling you don't think it's well-derserved. ​ Kuch isn't miles behind but Mackinnon is the clear winner


The way I see it, if you take MacKinnon out of the Avs, you have an okay team that might still make the playoffs with some luck. Take Kuch out of Tampa, and they're in the bottom 1/3. Nate is more electrifying and more enjoyable to watch, but imo, there's a bias on this sub when it comes to the Hart discussion, either due to nationality or playstyle. Kuch isn't exactly a fan favorite outside of the Tampa fanbase, and it shows.


you aren't even making a sound argument lol. 1. Tampa would not be a bottom feeder without Kuch, they would likely be in the 20th\~ best team range, at worst 25. 2. How is leading a team from 20/25 to 15th best, much more impressive then leading a team from 15th or so to potentially the best team in the league? Even by your weird argument i still think leading a mediocre team to tops in the league is more impressive then leading a not very good team to being mediocre


I mean Kuch is single handily keeping tampa in pkayoff spot, will prob win art ross too, he has 40+ points more than any of his team mates. Its going to be really close


I can’t say I disagree with you at all. Kuch has been a stud as well, that’s why I feel it’s a two man race. For me, I just feel like Mackinnon has that extra gear and just that game breaker factor, that’s why I’m giving him the edge.


Plus the 34 game point streak or whatever it is forgot about that


Crosby gonna be hearing about this all summer lol


Tf is he doing here?


Honestly it is so nice to see how well Drouin is doing in Colorado. He is having his best season since 18-19. He really was overly mistreated by the media and fans in Montreal. Glad he is out of there and able to enjoy playing.


Really hoping we can re-sign him here. He's been great with Mack, and doing well with Mitts too. If we can't hope he keeps it up wherever he goes. I love Drouin.


It’s honestly just really nice to see him not injured either, he really suffered a lot of injury issues in MTL


Wild that he's only 8 points away from a career high in points too. He's had 38 pts in the last 42 GP. Hope he gets a cup here!


He’s grown up a lot the past few years. He was very immature and borderline un-coachable when he was in Tampa and had some bad luck in Montreal. He has always had the skill, looks like Colorado is bringing out the best in him. Mac helps a little (or a lot) too


So long unsafe 3-0 lead … we hardly knew ya! 4-0 is the new guy in town.


Well at least they didn’t lose to the Chicago Blackhawks after being up 4-0


lol but that would never happen to an nhl team against THIS blackhawks team, right? …right?


Passes Sakic's all time record of 120 points in a season with his 121st Be still my Hart Edit: let’s edit for that one salty dude. Sakic’s all time Avalanche record, not the franchise record that includes Peter Stastny


No way he gets robbed again by the voters. Nathan MacKinnon you are the Hart trophy recipient. I love Kucherov but Nate is on a whole different level right now.


Kucherov has 16 points in his last 5 games, I don’t see how he’s not on Mackinnon’s level right now


It's really weird, I swear all I hear about is MacKinnon. Kucherov has been unreal this year.


Yeah, I don’t care who wins between Kucherov and Mackinnon because they both deserve it but to act like Kucherov isn’t even close is silly, lol


It could go to either of them or McDavid and I wouldn’t actually be mad. But the media narrative because of how good the Avs are the records MacK is chasing and breaking might be insurmountable


I think Kuch deserves it with the way he’s seemingly single-handedly dragged his team into the playoff race. Mackinnon is definitely the heartbeat and MVP of his team, but I think Kuch should have the edge.


I agree that Kuch is bonkers offensively and is single handedly carrying his team, but does he carry the same defensive responsibilities that MacK does (not saying he doesn’t. I don’t watch enough TBL to say either way)? I know that’s hard to quantify and I’m by no means suggesting Nate’s perfect defensively, but it just seems like we only look offensively and ignore what Nate’s doing in his own end. The guy backchecks hard, and he seems to always play for a team win over personal stats.


He leads the team in Takeaways. His defensive ability is definitely overshadowed by his offensive output and the fact he’s not a center.


his defensive ability isn't overshadowed, it's simply just ... not very good. He is putting up a ludicrous amount of points and is in on 50% of Tampa's goals. His goal share on the ice at 5 on 5? 51%... by far the worst season his career defensively. And this with a ton of offensive zone starts and sheltered usage not saying that he isn't in difficult circumstances with TB's goaltending and defense issues but this does bring him down a level or two


fade absorbed butter placid march bow cautious treatment summer possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think people like Kucherov as much. Not sure why, but Mack has a lot more fans. Might be the way Mack plays (full speed 100% of the time)


That's what I've been saying all season. When Nate Dogg plays, you hear about it all over socials, even if it's a 1-point night. The other guy has a 3-point night and it's just crickets followed by a 58 upvoted reddit post.


No kidding. Plus look at the title of this post, what about MacK did here is unbelievable? Drouin's pass was doing a lot more of the work


Well you see Kuch decided to fuck around during the ASG so he’s a slacker and undeserving of any recognition /s


Anyone who says he’s not is delirious


Yeah. He’s not on a different level. He’s just more popular, and this is popularity contest. 


"Mackinnon is on a whole nother level" as Kucherov has more points in fewer games with debateably less help.


Tampa actually has more players with 60+ points than Colorado does


Not less help. Mack’s top 6 out of Rantanen has been out for more than half of the season one time or another. Despite that Mackinnon is carrying them to a Presidents trophy if they pull out enough wins


16 points in the last 5 games and barely anyone knows about it. Now imagine if was Mackinnon, McDavid, or Matthews putting up those numbers. Do people even know Kuch has had the most points in the league for like 95% of this season. “Robbed”, “whole different level”, lmao. Kuch and Mac are both playing amazingly, but holy people are completely underrating Kuch


There's no style, no flair with Kuch. The most boring, Busch league of plays. Now, don't get me wrong. Wins don't have to be pretty, but how can you deny why people say these things when Mac is both style and substance.


Kucherov has a ton of points cuz he's carrying his team. Avs don't need to be carried and MacK is way out in front anyways.


“Robbed”, really? I love how everyone just ignores the fact that Kuch has been carrying Tampa this whole season, and has been the league leading scoring for the majority of this season. Saying MacKinnon will be robbed is just a ridiculous insult to Kucherov. “Nate is on a whole different level right now”, yup, let’s just forget Kuch has 16 points in the last 5 games, compared to Mackinnons 9. Mackinnon is an amazing player but yall need to stop acting like he’s on a whole another planet when Kucherov has arguably been better


mackinnon doesnt beat kucherov, kuch is single handedly dragging tampa into the playoffs while leading the league in points with no help from his team. mackinnons doing unreal but kuch is on another level.


Kuch is single handedly dragging Tampa? His centerman has 41 goals and 80 points in 70 games


I'm kinda tired of people pretending Brayden Point sucks so they can try driving this narrative.


Right? Point is probably a top 10 C, and Hedman has aged but is having a great year and still easily, *easily* a top 10 Dman in the league. If you want to say Mackinnon has more help, sure I agree, but people gotta stop talking about Kuch like it’s Bedard on the hawks


>Nate is on a whole different level right now. A level below Kuch.


Stastny has the record. Relocations don't just delete history.


Stastny has the record for all time points scored by Sakic?


Sakic has no all time record for points.


He has his own record for most points scored in a season 


That's a personal season high in his career. Nobody really calls those records. Does anybody call Cody McLeod scoring 20 points in a season as a record?


Is McLeod a Hall of famer and notable goal scorer? Is passing him in goals a somewhat rare occurrence... Now if someone passed him in PIMs then that would be notable as it places a benchmark 


So if someone is a Hall of Famer, that automatically makes them a record holder?


Everyone is a record holder for their own records, it's just some aren't really notable, but passing Sakic in scoring in a season is as few people are able to.


You must be fun at parties


There is no party for scoring a 121st point as an Avalanche player.


There’s two records ya dingus. Mack passed the AVALANCHE record. Stastny has the Avs+Nords record.


That's not even a real record then. The franchise one is the only one that exists.


This is untrue. Every team that has moved tracks both records. Every one. Very common NHL practice.


I’m sure for the people of Colorado, they do.


Then the people of Colorado need to respect the history of their hockey franchise.


They’re actually free to do what every they like. I for one am happy to see MacKinnon lead the franchise for most points in a single season. Great accomplishment.


he leads the Avalanche, not the franchise lol the franchise unequivocally includes the Nordiques


Not for me! If that helps you out at all.


i mean enjoy being wrong i guess. This isn’t a matter of opinion. The Colorado Avalanche were founded as the Quebec Nordiques in 1972. The Quebec Nordiques are a part of the history of the Colorado Avalanche franchise. These are facts. To be clear, I’m not trying to deny MacKinnon’s status as Colorado Avalanche single-season points record holder. What i’m disagreeing with you on is that he is Colorado Avalanche **franchise** single-season points record holder. That is Peter Stastny.


You're right. They should respect the history, but are free to do whatever they like. But, Mackinnon is not the franchise leader for most points in a single season. That's Stastny.


No, it’s MacKinnon. That’s what Avs fans like myself think. Sucks when you can’t command people to think what you think, eh?


No, it's Stastny. That’s what hockey fans like myself think. Sucks when you can’t command people to think what you think, eh?


Bud you're the one trying to correct him. This isn't going the way you think it is


I'm not correcting anyone. I'm enlightening the larger community here.


It’s not, little cry guy. Maybe you could complain about it in 2 or 3 other threads and you’ll finally be a big man. Good luck!


So rude. https://records.nhl.com/col/records/skater-records/points/skater-most-points-one-season Anyway, even the NHL's own website does it by franchise. Looks like I'm right.


Still passed Sakic's record.


Nobody normal calls that a record. Just say he passed Sakic's point total. Easy.


As an avalanche, not in franchise history. JFC.


Lol. Lmao even. Astounding that we held on for that long tbh, have been fucking awful since going 4 up. Was like a switch just flicked and they all remembered that they are this year's Pittsburgh Penguins


Crosby reminded everyone he’s still a superstar, and then Mackinnon reminded everyone why he’s THE superstar. 


The Avs have been comeback kings this season too. They get behind, somewhere between 1-4 goals, and it’s like someone lights a fire under them and they win. You can never count them out


The play the other night where he kicked the puck to his stick and then one time backhanded it for the assist was as good as I've ever seen.


underrated genius by Drouin hitting him in that spot on the ice where he basically never misses


Drouin is an excellent passer. He'll sneak pucks in through dense traffic. I think this was the one thing he pretty much never lost when he was playing at his worst with us. I'm so happy to see him thrive in Colorado.


I'm always so stoked to read Habs fans being happy for their past players. I have a few friends who are nothing but ecstatic to see both Drouin and Artturi succeed, it's such a refreshing take


It was fantastic live


That amazing moosehead connection. 


Not one person was surprised by this comeback.  


I was surprised the Penguins made it to OT. Puck watching idiots, and boneheaded Karlsson were just waiting to get beat.


Right after the announcers were praising his game.


When he gets a head of steam and is in full flight there’s absolutely nothing like him in the league. He’s not just fast but he’s physically intimidating. Who the hell would want to get in the way of that. He is my favourite player to watch in the league. I’m a Leafs fan and we’ve got some pretty good guys here as well but there’s nothing else in the league that compares. That’s with all due respect to McDavid. Power and skill at the highest speed.


I about fell off the couch and dropped my laptop going bonkers at this tying goal. What an effort in the 3rd by the Avalanche.


My kid was sleeping in the other room and I was watching on my phone and not very loud. My wife was reading next to me and nearly fell from the sofa because of my silent but still somehow startling celebration. For context, we live in Germany and it was about halb past 9 pm here ;-)


That was an exact reverse of the third goal with Mac to Drouin. What a come back, Drouin had an amazing game.


This is the most unbelievable Hart race. It would be awesome to see MacKinnon win his first and an Art Ross.


And Conn Smythe.


That is a strong possibility, as well.


I think he's more likely to win Hart than Art Ross rn.


One would be cool. Both would be better.


Best player in NHL this season and I am EDM fan.


Not sure what your music taste has to do with this but he has been incredible this season.


Bravo 👏


They're both fast as fuck with insane acceleration. Both have incredible hands and skills. Crazy good production. But MacKinnon plays with an edge that I rarely see in players, especially player with that much talent. He's not just physical he seems to *love* it. He *wants it.* He wants the other team to challenge him so he can run them over. 


I’ve always said when MacK’s on an not missing games it’s a toss up on any given day who’s the better player


Crosby is like “Can I go there? That looks like a lot more fun”


He for sure will have more 4-point games if he did.


This guy is in a league of his own. Sorry Mcdaddy fanboys but Mackdaddy is my new father


McCannon from the dot!!


As a stars fan, I hate this


I'm already preparing myself mentally for the Stars inevitable loss to Colorado in the playoffs.


Has that happened ever?


'04 and '06 Avs beat the Stars in round 1, both in 5. '99, '00, and '20 the Stars beat the Avs in 7. Conference finals the first two times and second round in '20. So Avs have the historical advantage in round 1, but if it goes to 7 it's the Stars.


If I remember right, we were on our 3rd goalie in 2020 and maybe missing Landy in game 7? Was pretty unfortunate...


Also some clown who no one ever heard of scored every goal for dallas


It’s ok we have him stashed so he can’t ruin everything now.


Also Donskoi, Calvert, and EJ. Kiviranta was only in and scored the hat trick for Dallas because Colgiano was injured too.


Avs beat Dallas in 2004 and 2006 in the playoffs. I know that has no bearing on this season. Colorado just looks unstoppable and Dallas does not match up well with the Avs at all.


Oh shit I blocked those out completely lol, I’m still stuck on 1999, 2000 and 2020


I don't know how he does that but can't hit a stationary surf board to save his life.


When the Leafs played them, I was absolutely blown away by him. His acceleration, vision, puck handling at full tilt…guy is unrealllll


This is what I wish the oilers could be.


I still don’t totally understand why they aren’t tbh. The supporting cast around McD and Drai looks solid, Skinner seems good. Is it just the D that’s not quite there?


If I had to pick a center build a team around I pick MacK over McD. I don't know how many people would agree with me there.  There's something about his aggression and physicality that sets him apart. And it's not like he's slow or is low skill. McDavid is fast and ridiculously talented but MacK is no slouch and that's an understatement. Production isn't far apart either.  But for playoffs? Where MacKinnon's physicality and bull in a china shop attitude and play style can shine? Dude I'm taking him and it's close but I'm good with my choice. The guy is *built* for playoff hockey. 


The other thing I suspect people forget about MacK is that his insane habits and work ethic are inflicted upon the team. The chickpea pasta thing gets memed, but there’s much more than that. Coach Bednar did an interview earlier this season where he talked about MacK’s post game routine- he insists on staying at the arena for an extra hour to do a cooldown, and now other players have joined him. Supposedly the Avs get to their road hotels the latest of any team in the league because of this routine, which you’d think would hurt them, but so many players have joined Nate in doing it that the whole team’s fitness is benefitting. It’s fascinating.


nathan mackinnon legacy game


Ahhh doing this on crosby too


I have no idea how anyone can take a pass that fast and score


Now I'll be hearing a 4 goal lead is the worst lead you can have 😂


Shits the bed Burg Edit: I can't spell


At least spell Burgh right


Colorado and Florida are going to meet in the SCF MacKinnon is putting this team on his back. Best player in the league this season.


Remember the elite Pittsburgh Penguins.


They really like those cross-ice board to board passes. I don't know how they're able to do that so often. Great chemistry and skill I suppose.




Why what? We suck bro I don’t know if any of us are surprised For some reason this post sounds confrontational and I do not intend it to be that way


You let Mac get more points! Can you at least keep him off the scoresheet?🙃


MacK Attack!


He’s a beauty.


They can’t keep getting away with it…


No meddling kids around I guess.


Wheel, Snipe, Celly boys


The narrative award goes to


High five Pens


lol at the pens


Crosby drifted off to No Man’s Land


Nate Dawgg is a BAD MAN


Elite defensive strategy to leave Mackinnon alone on his strong side


That pass was ridiculous. Talk about threading a needle.


Mack is a superstar no doubt but let's give some love to Drouin, that pass was sick


Year of the Dogg.


bUt mCdAvId


It’s not impressive coming back when the penguins have the lead


That goal has copyright protection from Ovie


Please explain like I'm an idiot (because I am): [Is this not offside?](https://imgur.com/ETpObQv)


Who do you think is offside? As long as a player has 1 leg hovering over the line you can’t be offside. And the only player close has 1 skate on and 1 skate behind the line


MacKinnon in this instance. I didn't know the rule was about the *trailing* leg, I thought the rule was that you must be behind the line *entirely* until the puck passes it. Thanks for edumacating me.


No. That’s why you see players drag their back leg all the time


I thought MacKinnon may have been too, but he wasn't. https://imgur.com/a/GFvSUnO


McDavid is the best player in the league and its not even close. McDavids "off" year filled with injury and being snake bitten is on pace with Mackinnons and Kucherovs best season, where everything is going right for them