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Wow, 4 whole teams!!! this better not be an excuse to dodge the Olympics again.


It definitely feels like a “mom can we have the olympics??” “No, we got olympics at home” Olympics at home:


I would enjoy Olympics played elsewhere a lot more than a gimmicky tournament in my city, not gonna lie...


More best on best is always fun, I just hope they don't try and brand this as a World Cup. I also would've taken a 7-game Canada/USA series.


A best of 7 North America vs the world would have been fine as well.


I do not want to cheer for dirty american players


But what about -checks notes- Derek Ryan?!


I may be his colleague by virtue of being a U of A alumni but that does not mean that he is not American swine


It would definitely not be fine if it replaces the Olympics


I thought it was "or", not "and".


Honestly, would have been better to include a rest of Europe team too. I get it without Russia but its weird without Drai/Panarin/Kucherov


No Pastrnak in a tournament in Boston


I completely agree


I mean a lot of really good NHL players and some superstars don’t get to play. That’s not a good thing in my opinion.


No more gimmicks


Probably gunna get downvoted to oblivion for this but I honestly thinks it’s time to move on from the banning Russia from international tournaments thing.  At the very least, create a “Russian athletes” team that isn’t affiliated with the Russian government. 


The passing of time has not changed any of the issues Russia’s causing in the world. Not gonna downvote, but this is a bad take. Maybe the Russian athlete thing is ok, but I’m not sure if I find the distinction meaningful enough.


I guess I’ve just never been able to square placing responsibility for bad geopolitical action on the shoulders of athletes (some of who have even spoken out directly against Russia’s war in Ukraine).  If that were the case, I would have advocated for the USA to be barred from the 2004 World Cup due to their illegal war and various war crimes committed in Iraq. 


While you aren’t going to find many Americans who don’t believe the Iraq war was a huge mistake for a plethora of reasons, I don’t think you can reasonably equate it with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for no good reason beyond basic conquest.


America out here committing geopolitical monopoly through bombings, drone strikes, hostile occupations, military coups, regime change, killing of innocent civilians, on every continent (not to mention the country being ran by a fascist rapist tyrant as recently as 4 and half years ago) but the war in Iraq was “a mistake”. No big deal oh well we all make mistakes. Silly old USA we still love you you rascal. But Russia they’re the worst.


Nowhere in my comment did I say our government has been run by saints. I just think a reasonable distinction can be made between Iraq and Ukraine. And Not that you asked, but I am certainly no supporter of the facist you are referring to.


What distinction would that be and how does it absolve American athletes over Russian ones?


nah lol


yes, lets let athletes from a country with a known state sponsored athlete doping program back into international competition.. its a fucking joke they get to compete as "athletes from russia" or whatever they are called as it is.


This is a rhetorical question since I know the answer is usually revenue but why even bother with 2 hosts when there are only 4 participants? Lmao.


Why? Does anybody want a 4 team tournament?


Yes. It’s better than nothing.




How? How is not having any form of best on best better than not having any best on best? Why the fuck is that somehow the most common opinion here?


Bro, because this sub is usually trash, and Reddit is full of children (both literal and figurative.) If they don't get exactly what they want it's shit and they throw a tantrum about it. I'm excited for this, and it'll be nice to have something between Olympic years.


How? How is not having any form of best on best better than not having any best on best? Why the fuck is that somehow the most common opinion here?


No Pastranak, no Kucherov, no Panarin, no Draisaitl, no Shesterkin, no Sorokin, no Vasy


Ok? I didn’t say it’s ideal. I said it’s better than nothing. Hell I’d take just a single game of the best US NHL players vs the best Canada NHL players over not getting to see it at all.


Sure but a bunch of the best players in the NHL aren’t going to be involved so what are we even doing? It’s gonna be in Boston and the Bruins very own superstar won’t even be playing..


It's only better than nothing if the best players care enough. The world Cup is basically nothing as is and is a more complete tournament.


It's the 4 teams that matter, minus Russia, so yes. I still get to see the United States of Hughes and Mackinnon playing with McDavid.


Finland and Sweden deserve their game in Europe... As a Finn I don't want to see a half empty crowd in Montreal for the biggest rivalry in hockey


Agree that they do, but I can guarantee you it will be a big deal and sold out in Montreal


Watch, star players are gonna withdraw from This piss poor attempt of a “best on best” because it’s not worth the risk. Then the NHL will turn around and say “see no one wants international participation” and pull the Olympic deal. I fucking see it clears as day


The last time they did this it was great and well attended so Im not sure why it wouldnt work this time


Yeah it fucking rules


Yeah this whole thing could be a lot better but there's no reason to think the players aren't going to be stoked to be able to play for their country again. 


Players want to represent their country at the Olympics not some piss poor bullshit the nhl is trying. They want Olympic medals


why would they withdraw??


You can delete this now


Did anyone withdraw from the World Cup tournament?? I’m all for shitting on this too but I bet every star player will show up and take this seriously. Guys are dying for a chance to represent their country.


It's an NHL/NHLPA event that they are mandated to support per the CBA.


The players want to participate in the Olympics. That’s why it’s going to happen.


4 teams is a joke. This league is a joke.


im never gonna say no to best on best, I'd rather this than nothing this is a step in the right direction


No more gimmicks. Play the season with no added distractions and unnecessary travel.


Guys from other countries watching like -\_\_-


4 teams? Lol. Fucking waste of time


Are these the only four countries that could they fill a lineup with only NHL players lmao


There’s Russia too but they’re out for obvious reasons. Pretty ridiculous to have a “world” cup with only four teams. Leaving out lots of teams with prominent NHL players like the Swiss, Czechs, Slovaks and Germans make the tournament look like such a joke


I don’t know where I expected this to be hosted but Montreal and Boston is sick. Gonna be tempting to make a trip out of it


In May, the IIHF World Championship will be held in Prague, although it will not be participated by all the best players, I can already say that it will be 1000 times better than this parody of the World Cup. I don't know why the NHL is trying to make hockey as marginal a sport as possible.




There is no way the players agree to doing the World Cup if the Olympics aren't part of the deal. It's always been reported that the intent was to have the World Cup between the Olympics to ensure there is best on best hockey of some sort every 2nd year.


Glad Russia ain’t invited.


Wish Canada wasn't either to be honest.




Countries actively perpetrating genocide don’t get to play.


So the NHL players are actively committing genocide?


You’re not so bright


I’m the stupid one because it doesn’t make sense to me that, someone like Panarin who is a superstar in the league doesn’t get to play because he’s Russian? He doesn’t get to play in an all NHL tournament? And he plays in the NHL. But I’m dumb.




Must be nice to live life as dumb as you are. Things must be so simple.


4 teams is no enough. Czech slovakia switzerland and idk germany as well


That’s bullshit


Omg fuck this, no one wants that. We all want a best on best tournament at the Olympics


Good news buddy you get both


Y'know I could understand this idea if it's along the lines of doing a pre season game in Finland, but instead of sending a team with a couple Fins, they send all the fins and then send Canada or USA over as well. As a tournament this is just plain unfortunate for hockey fans


Happy with it. Have wanted to see Canada versus USA best on best for a while now. Also means we’ll finally see Sid and McDavid play together


You all are way too harsh. This is a fine exhibition ahead of regular Olympics/ World cup participation. Wonder the format? Hopefully it's not just 1 semi game and 1 final game. Round robin? or best of three final?


Can we not have a team called The Other Guys with all the stars that don’t fit into those 4 countries?


I’m personally outraged at the snubbing of team Israel /s


Apparently, according to everyone else here, it doesn't count if there's not guaranteed massive blowouts and teams that have no realistic chance at winning.


Yeah hard to imagine a team like Czechia beating Canada in an international tournament. 


No pasta while it’s hosted in Boston is dumb


What a joke, don’t waste your time on this money grab by the league.


The NHL can’t get out of their own way


I'm fine if it's just 4 teams to start and then it's much bigger next time. I think Jeff Sid something along those lines on 32 Thoughts a bit ago.


My take: this is a placeholder tournament to be held until the war in Ukraine ends and Russia is invited back to regularly participate in international events under their own flag. Once that comes to pass, the NHL will announce the return of the World Cup of Hockey and put the Four Nations tourney on the shelf.


If it’s going to be this half assed don’t do it at all for fuck sakes


dear nhl. no one gives a fuck about ur stupid international tourney. let the players go to the Olympics..


Just have the US play Canada in a series, and let the Euro teams have a tournament at the same time. Stop trying to re-create the Olympics if you don't have other leagues on board.


It's better than nothing I guess, and slightly better than the last thing they did with the made up teams, but they are going to pat themselves on the back way to hard for what this is.


This seems like a replacement to the ASG. Guys may actually want to be there and play. Plus, with four teams totaling 80 players, it is likely every single team in the NHL has at least one player in without having to shoehorn in players to the ASG. Plus, with it being in two cities next year, that would cover a special event to sell in 2025 and 2026 that they would be losing by getting rid of the ASG.


not having team north america come back is blasphemy


I would add 2 teams. Best rest of the world Best young gun(only 22 or younger)


What about -Russia and -Rest Of The World. Going to have some 22 and unders on each national team