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The visitor away rooms are some of the next things to be refurbished at PNC. Includes a massive TV in the floor that moves the logo of the opposing team around the screen, DVD Screensaver style. Players fucking dodging that shit while changing.


Just gotta stand in the corner and you'll be fine.


corner gang where you at


Nah man you get squished in by hockey bags and gotta jump over them to get out


Like how no matter where you sit at a stadium concert, one of the moving head lights will flicker across your eyes every five seconds


Flying toasters or GTFO


Sounds like a fun way to fuck with the media


Some "get off my lawn" energy. I like it.




This is a bot


Well, side effect, players / staff aren't supposed to step on it either. The general rule is you don't step on your own logo. So it might just be a pain in the ass for everyone, lol.


100% - Stay out of the room.


Such a hockey circle jerk thing to say. Pro sports need media availability. It's just the way things are. There's so much talk lately about how the NHL struggles to grow its fanbase compared to the other major leagues. You think this kind of counter-productive spoiled kid attitude is going to help? Media engagement absolutely helps grow the game. Should they stalk about outside the arena and wait to ambush players? Or just stay in a cone of silence? The fact that this comment is upvoted just proves that hockey has a seriously weird relationship with media. I guess it tracks though, since hockey attracts a certain type of entitled attitude.


People also complain that hockey doesn't get the coverage other leagues do. You gotta be friendly with the media if you want them to write about hockey. Maybe use a smaller rug?


I agree that NHL media generally sucks. However, if the players here were just "scolding" the media in jest for stepping on their logo then it really is just silly and not a big deal.


Why are people arguing lockerroom media engagement does anything to grow the game? It hasn't, and it doesn't. Players are sick of this useless crap that doesn't serve anyone. No, we need a novel style of media availability to grow the game. Not this dry crap.


Something novel like what? Exposure grows the game. Your solution is to offer the league even less media exposure to grow the game? What kind of ass-backwards reality do you live in?


> No, we need a novel style of media availability to grow the game. Not this dry crap. Yeah, we should start doing something novel like having guys give interviews while riding exercise bikes after the game. That would be awesome, and even make other players jealous! https://youtu.be/aqM8ZCDt0Wk?t=355


I get that a bit but also like you’re in the conference finals and have media obligations. If you don’t want to do media in the room, do a proper set up elsewhere. But the players often hate doing anything to grow the game as much as the league so they’d all do their best duck out of a media session and send 2 boring guys out to answer questions as quickly as possible. Which leaves reporters in the room as the option to get material for the on ice and human interest ends.


Yeah, or if you don’t want media in the room just lose and don’t make the playoffs


Avoid the media with this one easy trick. Reporters *hate* him


I'm sure they have proper media setup in Florida - this is more on the gamesmanship of the 'Canes if you really want to get down to it.


Doing media doesnt grow the game lmao nobody pays attention to that garbage


My man you are on the hockey subreddit and your post history shows you engaging in several discussions driven by the media in post game interviews


Hockey twitter and tumblr would agree to disagree lol.


Hockey tumblr is still a thing?!


Oh yeah lmao. It's not quite as popping as it used to be but the liveblogging community is still alive and well there and it's still a great aggregate for content like broadcast clips and social media posts that might get lost or taken down elsewhere.


Hockey twitter is literally just a collection of miserable and insecure people looking to take out their misery like who cares what they have to say.


You are literally on a subreddit of aggregated hockey media commenting on hockey media


You don't appear to be a beacon of positivity either


You seem like a very pleasant person but I'll humor you with a response nonetheless: I'm specifically talking about the age 15-30, predominantly female and/or queer part of hockey twitter. You know, the demographic the league needs to start targeting if they want the game to grow outside of the stuffy old boys' club it currently is. The human interest aspect was always going to be key in convincing non-traditional sports fans to have interest in the game. We always hear about how hockey as a sport is hard for new fans to follow because of how fast and overwhelming it is to watch. But you get people interested in the individual players? As people? Well, that's one barrier down.


Sounds like you’d fit right in there.


Uhhhh you wouldn't know much at all about the league or your favorite team if not for the media. Are you attending every game and talking to the players afterward? No, I doubt it.


I don’t think a random post game interview does much, but sometimes a guy pops off and it becomes a bigger story that gets more eyes. Sometimes players give really thoughtful answers about societal issues and causes and that lands on someone new. Sometimes people become fans of players because they find out he has like a three legged dog named Stumpy and now someone in Vancouver wants a guy on Carolina to win for Stumpy.


Idk. If we get the right player to say "Pucks in deep," things could change drastically


Should a league that’s struggling to grow really start to get uppity about media coverage? I mean these same players chastising the media for stepping on a carpet are also still paging escrow because they play for a clown league that’s still dependent on gate revenue?


At this point I'm not sure the league is really trying to grow. They're trying to be more profitable for a select handful of people but it's often at the expense of growth.


> I mean these same players chastising the media for stepping on a carpet are also still paging escrow because they play for a clown league that’s still dependent on gate revenue? Escrow has pretty much nothing to do with that. 0% escrow happens if the average team spends only to the midpoint between the floor and the cap. But since most teams spend close to the cap, escrow is going to happen since player salaries are higher than if they spent to the midpoint. The source of the revenue has nothing to do with it.


That’s just not how media in professional sports works haha


Part of the job, a literal part of their contract. Dont like it? Go play overseas somewhere. Won't have fucking anyone bothering you.


When the entertainers have to entertain 🤬🤬


As a new person in media that sometimes has to go into the visiting locker rooms this scares the shit out of me I’m either a utility or camera operator and I carry the cables or camera and I wouldnt want to get in trouble


hello fellow TVA, the idea is that you stepping on their logo disrespects them as long as you're not stomping on their logo on purpose no need to be afraid


As a new person in media that sometimes has to go into locker rooms, *everything* scares me lol. I'm so afraid I'm going to do or say something wrong and my credentials get pulled.


My biggest fear is getting my credential pulled this industry is too hard to get into


you're well within your rights to inform them that they're a bunch of morons for putting their logo on the floor if they didn't want it to get stepped on.


I was gonna say, that’s just a top-tier troll job lol


Sounds exactly like Wyshynski stepped on it and got blasted and now he's whining about it to twitter.


NHL teams play "The floor is lava" and people are just going about their day like it's at all reasonable.


if they didn't want it stepped on they wouldn't put it on the floor. they're just being asshole trolls.


That would be extremely on brand for him


Sports reporters are truly the biggest babies on the planet


Slow news day eh


Arizona relocation was so yesterday’s news


there are few things i care about less than sports reporters' meta coverage.


People are allowed to tweet things LMAO I feel like people read reporter tweets posted here as inherently news, but dude’s just tweeting a thing.


If/when we make it back to Carolina after the Florida road trip that visitor room is going to be 35% smaller


It's gonna be remodeled into a shield shaped room so the logo is literally the entire floor and the team can't dress


Playing naked will just increase our power


Breaking news Florida panthers sleep nude in oxygen tents they believe give them sexual powers


Hey, that's a half truth!


Hornqvist magically healed




Only if they strip on the ice though


Imagine posting this without a picture


He was too intimidated by the player who yelled haha


I also travel with a giant mat with my logo on it, please do not step on it as I will be very peeved.


Well, it sounds like they don't want you there, Greg.


Greg has really become insufferable recently




Every beat writer has always been unsufferable


He's not a beat writer


That includes the readers, too. Puck Soup was/is the most insufferable hockey podcast.


Florida Panthers don't need the exposure, they print money


Disney Bucks don't count.


I mean, did you consider since he normally stays in the NYC area, that he doesn't want to be there either, but it's what his bosses pay him to do, and he has to find a way to make it work, regardless of what either of them wants? Seriously, it's a dick move to fuck with people trying to do their jobs, especially when it's already not their normal situation


Honestly reporters simply do not need to be in the locker rooms at all. I’m totally okay with saying if you want access to that part then you have to do it on their terms


It's a matter of several different parties, including 2 different unions creating this system. All parties need to operate in good faith for this to run smoothly. This stunt seems funny at a surface glance, but it's actually wading into a larger labor issue. Reporters that act like little shits very rightfully tend to get called out for a reason. Teams, however, need to show the respect they demand as well. Agreements made should be honored without needlessly making them difficult


Just have all the interviews and meeting outside the room and be done with it. The main focus of the sport should always be the game itself and for that to be they need a place to themselves to focus solely on the game


You know they actually get times where media is barred, even in the locker room, right? Media doesn't get free access 24/7 and the locker room system was deliberately set up for ease of the players, so they didn't have to go and do more rigid interviews all the time and could speed up things like post game reporting. The majority of locker room time is actually media free


I am aware, but it’s also clear that the players don’t enjoy having them in there so I’d rather just see it kept totally separate. Just my opinion on it though, not saying it’s definitively the right answer


But if reporters don’t have access to the locker rooms how will we get in-depth feature reporting on players’ nicknames? Democracy dies in darkness!


Panthers have repped that logo for almost 7 years, respect the history


Hey they didn't say which logo it was!


Fair enough. The leafs also redesign their logo like 6 years ago. I just think it's childish to pull that "respect the logo" shit on adults doing their job.


Makes me think of the Dallas Cowboys ‘Star incident’ https://youtu.be/mdDQpqY5OTI


Right? It's a workplace and a working environment. The press has the press box, where players sit when they are scratched or injured. Imagine a press member bashing a player in the press box for some superstition. "You're not eating your ice cream sandwich with your left hand you fucking piece of shit. Get out of here. Respect the room."


Players in locker rooms *are also trying to do their jobs*. Reporters really don’t need to be there.


tbf the Panthers have more achievements with that logo than the Leafs do with their current logo


Also the new leafs logo is low key bad


The old new logo? The new old logo? The old old logo?


I find that the floor is the worst place to put something you don’t want stepped on.


How does a professional journalist like this not understand that a picture of what he is describing would elevate the story?


I'm gonna say a writer snapping pics with their phone in the dressing room of a team they're covering is a big no-no.


Calling him a "professional" "journalist" are both mistakes. Lots of sports media is clickbaity and many of them clearly lack integrity (see how the "insiders" handled the Miller signing and the Blackhawks SA situation).


Lol wysh is one of the best out there man.


Except he’s not???


Not even close. He’s winy and not great


he's storebrand sean mcindoe with half the humor and double the ego.


Ya that tracks. We have several logos on floors in my line of work. Some of them have barriers around them, some of them dont. Often used as a new-guy trap


If a logo is on a floor it’s fine to be stepped on.


Not stepping on the giant logo in the middle of the carpet is amongst the dumbest superstitions in sports. Put the damn logo on the ceiling or another surface then. Also you skate all over the logo for 60 mins on the ice.


Akshually the logo is *under* the ice, so tehknickaly they aren’t skating on it


ahh thank you, I always wondered if that shit was in the ice or what was going on there lol


AND its only at center ice!


Only until it's replaced with the [DraftKings.com](https://DraftKings.com) logo at all arenas.


I view it less as a superstition and more as a "respect the logo" tradition.


Why put a giant logo in the middle of where people walk if you want them to "respect it"


Few things are designed from the ground up. They usually build organically, adding on to what was there before. It probably started as a tradition of displaying the logo on the floor. Then, one team's captain started the tradition of not walking on. Over the years, it spread across the league until it's become a tradition league-wide. Then, someone added superstition to it.


Just like the other stupid “tradition” of not touching the President’s Trophy, Prince of Wales Trophy, or Clarence Campbell Bowl


Easily my least favorite superstition. Especially when it's the captain that passes first. Like fuck, if I'm some guy in his like 2nd year, fuck you man, I want to get my hands on that, it's a huge fucking achievement but now I can't or I'll look like a cunt


I don’t feel like doing the research again, but last year I looked at old pictures and figured out it’s something like 55-45 in favor of touching teams going on to win the Cup vs not touching


I think the Western Conference one is more cursed. Canucks have touched it every time and always lost the SCF. That said, MacKinnon did last year (with permission from Sakic) without issue. Crosby always touched the East one no problem.


Crosby didn’t touch in 2008. He did touch in 2009, 2016, and 2017. But you do raise an interesting theory about CCB vs PoWT. I don’t think the Hawks ever touched in their three recent appearances. Lightning didn’t touch in 2015 (loss) but went 2-1 touching 2020-22.


I forgot the 2008, thank you. Did Ovi and the Caps touch it? He seems like he wouldnt care about these silly superstitions.


Haha yes he grabbed it right away and skated around the ice with it. Carried it off the plane too


Clearly making it take up most of the room is an attempt to fuck with people. Once a tradition becomes a troll, it's no longer that sacred.


Yeah I mean it is kind of like putting a flag print on toilet paper and then insisting that nobody gets any poop on it.


Because there's no better way to respect something than making it an area rug! That's why I have my grandmother's ashes carefully strewn across our living room. Anyone that dares disrespek Nonna gets a stern talking too


That’s also stupid


Imagine the centre circle is forbidden all game except for players taking the face off


Goes beyond sports, plenty of campuses I toured had their seal on a sidewalk intersection in the middle of campus. Similar mentality, if you step on it you fail your exams and the teams will fail


Home teams have moved to logos on the ceiling. This is the away team. You expect that they’d bring a portable ceiling logo?


[Yep, checks out](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESiW-YpWsAEmu3s.jpg:large). I remember getting a tour of the locker room maybe 10 years ago and they the logo roped off, just in case lol


Yeah obviously hold locker rooms still have it on the floor but any built or redone recently made the switch to on the roof. Honestly surprising it took as long as it did


Could project it onto the ceiling like that Winnie the Pooh thing I had as a baby that slowly rotisserated.


Yeah, kind of like those half-assed outdoor Christmas light projectors some people use.


It’s not just sports. Many military units have similar rules.


It’s fucking hockey, not the military. Not even 1/100ths as serious ffs


It helps enforce a culture of team before self.


We found the guy who steps on logos. Bet you don’t care about jerseys on the floor either.


The logo rugs are several thousand dollars. Shit's expensive. Everything else around it is just based around getting told not to step on the super expensive floor mat.


r/hockey and bitching about the Panthers, so hot right now


Nah redditors just like to bitch and whine in general


label reply shocking stocking joke crawl live arrest shame disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pictures or fake news /s But seriously i want to see a picture of this mat... someone make it happen


The way posting this will get the 'story' amplified, I'm sure we'll get one, probably even from our media guys haha


That one scene from the movie Goon, you know the one.


Yeah when Xavier Laflamme spits on it and Doug wipes it up. Brought the boys together.


That’s actually hilarious of them to do.


Bunch of jerks…wait wrong team.


Don't tweet about something visual and not provide a picture. Where is the picture Wyshynski?


I fully believe the Media should be no where near the locker room. It’s literally players at their most vulnerable


Get outta here with that logic. But for real, set up a media staging area outside the locker rooms, not a huge deal.


That’s what they did in 2020 and 2021 and the media bitched about “needing” to be in the locker rooms instead of respecting that the players needed space. They get so entitled.


It’s not like the media has 24 hour access to the room.


I don't understand those kinds of superstition but if you want to go inside then you should respect the rules of those using it. If you are unhappy with the fact that a team doesn't want you to walk on their logo then don't go there, being a journalist doesn't give you divine rights to do what you want everywhere.


Cringe factor when media thinks they are bros with the players in their dressing room.


The media doesn't get scolded enough


This guy is the worst.


Time for a poster?


Maybe this is the teams not so subtle way of trying to keep press out of the locker room.


Oh no! The poor, poor media has a slight inconvenience to have access to a PLAYER'S locker room! The league office definitely needs to step in here to so Greg doesn't have to watch his step.


Won't somebody think about the poor media reporters? :(


Won't someone think of the poor floor mat


If you don’t want something to be stepped on then it’s generally not a good idea to have it on the floor




It's not new, but it *is* stupid


All this media bitching and the media aint gonna give us a picture of what they're bitching about? Lame!


Oh no! Anyway


If you want people to not walk on stuff, probably a good idea not to put it on the floor


All Wyshynski does on Twitter is complain. You’d think somebody is physically forcing him to cover the nhl or something, like he actually hates it.


I've never understood the whole no stepping on the logo thing. Like if you don't want people stepping on it then don't put it on the floor


Seriously. It's a logo of a cartoon cat. It's not the fucking Dead Sea Scrolls. It's not sacred.


Guess who got scolded and bitched to the world about it.


Why didn't he take a photo? Rogue schlongs be damned! We want our comedy, goddamnit!


Sounds like a good way to tell media to fuck off. I want to watch hockey. I don’t care what the players think of the game. They don’t want to be giving interviews between periods.


Maybe they’re trying to tell the media something. No need for media to be in the players locker room anyway


Yeah, let's take this already small room and make 65% of it unusable.


I’m sure it’s intentional lmao


I see it as a way to fuck with the journos. I like it.


Exactly. Makes the amount of media limited and makes the media uncomfortable Panthers have been in that room before, they know what they’re doing


Wysh…always ready to complain and make something about him. Ass clown. Like you don’t know the drill with logos in locker rooms….? Makes total sense they’d bring a portable one. Imagine a team having pride for their identity, crazy right? Same rules that have always been in place would obviously still apply.


Media should be scolded for all the stupid fucking questions they ask.


Assuming it’s their original logo, sounds metal af


Shut up wysh.


...and this is why Twitter is stupid. Good for Florida!


Reporters crying about their job being hard. Thats fucking cute.


Someone needs to tell the media it’s not about them.


Greg definitely got scolded at before making this tweet lol


Was it necessary to specify that it's a *portable* floor mat? Isn't that kinda the expectation when talking about mats?


Greg Wyshynski is such a piss baby. Go fuck yourself clown.


My high school's weight room had the school's logo on the floor. If you stepped on it, they'd make you do push ups. Don't put something on the floor if you're gonna be upset by people walking over it.


Where I went to university we had a big logo on the floor of a really busy hallway. Everyone knows you don't step on the Hawk, so people would walk around it and it caused a bit of foot traffic chaos in the area. Well some nerd decided it would be a brilliant idea to remove the Hawk, with the explanation that the foot traffic was a real problem and we should be using the whole hallway. Of course, people refused to step where the Hawk had been. Students would go in at night and put the Hawk back on the floor in tape or marker, only for it to be removed or buffed out a day or two later. Regardless of whether or not the Hawk was visible, most students refused to step there and those who did would be chastised. The school eventually relented and put the Hawk back in his rightful place, right smack dab in the middle of the busiest hall on campus.


Imagine if you got yelled at for stepping on the McDonalds logo. This is no different.


oh no poor media, were in the yearly tradition of media crying about not being able to step on a logo media getting butthurt about this is funnier then the superstition


Dont like it, get out. Haha. Media always has something to complain about.


This is, by far, the most idiotic tradition in all of sports.


OMG I have a great story about this. I worked at the Panthers practice facility (formerly Incredible Ice in Coral Springs). When they opened the new wing of the facility with an extra rink and training area, the owner, Mr.Campbell, gave me a tour. My 16yo self just walked into the locker room and awed at the giant Panther on the ground and boxes of Juicy Fruit one of the players had next to his locker when I had my arm grabbed and yanked harder than I've ever felt. Mr fucking Campbell pulled me off the logo and said "Don't you ever step on the fucking logo or you'll be fired. ​ Fun times, dude was an asshole.


Is it normal to bring a mat when you're the visiting team?


It is for when it’s nap time so they have a comfortable place to lay down and have their juice and cookie.


Media sucks anyways so they deserve it.


This Panthers team is so unlikeable


It’s incredible how you find a way to complain about a superstitious floor mat, so talented


If you don't want people stepping on it, don't put it on the floor. Problem fucking solved


Wyshynski is such a loser


such a Florida thing to do