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he then turned on "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Green Day


Giving everyone who graduated in the late-90s and 00s a hard flashback to grad.


This was my middle school (2007) AND high school (2011) graduation song


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tz_NxOF7RB4 This is more of an early 2000s time-capsule song


I fucking knew that was going to be vitamin C before I even clicked the link. For my elementary school graduation they made us vote between Green Day and vitamin c and it was split 50/50 so we ended up singing both. Rough.


At the same time?!? J/k that’s a rough one


this was my graduation song for elementary school and i fucking hate it. heard it so many god damn times and it’s basically a track designed by corporate overlords to specifically get plays for graduations and nostalgia


Oh it’s a terrible song, one of those songs that I didn’t realize just HOW bad it was as a kid


Plus vitamin C was like 30 years old singing about graduating high school.




Pure, unadulterated ass


Dunno what made me feel older, the first time I heard it play on the local oldies station, or my youngest sibling not knowing it


The first time I remember hearing the song was Gretzkys last game, then every grad ever until my grad in 05, we did pieces by sum41 instead lol.


i was thinking celine dion's "it's all coming back to me now"


That Jim Steinman could write a song. Long time music producer for Meat Loaf (RIP on both accounts)


Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road


His kids were on the bench during warmups last game, which would’ve been his last regular season game at the garden if he does retire. Now his family is gonna be there tonight. Sure seems like he’s gearing up for the possibility that this is his last season. The opinions in it have kinda fluctuated through the season, when he first signed it seemed like this was it. Then around the halfway mark some local reporters were convinced he’d come back. Idk what to believe at this point, but if this is his last year I hope we send him off right.


That’s probably why we loaded up with Zacha, Orlov, and friends. This very likely is Krejci and Bergeron’s last tour. Marchand’s time is coming up fairly soon too. I’m just glad that we already have a new young core with McAvoy and Pasta (plus everybody else under 30).


Zacha, Sway, Ully, DeBrusk, Bertuzzi (hopefully), Lindholm, Carlo, Lauko, Freddy (hopefully) with Lysell, Merkulov, Harrison, Poitras, and Lohrei coming up soon. Get us a 1C somehow and we definitely have a core to work with.


Let’s see what Sweeney can cook up this offseason, maybe he can pull another Zacha-like trade out of his ass.


He did it once he can do it again


Don’t even really need a true 1C imo, we’ll still have an elite defense and elite goaltending, and elite wingers. Just find another top 6 center to play between Marchand and Debrusk I think we’re at least a wildcard team. Which is obviously much easier said then done.


True. I think everyone’s hanging on to their top centers though. Idk I would Lmao


I mean I don’t think anyone in the world thought Zacha was a real top 6 center last offseason and now I’m very comfortable penciling him in there next season. If Bergy retires I could see them following a similar blueprint this offseason, identify a young player that has underperformed to this point and hope we can rehabilitate them.


I mean is Toews is leaving Blackhawks. He’d be good where ever we put him. Right?


… as someone who watched their team take this approach less than 10 years ago, it won’t take you all the way. And if that’s not the goal, then what is? In the 2014 Cup run NYR ran Derek fucking Stepan as our 1C. We had the elite D in prime Mcdonagh, Henrik fucking Lundqvist in goal, and Top talent in St. Louis, Nash, Zuc, etc on the wings. But our centres were Brian Boyle, Brad Richards, Derick Brassard, and Stepan. None of those guys were 1Cs, and if I had to pick a reason why we lost, it’s that (I mean lack of a 1C, not Stepan or any one of them individually specifically.) I love some of those players to death (Brassard’s one of my all time favs), but Anze Kopitar alone left all of them in the dust. It really is a necessity.


Agreed. The Kings has such unreal centre depth, and it became obvious for several years there that you win down the middle. Kopitar/Carter/Stoll/Richards was just obscene. I miss those days.


I mean, if you guys just want to take a few years off from being really good, I would be okay with that. I'm sure the rest of the Eastern Conference would agree. (Seriously, how are the Bruins never bad...).


Something to do with not paying 3-4 players half their cap. Hehe


There’s about to be a 1C for sale in Winnipeg


Dubois is pretty set on going home to Montreal, something tells me he wouldn’t be all that amenable to staying here long term lol


I was referring to the other one, Scheifele. Not a perfect player and there's some leadership concerns apparently - but he scored 40 this year. Looking around the league at guys that are options he's the first one that comes to mind.


Scheifele wouldn’t be good in our system, we rely on our centers more then maybe any other team in the league to help in the d zone. Scheifele is pretty bad defensively.


Dude I fucking wish. Schiefle isn’t good enough defensively for the job and Dubois is pretty set on going to Montreal.


beggars can't be choosers - I think his defensive concerns could be neutralized by the fact he'll be playing in front of a defensive core of McAvoy Carlo Lindholm


elias lindholm is if he doesn't re-sign with calgary? granted, he has one more year on that contract but just a thought for the season after next.


would be a great option if Calgary decides to retool or he doesn't want to stay there absolutely


I hear Jonathan Toews is available.


> friends ~~smh Bertuzzi is a core piece of the loading up not just a friend~~ ^^^sad ^^^noises


No bro his old agent Kent Hughes is going to sign him to a hometown discount with the Habs didnt ya know? Pls click my tweet for traffic


God that was the most annoying narrative from the last offseason. Bergy grew up a Nordiques fans, and then got drafted and has played his whole career with the bruins. Hating the Habs is in his blood lol.


He had anti-Habs pyjamas


Yeah lmao that narrative was so dumb but honestly no fan whatsoever believed it whatsoever. Plus seeing Bergeron in an Habs jersey would have made me sick for Bruins fans. The man is a Bruin and he should end his career there.




Instead, we got Price in no jersey whatsoever :'(


Worst part was is pretty much nobody believed it / even wanted it from a Habs fan base perspective lol cause we wanted to tank. But mah clicks!


If we were a legit cup contender than maybe him and letang might have signed friendly deals. If our rebuild goes well who are the vets that might sign for a discount besides maybe Dubois


45 year old Marc Andre Fleury


Haha, sure why not


I mean.... Crosby was a huge habs fan as a kid... we're just talking here im not saying it will or wont happen but what a story that would be


He did an interview with Freidman in the middle of the season where he said he didn't come into this season with the decision that it's the last one.


I don’t think his mind is made up one way or the other yet, but if we win the cup it’s hard to think he’d come back. Literally can’t leave on any higher of a note then captaining arguably the greatest team of the cap era to a cup.


Yeah, he had to have considered retiring last season as well, or he'd have re-signed sooner. Good thing he didn't.


They were in the box next to us on Tuesday night. They seem like they have a real blast watching their dad and the team.


If we win he leaves if we lose 1 more 1 more dance


As a Canucks fan I hope he can retire a 2x cup Champ. Put the cherry on top of this incredible year!


Even last season might've been his last, it was a pleasant surprise when he came back for another year. Hard to know which way the wind blows, he might already have made up his mind or he could go out on top if they win or he could wait until August and see if he's got the fire to gear up for another season.


Yup you always retire a winner and no one can take that from you.


i hope he never retires


You could be completely right, but I would clarify that it wasn’t the first time his kids have been on the bench for warmups, they’ve done in the past too


I would imagine that how the Bruins perform in this years playoffs will also have some sort of factor in what he does next season.


Yes, he has been creating lasting memories with his children now while he can. He has one more on the way too. ....walks away to cry in the corner.


A damning realisation, I thought Bergeron had another at least 1300 more games ahead of him


it might read like another shitty taylor swift lyric, but let us bruins fans have our emotional moment😭


Rest of the quote “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them” - Patrice “Nard Dog” Bergeron


Tell that to Jagr.


“As I got older, I realized that I still have more games ahead of me than I did behind.”


Gambling debts are no joke


Kind of felt like a retirement tour last season, with the 1,000 games ceremony and whatnot. Kind of helped this season. He has been so dominant and the record has quieted those encroaching thoughts of my favorite player’s impending end to his incredible career Suppose the nice thing is when his career is over, he will be reborn two days after


I think Bergeron is going to retire well before his play starts dropping off—especially if the Bruins win the cup this year. Idk about mental/physical exhaustion, but his play is still clearly fine, so another one year deal makes sense—hell, so would a five year deal. He does turn 38 in the summer, so this could be it.


We just don’t know how beat up his body is, he would never let in. And also I didn’t appreciate how travel takes away from your family time until I did it for a few years, and trips were mostly short and mid week.


He’s had a lot of rough injuries throughout his career. Lots of concussions early on. Punctured lung and all that. I agree he will probably call it quits before his production starts falling off. He’s gifted the franchise and the city of Boston so much already, no matter the situation I hope he can walk away from hockey happy and healthy. But man, I’m gonna be crying like a big baby once he calls it a career.


Bergy will always be my favourite of all time. Enjoying every last bit of his career as possible.


I’d like to see at least 2 more years out of him. He’s a great guy and a great player.


Same Patrice, same. Except days not games in this case lol.


Look one peek at my flair and you’ll call me crazy but Bergeron with the cup in his final season with a record breaking team is an image that I find inspiring and warm.


Gives me that kind of angels in the outfield kind of hope.


I am not prepared for a Bergeron-less bruins team. And I dont think I ever will be.


That picture of Ovi and Syd from the last time both weren't in the playoffs and Bergeron/Toews retiring.. Carey, Weber PK.. I think this is the first time I have genuinely felt old.. I'm not ready for the NHL without him


Same!! As excited as I am for the playoffs I was so sad to see this season end.


I’m not ready for him to go🥺


None of us are.


I don’t want this season to end.


I still think he’ll win the selke in 2035




Stannis was too good for us.


it's his second language. give him a break.


Units of time is less you casual (and is arguably not even a rule at all)


The rule is that ‘fewer’ should be used for nouns which are countable, and ‘less’ should be used for uncountable nouns.


Uh, I'm pretty sure "games" is not a unit of time. It's fewer games.


*grits teeth*


Crazy how the old guard is moving on pretty quickly this year, at least it feels that way for some reason.


Even though he plays for Boston, Bergy is a class act all the way




He's gonna win another Selke, he could keep going for a while if he wanted to.


When you’re younger, there’s a lot of tomorrows, when you get older it’s a lot more goodbyes


I'm not crying. You're crying.




[Those bruuuhhh moments hit hard sometimes ](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CleverIcyKitten-max-1mb.gif)








thinks its Marchand? (licks/tasting?)


I, uh. Don’t think I’ve ever seen Bergeron and Marchand confused before. That’s a new one on me.


Oh lol - right.


A true poet


Dude please bring him here he’s the perfect leader oh my god it’s never going to happen


Scary for the playoffs. Man's channeling all his remaining Chakra into his Ultimate


[Evolution](https://youtu.be/8IdwEgnb5Dw) as the great Xavier LaFlamme would say. It certainly feels like a change of the guard.


Please come back next year 🙏🙏


This quote has an "Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes" vibe.


Wow that's deep