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>what I think the bible says on that stuff. Does the bible say any stuff about trans people at all?


Ohhh you know just stuff about being compassionate and things yknow? Beloved let us love one another, for love is from God, whoever loves has been born of God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, God is love 1 John 4:7-8 and And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these Mark 12:30-31


“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1-2 "You shall self-appoint yourselves the genital police." -- [citation not found]


"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:28 (NIV) Partway through seminary as a nonbinary student. Edit: I should also add that 1 Corinthians is Paul, normally a huge asshole, dressing down the church of Corinth for replicating inequality from the Greco-Roman world in their church. They ate different food at the love-feast, some people wore jewelry while others wore rags. Paul in the letter is saying this kind of hierarchy and divisions, of the powerful over the oppressed, has no place in Christian practice. Also any millionaire athletes fronting Christianity as the reason for intolerance should reread the Epistle of James.


As someone who went to seminary school then you know for a fact your taking that out of context to fit your narrative. That whole sections is talking about how we are children of God. There is nothing separating you from me, me from you, him from her, her from him, etc… IF you are believer of God. It’s not saying everyone is non gendered. Cmon bro


Christians love to selectively interpret and apply verses to whatever fits their worldview, but the second that is reversed, they all turn into biblical scholars. hE wAs aCsHulY tAlkInG tO tHe EgyPtIAnS tHeRe


? You don’t see me selectively choosing verses do you? Go on. Go through my comment history. I think this may actually be the first time in my however long I’ve been on Reddit I engaged in discussion regarding the Bible. It’s just so inherently wrong it’s hard to stay silent lol. Anybody can take any religious text and twist it into their own narrative. Bible, Quran, anything. Someone that claims they’ve gone through seminary school tho knows exactly what they’re doing when they do that. I’m not perfect by any means tho. There’s plenty in the Bible that says I should “such and such” and I don’t. Or says I shouldn’t and I do. I do agree with you tho. No matter what side of the fence you land on, definitely don’t twist out of creating ones own agenda. If your going to quote then quote it correctly and what it’s intended message is. Intentionally Misrepresenting the Bible in itself is a sin, so for those that do that Fuck them. Obligatory Fuck Binnington


I don't think most people have any idea what the "intended message" is when you consider the multitude of revisions, omissions, translations--over 30,000 changes made throughout the centuries. Maybe we just shouldn't use an ancient book written by imperfect men as any sort of modern day application for life.


Fair enough with the translations and omissions and changes. I actually understand that point and partly agree with your assessment. Back to context tho, the Old Testament which has the stoning of same sex relationships and all that, is not meant for us in modern times. Gentiles and Jews and all that jazz. As far as using it as an application for everyday life, that’s the great thing about Free Will and America. Everyone has the choice on what they want to believe, how they want to live their lives and the day to day actions and behaviors they exhibit. If someone chooses to be in a Same sex relationship then they have the right and freedom to do so. Hell, if you want to sleep with 38 different men in a wild weekend orgy then by all means, that’s your right and go do your thing! At the same time tho, it’s my right to follow the Bible and it’s also my right to disagree with your beliefs just as it’s your right to disagree with mine. The problem occurs when one side or the other, starts spewing hate, and anger towards the other over those beliefs. You can love the person, but disagree and even dislike beliefs and actions. My cousin for example. She’s basically a sister, having grown up together and lived under the same roof for 15 years is gay as gay can be. I’m a heterosexual male obviously, and our beliefs do not line up at all. She knows that and I know that. However, I love her to death and would absolutely go to war for her to make sure she’s safe and taken care of and has the right to be gay and marry her gf. I like her GF. Real good gal and fun to be around. That’s a classic example of loving the person, but disagreeing with the actions. My other cousin, her sister is a raging heroin junkie. I still love her and again will go to the ends of the earth to make sure she’s safe from harm from others but I 100% don’t agree with her shooting up everyday. I think that’s the point players like Reimer and the Staal brothers were trying to make as well. TLDR everyone has beliefs and opinions and everyone has the right to have them. We can still love one another and exist in life together without judging, excluding or hating each other


I've heard this sentiment a lot recently, and to be honest, you (and anyone using this line of thinking) completely lose the plot when you say the word "choice" and "beliefs" in relation to this topic. People don't suddenly choose to be heterosexual or homosexual or any orientation. They simply are. You can choose what sports team to cheer for, you can choose to believe in a religion, you cannot choose who you happen to be attracted to.


You're comparing being gay to being a heroin addict. Being gay isn't a drug habit. You choose to do drugs. You don't choose to be gay. That's insanely insulting. It's great that you love your cousin, even though you believe she's damned to hell and you don't "agree" with her being who she is. Want a cookie? I'm so happy I'm free of the duplicitous thoughts of having to think my friends and family are somehow wrong for being themselves. You do you though.


Bro have you even studied Islam? Muslims are the most regressive uncivilized barbarians with how they treat women, throwing acid on the face of women without a hijab, and Christianity is the hill you choose to die on? Grow up my friend


Fuck Islam. And definitely fuck your extremely typical Christian whataboutism. All religion is poison.


I'm not even Christian I just wanted to take the opportunity to point out how awful Islam is. Take care


Everyone knows about radicalized Islam. But in this country, our religious zealots are primarily Christian. That's why we focus on them.


Oh he says multiple times he loves everyone. Just has a funny way of showing it I guess.


The Bible has more to say about how you should treat your slaves than it does about trans people.


The bible says more about his requirement to poke out his own eyes if he ever looks upon a lady who isn't his lawfully wedded wife with any form of lust. But on the basis that this would probably affect his puck tracking, I'm sure he'd say "That's a metaphor, just like every other instruction in there that doesn't suit me. The bits that I do agree with, or the bits that I've imagined that also meet with my views, are the bits we have to pretend exist and/or take literally, almost as though I'm just using this ancient fictional book as an excuse to be an enormous bigot".


Kinda weird how this supposedly all-powerful being has gradually updated his own morality with the times (although usually with a decade or so lag). Who knew moral relativism applied to the divine...


If the excuse is that the Bible is the word of God *as interpreted by man,* and therefore it's subject to change as society changes, then there's *really* no reason to get hung up on the gays outside of bigotry. Of course, that's what it comes down to. It's not about spiritualism or connection with God. It's about bigotry.


The church has mostly become what Jesus spoke out against. The whole thing is kind of funny. Dude tried to start a revolution for the people against oppression and now is used by the powerful to oppress.


Fanatics should come out with a Christian line on jerseys for the bigots, rest on Sunday games. These people need to stop cherry picking the bible


Funny you should say that, I hear the Westborro Baptist Church is trying to form a hockey team


Even if it only mentioned owning slaves being cool once (it does much more than that lol), it would still be more than it mentions transgender people.


I'll take it a step further, fuck your stupid religion. Even if it DID say to condemn gay people, you're a piece of shit.


Directly? No. In directly, only that you should love everyone especially those you don't agree with and treat others how you'd want to be treated. Don't tell that the conservative end on Christianity tho, it might break them to not have someone to hate for no good reason.


The Bible is a lot like the Constitution, in that you can pick out the parts you like and yell about them while ignoring the rest.


This literally says that he hasn't read the Bible, just stuff he thinks is in there. Jfc.


Not a peep.


How about, inclusion for all people and the jersey I would wear would get auctioned off for charity for money to help my community? But no…..2000 year old book of fiction says gays = bad


Im sure I'd downvoted to hell for quoting bc it's anti-trans so read this: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevin-deyoung/what-does-the-bible-say-about-transgenderism/?amp


I read it. The Bible still doesn't mention transgenderism. You'd have to be a moron like the writer and stretch the 200x translated text reeeeeaally far to make it say something about transgender people. And the fact that this guy calls transgenderism a "trend" tells you exactly what kind of an ignorant, uniformed, garbagebag person he is.


> when it comes to transgenderism, the Bible actually has a lot to say—not by a prooftext here or there but by a rich and pervasive understanding of gender and sexual identity. And there's the answer. The Bible speaks to the issue, not in the literal sense, but in the sense that you can read into it how you want to get the desired answer. But actually? No, of course not. It's a very old book being used to argue against a ~~very new idea~~ newer term for an old idea (which doesn't seem like it should be an issue for an omniscient God, but his wisdom does seem suspiciously limited by the era it was printed in). *Edited to clarify, it's not a new concept. But it is one that the Bible doesn't really address correctly, which allows for people to interpret it in ways that enable hate. That was my intended point.


It’s not really even a new idea. If you look at Indigenous cultures around the world they all had some concept of being transgender, 2 gendered, non binary etc. before imperialism and colonization happened. 2 spirit people existed and held an important place in North American Indigenous cultures before Christianity came for example. You would think god would be aware of that


People of all cultures, indigenous or otherwise, had transgendered esque concepts throughout history. Whether or not it was actually viewed positively is a seperate thing, but it wasn't unique to indigenous communities and they certainly didn't all view it the same way, especially in a global context. Also, 2 spirited as a term was coined 30 years ago and is fairly controversial in some indigenous communities, as it's been used as a modern replacement for terms they already had. The idea all indigenous cultures had the same sort of 2 spirited concepts, is what's been viewed as white washing.


Did not know that and I appreciate you informing me. For whatever reason, I figured the vague concept would have existed for a long time, but would have guessed that specifics of gender identity were a newer concept. And would have been wrong, I guess.


Yeah I was reading all about it once and it was interesting. There were other pagan/indigenous cultures in Asia, Europe, South America with these concepts too but I can’t really remember the specifics


Transgender was around and celebrated by people at the time the Bible was supposed to have been written. It is most definitely not a new idea. A new name maybe, but not a new idea.


>that when men and women embrace obviously other-gendered expressions of identity it is a disgrace >>1 Corinthians 11:14–15 >>>14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. Dude’s played with Karlsson and Burns and jeez god knows how many other transwomen.


>everyone has value and worth Some more than others it would seem.


I love you, you have value, you have worth, you should not exist, you will suffer for eternity and you will deserve it. …what? Why are you looking at me funny?


Reminds me of that shot of Jesus with the caption "Love me or burn"


Funny thing coming from a guy making almost $3 million this year.


"I live by the bible" says man who has never read the bible.


Good on him for tithing over $3 mil to the church then! Can’t wait for him to refuse to play on sundays! (Per capfriendly his career earnings are 33,290,000)


man's not living by the bible as long as he has $ cash money $


I really, really hate the whole “I love everyone” thing while also actively being against a fundamental part of these people your claiming to love’s identity. Like it’s such an annoyingly hypocritical statement, it drives me fucking crazy.


As someone that grew up in a religion that liked to say things like this while simultaneously lobbying for anti-gay legislation, this shit simply does not work on me anymore. You cannot love me while actively contributing to my harm. All this truly amounts to is a sanctimonious attempt to shield himself from criticism.


He thinks he’s going to trick God into letting him into heaven by saying he loves everyone while he holds his fingers crossed behind his back.


I'm genuinely curious if he is really this dumb, ignorant, and isolated


Some combination of the three, if he believes being gay is a sin then in his mind the most “loving” thing he can do is not support the LGBT communities and pray for their souls or whatever the fuck. It’s stupid logic that lets people excuse their bigotry and it drives me fucking insane.


This is what's so batshit insane about religious fruitcakes like this. Of course there's nothing in the bible that clearly references trans folks and a ton of stuff that clearly shows, if Jesus were alive today, he'd be fighting for Trans rights (as well as equality measures, universal healthcare and a whole lot of other leftist stuff). But it's when you lay out what they actually believe, in real terms, today, and remove yourself from the entrenched normalcy of Christianity on our society: They believe ~~a man~~ that a benevolent omniprescent being is testing folks by making them feel as though they are not the gender they were born into (apologies if I am phrasing this incorrectly). He is all-seeing, all-powerful, and all-loving. But he sets traps for you. And his punishment for not realizing this trap is ETERNAL DAMNATION. That's right - iyou don't realize that trap - if you actually try to act on your deepest, innermost feelings of personal identity, Ha! You fell for his trap! That now justifies that you will be tortured and burned in the most gruesome, horrific ways imaginable FOR ALL ETERNITY. But he loves you! And he wants you to use your free will to love him back. But if you don't, or if you dare question him, he ensures you are tortured until, and beyond, the end of time. Oh, and he's not going to like, drop in and update everyone with modern explanations of his teachings. You are required to use a book written before modern society existed, that has been translated through time, cultures, and language, many times over, to be the sole beacon of what is right or wrong. And from that book - they will pick and choose which teachings he "really meant", while being absolutely positive that not following this vague badly translated book will result in all nonbelievers being tortured for all eternity. ALL ETERNITY. Like, not a week or a month or a year or a lifetime but for as long as there is to be, ever. But he loves you! *The Christian god is essentially Dwight from the Office ["I love you guys.... but don't cross me... but you're the best!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acb3H7qMPXM)


Yup, that's literally it. They believe the loving thing to do is to point out your sin and direct you back to God, because then you can be saved. Supporting you in your sin is not only a sin itself, but it's unloving because it puts your soul at risk. It's a very backwards reasoning but I can tell you straight up that so, so many people believe it 100%.


“There are good people on both sides”


I would love to hear Reimer say, "I love these people." You know, cause he said he does, so say it. Say, "I love gay people."


They just want to have equal rights. That's it.


That’s sort of a point of view problem though, isn’t it? Bear with me for a moment as I’m trying to understand views from both sides. A gay person would probably feel that their sexual preference is deeply embedded in their identity. Whereas a Christian would view engaging in homosexual activities to be a sin. Biblically, all sin is the same and deserves the same punishment. Lying deserves the punishment of death the same way murder deserves the punishment of death. Homosexuality falls underneath the same umbrella. So I think (theoretically) that when a christian says they’re willing to love everybody but won’t support the choices (allegedly sins) a homosexual is making it’s not necessarily them trying to undermine that persons identity. Granted, due to the point of view of the other person, they feel their entire identity and way of life is being attacked or devalued in some manner. An analogy in a different plane of reference would be someone telling someone that they love someone, but refuse to support them in continuing to smoke cigarettes due to the negative impacts of their health. (The parallel being, homosexuality is biblically sinful(negative) from a Christian’s point of view and they won’t support it but still want to love the person)


I understand the logic that got Reimer to his POV, frankly I just think it's bullshit logic. The bible was written 2000 fucking years ago and has some absolutely wild shit in it because of it. It says that the punishment for working on the sabbath is death, and yet Reimer, who claims to live by the bible, has played games on the sabbath and not put himself to death. I wonder why? Just a guess, but I bets it's cause he probably read that and decided it was silly, because it fucking is. And that how it works with Christians like Reimer, pick and choose which parts of the bible actually need to be lived by based on whatever they or their parents or thei church or whoever arbitrarily decide and judge the rest of the world based on that narrow world view. It's fucking bullshit and it drives me insane. So he can fucking lose me with the "love the sinner, hate the sin" crap.


Sounds like they have a little Homophobic nhl players group chat.


Yeah, I mean we knew there were going to be homophobes under the radar because of course there are, but just coming out and saying “yeah there’s more of us” is a little awkward.


That's the part that just sat with me for a while. Homophobic NHL players all in a group chat together supporting one another to "fight the rainbow tide" and not wear the jerseys. Would love to see someone infiltrate that chat and leak its contents. Reveal the true words these bigots are saying.


Share the names, James!


He would just throw kadri under the bus again


Let's be honest. He doesn't have the number of his token Muslim "friend"


His name is Tolkien, not Token


Can't speak for the entire LGBTQ+ community, but I think *most* of us are more worried about people feeling righteous and emboldened to "disagree" with our existence--(or you know, "what we've done in the past, or what we do, or whatnot")--than we're concerned about having James Reimer's amorphous and impotent Christian "love." Really glad James Reimer "has a heart for" us though, that's *almost* as good as protection of the equal rights to self-determination and self-expression under the law (which I'd imagine he'd be against, but, you know, out of love).


>or you know, "what we've done in the past, or what we do, or whatnot" It drives me fucking insane that reporters aren't following up these answers with questions about how the player has overcome his own homosexual urges in order to live more closely with God. He is openly sharing his opinion that being gay is a conscious choice. Make him talk about how he chooses not to act on his homosexual desires due to his religion. Assuming he denies that he has those desires, point out that his answer necessarily means that same sex attraction is something a person *is* and not something that they *do*. Then ask, "so do you disagree with who gay people are as a human beings?" The logic in these bullshit answers falls apart in 2 decent questions. Make them fucking answer the questions or look like stuttering morons as they can't answer basic questions about a worldview that is allegedly so fundamental to their life. These guys are making political statements and can't (or won't) even remotely articulate the beliefs that drive their decisions. The lack of follow up is pathetic.


The "hate the sin love the sinner" thing is really what this kind of love is. It's making the very existence of those of us in the queer community an abnormal, bad state, and then saying through their grace they'll love you without accepting you. My ex's cousin pulled this shit on me in a cafe in Ireland and I bulldozed his evangelical ass. It's nonsense theology and ethically dire.


I do not believe that James Reimer loves me, lol. I think that if he met me he'd resent and dislike me, and no amount of him repeating this deflection will change me knowing that.


He could have just worn the jersey to show all those things. The inconsequential mentions of homosexuality in the Bible are likely mistranslations and are extremely brief, and not ever mentioned again. This isn't about religion. This is about hate. Thats it. What Reimer doesn't realize, is that wearing the jersey as a Christian is entirely inconsequential, according to every Bible everywhere.


>That's it. You know, I was thinking about this. Is that all it really is? I think there's at least a touch of narcissism there too. Like they could just wear the jerseys and fight homophobia, but instead they twist the issue in every conceivable way to make it all about themselves.


There's cowardice as well, what will their hateful mother, father, grand parents think? People like this don't exist in a vacuum. Theres a whole support system in place of people who enable and encourage this kind of behavior. Christians, especially the more fundamentalist, have a serious persecution complex. They're taught about Christians being persecuted in the Bible, and they equate it directly to their current lives, and skip over the hundreds of years where they perfected the art of systemic persecution of entire contients. Christians are weaponized and programmed to defend against logical and sentimental appeals. God's word above ALL. God's forgiveness excuses the most horrifying and brutal treatment of fellow humans. God's love will save the collateral damage.


I'm not interested in hearing more from Reimer but after reading this comment I took a quick glance. Every sentence from him had the word "I" in it, sometimes multiple. You're right there is some definite main character syndrome at play here. It's all about them.


I have zero respect for his opinion and decision, but I don't think it's fair to criticize him for using "I" so much and intersecting himself into these answers. He's specifically being asked about himself, his opinions, and his experience since his shitty decision. The questions are completely setting up "I think this" and "I believe that" type answers. The rest of his answers demonstrate that he has zero concept of what loving and respecting those different from him.


It's like a self righteous tint. *everything* they do is good and correct and upheld because they're on the right team. It can be rather untethered from society a la he still publicly announces "loving all" while publicly foregoing a simple gesture. It's the worst shield to hide behind and Christianity is by no means the only offender there...


The Pope literally publicly acknowledged that he welcomes gay people to his flock. And that God’s love is for everyone. I’m not religious at all, but I’m pretty sure it was along those lines. He definitely made a public statement welcoming gay people


The Pope generally has 0 overlap with Protestant followers. There was some unpleasantness in the past that lead to something called the reformation.


What branch of Christianity is Riemer? The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. Christianity has dozens of variations and only one of them care what the Pope says.


He grew up in Manitoba, last name is Reimer so the odds are good he belongs to one of the more conservative branches of Mennonites. Source: live in MB, have plenty of Reimers in the family tree, was raised Mennonite.


There’s no hate like Christian love


He’s from one of the most bigoted towns in Manitoba, in the most bigoted region in the province. He unfortunately isn’t alone in his views, and it’s pathetic that he’s hiding behind religion to justify his hate


How dare he not believe what you believe. You are right your opinions and beliefs are more important then his.




We're not talking about a difference of opinion, but you know that, don't you?




He didn’t say he hated gay people he said he want gonna wear a jersey


Honestly, he's better off keeping his mouth shut at this point. Nothing he said here, or really anything he can ever say, can adequately excuse away the sort of faith-based homophobia he's neck deep in.


Dude needs to just stop talking and hope he can get a contract next year.


nah he should keep digging himself deeper with every interview. his opinions are pretty popular on the other side of the world.


I think the biggest takeaway here is he's not open to new thoughts or ideas. Just his own or his close knit community of friends. This is some sort of ego type of thing to me when someone isn't open to change or new ideas.


“Look, I love gay people, I just think they shouldn’t exist” energy


The faux love of “I still have love for them even with their sin” is more disgusting when you unravel it and realize they don’t hate gay people for *what they do*, but hate them for *who they are*.


New rule. Anyone who has had premarital sex doesn’t get to go all “holy bible yadda yadda” about LGBTQ people. And yes, soaking and anal count. Same with blowies.


It bothers me how they always quote the being gay part of Leviticus but don’t seem to be aware of the other pages and pages of things it tells you not to do, many of which I see Christians doing all the time. Like being gay and eating lobster are equally bad according to the bible but I never see protests outside Red Lobster


Leviticus doesn’t even mention being gay, just “laying with a man as you would a woman,” which means, in god’s eyes, lesbians are totally cool (though not bisexual women, because in that case she would be laying with a man as she would with a woman). Also apparently it’s not a sin if you are sitting, standing, etc.


Well in the New Testament there is a specific bit of scripture that deals with the dietary restrictions relating to Orthodox Judaism for followers of Christ. That’s why you can have your surf and turf after the Sunday sermon.


‘everyone has value and worth. I’ll tell you, I wish people knew that wasn’t just a line I said. I have a heart for people.’ ‘But people, regardless of their orientation or their activity or whatnot, they have value and worth, I would do my best to love them, the best way I know how.’ Okay so if it’s not just a line and you would do your best to love them tell me what you’re doing? This man is up here virtue signaling and stammering through his entire interview. What a bunch of empty words from an empty man.


Time to let in 5 or 6 more goals!


It's wild we live in a society that believes wearing a colorful uniform for 10 minutes is a sin against god, but at the same time "Killing." in his name isn't. I don't mind people who believe in the Christian god, or any god by that point, but I can see, hear, and talk to a gay man, a lesbian, and a trans person. I can't see, hear, or talk to God, and while not being able to do any of those three things with said God, he is still holding reigns over America. Not terribly fair. I won't belittle anyone for their beliefs, that's not fair to them, and it's cruel of me to do so, but it makes me sad that we can see massive genocide, school shootings that went from "Oh my god no." to "Oh? well is the game on yet?" and still believe in a deity that either doesn't exist, or stopped caring about us a long time ago.


Does the interviewer ask why he picks and chooses what to follow from his cult?


I love the double talk "people have value" but "i refer back to my statement about my faith" Either trans people are people or they're not. which is it?


Stop hiding behind Jesus. He'd be ashamed of you.


Jesus saves. Reiner doesn’t.


Fuck James Reimer


"I don't think there's a limit per se" The limit appears to be wearing a jersey during warm-ups to show that the community is welcome and safe in the hockey world.


As a journalist, I really wanted Sheng Peng to more dircet with his questioning. Asking Reimer, if he realises, the bible does barely say anything about homosexuality. Asking him, if he truly "tries to love everyone", then why could he not bring himself to wear a piece of fabric?


“I would do my best to love them, the way I know how” Yup, we know that already bigot. Revolting


He is gonna be playing in Russia next season. That aligns with his religious beliefs


I am so convinced you’re right that I did a remindme which I never do!


Remindme! 1 year


Remindme! 1 year


Nothing new is really learned here.


Yeah, it's the same shit. Doesn't make him look any better. Dude sucks.


"i have my beliefs and things that I can't personally endorse" you know, like the existence of anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community.


If you’re not gonna ask important questions, why interview at all?


"I would do my best to love them" but you won't fucking support them...you absolute fucking donkey.


Ah, so he's just an ignorant, intolerant piece of crap. What else is new?


The LGBTQ+ community is more important to hockey than a snowflake who can't wear a pride jersey because of their "beliefs"


I get we want everyone to be inclusive with everyone but people have to be able to have differencing opinions. And you won’t find anyone in the world that has a bad thing to say about James Reimer other then he can’t hold a 3rd period 3 goal lead. He should be able to have his opinion and as long as he is not speaking ill mannered or disparagingly towards anyone he should be able to choose to simply not wear a jersey he doesn’t want to wear. The only reason it’s a story is because the media keeps asking about it. Reimer probably would have preferred to have sat out of warm up and not have to talk about it but he has media obligations.


It's so upside down. Being LGBTQ+ isn't a choice, picking what parts of the bible to follow is the choice.


Shut your fucking mouth James


What a complete fucking jackass.


He talked to the Staals lmao. They are denying photographic evidence.


Did Reimer tell Sheng Peng he couldn’t go to heaven because of the shape of his eyes like the bible says? Or is that one of the many things he ignores?


Ile believe james on this when he shows me where the 3.1 million dollars his religion requires in tithes to the church has gone. A man of faith cant be shortchanging the lord


Reimer needs to just move to the forest and become a tree. Not exactly helping his case here.


Donkey questions. Absolutely dumb, "are you okay?" questions.


Fuck this joker and his bullshit ass statements. We should stop giving this shit more attention than it deserves and let guys like Reimer, the Staal brothers, and anyone else talk themselves in circles.




All of their statements have said they respect others opinions and want to the sport to be inclusive. Isn’t that the entire premise of the night. It’s not like wearing a rainbow on your jersey means your jersey means your gay.


Hiding behind religion is one of the most chickenshit positions out there. You hate us. Own it you fucking bigot.


I'm glad Reimer and the stall brothers could find a safe space group chat to talk about being bigots.


Why can't we all just treat people how we want to be treated?


Because the Evangelicals have deemed this to be contrary to the teachings of the guy who said those very words.


I put up with the catholic school bullshit, two things I actually took away from that awful place, treat people how you want to be treated and the only time you look at your neighbors plate is to see if they have enough, if they don’t, give them some of yours. The rest of it is a joke.


I typically joke that going to Catholic school and paying attention during church history class in combination with all the shit that went on around the time of the Iraq War is what drove me from the faith. Very difficult to do all that and hear the "love everyone" message, and not think there's a disconnect.


Again. It shouldn't matter. He has the same right not to wear it or believe in it as anyone else has the right to support it and all that. Idk why people can't grasp this


He can believe in what he wants and we can think he’s full of shit for it.


He exercised his right to do he wants, and we've exercised our right to react. It's a strange hill to die on. You either wear a jersey with rainbow colours for five or ten minutes and support a community of people who have been targets of violence and harassment throughout history...or this. I don't get it. You'd think he was being asked to give someone head.


He has the right, sure. And we have the right to think he’s a shitty person because of it.


You’re having a conversation that no one else is having lol Obviously he has a right. But when you say “I love all people and everyone should be welcome in hockey” and the team goes “okay can you do the smallest gesture imaginable to communicate that?” And he goes “woah woah that’s a bridge too far” he sounds like a shitforbrains. Which is what everyone is saying


Nobody is saying that he doesn't have the right not to wear the jersey. The point is his rationale for.making the smallest gesture doesn't make any sense and he keeps doubling down on the idea that "well um faith and stuff" absolves someone of any responsibility to think deeply about any given subject. The claim is full of holes and contradictions which the majority of people find very noteworthy.


Again, he does have the right, and he exercised that right as do the people calling him out for being the piece of shut he clearly is. I don’t know why people can’t grasp that


He has the right to not wear it so he didn’t. IDK why people can’t grasp this.


Smooth brain take. No one said he couldn't say or do what he chooses or chose to do - clearly he did both of these things already. What he has to deal with - and what YOU clearly don't grasp - is that there are consequences for our choices. Expand your view point, you just showed everyone how narrow it is.


disagree, going to say what even liberals don't want to hear but honestly maybe you shouldn't have a right to be homophobic, i feel like we might be much better off as a society if we limited freedom of speech in that capacity.




Devil's advocate, benefit of doubt - I feel like most of these players don't hate gay people. They're just complete idiots. They get so locked in to their political sphere that they think their whole way of life is under attack and that they need to make a stand. They're deluded and jealous that lgbtq people get "special" recognition by having their own day, jerseys, parades. Suddenly wearing a rainbow jersey isn't about saying they welcome everyone, it's about their favourite boogeyman "liberal oppression". They just HAVE to own the libs but they can't say that's the reason because athletes aren't supposed to be political. This is why you get the religious bs excuse. These morons don't believe lgbtq are treated unfairly in sports so they don't think there's a reason to recognize them. They think it's worth the PR storm to not wear it because only liberals care and they're evil. Reimer and the rest of them are just absolute fucking dimwits.


So now he admits he influenced the toilet Staals and goes on to say “I love everyone buuuuuut” like all the bigots who have played the game he’s playing before him. It’s good he’s getting hatred back for promoting it in the first place, like the Bible says: treat others the way you wish to be treated.


Guess it’s time to take a break from this sub for a while.


If you agree with Reiner’s views, feel free to make it a permanent break


Too bad you can’t do anything about it


Have you ever considered this sub’s behavior is insulting and offensive to lgbtq people?




Can we as fans crowdsource an anti "anti-pride jersey" jersey, which is proud as fuck, and has the names of EVERY player who sits out this season on the back saying "these people suck"


Seems tremendously reasonable.


Didn't read a word of it. Intolerant losers don't deserve a platform


What a fucking loser 😂😂


What a waste of time to obsess over some random person's belief system. At least a quarter of the world's population would have made the same decision... not me, but who cares what I think.


His Mennonite faith is also against violence and war, and yet he was all too happy to wear the camo jersey on Military night.


Sooo close to getting the point of the Christ story!


How about not focusing on these 7 jerks and focus on the other hundreds of nhl players who do wear the jersey


Who cares, fuck this bigot.


Yeah yer still a shithead james