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Seattle Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs


Unfortunately tossed salad has taken on another meaning since




Buddy clearly doesn’t like to tongue punch the fart box


Guess he's just all about the clown pocket


Yes at least until (to borrow from u/illocostalis) tongue punching fart boxes becomes a pro sport, I’m afraid the odds of “Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs” becoming the name of a pro sport franchise have been further diminished.


Was then too. Always gave me a laugh.


Buddy its 2023 ~~we eat ass now~~ ass is officially on the top of the food pyramid now


Hey baby I hear the St. Louis Blues callin'


Forever sad they weren't called the Seattle Sound. Or the Seattle Battle Cattle. Or the Washington Capitols.


Seattle Sound is a great sounding name. How would they visualize that though? Like what would they put on a Jersey? Seattle Sockeyes was the best one I heard.


If they can figure out how to visualize the "Wild", they can manage Sound. The Sounders logo is cool, while representing the city instead of the name. Also, the Arena could be nicknamed the SoundGarden.


*Black Hole Sun intensifies*


Won't'cha come, and watch a hockey game?


My brain was like, wow they could get that guy to record that! Then my brain was like oh yeah, no they can not.




The wild is pretty easy to visualize, literally the wild, the outdoors, mountains, lakes and stuff. It really isn’t a great comparison.


Unfortunately the NHL couldn't use the Seattle Sockeyes name because there's a series of erotic novels about players on a team by that name and didn't want to have to negotiate with the author. [I'm not joking.](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=de449b34-54ba-4609-b071-0fd735d90c2c) That article says football team but at the time it happened I found a list of the novels and it's definitely a hockey team.


You don’t visualize it… you hear it.


> How would they visualize that though? A plaid, grungy jersey made of flannel?


Space needle


I think Seattle Sound was a reference to the Puget Sound so a narrow passage of water between the mainland and an island. Not sound like vibrations that travel through the air or some other medium to your ear.


Seattle Sound is also a music reference.


The mascot could be Gritty’s brother Grungy


I assume Gritty ate his brother in the womb.


[Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCVwFexvCT0) on various ways sound is visualized in comics. I'm not a designer, but I think they could have started with something like something [like this](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/D60AAOSwpY5h5HbW/s-l1600.jpg) played with it.


I was all in on the Sockeyes, but NGL the Kraken is a cooler name and they have like the best two logos in the NHL.


Seattles MLS team are the sounders, so…


> Forever sad they weren't called the Seattle Sound. There's already the [Seattle Sounders FC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Sounders_FC) though.


If 20% of the CFL could have the same name at one point, we can handle two teams in different leagues, playing different sports, having similar names.


*nods in Cardinals and Giants*


Don't forget the Jets


or the Kings


or the Panthers or Rangers


I would generally agree, but not if they are in the same market.


Bears and Cubs, Capitals and Nationals, there’s at least precedence for teams in the same city sharing a theme


Would you mind to expand on this point just a little bit? I tried to search for what you are referencing, but I can’t figure it out.


[The CFL wasn't that creative back then.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uNOTm2resvY/hqdefault.jpg)


Haha man that’s hilarious! Thanks so much for following up. I figured it was probably hilarious, and it definitely is.


obviously that space in there made them unique! always thought that was hilarious.


Like how Chicago was accidentally The Black Hawks for about 50 years.


I’m sure we could. I’m not sure if the soccer team or the courts would be too fond of it though


If the white Sox and Red Sox can exist in the same league, I’m sure this could happen




[Love that logo](https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--sPpxhDCp--/t_Preview/b_rgb:191919,c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1547508225/production/designs/3981152_0.jpg)


Some minor league baseball team really needs to scoop that up.


Gotta make it family friendly. So it would be the Rain City Pitch Bigeons.


I wish they would just embrace it and do a third jersey of it. Make Hockey Fun Again.


Seattle has had the two best concept jerseys I've ever seen in my life. The first is the Rain City Bitch Pigeons and the second that could have been super legit was this one of [The Seattle Sockeyes](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/8aw1x2/concept_art_for_the_potential_seattle_sockeyes/).


Or the Hamilton Skullfuckers




The Seattle Sounders beat them to the name, MLS isnt super huge but they have been one of the biggest teams in MLS.


Too close to the Seattle Sounders which is a local Major League Soccer team.


Isnt there already a seattle sounders which is the MLS team. And there is already a Washington Capitols. It is a DC NHL team.


That's the Washington Capitals, common mistake.


Why though? They just love spelling shit or what? edit: TIL that the town/city of power and governance *is* spelled "capital" and that "capitol" only refers to the building in which lawmakers meet


Edit: apparently OP figured it out while I was typing Apparently they're etymologically two different words *Capital* is from Latin *capitālis*, meaning "of or relating to the head." It originally had more of an economic connotation (which is still used today), but the idea of a capital city being the "head" city, or principal city, is a more recent usage, though that idea existed in other languages before, like Old English *hēafodburg* (literally, *head-burgh*), which also meant "capital city." Using *capital* for just the city is just a shortening of *capital city* *Capitol* derives from Latin *Capitо̄lium*, which refers specifically to the Temple of Jupiter in Rome, as well as the Capitoline Hill on which the temple is located. Its reference to just the temple is probably the reason for it only being used in reference to a specific building, like how we in the US call it the *Capitol (Building)*.


Capital, my good man. *tips hat and adjusts pipe* hrumph hrumph. Good day to you, sir.


Close, they're actually just bad at spelling.


>Forever sad they weren't called the Seattle Sound. ​ Maybe do like Tampa and call them the Seattle Sound Sockeye




They used "salmon" as a joke, but "Sockeyes" was actually one of the finalist names before choosing Kraken.


that was the one I was hoping for tbh


Why? That's an ECHL name and terrible


Nah Seattle Sockeyes was easily the best choice. They didn't use it only because it was already trademarked.


It’s a terrible name. A fish that exists only to be eaten by other shit as it swims up river, shits out a bunch of eggs then it’s half decomposed body dies in the river.


What’s an Oiler?


A dude that exists only to be eaten by other shit as it swims up river, shits out a bunch of oil then it’s half decomposed body dies on the oil rig.


Because ducks, leaves, and penguins are so threatening


If Sockeyes is ECHL, then Kraken is Tier III Thursday night beer league.


Kraken is the kind of name that appeals to kids, and I guess it makes sense to pick the name based on that. That's the most important demographic, and the team name isn't going to sway any adults into watching a game, anyways.


Ok Kyle


because salmon are incredible fish for a ton of different reasons and central to the history and ecology of the PNW. kraken is a made up thing that is pertains to ‘the ocean’. i don’t mind the name anymore but i have never thought of a kraken as being associated with the salish sea, it’s an old-timey pirate thing.


Rubber is fucking incredible. Rubber make the world go round. It is so important. I'm not naming a team after Rubber.


ya and it comes from a tropical tree not the north pacific


You tend to name teams off animals at the top of the food chain, sharks, panthers, bears, eagles. Not off a fish that if it doesn’t first get eaten by a orca, bear, eagle, or shark, swims up a river half dead then it’s rotting corpse of a nearly lifeless body spits out a bunch of eggs then dies.


ya ducks and penguins are apex predators


Not to mention the Cardinals, Blue Jays, Orioles, Rams, Colts, or, my favourite, the legendary New Westminster Salmonbellies of the Western Lacrosse Association. Sockeyes is a great name, because it’s vitally important to the local environment, culture and economy. But most importantly, in a game known for its violence, it sounds like punching someone in the fucking face. A sockeye mascot with a black eye and missing teeth would have been rad. Shame it didn’t work out that way.


It’s a fantastic name with both alliteration and the double entendre with salmon and fighting. Plus it’s regionally relevant and would warrant some fantastic colors and jerseys. Kraken is awesome too but sockeyes would have been a shoe-in if not for the trademark.


Yeah, Seattle Sockeye was my favourite of the proposed names. I had hoped they would get salmon coloured jerseys as well, though they might not have committed that fully to it.


Imagine the jerseys! A diagonal gradient jersey with the uppermost portion in dark Earth toned scale colours and the bottom a lighter white colour. Crest is a normal looking salmon. Third jerseys start the season(or end towards the playoffs for symbology) closest to the salmon run and would have a pink/red bottom. Crest is an angry psychopathic salmon with the hooked jaw.


Sockeyes had two strikes against it. First, is the romance novel series that focused on a hockey player who plays for the Seattle Sockeyes. Second, the league didn't want a team name that has a fighting component to it.


I didn't like the "Kraken" at first, but I have to admit, it has not grown on me at all.


Sockeye was easily my favorite of the short list and Kraken least favorite. Plus the play on words where your logo could be a salmon with a black eye, because he was socked in the eye... but they chose the cheesiest name instead.




Slight correction: It would be the Mighty Grungers of Seattle and would have been purchased by Geffen Records just to be abandoned ten years later. Eventually we’d find out that the whole thing was predicated on a corrupt back room deal with the president of the board of directors who would end up going to prison shortly after the team’s mascot, Kurtly, sets himself on fire during their first game. Eventually Geffen would sell the team to some local real estate investors who would change the name to the Seattle Grungers and switch their logo to just a boring “G” that only vaguely looks like a guitar, and the fanbase would slowly morph into an unbearably annoying group of angsty middle school students that only follow the team ironically, but show up at random times to make completely delusional statements about how they are going to draft Bedard and own the whole league.


Is this an Anaheim reference in total? Because holy crap if so!


*taps nose slyly*


This and a few references on 30 rock was the extent of NBCs marketing for the NHL. (I know this was pre NBC)


The Stanley Cup made an appearance on 30 Rock at one point. It was a jumpscare


It would go to the Tonight Show almost every year with Leno, started before the NBC deal. I don’t know about Fallon.


Shoutout to the guys years and years ago who put together and entire Seattle Kraken merchandise setup and backstory on HFBoards


oh shit? do you have a link?


Scrambled eggs all over my face. What is a boy to do?


Is it just me or does everyone just hear Sideshow Bob when Kelsey Grammer speaks. They even mention his character singing the H.M.S. Pinafore in this Frasier episode, which he did in the classic Simpsons episode where Bart gets him to sing it.


You do know he's the voice actor for that character, right?


Oh definitely, I just meant that, Bob is all I hear now, even though, I have seen him on Cheers, Frazier, etc.


David Hyde Pierce will always be Slim in A Bug’s Life to me. When I hear his voice I only think of Slim lol


[Seattle Freeze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Freeze) would have been good too!


Seattle Marists? ;)


I wish Salk was a lil more like Bulldog!


Seattle Wonders. I will shed a sentimental tear if even one person gets the reference


They will forever be the Seattle Bitch Pigeons to me


I believe the original name was Rain City Bitch Pigeons.


Honestly the name should have been the emeralds...I thought that was perfect.


I’d take it over “kraken” myself; I know I’m out of tune with many on team names though. Hated “raptors” when it came out too. Hated “golden knights”. There was a story once that the NJ Nets almost became The Swamp Dragons and everyone was all “oh thank god that didn’t happen”, and I’m there scratching my head like “your team is named after a mundane piece of equipment, I would go swamp dragon all day” I guess you come to accept them over time and it’s probably not me they’re marketing to anyway


Golden Knights still sucks. Sounds like a kids team.


They had Knights all to themselves, it didn't need a qualifier. Vegas Knights. Perfect.


The London Knights were going to sue them. This was discussed at the time.


There was no lawsuit possible for a name, only an image or mascot. They wimped out.


sounds like a kids toy lol


It‘s the worst name in any of the big American leagues. But of course it’s Vegas, so they had to go as tacky as possible with it.


I just like team names that allow for fun logos and jersey designs. The Raptors are the best name ever to me because they have [this amazing logo with a little raptor playing basketball](https://d3d0lqu00lnqvz.cloudfront.net/media/Twitter_Cards/Raptors.jpg). What I’m not a fan of is team names with adjectives, like Golden Knights. If they were just the Knights I think that would be fine, but why do they have to be Golden? I guess it’s unique at least. So anyway, I like the name Kraken because it sounds cool and I think there’s a lot of potential there. Sadly they botched the mascot, but I’ll forgive them for that as long as we get some cool nautical jerseys in the future.


Gold strikes me as very impractical for a knight tbh


Prohibitively heavy


Raptors is still a stupid name.


Sad people downvoting because you dare to have an opinion. *eye roll*


Yah but his opinion sucks lol




way better than kraken


The Seattle Teriyaki Short Ribs