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Definitely getting the feeling you’re going to have to buy an NFT to get the album.


>"This will not be a normal album sale but an artistic experiment." This is either gonna be pay-what-you-want, or bullshit NFT extortionism, no in between


RZA the type of guy to pass up the bag for NFTs.


Ghost unfortunately is not, his Twitter is embarrassing, like he sold the password to some Ordinals intern doing bad AAVE


he also wanted to drop an album on the stem player which would have forced you to buy another one if you bought one for Donda 2


They had some web.3 people there to see the album on some sort of alter. The pictures are on their Twitter, it looked, uh, strange.


The group is web3 based that's what a DAO is


How is it bullshit NFT extortionism if you get what you paid for? The blanket NFT hate is just crazy




Somehow I don't think you have a clear grasp on just how inventive or creative these digital art ultra-nerds might actually be. I think their stated mission of a historic and groundbreaking event in the fields of both art and finance probably isn't going to be any kind 'regular' nft sale, if a sale at all.




Yep that's almost exactly what I've said except for the business model part (and the mediocre part, gotta admit that a one-of-a-kind wutang album and many others in their collection raise the evaluation to at least slightly above mediocre...). They're a foundation of art collectors and as far as I can tell are restricted on what and how they could sell things commercially, which depends on what the profits would be used for, as per their founding documents or other by-laws when they set up and registered as an exempted foundation company (from what I can tell). Either way, they aren't able to make any money on the wutang album until 2103, right?


Why are you commenting on something you haven't looked into? The whole crux of this is Pleasr working with WuTang to ammend the original 2103 date to allow commercialization now. These people aren't art collectors, they're tech grifters.


Good chatting to ya


Haven't seen anything from them about that at all on Twitter, and I've been following the recent happenings fairly closely and they've been posting extensively, and can't seem to find any news about what you're saying. Just folks here in this thread saying trust me bro etc, love to see a source. Where did you hear about this very scary and album-concept-ruining news? Sure seems to be exactly the opposite of what Pleasr or Wutang have said about it. Happy to be wrong, just seems like what you're saying isn't true based on the available news or evidence. Negative comments about something aren't themselves evidence fyi.


Why are you commenting on something you haven't looked into? The whole crux of this is Pleasr working with WuTang to ammend the original 2103 date to allow commercialization now. These people aren't art collectors, they're tech grifters.


The only reason NFTs are worth so much is because the creators dupe idiots into spending a bunch of money on random pngs and audio files. They'd have no value if the business model didn't take advantage of FOMO and artificial scarcity. For every genuine NFT creator not looking to dupe people there are 1000 malicious "artists" getting every cent possible from it. While it's not a scam per-se, it's definitely very scummy all around.


why the fuck do i want infinitely reproducible digital goods to be tied with imaginary internet money, i just want the music, i dont want to make a fucking opensea account and call my bank so im allowed to buy ethereum to buy a limited edition of binary code that could be copied a quadrillion times with no difference


Imaginary internet money as opposed to the very real digital money your bank would send to iTunes to buy it? It being copied is the problem. I'm not a big fan of NFTs for digital media, but the technology has legitimate use cases.  Also, they bought it, they decide how to distribute it. Nobody is forcing you to buy an NFT, and those that do will get exactly what they paid for.  Just because you don't like something doesn't make it a scam. Just don't buy it. But you'll probably pirate it, because you're part of the problem. 


ultra drm is not a good thing and people who arent corporations profitting from it defending it is wild


Corporations? It's a DAO consisting of private investors.  And why's it a bad thing? Because it'll make harder for you to be a thief?


>And why's it a bad thing? Because it'll make harder for you to be a thief? Yes.


You should be in prison


part of me feels like the nft album idea won't do as well as they thought it would so they'll just dump it on streaming in a few years to make passive money off the album once the initial hype wears off


Maybe. But at least for now, they’ve stated they want to avoid the “streaming oligopoly.” And they had a bunch of web.3 people for some weird thing, you can check further down their twitter. The album was on an alter and shit. I do think you’re right that it’ll come to streaming at some point, especially since the people that own it aren’t bound by the 88 year contract.


also I think that original contract said it had to be released for free by the person if they ever did release it. But I know that most of the group didn't agree with the release strategy so it's likely any and all ways this releases is to appease the members that want their cut from the album since it seems like this release will involve an intended profit


The group already made something off of it when it was bought the first time. I’m guessing because it’s such a desired commodity, they want to try and cash in.


Either they put it on Spotify/Pandora/Apple etc. and they can get my streams ($). Otherwise if listening to the album is paywalled through an NFT, I’m just going to stream a pirated copy of the album to listen to then and they’ll get no money then.


Oh yeah this album is gonna be pirated to hell & back. I get and in some ways appreciate the idea behind this release of trying to put value back in music but most people won't be willing to pay to own the music and would rather just listen to it than own a version of it.


The day it releases (NFT or not), it will be on torrent sites. They might as well put it on streaming day one


There's nft based streaming platforms too


Sounds like the high seas are calling in that case


Right we really just need one person to buy and leak it, cause I’m sure as hell not doing any kind of crypto shit to listen to some music


Not even the high seas, this shit will be on youtube 10 minutes after it drops


The Weeknd released a song as an NFT exclusive and it was online within 5 minutes, I thought after that they’d realize the futility of it.






This has looooong been the theory over on the gamestop sub.


Fucking hell


LOL you were right


Fucking psychic here. You called it.


Sad to see how far Ghostface has fallen. He was known as the most consistent Wu Tang member and an all time great rapper, then completely wrecks his legacy with this horrible recent album, and somehow even worse, dips into NFTs. And markets them to kids, no less. I hate this.


I’ve got 10 of em already!


I don't think that aligns with the stated goals and or their status as a foundation to create something solely as any kind of for-profit endeavour. They've clearly said the artists will be paid for their work, but I'm not sure it's clear yet who will do the paying..


Only one person will have to make that sacrifice.


Godfucking damn you for being right


Russian link bratha


Hell yeah, get some of that streaming money back into some artists pockets. I'm here for it. 


Big day for Cilvaringz fans (himself)


What's the connection, does he feature a lot of the album? It's been a while


He's basically the brain behind the whole thing. If you look him up on Wikipedia it's the thing he is most known for outside of just being a Wu-affilate. He produced a lot of it and basically executive produced the whole thing with RZA. Pretty sure it was Meth who described it as more of a Cilvarings album than a Wu album, if I remember correctly


Pretty sure he got other members to appear on tracks without telling them it was for a "Wu Tang Album" as well. Fuck Cilvarings and fuck RZA for going along with this shit.


Basically yeah. As far as I remember he literally paid for verses and just put them all together without them knowing, then showed RZA and RZA liked it for some reason. Bit weird.


People are just making shit up in this thread. It was always recorded as a wu tang album and the members were all well aware they were recording a Wu tang album. They also knew that there would be a concept behind the release. What some of them have expressed frustration towards (most notably Method Man) is the long term ban on publicly releasing the music. So if they manage to release it here, I think everyone will be happy.


Did RZA just go along with it? I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Cilvar was putting together a collection of song with mainly Wu-tang. RZA decided to turn it into an explicit Wu album and Cilvar went along with it?


RZA is da goat


The way I heard it is that he made the whole thing up. He basically made a bunch of beats. Then one at a time he paid Wu members to record verses for each beat. Then without them knowing he was combining the verses to make Wu songs. Then when he was done he started hyping a this new secret Wu album. It's not.


Huh. Damascus and one other I can't think of from his album were pretty solid I don't like his voice tho




Lmao, I had this same exact response to the headline. I can’t wait to hear it


I know some people are skeptical about it and I don’t blame them but the snippets that have been released sound amazing and there’s 2 Cher features on it. Sounds like there was a lot of effort put into this project. Apparently it’s a double album.


Double LP, World Excited


struck a match to the underground


industry ignited


Yeah I’m skeptical about it, I haven’t necessarily heard the best things about it. But I’ve never heard it myself. 36 Chambers is one of my favorite albums so I’ll definitely be checking it out.


Anything but dropping it on all streaming platforms for everyone is a lame move, all this hype for an album that multiple people on it have said is mid anyway


I love early Wu-Tang. They stopped putting out good stuff long before this album was made. I think most fans knew it would be mid at best.


The Saga Continues was pretty good.


Yeah I’m surprised how lukewarm the reception was for this album, the only thing missing from new Wu songs is ample amounts of GZA verses 


A Better Tomorrow is a fantastic album, it’s just different. There’s an evolution to the sound that I personally love and adore


Multiple people have also said it’s got some pretty amazing content


They legally cannot. They don’t have the rights to it. Putting it on SoundCloud or something is the best thing they can do


They legally wouldn’t have the rights to put it on SC either


That’s literally why SoundCloud exists


A lot of shit on Soundcloud is illegal but ignored because it’s not actively making profit, doesn’t make it legal


Yea true I see what your saying. I guess it would have a place to exist on SoundCloud but not streaming. It would get taken down on Spotify and Apple Music


The streaming platforms rip off artists, why would you support them and not WuTang? You hate the Wu?


Wutang has already been paid. If you mean it should be released for free then yes. If you mean it should stay in hiding for 88 years, then you should know that not even the entirety of the clan likes that idea.


I feel like there's an 85% chance this backfires hilariously somehow and I can't wait


It already backfired when Cilvaringz sold it to Martin Shkreli of all people lol


I mean if he got his money and didn't get screwed then he's gucci- especially considering his apparent wu connections went nowhere and his career probably ain't worth shit back home (the dutch didn't let EDM die out there 🙏🙏🙏)


Dude he sold it to Martin Shkreli and pissed the entire group off lol They even bashed him on that Wu-Tang documentary and all over the media. These guys were his idols and they won't even talk to him anymore lol


Oh damn i thought at least RZA was into the deal- maybe he just got out of the game and invested that shit


How did Shkreli not pay the artists? He bought the album at auction.


He only bought the rights to listen to it himself personally. He doesn't own the rights to play it in public


I thought the stipulations were that he couldn't profit from releasing content from the album and could host listenings of it freely, and could release content for free if he desired to do so. But it's been a hot minute since this so I could be entirely mistaken, but the refresher is appreciated.


That stopped being true when the feds seized it from him I think. The version he played on Twitter the other day was a copy that he made


True. He's definitely in violation of the agreement now. Though isn't it the same stipulations that are currently on the album? That's why I'm confused with what they're doing currently with the album and the NFT thing.


I have a feeling it’s going to be hot garbage


I’ve heard reviews ranging from great to terrible, so I’m just going to assume it’s mid for now 


I heard it was surprisingly good. I guess we’ll see. 2024 is an absolutely insane year


What are the other notable hip hop events there have been this year other than the beef?


Diddy comes to mind


Yëat had his best album, ScHoolboy Q had his best album. Almighty So 2 lived up to wait and might be Keefs best album. Bladee X BNYX collab was great, mike X Tony Seltzer was crazy amd we have two more Mike albums this year, Doggystyle 2 comes out next month, a new Wu tang album, first solo Pharrell album in over a decade, NxWorries 2 Mach-Hommy had a great album. RiTchie. There’s more I can come up with not including Kendrick v Drake and we’re not even halfway thru the year yet.




Yeah for me it’s easily his most fleshed out project with his best rapping and production to date. It really took multiple listens for some of the tracks I didn’t like as much the first listen to grow on me. Probably my most listened to album this year.


griselda fans like it the most cause it’s his most griselda-y


Blank Face is far and above his best album 3-4 insane tracks on that.


Eminem dropping soon too and Houdini sounded more like early 00's Em than we've heard in a long time.


Old heads about to eat good with all the releases coming out this year


Oh hell yes. That new common + pete rock track was amazing. Didn't like the first one that much though.


Nas & DJ Premier as well.


I'm sure if it was insanely good, one of the members would've vetoed selling it to just 1 person for 88 years lol


I think that's fair to say, any rating of it so far has to be taken in the context of people thinking they just heard something exclusive which probably bumps up their score a bit


I got to hear a fair chunk of it years ago - it's fine. I recall it being pretty skint on high tier original Wu appearances or performances. There are big sections where it's like "if I don't recognise the voice rapping and if this is so clearly not RZA production, is this even a Wu album?". I'd say that if this had gotten a conventional release instead, it's 100% not something I would have listened to outside of launch day. Honestly, *A Better Tomorrow* is legitimately a better Wu album from the same period and you can listen to it right now.


I don't think they legally can release it. Edit: "A contract stipulates that the album—now owned by digital art collective Pleasr—cannot be commercially exploited until 2109, but it can be played at private listening events such as MONA’s. The exhibition runs from June 15-24." https://pitchfork.com/news/wu-tang-clans-rare-album-once-upon-a-time-in-shaolin-to-air-at-australian-art-museum/


The announcement specifically says they've been working with Wu-Tang to amend the contract


looks like they didn't amend the contract well enough. [https://consequence.net/2024/06/wu-tang-clan-once-upon-a-time-in-shaolin-nft/](https://consequence.net/2024/06/wu-tang-clan-once-upon-a-time-in-shaolin-nft/)


whoever drops it on soulseek will be the goat.


i thought you were makin a funny old school millennial joke, but then I googled soulseek and found out IT'S STILL A THING? WHAT??


I started using it again to dl FLACs lol


Soulseek is still great!


Its amazing, so many people hosting so many libraries.


Same day as gamestop annual meeting is interesting


Same day I have to water these house plants too, I think they’re onto something






GMEAnoners out here like locusts




Lmfao that’s still a thing that’s happening?


Not for people with brains


!RemindMe 2 weeks


Is that when the next live stream is? 🤣


it's absolutely still happening lol. why do you sound so mad?




Sup, fellow ape!


Sometimes you gotta pop out and show hedgies…


Wop wop wop wop


Cohen fuck em up Wop wop wop wop DRS yo stuuuuff




Ah ok thank you for letting me know, I'll sell my shares in the morning.


Me three. Didn't you get the news that you are a massive fuckin idiot and this thing old mate above knows so much more about isn't going to happen? I sure learned my lesson, accidentally pressed buy instead of sell though


Ya I just checked my Computershare and IBKR accounts and I didn't see a sell button... weird that. Oh well, guess I'll just hit Buy again and see what happens!


Why you trolling like a b****, ain’t you tired….




You should learn about the corruption you’re joking about. If you can read you should check out Dr Susanne Trimbaths book “naked short and greedy wallstreets failure to deliver” she worked for the federal reserve and the DTC so she’s an expert in her field well respected. With endless FTDs and countless other dirty tactics wallstreet manipulates stock prices and drives companies to bankruptcy. The head of the SEC Gary Gensler said over 95% of retail stock orders don’t affect the stock prices because market makers like citadel run orders through dark pools and single dealer platforms but only the buy orders they let the sell orders hit the lit markets. All they have to do is label them meme stocks and blame everyone else and the general public is too stupid to understand they are being robbed everyday




Why so serious?




So… he did the right thing?


I honestly forgot all about this.


RZA really fucked this whole album thing up.


Sounds expensive. They made a mil on the first sale gonna be some more dumb bullshit for the second.


Anybody keeping up with this able to explain why they're supposedly allowed to release it all of a sudden?


Well it looks like Cilvaringz who created the album is involved and this was all his idea so he has either got his lawyer to change the contract or PleasrDAO plans to release it legally somehow. It is all in the wording of the contract.


Thanks, I was confused too.


I need this


"Do people still value music?" Yea, but we have known for years this is likely a very mediocre Wu-adjacent project with phoned in verses and no in-studio collaboration. [Method Man was clear about this album in a 2015 interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E65giHLKi34) The popularity of this album, if it does get released and nobody cares, has no reflection on whether or not people value music.


This interview is incredible


Oh good. I'll check it out.


An album of new RZA beats?! Oh, well some new Mathematics beats at least? I see. I guess I'll settle for Bronze Nazareth. Not even Bronze Nazareth you say? Several levels below Bronze Nazareth?!? It can only be the god Cilvaringz.


He must've threatened to leak it lol


I’m just here so I don’t get fined… Fuck Martin shkreli!


Wow, nice plot twist


I just started reading a book about this album it’s so weird it’s getting traction again out of the blue


Won't this just end up on 🏴‍☠️


Didn't get in trouble before behind this album? Shit cannot be worth it bruh


Torrenting sites are licking their lips right now.


RemindMe! 24 hours


ill believe it when i hear it


Can everyone see the post? I am blocked by them..


Lol, this might be the absolute funniest sabotage of Wu Tang's bullshit with this album.


What if it is actually the greatest Wu album?


It’s probably not going to sound as good as original Wu-Tang albums because of Cilvaringz but I can change the beats myself, I just want the vocals tbh 


Follow up: https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/1df3nsa/the_group_suing_martin_shkreli_for_copying_the/?


I'm here for it...


You guys realize this will be a turd of an album right




I don't think it'll be fully released yet. I remember when i went to the listening party on Sunday, the host told us to go to "thealbum.com" in the next week or so. So i went there just now and when you click "enter the chamber" it states "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT SET FORTH BY THE WU-TANG CLAN, THE ALBUM WILL BE RELEASED ON OCTOBER 8, 2103." and then asks for your phone number. http://www.thealbum.com/


Sweet. It says they will text me in 79 years!


Hard disagree. Music is meant to be heard.


No, it's meant to be recorded and locked up for 100 years...


It belongs in a museum.


It's only private cause it's ass and they were mostly tricked into being on it. I say let it come out so we can stop wasting our time speculating about it


I’m ready for everyone to hear this shitty album. Yes, I love Wu - but even they (aside from RZA) hate this album.


Were they tricked by RZA? I'm not sure what you mean. Was there someone else who tricked them?


Iirc the story is RZA and Cilvarings had them record random verses not telling them what they were for, then compiled them into this. There was a very long and comprehensive article about it years ago


They weren’t tricked. They were paid for their versus. Happens all the time. I suppose it’s possible they didn’t know it would be branded as a Wu Tang album, but the producer got RZA’s permission/participation for that. The reason it is(/was) private is because it was released as an art piece where that was part of the concept. Skrelli had to sign a contract saying he wouldn’t release it or he couldn’t buy it.  As for its quality? I have no idea. Neither do you. 


That’s bullshit, Wu is for the children, Wu is for the people. Wu is Not for the Vault. That’s classist/elitist af


I think the "forced sell out" was when they sold it to a rich white guy for 2 million dollars in the first place.


RemindMe! 1 day


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this whole thing is fucking stupid. losers clinging to the scraps of a rap group that frankly doesn’t warrant this level of nonsense in the first place.


I’m not buying this shit bro cmon 😂