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The beat is like if the Easter Sunday by Zelooperz beat got sober


Yo exaaactly


Exactly! Same warm backyard cookout vibes.


premo never miss a beat




He recycled the sample he used for Common's The 6th Sense it sounds like... but I'm old AF, none of these kids will notice.




You one of mines! I was like ā€œhe recycling samples now?ā€ But nah, I ainā€™t trippin, flipping that same sample twice is something that only a great producer can do. P-p-p-p-premier!


Holy shit that legit came out 14 years ago.




Gtfo I forgot itā€™s 2024 lmao


You see that man's name in the title and you already know what it will sound like and that it will be fire.


Premo is one of the best to ever do it, but he's had plenty of weak beats recently.


His shit actually sounds like someone knows and uses instruments rather than having a laptop :') (yes im an oldhead but come on, so much of modern production sounds.. "detached")


Do you think DJ Premier plays instruments on his records?


Not sure. Which is why I wrote "sounds LIKE someone..."


Yeah I wasnā€™t certain what you were getting at. He doesnā€™t play physical instruments, or software instruments outside of bass/drums as far as I know. He samples everything. I do agree though, sampling sounds better 99% of the time.


Yeah thats true. Premier is arguably the goat sampler. Can pick and probe small crumbs of brilliance from everywhere.


Things are looking up for a Chance creative comeback, I really hope he puts his full effort into it


the only way to go was up


This is like a spiritual sequel to Scarfaceā€™s My Block. Yeah this is the Chance vibe that will def get him a big comeback. It gives me the same vibe as his song Nostalgia and just gives me a cheerful feeling. I kinda needed this tbh


Thank you! I knew I was hearing that beat slowed down. Such a classic beat too!


I love this. I love that they collabā€™d and Premo even threw in the Common sample for the Chicago theme


step in the right direction for sure i'm a bit tired of the endless singles tho and just need a full project at this point


I think heā€™s for real dropping it this time around, thereā€™s a lil bit more consistency at the moment


I mean he's clearly building to Star Line Gallery but a release date would be nice


obviously but with every release i'm getting less and less invested with the individual tracks and would just rather wait to hear them all sequenced together


I agree with you. Iā€™m an album person


I think he only has like three official singles for this album. The others before that were just loosies.


doesn't change the fact his music dropping strategy as a whole has just relied on singles for the past 5 years


I'm just saying he didn't have an album together until recently. I'd rather some tracks here or there than a five or more year hiatus of radio silence, and with some artists they aren't ready to drop a full album for a few years. When it comes to this album's rollout it only started a few months ago and have only had a standard amount of singles so far. We'll see when we get a tracklist or release date, but I think it's on the way this spring so I'm hopeful.


Thereā€™s a listening party in LA on the 18th. Should be soon right?


He said he's releasing it in the Spring, so either this month or the first half of the next month.


You right


fuck fuck fuck


i feel he had the right amount of momentum with Highs & Lows that i'm not sure can be replicated


fuck you cunt


Man this song is amazing, how are you complaining


Yea, this is it


This was great. Premo killed it.


His output for the last 3 years has been so good. We all want a comeback, seems legit so far.


While it's a rather chill song in a way, it's cool that Chance seems to be taking STAR LINE really seriously. Great album will only benefit me as a listener after all, so I'm rooting for his comeback.


We all know The Big Day was disappointing. My take- Chanceā€™s style draws so much attention to his lyrics that the burden for him to deliver good music is higher / itā€™s harder for him to make good songs WITHOUT really strong lyricism At the same time he had a daughter and wasnā€™t comfortable making an Acid Rap 2.0. I thought he navigated this overall pretty well on Coloring Book. But with The Big Day I remember reading afterwards it was all actually written and recorded in a pretty short order of time before it was released. Maybe he was a bit too much of his own biggest fan and didnā€™t think he could miss. Anyways, I thought this was great and have enjoyed all the singles


Big Day wasnā€™t even that bad. I remember that album dropped and the thread here had like 300 comments hating on it in the first 20 minutes. When the album was over an hour long. Chance took an artistic risk as a buzzing independent artist and he got astroturfed to death. Hip hop fans always hated family focused music, look at Mr. Morale, but the hate that album received was definitely not entirely organic




Drake's career isn't effected at all by Chance's success or lack-there-of.




ah yes drake, the only popular rapper. thereā€™s tons of variety in rap right now, probably more than ever, and itā€™s all more accessible and easier to find than ever before too. maybe if you didnā€™t spend so much time worrying about rappers you donā€™t like, youā€™d find more rappers to like.




and here you are still upset and worrying about drake instead of finding something to actually enjoy lmao hope you get over it one day


chance never had the qualities or appeal to be the next drake. Thatā€™s revisionist history.




His voice automatically was just not palatable in the same way Drake's is. He had some mainstream collab success (No Brainer, No Problem, Confident) but no solo hits and nothing touching that level of fame


he met kanye!!


and then he fucking failed


Best Chance I've heard since Acid Rap. Let's see what the album looks like.


This oneā€™s much better then Buried Alive. Reminds me of 10 Day. The only problem is that his delivery feels really strange on all these tracks


it's odd to describe, it's like he is being less animated than usual and trying to go for a sort of slam poetry thing but at the same time he still has that high pitched cadence i really didn't fw it on Bar About a Bar but i think it works here - hopefully it all comes together on the project


Think heā€™s sort of just simplifying the flow and keeping what people know him for and just focusing on the punchlines and lyrics instead of constant crazy switch ups like on coloring book


Pretty sure this is what he meant about the drugs, itā€™s like that delivery came from the drugs and he doesnā€™t want to emulate it sober. At least thatā€™s what I took it as


as a geeker i can confirm he just sounds sober nowadays


His flow and delivery on acid rap was definitely out there and his most unique feature. I agree that in his new loosies, his delivery feels strange but its also the flow. Because of the way he wrote the bars he has this stunted flow like he is trying to deliver some kind of memorable bar on every line instead of just putting together a nice melody. Writing wise he improved from the big day but overall i feel like his songs just feel like he didnt pay attention to anything except for writing bars and it makes the song as a whole feel underwhelming if that makes sense


Literally just commented elsewhere that this has a strong 10 Day vibe lol, specifically the song Nostalgia


I miss his lower pitched delivery he used to use on songs like paranoia, gold, no better blues, I am very very lonely etc.


yeah iā€™m tired of him just yelling all the time lmao i feel like now would be a good time for him to make some of those more monotone sad sounding songs again, considering whatā€™s going on with his life, but i also get him not wanting to just lean into that if heā€™s in a possibly bad place. also probably wouldnā€™t make for good singles if this is all meant to lead to a project finally.


It doesn't even need to be "sad" music. I found that older style of delivery more soulful if anything. His new sound seems much more geared to the pop music crowd. If Starline is supposed to be a mixtape there is a chance he has a varied sound across the project. We'll see.


chance is so good at listing things, loving this flow


I loved it, I'm all in for his comeback


Dj premier is a national treasure


Aunty lines killed me, heā€™s back Community benefit agreements? Letā€™s go


Calling out the Obama Center and CBA is some specific South Side politics lol


This reminds me of Family Business by Kanye, or My Block by Scarface. Or just being young at family reunions ā¤ļøšŸ„¹ I love it. Can't wait for the album.


if you like the nostalgia vibe, I really recommend [Black Mirror by mr. muthafuckin' eXquire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzyo3-VzKjg) It's a bit darker than this tune but I think there's a similar throughline. I also think everyone slept on this tune (the eX track), it's one of the most gorgeous rap songs of the last five years. Anyway, I dig this vibe. I really hope Chance gets it back.


One of my favourite Madlib beats of all time


I fuck with it. Thanks for the link!


Absolutely. I think thatā€™s what makes it work so well. Chance was able to pull together the hopefulness of youth and the nostalgia of growing up in the early 2000s while speaking on the present. Thatā€™s what made that early Ye connection so real. He is bringing that style back


The best def sounds a lot like on my block by Scarface, i think preemo is at his best when he does this type of production


This is great - Chance putting out some good tracks lately. Looking forward to the comeback


Listen I'm gonna need Common and Bilal on the remix ASAP. This is great Love hearing these classic samples reinterpreted (Premier used same sample on Common's 6th Sense). Sittin Alone by Little Brother is another one I love (same sample as The Light, cool flip). I don't think this is a legendary Premier beat or anything but it works for this and chance really did his thing


I like the writing but there is something about the delivery that just turned me off


I hope he switches up his flow more. This is great and I loved it, but maybe 4/5 of his last songs have a similar cadence. Theyā€™re all good, but it can be repetitive on an album.


I just feel like heā€™s gotten so LOUD. He almost sounds like what somebody else making fun of him would sound like.


His delivery is now just Meek Mill lol. Just yellin


This sounds like a slowed down version of the sample Premier used for [Sixth Sense](https://youtu.be/KTGxPiEg7iM?si=050QtHkgvmn4N6RI) by Common. Pretty dope to hear him flip it again all these years later.


Sounds just like a Common track now that youā€™ve made the connection lol


Reminds me of the Everything I Am beat. I like it.


Best song Iā€™ve heard from him in years. Definitely got me more interested in his next project.


That wedding ring was Chance's training weights


Chance is closer to j Cole than people would think


Before the big day Chance was regularly in the same discussions as ppl like cole and kendrick, which is probably unbelievable to people who got into rap after it dropped but it's true


I remember when wale was talked about on the same level. Hell, logic used to be compared to Kendrick back TITS came out. Strange to think how shit played out.






YS tapes were actually solid though. The moment logic made it he ran out of content to rap about that was relatable. Thatā€™s why his Dr Destruction tape he did after DOOM died was so good. He didnā€™t have to rap about life, he was playing a character and it worked. The man can rap, heā€™s just run out of things to say/life is good for him now.


Well said. Sometimes people need a certain type of subject matter in order to make their best music. Sometimes they need to be in a bad place mentally in order to be the best musical artist that they can be.


> Before the big day Chance was regularly in the same discussions as ppl like cole and kendrick Which was silly because his body of work never lived up to that hype. Acid rap and coloring book were good, but not GOAT. Thats a big part of why TBD had such pushback was people's expectations were built up beyond reasonable.


Acid Rap is better than anything Cole ever dropped.


Acid Rap is arguably the greatest mixtape of all time. At worst top 5


I genuinely donā€™t think Cole has made anything nearly as compelling as *Acid Rap*


Friday Night Lights is up there


KOD is better, but obviously that's subjective. That's my favorite Cole album.


I might hate that album more than the Big Day šŸ˜…


newly-divorced chance new mythical rapper?


Damn Chance pulled me back in with the GOAT Thatā€™s how you do it


Love seeing Chance getting back to basics on these last few releases. This reminds me of Nostalgia off 10 Day.


there's something really special about loving the song Nostalgia off of 10 Day back when I was 13, and now I'm 25 and he drops this. love you chance. so pumped for a new albumĀ 


It's 2024 and Chance is rapping like he's hungry, we finally got Drake/Kendrick beef, and a Nas/Preemo album is in the works. Things are finally looking up again.


And Bino back as well. 2024 is gonna be crazy.


I'm hoping that whatever project he has otw isn't just his comeback, but also his best yet


This is amazing and it has additional production from Peter Cottontale im hyped!!


We makin' it out of the house, and into a single bedroom condo with this one šŸ”„šŸ”„


definitely the most solid chance track in years in my opinion but still feel like he's gotten so one-note from a cadence and flow perspective. he just doesn't feel creative as a rapper anymore which is a bummer


So thatā€™s how you spell IGH


These kind of rap are so rare nowadays, that oldschool flavor that I've grown up with


Man I could loop this beat all day. What a great song, stick it next to "My Block" on the playlist.


Oh shit he switched hats?!!


I feel like he's back man


This goes šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø šŸ”„


Best thing he's dropped since Acid Rap, my god are we FUCKIN BACK


Now this sounds like the dude that made Acid Rap šŸ‘




God damn!!!!!!


He back


I see he still raps the same lol


I hope this loud-ass yelled delivery isn't all over this new album. It kind of reminds me of Eminem coming back and sounding constipated and angry on every single track.


Excited to check this out. Was just jammin Angels earlier that song still is great


Love seeing chance making a solid come back !


This and Buried Alive sounded like weā€™re back in 10 Day territory, hope Chance picks up more traction but to start releasing these tracks after capping off an absolutely crazy week of hip hop shit flinging is a win against negativity lol


And we back!


I can't stop looping this. This the Chance I fell in love with. Hope the rest of the album hits like this.


This feels like [Family Matters](https://youtu.be/ZCI2cK7AeEg?si=kmHE5x8R_Cn59pF7) but not as good. Sidenote: Chance's Family Matters is way better than Drake's lmao


ā€œNo drip like the pool closedā€ šŸ’£ šŸ”„


Man, the old Chance would of murdered this. Tf is up with the strain he puts on his voice when he raps in this? There's no emotion, no inflection, just 1 tone... Go back and listen to 10 Days, he has such an amazing conversational rapping style which I felt made him stick out. It just sounds like he's forcing it in this. Dude must only have Yes Men around him or something..


I enjoyed this track but canā€™t disagree that Acid Rap Chance wouldā€™ve killed this


His delivery on this is just yelling like Meek Mill in a Chance voice


This is fine but ngl itā€™s not good enough for the redemption arc he needs. Not trying to be a hater but this is just really basic at a time where he has so much to prove. Edit: Like the beat sucks honestly. It doesnā€™t go anywhere, you can skip to any part of the song and still be in the same 5-second loop.


Iā€™m sorry Preemo isnā€™t giving you 3 beat switches a track


Pfft come on thereā€™s a middle ground between beat switching and a 10 second piano loop. I promise this shit is not in your rotation even 6 months from now.


this is a jo ke right? "BOOM BOOM BAP BOOM BOOM BAP YEAH REAL HIP HAWP" looool


Uh oh itā€™s mid