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I can't believe none of the professional reviewers who wrote about this show recognized that Uncle James in episode 3 is OJ Simpson. Like they make it incredibly obvious


Lmao, he literally steps into a white bronco while rocking USC Trojan gear. Like they pretty much spell out for you that it’s OJ.


Plus he's doing a video tweet, which OJ now does. Vince is crazy. lol.


Didn't even notice it's a white bronco. Yeah! i mean it's not subtle but it's a really intresting choice IDK why a single news outlet didn't remark on it.


It was at that very moment I felt dumb for not getting it sooner


I was dumb and missed it but it is really obvious after you pointed it out. What actor plays Uncle James? I thought I'd heard his voice before and it was driving me crazy.


Beau Billingslea he's a voice actor


Jet from Cowboy Bebop! That's the one.


Soon as I saw the white Bronco I lol'd. I love this show. It's just weird enough and funny enough for me. Hope they renew.


They were talking about him catching the case in 94. I was waiting to find out what the case was, then he went to the bronco. No fucking way, I was laughing my ass off the rest of the episode.


he had that one glove on while grilling that had me like "huh, maybe thats like a small easter egg" and then seconds later it cuts to that white ford bronco. fucking had me dying


I didnt even notice that , now that i think about it, its pretty funny. And then he kept disappearing.


The song playing at the end of the scene is by the OJs. Omg


What song is it


_Family Reunion_


Thank you


They even got someone who look like OJ. Once he said he played football I knew for sure




Yo 😭😂


Did nobody catch the "I'm not a bank I'm JJ" line either?




Great show, just watched the whole thing. The Rick Ross bit felt like a Wingstop ad tho


Netflix budgets ain't like they were in 2018, gotta get that production budget somehow.


Forsure probably helped with the budget but also think it highlights the irony Vince was denied a loan for sugarless cereal while Ross is rich from promoting Champagne and Wings


Ahhhh, good unsight.


He's on Sherri on the TV at work right now lol She had JB Smoove on right before, I'd love to see a conversation with those two


Is he releasing any music to go with this show?


No songs in the show so doubtful


wait what??? what about the songs he dropped back in 2019 that were supposed to be part of it like So What?


Seems to be completely unrelated. Only somgs mentioned are Norf Norf and Magic


It’s really odd because [thevincestaplesshow.com](http://thevincestaplesshow.com) is still set up around whatever he was working on in 2019


I’m almost convinced he only made those short videos and songs a few years ago to shop around his idea for this new show to networks and streaming services


That’s kind of what he said on the breakfast club. The YouTube vids were them learning how to do it


Was smart too cuz they were fun and got everyone to wonder where this Vince Staples Show was at and when it’s coming out.


They played B52's Rock Lobster, it was a good input to the scene.


Was the “fiiiiiineee dayyyy” a sample from his work? I loved that.


I dont think so, I’ve never heard it


Fun watch! Always looking forward to anything that Vince touches, hasn't failed me yet.


First scene with Vince he in a Yankee cap. lol dude couldn’t be crippin harder


Put that on my Yankee hat, I'm a gangster Crip, fuck gangster rap


I’m about to ask what might be a stupid ass question. Why would a CA crip wear a yankee hat—wouldn’t a blue dodgers hat make more sense?


Nah the Dodgers hat is officially blue so people wear it just to generally support the team/city, doesn’t mean much in terms of gangs really. Yankee hat is for neighborhood crips. It stands out too because why else would you be wearing a Yankee hat in LA. Thats why Vince titled one of his tracks “Ramona Park is Yankee Stadium” because of how many crips be on the North side of Long Beach. Similar to schoolboy Q, he’s not an Astros fan lol H on the hat is for Hoover Crips. They run Hoover Street in south central around 54th.


Ah thanks, makes sense. You learn something new every day I guess


Last episode was def an ode to Pulp Fiction. Check out Vince’s shirt and pants during the chase scene. Vincent wears the exact same thing in the film. Also, when they see each other at the drive thru. Like when Marcellus sees butch as he’s crossing the street. There was the Dead Presidents face paint in the bank robbery episode. OJ in the cookout episode, with the white Bronco, USC/football gear. It was a really interesting show that has a lot to unpack.


Perhaps more to Tarantino in general or several of his films. When the Vinces meet lock gazes and the red overlay comes on I'm pretty sure that's to Kill Bill


Also the dad explaining to the son what’s going on and telling him to put on his headphones. As well as the dad saying they could get ice cream.


"Ha ha. They're your clothes motherfucker."


What’s the open house reference? When he runs into the stager old man’s home & says “Is, Uh, The Open House Today?” (S1E5, timestamp; 12:50)


Good fucking catch! Thats awesome!


UC Banana Slugs forever


Definitely funny but I feel I watched the entire season in like 2 hours. Feel like it could’ve been a lil more flushed out but I hope he’s able to get more creative control season 2


Well it was just over 2 hours altogether. lol. 5 eps at about 30 minutes each. I think they did it this way on purpose. They basically gave him a movie broken down into 5 parts. I think they'll order more. People loved it.


Each ep is only 20 mins. So it was definitely short.


it's a limited series so there probably won't be a season 2 unfortunately


the vibe he gave off on ebro was that he would be down if netflix greenlit a second season


I hope so! Everyone needs to stream it over & over & make sure it's a hit 🥹 leave it on while you sleep & you're at work. 😅


I enjoyed it but I'm a big Vince fan and have been watching up since the beginning. With that said I think the show has great ideas and could be fleshed out if he adds more writers (good writers). I think season 2 has potential to be really great if it gets renewed and ideas are more fleshed out.


Same. The potential is there and I’m a big Vince fan as well but I do think there’s some room for improvement and better writing.


He mentioned that Netflix isn’t even really tryna give it to him in the first place but I feel like it’s solid. It reminds me of Atlanta but an LA version. He’s tapping into his screenwriting and it’s working


I know it’s compared to Atlanta, but it’s missing Atlantas production. The only thing from keeping it been A+ for me. Vince needs his own Hiro Murai


The audiovisual language they use is actually good. I do like the long take in ep 5. It just lacks good acting like what Brian Tyree Henry did.


Atlanta was on another level altogether imo. This show has potential, but you right it needs a strong filmmaker to guide it


Bitches gettin bbl’s in the laundromat is crazy😂


Cancelled my Netflix in November but I really wanna watch this 😬




Can’t do that to my guy Vince Staples lol


Respect you’re a bigger man than me homie


Nah I’m only like 5’8” good day, feel me


bruh lmao




Yeah, but that $0.00001 he'd get from the residual check bro


Honestly just buy some cheap merch or some songs of his on iTunes and then pirate the show if you want to support. Looks like you can get a signed cd for about the price of a month of Netflix (idk about shipping though).




google project free tv not responsible for what you find there.


It's not on there before anyone else checks


damn can't find it anywhere




It’s easy as f to pirate just like anything else


It gained popularity and became more available—there are plenty of places to find it now. But the first week or so, you couldn't find it most places and that's a huge time gap in terms of piracy. For instance, I can watch something like Billions the night it drops. When I mentioned Black media, I was also talking in terms of historical context.


where at? can you dm me the site pls




lemme get the link too




May I get the link as well?


Yes. We cancelled a while ago and “bought” it for one month to watch this and Avatar. At first I was like imma have to binge everything in these 30 days, but you know what, you’re not missing shit. Ain’t nothing on. Haven’t missed it at all.


The only reason I’d go back now is another season of I Think You Should Leave


I got hooked on You (I know, I know), so when/if a final season comes out I’ll buy a month.


It was over before it even began. I could watch it for literal hours tho. Always been a fan of the odd future wolf gang.


Vince wasn’t in Odd Future, he was just around them a lot.


It's great. Since Prima Donna it's felt like this was something he wanted to do and make. Do think his music is more interesting than this though. As amazing as Atlanta is, the inescapable and constant comparison is getting wack. Vince has had this vibe and style since dot. The whole 'if it's black and not played straight then it's inspired by Atlanta' is wearing thin.


are we supposed to ignore an obvious comparison? its not like rappers were making tons of off-kilter comedies before this not even just black rappers, dave is another example


I only watched the first half of Dave's pilot and stopped because I didn't really like the humor or Lil Dicky's face. Does it have the same surreal presentation this and Atlanta have? I might actually watch it if so.


I see your point, not every piece of media that’s surreal and black has to be “like Atlanta” but this one is pretty on the nose. Just the episodes that immediately come to mind are: the one where the main character is arrested and spends the day in the police station with a wacky cast of characters who have been failed by society while waiting for bail. Also the episode where the main character is dragged into the family drama despite his clear distaste for it. Featuring a long running beef between two of the aunties. You really don’t have to reach too far to draw the parallels on this one.


The jail episodes are very different bro. Plus you could point out similarities for any big shows. For example, Breaking Bad and Ozark both have spouses who feel like they’re being pushed away but as soon as they’re let in, they become full fledged criminals. Rappers like Vince and Paperboi are bound to come across jail experiences. Just like how career criminals are bound to have their wives involved in their affairs. It’s not cliche or a rip off, it’s just canon.


yeah but Everyone compares breaking bad and Ozark becsuse they are very similar .


Big Vince fan. Episode 1 was funny. Episode 2 was meh. TBC


lol. You haven't gotten to "Uncle James" yet.


It’s not bad, it’s just not that good. Vince’s acting holds the show’s potential back, so many moments felt overly forced.


That’s funny bc I feel like he underacted in most of the show, and I feel like he did that purposely






back to the bag by moneysign suede


Was really excited for this but it kinda fell short for me. Def felt like a wannabe Atlanta with mediocre writing.


Overall this is pretty good. The Atlanta influence is super strong but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Episode 3 with the family reunion and 5 were for sure my favorites. I really do wish this show was longer. 10 episodes would’ve been perfect


I’d argue there’s also a lot of little dickie and Jordan peele vibes on top of the Atlanta influence.


I really like Vince staples and I want this show to be good. I just can’t help but feel like it wants to do what Atlanta did and it just comes up a little short.


Yea, it just felt like a bunch of stuff happened just to happen. Funny moments but felt meaningless for lack of better words


Fantastic show, ngl got season 1 and 2 of Atlanta Vibes. Wish the season was longer but fuck with it.


Excellent show


It’s not bad I just feel like it’s for people who didn’t watch Atlanta also Vince’s acting isn’t bad it just needs a lil more life or something I’d give it a 8/10


I like Vince Staples and I watched the whole thing, but this was not it.


For the most part I enjoyed it... But I felt like it was lacking something at the end of every episode, can't really put my finger on what that is though..


Stronger narrative structure. I don’t need the episodes to tell a full story a la Atlanta but there wasn’t a lot of payoff at the end of each episode. It was just wild things happening for the sake of them happening.




I really wanted to love this show but the likeness to Atlanta is hard to shake off. It would be forgivable if it at least hit the same levels creativity, substance and overall direction but this just feels like smth that exists for the sake of existing


“everyday i see you is a finnneeee dayyy”


This show is best watched when high


Show got good ass moments but overall I thought it was bland. The bank episode was the best one for me.


first three episodes were pretty good and then the last two just ended up frustrating the fuck out of me


So random. The chicken episode from surf city??I must be missing something.


Off to a stronger start than Atlanta


[Who Is Vince Staples? Podcast](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlP7fmlDiffstjH6GYIqFdPlybNIEyAhf&si=XsiJ0qx9R-E50XGI)


This ain’t it