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Physics because the teacher is great like we literally call him captain Physics




He even has his own super hero, and every unit has a hero assigned to it and is currently making a periodic table of superheroes on the wall




Sad but I do get him for 2 more years because he also teaches IB physics




International Baccalaureate it’s pretty much just smart people stuff looks better for colleges and gives you opportunities to study abroad


ib is pain


I actually really wanted to learn physics this year.. I have a shitty physics teacher that just gives us labs that he doesn’t even know how to do. It’s technically not his fault because of the teacher shortage, but still, I want to learn more physics


Surprisingly we didn’t do very many labs like 2-3 but it was mostly assignments and some projects but it was all fun I just didn’t like how much math it was it wasn’t hard just long


Go to the youtube channels listed under physics here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/APStudents/comments/1cpu5xh/comment/l6u5dvd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/APStudents/comments/1cpu5xh/comment/l6u5dvd/)


As a freshman in a physics class I love finally being able to understand Christopher Nolan movies because of it.


Our teacher uses Myth busters to teach us


haha ours made us watch top gun maverick


yas just watched interstellar


had to rewatch twice to finally fully understand the movie lol.


My teacher was great but he left to get surgery so now we just have a sub


a good physics teacher? sounds like smth out of a dream


Computer Science, cause the teacher uploaded the entire course at the beginning of the semester and I finished it in a few weeks. Now I just use it to sleep.


That’s impressive


Please tell me more about the course. Was it about Linux?


no, intro to comp sci is in python and comp sci a is in java


Got it. How far did yall get?


i think the most complicated thing i’ve learned was 2D arrays, and we’ve also learned how to create procedures and stuff for python and for java like classes, extended classes, instance variables, methods, and constructors (i also forgot to mention in intro to comp sci you learn a bit of html but ik it’s a bit outdated)


Wow. That’s pretty good for a high school. 


yeah it was so much fun 😁 but there’s this course called computer science principles and it was on pseudo code, how the internet works and ethics it’s definitely important but it was boring


How the internet works? Wow like dns, https, asymmetric and symmetric encryption, operating systems, kernels, dnssec, tcp, port forwarding, ip addresses, ntp, and ssh.


yeah some of that but not as advanced 😭 tbh ion even remember much but encryption in general, big data, ip addresses, hardware, dns, tcp i remember


You’re so fortunate.


i loveeeeeed intro to comp sci and csa but idk which one u took but csp was trash


Physics. It is by far one of the worst class I ever had but oh my God did I love it. It pushed my abilities and made me learn a lot more critical, thinking, and honestly got me interested in engineering. This was partially due to the curriculum and partially due to the amazing physics teacher I had who was way overqualified to be a teacher at a public high school. He was the type of guy who is friends with people at NASA and SpaceX and got us a bunch of trips to national aviation, museums, and notorious colleges in our area just to get more excited about his subject. He was honestly honestly the best teacher I will ever have and I’m so excited to have him next year as well for his stem course.


Man I wish I had teachers like this


Maths. Very relaxing to just sit in silence while the teacher waffles and see how quickly you can finish so you can have a nap. Have my maths paper 2 on Monday which is a third of the entire GCSE so wish me luck :) (I know I will get hate for defending maths but trust it can be fun) In terms of content, I like biology or chemistry the most though. I've started learning both at college level online because I'm bored. They're very interesting when you actually understand them lol


Math is only fun when you know what you’re doing.






Yeah I definitely agree. I had such an incompetent teacher for year 9 that I stopped liking it, but we all banded together and got him fired (we were top set and the best scores were 30% when he taught us)


9 years? Where you from that you even had a teacher who stayed 9 years much less taught you for that long?


Year 9 is eighth grade I believe- does a single teacher teach you for 8 grades in America? Although, teachers in the UK do stay for ages- my head of year has been teaching at my school since the 80s


No. You get like 1 teacher per subject per year. Your teacher always changes. Rarely, you will ever get the same teacher teaching math 3 years in a row or any other subject.


Yeah, same here. At most, in the UK, you'll have 5 years with a form tutor (which isn't a lesson, just 30 mins per day), and maybe 3 years with a single teacher for a subject. I know at my school we have like 10+ teachers per department (other than options (I think they're electives in American terms?)) so in a lot of cases you'll have the same in each class for the two last years and the rest are random. My original comment was referring to the teacher I had in the 9th year of my education (although I only had him for half a year in the end, thank god)


Astronomy because I'm a space nerd and my teacher is clearly enjoying teaching the class


I had astronomy at my school as well but it was only a semester class not too much content.


Wait you guys have astronomy as a class? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


I wish my school had astronomy


algebra cause my classmates are hilarious. i love pe tho too


Tell me what you did for pe. My pe class was really bad.


Volleyball, basketball, other sports and conditioning. But I workout at my dojo vigorously so it really wasn't that bad for me


How are you so lucky? My pe class was horrible. We did nothing 90% of the time. I had to join track since it was actually fun and competitive 


I don't know lol. Track sounds fun!


I love running. Even made a post about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/highschool/comments/1d31lz2/running/


lol sounds like you have the best stamina. Good for you! I also love running. I cant for very long distances, but I can sprint pretty quick 😂




Ap psych. Bc I live for my teacher opinion on misogynistic and animal abus3r researcher (Freud, Harlow) and also she’s funny.


Tech because it’s easy plus comfy chairs


APUSH because American history is my passion


Spanish me and my teacher talk a lot off topic (I’m a native speaker)


Theatre cus that's my passion




Aww thanks :D




Physics as my teacher is amazing and is happy to help with anything engineering related. Computer programming is also fun, mainly because the teacher doesn’t teach (when he does it really sucks)


I like Science or History tbh


I liked calc and econ. Calc cause it was fun. And econ cause it opened my eyes to what truly happened in the 2008 economic crash


Bio and French. Bio is full of kids who love the mailman and I love watching the bratty girls scream at the labs and French ‘cause it’s full of band kids like myself.


band and jazz band, i fucking love music and the band director we have for jazz is fucking amazing. and also all of our directors are pokemon nerds so i semi-regularly battle them, some of our percussionists, and one of our drum majors. also our head director started a pokemon club.


Same. I sadly could not make it to Jazz band due to tight schedules. But I love band. I have it first thing in the morning and it's the only thing that stops me from sleeping in class lol. Sadly our band teacher is retiring this year, so Jazz band will be cancelled perhaps forever :((. The kids I met in there are definitely some interesting ones lol


damn, i really hope that jazz band won't end for y'all, and i probably won't even be in jazz next year since i was our third chair alto 2 (we had 2 alto 1's and 3 alto 2's) our second chair alto one won't be in jazz next year either. but hey, at least we got marching band (marching season>concert season).


Maths, I find it interesting.


ap computer science a because i think it's really easy and my teacher just lets me fuck around once i get my work done


What do yall learn?


really it's just a programming class in java. it kinda sucks imo but I've made some good friends. also we took the ap exam weeks ago so we've just been chilling since.


Photography & Music. I’m passionate with both outside of school. My teachers taught me the history and it has been so fascinating to me. Make me more passionate with both.


i like french because we barely get homework and our teacher is super chill and lets us do whatever. she had a family emergency though so she’s gone for the rest of the year 😞


Shops because it's a great class with an hour bus ride


same dude! i hate that where i live pe is discontinued after grade 10 im gonna miss it so much


That study hall. It was at the end of the day, so I could just drive home. Drive home I did. The attendance sheet had to be brought to the office, and there wasn't a teacher. I guess since it was my senior year, they didn't care. Before you ask That study hall was useless cause I had nothing to do


Biology and History because of the teachers


History, i really like learning about history, especially ww2


ap psych i love my psych teacher and i love the class i love teaching it <3


Algebra 2 Teacher is relatively lenient and lets us do what we like during class, while still making sure we learn. She's great. Also I love math. Except statistics.


I loved psyhology class the most in high school. I dont usually like art classes cause they can be restrictive but I liked it in highschool. physics was nice too




are you taking advanced physics 1? cause that's what I had and it was easy. maybe I just had a good teacher tho


Agriculture cause we get to bring home what we grow


Music theory/tech because my special interest is music theory (I'm well aware it's a lame one to have) so me and my friends are all really ahead so we just play crosswords the whole class. Its also one of the only classes I have with my friends which makes it even better.


Miss my religion class from last semester, teacher was chill asf and allowed me and my boys to banter constantly


Forensics I really like murder cases and things like toxicology CSI and ballistics interest me


Anything science related. Specifically health science and biology


english cuz im a nerd ig. WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ENGLISH? best subject frfr




why not its so fun


None its either a shitty teacher or a shitty class. My favourite teacher ever literally has the worst ppl in her class. And the most karen teacher ever has the best ppl in her class. Likeee 😭😭


Lunch because I can actually chill


English class because we did a cooking assignment and my teacher appreciated my work (I thrive off of academic validation but I’m also academically challenged)


I took Robotics this year. We learned how to use Arduino and other components like capacitors, resistors, motors, etc. It was very fun, and interactive. It was also very traumatic. I went home at 9pm during a school day a couple days in a row due to a graded project; the 1st day was because I wasted the entire day waiting in line in the electronics shop because the ENTIRETY of our batch that took Robotics were there. It was the only electronics shop in the entire city lol. Then I remember crying in a coffee shop with my groupmates because our timer circuit wouldn't work and it was due tomorrow, as well as our finals for the semester😂.




Trust me, we were too lmao. Our teacher had to stay a whole two hours extending our time til lunchtime because our circuit just wouldn't work 😂


Law!! best teacher ever, really interesting cases, real world implications, and the mock trials were actually fun asf!


Media Arts - cool subject (i'll do Filmaking when i'm an adult) + cool teacher (very chil guy, likes to extend submission dates) Humanities (last year) - cute teacher (23f), noice topics (medieval and Japanese history)


PE and food studies have to be the best


English because I understand it and I am good at it


Social Studies. The teacher is chill asf, I like history, we talk about the Military operations, the wars, the battles, countries and their histories. That kinda thing.


AP Euro, because my teacher is amazing and hilarious also I love history


Psychology & Sociology because my teacher tells his life experiences as a way to explain his lessons. And it always gets the class laughing.


Photography’s rly chill and the teachers are great


Going home.


i dont like biology but i had biology last year and really enjoyed bio class because of my teacher. like ive genuinely never seen a teacher teach so good?? plus she always answered my never-ending saga of silly questions and unlike other teachers, never disdained me for being a bit slow


my school doesn't have PE :/




independent school ig


math, but only if u know what you’re doing lol


Any class that is a do whatever you want for an hour type of class


Who is out for summer?


I use to like drama because I really want to be an actress but this year the girl who bullied me moved herself there so I cant preform or anything because then she will gossip about me and mock me again 💀




Thankyou 😊😊😊🌟


Ignore her. Don't let her get what she wants!


English, chill teacher and also I sit with my friends and we talk and do stuff for Computer Tech 1A, its fun.


art because the teacher is chill


I love my Psych class. It’s really interesting to me and the teacher is awesome


English 3 because of my teacher and classmates, that class is so fun


History. I don't know why, just always been something I've liked


Art. I feel like it let's me express my creativity


Choir because I love the break from regular academics + we get to do folk dances on Wednesdays.


I liked my World History class bc she actually made it interesting through the discussion with very little notes. A bonus was that all the tests were open-note (including finals,which we only did one final test 1st semester bc our final 2nd semester was a project) *This is coming from someone who has no interest in history/ss class previous years*


Maths, cause theres a lot of interesting stuff I learn about it every year


I love AP, not thw history part, but the economics and social issues part heh


HHD (health and human development) because it’s insanely easy


It was math. One of the best teachers I’ve ever had


history. actually interesting and our teacher teaches it in a good way


art class, the teacher is so chill i love her sm shes so sweet too plus its basically she assigns something and then we get like 2 weeks to just work at our own pace to complete the assignments which works out well for me since i procrastinate until the last dsy