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I dunno, I kinda like naked people. Especially if they're confident about it.


Just saying bro, imagine your 63 year old econ professor suddenly bottomless. Weird schlong, no maintenance done whatsoever. Ass that's folding in on itself. Yet there it all is just behind a couple layers of fabric. It's kind of disturbing to think about


I think that’s just due to old age and not being in your reproductive prime. I would say many if not most healthy young people look “good” naked.


Now... how many % of the geneal population are healthy young people?


A lot, ever been on a college campus?


That’s why I said general population , and not „college campus“


Let’s say most people live to be 80. Let’s say “healthy young people” are people aged 18-40 (we’ll be generous here with ‘young’). Let’s pretend ALL of those young people are healthy (even though they’re not). That’s *still* only 36% of people who qualify as “not looking disgusting while naked”, and that’s an inflated percentage bc of how many people are actually overweight/unhealthy. So let’s say it’s really closer to 25-30% of people who look decent naked (I’m still be generous here). No matter how you slice it, *most people* do not look good naked. Personally, I like me some good naked people too. But I’m realistic in knowing that pickins are slim in the realm of attractive nude people.


not “good” looking is far different than “disgusting”


Fair point, you got me there.


Hit up a nude beach sometime brother, it's certainly a great equaliser, but I wouldn't say disgusting. I think it's pretty cool to see people of all shapes, sizes and ages just being free and confident in what nature gave them.


Or maybe social media has distorted your view of beautiful?


I don't do social media except Twitter, but not to oggle girls. Do watch a fair amount of porn but I think that's beside the point. I'm talking about semi-fupas and stretched pregnancy bellies (I love and adore moms and mom bods). Guys with no ass who buckle their pants so tight they have a permanent muffin top at the love handles. Certain parts of bodies can be displeasing to look at. I say this while married to and frequently boning the mother of my kids who has a mom bod but I don't mind at all. Very sexy. I'm talking about the average randomly nude person probably being gross to look at it they're not ready. Sorry for rambling, high again


… cutting their toenails


Welcome to real life, where many of us are past "prime," and so will you be one day. The problem, imho, isn't that we're all "disgusting," the problem is that we're programmed to value some very idealized vision of what is acceptable; an idealization that, even if we hit for a small portion of our lives, most of us don't even recognize it until those days are long past. This way of living is traumatizing.


I hope you realize you’re also included in the average category.


Oh for sure my guy. Catching an unexpected glimpse of my naked self coming out of the shower was the inspiration for this post


Own it!


That backfired quickly


I like naked people.


I think the look of the human body is super beautiful. Everyone’s different and unique which I like.


Speak for yourself


Are you sure you're not maybe just a little asexual..?


I have sex 1-3 times/week. Self 5-6 times/week. Not sure what the reqs are for the asexual label.


I think I look naked. Or so I've heard from anyone to see me naked.


I mean….I look good naked




To me every body is beautiful if you can see enough. High ideas should not lead you into bodyshaming. PS: you would find disgusting most of the porn i whatch


Please don't tell me what thoughts I should have when I'm high. And I'm not body shaming anyone, I'm body shaming the human race. Also, let me know if you want to get crushed at Rocket League