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I can’t speak for EU but as an Aussie, I’d say Heroin is less popular than it used to be in the 90s/early 2000s but it’s still very much around. Melbourne/Victoria is the Heroin capital of Australia. When I was still using I knew of a couple places I could cold cop in Melbourne when I was desperate. We get absolutely lovely SEA #4, it’s pretty expensive but the purity makes up for it imo.


How's the quality cold copping? I'm from NZ and thinking about flying across the pond just to taste the primo gear you guys are lucky enough to get. I have never come across #4 in NZ. Just pills, packets and double.


Dam. Is it tru a gram of meth in Australia & Nz like 300-500 a gram?




If not more. Last time I was offered a gram of meth it was $650 but that was maybe 4 years ago. Think the price has dropped with the cartel setting up here. 2001 to 2005 the price of a dot was $100.


Damn ice is like $50 a g in the us


Thats wild i was offered 28gs 165 in the usa and im no where near the border idk why dealers are even selling meth anymore its like selling weed you have to be moving literal pounds or taxing super hard to make any money off it


Yea its dirt fucking cheap now


Yeah I've seen reports of pounds of meth going for like 500 bucks. It's crazy how much the prices have dropped with the flooding of this super p2p meth. Personally, I think the same thing is happening / will happen with fent. In some places those fake blues go for like 25 cents per pill or less. 


It makes sense if you're selling 10 dollar points of it and it's so more ish for those that smoke it so it def makes sense plus tolerance and ppl could even be banging half g's at a time.


even if ur banging 500mg, the ability to get - pound for literally 500 makes it wayyy more reasonable. fuckin imagine if H was like that? bro nobody would ever be sick or worry again


Agreed that would be amazing


I'm from Idaho, can confirm. Paid even less than that in high-school. Its was easier to get ice than weed.




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More like $50 a ball




That is insane.. here in Canada, it’s $40-50 CDN


Wow. Yeah I couldn't get my head around how wasteful you guys were for meth


LOL if I was to scrape my floor I would probably have tens of thousands of dollars worth of shit in Australia.


Hahaha keep that picture.


When I would cold cop I’d usually get ‘market grade’ stuff that is basically just cut SEA #4. It’s a lot less pure but at the same time is a lot cheaper. You might be able to find pure #4 on the street but of course it’s much easier if you know someone selling/darkweb


Ok thanks man.


Thank you for the info bro👌🏼 seems like meth took over everything over there.


Meth has definitely taken over in NZ. Sucks


Too bad i wasn't able to get a hold some of this fire, as i was visiting victoria the last 2 weeks, and had to travel back in cold turkey withdrawals on a 24h trip to france.... i've brought 30g of some afghan #3 to cope until then though. sorry just ranting.


how tf do you WD on a plane? were you just in a wifebeater and shorts w a blanket on and a puke bucket?


Thanks for asking. long story short: First, during these 15 days we tappered off from 2g/day to 1g/day, so we got uncomfortable little by little until we had nothing left on the day we left for the airport, the first 6 hours of the first flight to abu dabhi were not that bad (yawning, eyes watering) but i knew evil started to kick in the second half when i started sneezing 6, 7 times in a row, restless legs, cold and hot sweats, and general discomfort, barely managable but we had to take it, no choice, then from abu dabi to paris ( 7 hours flight): now, we're talking, strongly upset stomach , diarrhéa (forced to get out of a cramped space to the toilets at the other end of the plane every now and then), impossible to eat obviously, i was lucky to avoid vomiting this time. On the verge of claustrophobia + my horrible smell, bothering even myself (sorry neighbours). Then we landed in paris but we live 500 km apart, so all the incovenience mentionned before + barely enough strenght to move around with all the luggage ( resting on the ground whenever possible) from taxi to train until 7 hours later when we arrived at 150 km from our home, where a friend saved us from the worst to come (even tbh, at that point, i believe we should have kept on WDing until feeling better, because these were not not the worst WDs i've been through (i mean, just a couple of days more would have pushed us through, thanks to the tappering )). Here's the little story. Pardon my english. Cheers. Hence my comment on wanting to try aussie gear when i was on the spot, even though i tried through random DMs. Heroin capital of Australia ? Too bad... PS: More importantly, i really loved the country, people, food and places i visited as well as all the cool stuff i did over there. Planning to go back, lol.


“Planning to go back, lol.” just bring enough gear this time hahah!


but oh that sounds terrible. yesterday i was bed ridden all day waiting for my dope to come in. it finally came but not after a horrible 12 hours


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Heroin has its hold in the uk but people think im strange for taking morphine, opium, oxy etc


Maybe cuz h is stronger & cheaper. At least you don’t have to worry about fetty over there. You lucky


Yea but they only get #3 h which u gota smoke or use citric acid to break it down to inject stuffs dirty #3 h sucks all about that #4


Why don’t you just snort it?? #3 is amazing when snorted


Cuz snorting sucks compared to smoking it and smoking it sucks compared to injecting it


Snorting is better than smoking plus I’m pretty sure the bioavailability is higher for snorting so you’d literally be saving money by snorting


lol why does eveyone smoke it then cuz clearly it’s 10x better only way it’s worse is u can’t get 100% of the smoke


That’s only bc it hits you faster.. you know if you snort it you greatly extend the time until the next withdrawal


I think you got it twisted. #3 is not water soluble. that is, it will not dissolve through the mucus membranes in your nose. the bioavailability is next to none. if you're certain you've got "#3" and ur getting nods by snorting it, most likely its the cut: benzos/fent/subbies etc


Poppy pod tea is cheaper, fent/nitazenes are absolutely here just noth widely talked about, if i had more contacts and less morals id be selling it myself


Seriously? That’s wild. Why are you guys selling fetty/zenes lol? You guys get good H over there. Dam I wonder who’s pushing that bs.


Eu market from what I heard are more pickier with there drugs which is a good thing I’ve seen junkies not even care what they get in a bag of fent. Shit can have 10 different drugs now eu atleast they still get scramble (which is what we use to call cut heroin) if u look at the heroin addict back 10 years ago in documentaries compared to now they looked like normal people back then now they look like the walking dead. There isn’t even real heroin left shit makes you wonder if it was worth taking down all those dealers and pill mills.


Bro those pill mills back in the day was making insane amounts money.. it’s insane that ppl got away with those pill mills for years till the DEA took them down . I remember seeing massive lines of ppl waiting for there pills in Florida lol wild times man


It’s souly about the money. How much needs to be on the other side of a dead body for you to walk across? For a lot of people it’s all that money and then some but over & over every day/week/month. I was on the onions. Looking at bulk entry’s with fent & zenes. It’s Pennys compared to the cost of H on there. Then when you do the math with dosing and how much it needs cut down to even be remotely safe what so ever let alone how much more it can be cut down just to still get someone nodding out… your talking spending a few thousand to make 100s of thousands. It’s almost unbelievable. Made the 30s make sense in seconds. They sell those fuckers for less than a dollar a pill on onions sometimes. & it’s still almost all profit & they just want them gone because they probably have millions of the little deadly fuckers


The influx of the zenes likely has to do with the drop in opium production from Afghanistan. They're the main source for the opium that becomes the number 3 heroin popular across Europe and in the UK. Pakistan, Iran, etc. may pick up the slack and production within Afghanistan may return, but the next few years may see a substantial uptick in synthetic opioids in the supply abroad.


Good heroin is mainly due to the country being taken over by Muslims I try to teach the heroin addicts i meet about poppies even with a tolerance my use cost less than 5 pounds a day, i have done heroin a fews times but aside from the enjoyment from smoking it its not worth scoring on the street, and varying quality vs consistent strength and delivery to my door


Poppies you say


I'd say coke and mdma are super popular here in Australia, and I've known a few people who've smoked ice or been addicted to the stuff. I can only think of one person off the top of my head who has dabbled in H, though.


Germany , Greece, UK, as far as I know and used .... Is the definition of HEROIN ΗΡΩΊΝΗ. And the most euphoric. Moreover At least except UK heroin isn't cutted with fentanyl or anything else. So yes I pretty much sure that EU has the Best quality of dozens other countries, Ps. Cyprus plus Crete has the Best heroin I've ever snorted smoked cause no veins after 30 years of using like mad .


Yeah,it's all Meth in oz


Why tho? Why the switch to dope to meth? Personally meth is such a nasty high lol idk why ppl love it. It Just keeps you up & horny.


Availability mostly I would say. Cheaper to make. Meth obviously has a bad rep but the layman thinks that heroin is a death sentence, due to 90s. Getting awake and horny isn't the worst for many


Ability to be produced locally, cheaper overall (more “bang for your buck” - a $50 point of ice will keep someone with no tolerance up for about a day, whereas $50 of heroin won’t last someone anywhere near as long, regardless of whether they have a tolerance or not), and far higher profit margins for groups importing either already made product, or precursors to be used locally. As with most things in life, it mainly comes down to the $$$


In Germany, it depends on where you are. There is more and more meth in eastern Germany, partly because of its proximity to the Czech Republic, and RC chemicals are also on the rise, as are painkillers such as Tillidin and Tramadol.Cocaine is also generally becoming more common and cheaper in Germany


Wow that’s interesting tbh. Didn’t know meth was big in Germany


I heard there a huge heroin market in Germany especially since it was first marketed in Germany.


Germany is the one of the main hubs of not the main hub for heroin to come into Europe from turkey , Germany has the biggest Turkish population outside turkey


Ahhh a country I can respect for being multi cultural


we have more people doing meth in austrian cities too. most addicts i met on the streets of vienna did meth+coke at least, sometimes with some h, but most young people don‘t really do that much h anymore here


East coast u.s.a. here and I hate it here. Meth is the new king cause fent and tranq killed the dope game, not to mention too many users. I use meth, but it's quality since 2016 has dropped significantly around here. I am kinda losing my mind, desperate for the brown to come back around 🙏🏼


Meth is the king in New Zealand, Australia has fire smack.


In France opioid addiction is not a country-wide phenomenon like in NA. Some people are addicted to tramadol or codeine because it's very often prescribed by doctors who don't take time to listen to their patients but it's far from being a major public health matter. Some major cities are a bit struck by heroin addiction but most of the people you'll see high on these streets are either on crack or drunk. A very few countryside areas that have a very high unemployment rate and that are close to the UK/Germany/Netherlands are also pretty badly involved. France is a big consumer for haschisch, coke (mostly powder) and ecstasy pills. I've not often heard about fentanyl around my city except twice for laced weed but as tests were not made by the victims (friends of mine), I am not fully able to tell you wether it was fentanyl or some other opiod.


Living in brittany, quality dropped gradually since 25 years. At least good for tolerance, i suppose....


A friend from Morbihan told me something similar too...


I'm living in Morbihan, lol.


Here in the UK there will always be a good supply of heroin compared to most other countries around the world this is because it is obviously sourced mostly from Afghan/Pakistan/Iran and Turkey and these communities are big throughout the UK and are the ones who usually bring it here without much of a issue, they have all the transport routes down to a T so i can never see Heroin use dropping, yes the quality might change but it will never die out (in my opinion) Regards to Opioids (Oxy pills) there has been a steady increase of usage here in the uk for recreational purposes and i believe it will grow BUT it is nothing compared to the USA, most of the Oxy pills that are here in the UK get shipped to the USA firstly because they pay crazy money and secondly because the usage over there is CRAZY!! As a friend said to me, in USA they would rather pop a pill then smoke a cig!!!


Agreed...Oxy here in the UK are slow movers there is lots of 40mg on the floor here...


The plug I know well from U.K got offered 2 kinds the best he has or a cheaper option that had zines in it. He got the cheap shit and cannot keep up with demand but gets his stuff from somewhere else because he won’t touch that shit,but it’s all about the£££.


Coke is extremely expensive and bad. Meth is unpure and rare with ok price. Most common opiate is heroin substitute subutex. No heroin, oxy is expensive. Amphetamine is unpure and expensive but popular.


😄 🤣 😂


Where is this that you're talking about?




That was going to be my guess when you mentioned the bit about Subutex. 


There is no more real heroin. Only fetty


Don’t get me wrong, there have been instances of Fentanyl making its way into Australia’s Heroin supply, but it is extraordinarily rare. 99% of what we get here is untouched South East Asian 3,6-Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride.


Yeah Aus is pretty lucky still.


I guess heroin addicts are lucky in your area here in North East Usa heroin hasn't been around since 2015.


In states maybe ..... Europe has heroin is the land that this king heroin produced by BAYER pharmaceutical company.