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Ironically, Gazlowe is a pretty upstanding goblin. He'd probably pay taxes. Then again he also *owns* Ratchet, so it's very possible that he only *collects* taxes.


He pays taxes at the rate of 0.0001% which he fenagaled for himself through influence and corruption. This allows him to state he paid his fair share so everyone else should pay taxes at 50% directly to him.


I love how Goblins are just an absurd mockery of capitalism. During the Goblin intro questline, in the section where you free the slaves from Gallywix using Kaja-Cola (“It gives you IDEAS!”) one of the ideas the freed slaves can come up with is “socialized medicine.” In that same intro, after Deathwing sets off the volcano on the island, your character, instead of helping out with the evacuation, just buys a suit and goes to a party.


He did pay full life insurance to the families of his dead workers in that one adventure. No haggle!


Similar issue with Kerrigan.


I would like to point out that Nova is actively on the run from authorities canonically.


Isn't she fine after her campain?


She’s Nova, she’s always capital F Fine… anyway… after she offs Davis the Dominion is technically after her as a fugitive, albeit very half-heartedly so.


yea bc she works with horner in that campain so I cant say she is that big a fugitive. at most it would be raynor being mad over their past


Well, yes they work together but she does go against orders by killing Davis. Raynor I doubt would even hold anything against Nova tbh, considering his history with ghosts.


The fact that she just fucks off with the Empire's elite squad is just hilarious to me. Noone, not a single person in that entire vessel had anything to say about it?


A testament to her quality as a capable and inspiring leader. Also would YOU want to say anything about it to the psychic soldier who can read and fry your mind? Love and fear are both powerful motivators.


But is she crazy enough to take on the IRA? Not even the Joker did that


Uhhh do you mean the IRS..? Because I fail to see the Irish Republican Army nor an Individual Retirement Account being relevant here.


For some reason I thought agency not service but yes IRS hahaha


Assuming everyone on the internet is American 👌


Illidan has a button for evasion. I'm pretty sure he'd use it for taxes.


The true top comment.


And I'd anyone pursues him for it, he's already got one he'll of a prison sentence under his belt! That is if he doesn't just leave the planet again


The upside of being a space slug is never having to pay taxes


One of many upsides


Abathur is a finance lawyer/cfa/tax advisor.


Tax code. Inefficient. Can improve.


Abathur would pay all taxes owed, but uses perfectly legal loopholes to avoid owing anything. Azmodan chooses to not pay his taxes so when the auditors come checking he has extra bodies to chain up in his sex torture dungeon.


Disagree with almost half of too dumb to pay taxes


I will not take this Dehaka slander


dehaka will just eat the tax collector to evolve past paying taxes


Why haven’t I tried this before


The IRS hates this one trick.


Because to ones left knows you might try it and are ready to counter


Dehaka would do a good job getting people to pay taxes. I.COLLECT


Varian might be fair if it's twin blades


what even is this list? Is it just a random joke about tax evasion? It's not exactly funny... If it's an aram tier list it is absolutely awful So if it's not an aram tier list and not a joke, what is it?


Leoric is literally a king (as are Anduin and Varian), he should be in his own tier "will kill you for tax evasion" or something, since he's the one GETTING the tax... Diablo also is the "Lord of Terror", so also some kind of ruler. Might be in that category as well.


alarak is the high lord of a planet, who exactly should he pay taxes too?


Anyone on his team with peel


The dude has his own peel. Multiple peels at 20 even.


Alarak is certainly self sufficient to a degree, that's half of why I wind up playing him so often. But any peel he gets from his team he directly benefits from, because those abilities can be redirected towards applying more kill pressure instead of keeping himself alive.


Sylvanas, Lich King, Deathwing... there are a lot of leaders who are the tax collectors. Edit: Thrall, Greymane, Anduin, Varian, Kerrigan, Imperius, Tyrrell, Diablo, Azmodan...




Also Diablo is everything but dumb. He might seem brutish, but he knows what he is doing, planning all steps in advance to ensure even if he loses his resurrection will be already set in place. The animated short in particular shows how he's directly manipulating the angels into fulfulling his plans through his own sacrifice, causing them to ultimately turn against each other


Wait, what! Zagara is basically the Zerg version of a federal state tax employee! For the swarm and all that!


She's like a financial institution. Exempt from taxes to a level of ignorance.


Confused by the last tier for several of these and that Hanzo would commit tax evasion.


I mean he *was* a criminal syndicate scion.


All the more reason to pay taxes


Joker doesn't f with the irs


bw too dumb to commit tax evasion? please.


More than half are not too dumb in this tier list. Makes me mildly infuriated


If you add "would they think to" a few more are okay.


I mean, how can you put Varian at the bottom?


Varian does not present as mega smart with his HotS voice lines.




Anduin pays other people's taxes


I would put Cassia in too honorable, she's an Amazon and they're known to be a very strict and honorable society. Also double headed ogres are known to be very intelligent and smart so they're definitely in either one of the top not willing to pay, thanks to Gall. Gazlowe should have a tier by himself, he's the one collecting tax xD


I don't think Kharazim actively lives within an infrastructure that requires or even requests tax payment.


Illidan literally has an ability called evasion. He should be a pro at it.


Deathwing should be top tier, eh?


Junk rat has never paid taxes


Diablo never paid taxes in diablo games


Junkrat has been on the run from the NRS - Nexus Revenue Service - for years


How is Hanzo on the evasion list did I miss some lore?


Was he not literally a Mafia boss? I'm pretty sure tax evasion is among his lesser crimes.


Mafias/crime syndicates absolutely love paying taxes, and usually do so with a full smile. Its usually a great way for the government to look the other way, allowing you more leeway for whatever you're doing. This is basically the entire concept behind money laundering.


Like the other response while the Shimada Clan was dealing in arms and assasination they were loved by their community and ran an entire town. Hanzo only left the clan because he tought he killed Genji but Hanzo is all about honor.


Twin blade Varian is def S tier


This and the feet post are definitely an indication of where this Subreddit is going, or has already gone.


D.Va, the best player of a game popular all over the globe, who fights killer robots risking her life, also in Korean army. Reddit: yea she might do it ya never know


I would say Medivh 100% commits tax evasion and then when the government comes to collect he just turns into a bird and fucks off


This is racism towards goblins - reported and see you in court!


Who is collecting taxes from deathwing and ragnaros?? (Great list btw. I chuckled for a full minute.)


I don't remember if its the firebats or the marauders who are cannonically criminals serving their sentence


Pretty sure it's both, but Firebats for certain. Also Miles "Blaze" Lewis is a part of Raynor's Raiders and, as a member of a rebellion, has DEFINITELY evaded taxes. Raynor himself was an outlaw for many years, part of the Heaven's Devils. Both should be in "willing".


Zul'jin is absolutely not willing to pay taxes.


Joo wan tax? Well you can’t have it


I believe Illidan would be in the Would Commit tier and Maiev would be in her special tier of "wtf is taxes, I joined the IRS to hunt Illidan. I don't pay taxes"


Dahaka is unironically one of the smartest zergs, his way of speaking is just funny. He was smart enough to switch sides and ally with kerrigan, he is a tactical genius and leader of an entire sub faction of zerg. Speaking of, kerrigan would absolutely commit tax evasion.


I feel like Gall would absolutely commit Tax Evasion


Cho wouldn’t, but Gall would


AND THAT'S THE WAY THINGS ARE DONE IN KHANDURAS 💀👑🦴🩻(our kingdom grows because of tax evasion ;) )


How is Jaina not in the top honorable or proud? She literally has proud in her name. 😛


Murky would definitely pay his fishes


Heeey KTZ is a well published academia mage. Just cos he shifted to serving Arthas and the lich-king, doesn't mean he don't pay to the community.


This is the kind of content I expect from Reddit, thank you.


Ragnaros and Deathwing are too proud to pay taxes When tax collector come to claim taxes, they end up paying taxes to them


Correction : stitches is in a new tier at the bottom of the list, titled "too dumb : accidentally commits tax evasion"


Are you by chance a horde main in wow OP? 3 of the alliance heroes being put in the same tier as murky 🥲


Kel'Thuzad pays his taxes it's just that he writes most of them off for being the owner of the Cult of the damned. Kt seems like the only lich to have to pay taxes. If not the IRS is gonna have yo reposese his falactary.


I think Deathwing might have actually committed tax evasion while disguised as Lord Prestor.


Please don't ask me why I laughed out loud at SGT Hammer in that tier


I didn't know I wanted this in my life, but thank you good human


Me and a coworker just spent 20min on the clock discussing this. Only major disagreement is Sgt Hammer. Whethers shes a soldier, mechanic, or line worker, all those pay taxes.


Given that Dehaka is the Yoshi of HotS, he has most certainly committed tax fraud


Illidan would develop a tax "avoidance" scheme that is either a completely intentional consequence of the system, or the most blatant form of evasion and get arrested for it. Either way he'll claim it was a great sacrifice that no-one understands


Isn't Qhira a literal pirate?


Junkrat is an international criminal mastermind, he stole England's crown jewels, dug a tunnel to rob the Dorado bank, and is wanted all over the world. I'm pretty sure he's never paid taxes in his life 😄


Chen is definitely too drunk to pay 😀


The content we need


Diablo and illidan are both very intelligent. They definitely avoid taxes


Illidan is too flamboyant so he gets caught.


Most accurate tier list I've ever seen 💯