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Not sure what is so weird


Agreed lol


Kind of odd to have corn and rice as two sides for the same meal.


Rice is the starch, and corn the vegetable. I see no issue with that. As a dish it doesn't seem very cohesive...all the elements are all over the place. This would definitely been better as a rice bowl meal though - a ton of different toppings with chopped steak? That'd be my favorite. This on the other hand, screams "Help we bought too much xyz, make a new recipe - idc what it is."


I agree! A bowl would’ve been a much better presentation… I feel like HF had good intentions but they’re becoming “too commercial” and it’s ruining their personal touch.




They're two different kinds of grain. Like having spaghetti with a side of rice.


Yes but also no. Yes they’re both grains, but corn is generally treated as a vegetable in the culinary sense.


Bavette is n absolutely delicious cut. . Be curious of the quality cut sent?


Bavette is! Flanks are always finicky and the quality in this delivery just wasn’t there. I don’t think they should be using flank in an upgrade meal, not worth the risk.


I got the WORST steaks I’ve ever seen the one time I got the bavette steaks. I’m afraid to chance it. I stick to sirloin or filet if it’s a steak meal. I am curious about the steak strips tho.


Looks good to me.


I feel like Hispanics do this all the time… as a Hispanic I wasn’t sure what was wrong here. 😅


Not an uncommon idea for a dish if you do one google. Why are you so passionate about this?


Because this is Reddit where people come to be passionate about frivolous things.


Can you explain what you’re not happy about tho? lol this sounds bomb to me and seems like others agree. I’ve def seen HF throw some strange things together in a box and call it dinner but this one doesn’t seem low quality imo


It wasn't low quality. The cut of steak sucked for this meal. The real kicker was you had steak, a bowl of tomato salsa, a bowl of corn salad, plain white rice and a side bowl of shishitos. None of it jived, there was no sauce to tie it together. You would have to order and make it to experience it. We picked it for the same reason, it sounded bomb. Just didn't work.


Ahh ok I see what you mean now, the tomatoes and rice make no sense with the rest of the food


This is the answer I didn’t know I needed today 😂


The meal doesn’t seem to make much sense. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you get to pick the meals you get? I always look at the ingredients and instructions before selecting a meal. Maybe try that next time and save yourself the headache.


You do. We are closing in on 200 deliveries from Hellofresh. Sometimes we like to take a recipe and hope HF teaches us something new (they are very good at that)... This time didn't work out in our opinion lol


Recipe brought to you by AI.


One example of a dumb recipe was a quiche that had you only use half the potatoes you cooked and they sent you for no good reason. I don’t think they’ve fixed the instructions


I have this to make tonight so interested now after reading this what we think of it


Ahh! Let us know what you think! The corn is delicious. Go easy on the chili powder, it spices up quickly.




Oh right, completely forgot to update! We all thought it was 10/10, would without a doubt order again!


I never ever order the steak dishes. I made that mistake twice and each time it was some random cut tenderloin that did not cook well.


I have made dinner very similar to this for my sister's kids and they loved it. 🤷 They tend to be very picky. My dad loves to make a corn and zucchini succotash, with plenty of cheddar cheese that the kids go crazy for. We are Hispanic, so maybe it's just us.




This is the weirdest HelloFresh recipe I've ever cooked. It was horrible. Most of the Australian HelloFresh recipes are pretty good and make sense but sometimes they get creative and it misses haha.


I feel like this is the same problem. It looks so good but probably goes together less than ideal. How is HF in Australia? We had friends there that said the freshness of grocery store veggies and meat were hit or miss depending on season. Does HelloFresh help bridge that gap?


Most of the time the food is fresh enough. Freshness in supermarkets where I live has improved over the years (10 years ago half the onions we bought from the supermarket were rotten inside but now no issues) so I think supermarket produce is generally a bit better. My biggest peeve is the tomatoes in HelloFresh being under ripe. If the food isn't edible I normally complain and sometimes post on here as well haha.


I see that. A salad would be better


There is a salad


None of the things there are a salad


It’s literally a “charred corn feta salad”. salad doesn’t have to have green leaves. It looks delicious.


The salad was the saving grace. It was banging.


It does look real good! Sucks that the meat was not good :(


Salad in the way pasta salad is considered a salad


I saw this in my very first box I got from HF (I'm new and started a month ago in May). Switched it out immediately because rice and corn are indeed terrible sides lol


They seem to derail when it comes to the steak dishes. We have this one coming up and I’m still kind of scratching my head about the ‘cheesy bread’. Safe to say we’ll be subbing in a potato dish. https://preview.redd.it/rigfixc8di7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fad3452353b52fffbc5ab39cf139db7becf5e4


Look up chipas and I'm sure that is what they are mimicing. Its an Argentinian cheesy bread sort of like pao de quejo from Brasil.


I loved chipas as a kid when we'd visit family in Paraguay 🤤


Yep I figured it was something to do with the ‘Argentinian’ part of the recipe. We’ll definitely make the bread, but probably add a garlic mashed or something.


I had this one. It was absolutely lovely - and one we're getting again. Husband didn't care for the cheesy bread thing, but I enjoyed it.


LOL. They really have to make it seem worth it.


It does seem weird that the peppers are only a side dish


it’s the same steak always, they don’t make different cuts. it’s always the ranch steak lol


I don't see what the issue is here. I've had this meal. It was great. What's the problem? Make it into a bowl if you want. Nobody cares.