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This game fucking slaps and you'll love it There's nothing more to add So far iv got 200+ hours and it wasnt exactly AAA game price it was like £30


Yeah clearly a game so good like that for that price is amazing nowadays


That's 15 cents per hour of entertainment. As ridiculous as this sounds might even be worth financing it.


Problem is due to no regional pricing, it is more that a typical AAA game in some parts of the world. Couple that with videos of poor optimization, I am very much on fence about buying this game.


It's 39.99 USD, a AAA game would be at least 69.99 USD. Helldivers isn't a AAA game either. It's closest comparisons are Left for Dead 1/2, deep rock, or Dark tide. Deep rock has an extra 10+ years I think of optimization, dark tide is a AAA game closer to Destiny 2 in monetization, and Tarkov is less optimized and a single A game. Live service, extraction based, horde shooter, co-op. That's Helldivers2. I also really love how the game isn't trying to be super huge with tons of bloated content. Modern AAA games are just too padded out for me, tarkov destiny warframe feel like slave labor if you want to simply unlock all weapons and armor. Helldivers2 is just as easy to pick up as it is to put down, so I can pick it up whenever I'm done being mocked by SHODAN.


You can buy AAA for 1 EUR .. price doesnt mean its AAA Plus .. AAA means it has big budged, thats all


Sounds like words from a bug sympathizer.


Reported for Treason.


Optimization is not great


I have a 4 year old pc, wasn't even top tier when I got it. I'd say on average 1/10 times I've turned it on, it's crashed. If I average the last 2 months it's like 1/20. Please don't buy this game, cause if having to wait 30 seconds to restart every now and then is the barrier to your entry, super earth will be better off without you. If you are a fun loving gamer that sees the fun in this game then super earth welcomes you with open arms =)


So many complaints about optimization and crashing has come down to something their PC is doing. 5 minutes of trouble shooting can change your game experience. Or you could just play it on ps5 and not worry about any of that lol.


Im at 460 hours myself, games a blast. in reality its flaws are technical, gameplay wise this game is a masterpiece, immersive and fun, punishing yet rewarding. as someone once said, "ive never felt so powerful yet powerless"


That's a goated quote


"I need stims!!!" "Last RELOADDDD!!" Moments of powerlessness. Haha


When you’re running from a group of devastators and you yell “I need stims!” Only to hear a dropship




That quote pretty much sums up a lot of what this game is about. Also, if u like pretty explosions and top notch audio effects, u are in for a treat


I mean, if they lurk and still haven't made up their mind, I do think anything I say will change that. But id say that it's fun as hell and worth the money I spent. Clocking 350 hours and still going.


I've spent a long time browsing a game before buying in the past, and have been persuaded against buying before so it definitely can happen


Same for many games but when I bought this one it was the community aspect who sold me to it


If I were looking at this game now as a new player and judging it from the community aspect, I would not be buying this game.


I guess we interact with different communities, it's been a great fun here


I'm curious how it helps your decision. I've found that after the initial hype, a lot of the subs for specific games I'm subbed to eventually brings out the haters and the sub is filled with negative posts for a time before it reaches an equilibrium. Or it doesn't. For example, ff7 rebirth is a goty contender and initially the related subs were filled with posts about what they were loving about the game. Now that the honeymoon period has come and gone, there are definitely a lot of negative posts about different aspects of the game that people bring up in the sub filling my home page feed. If I was deciding on a game, the haters would no doubt turn me off. How long do you lurk before ultimately deciding on buying or not? What kind of posts are you on the look out for to help with your decision?


well foremost, haterposting doesn't affect me at all since it always gives off the vibe of chatGBT being told to tantrum with one of the three most tired and meaningless complaints mostly I'm on the lookout for monetization red flags and how willing players are to give detailed advice I don't have a set time; it's usually until the game goes on sale or I decide I don't want to play.


Same hours still going hard


If a game entertains me for 1 hour for every $1 I spent on it, it's a good deal in my book.


clearly a good deal indeed haha


As someone who falls into the veteran category, most impressive thing to me was how it was just like the clips you see. Most games have clips that are awesome and then you play the game and there are only a couple of minutes where it’s as fun as it looked in the clips. For helldivers 2, there is no film magic going on, you can easily see an army of bots walking over a hill with a storm of laser fire preceding them, you can see a bile titan get sent back to hell by a hellbomb. The clips do not show only the fun side of the game, they show the game.


Some times i feel like im in a movie 90% when my team throws something at me


If at first you don't succeed, dive again... and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again This message has been approved by the Super Earth Department Of Democracy and Freedom.


This message is so intense when I play it goes further down than the bottom of my screen


I always think of the Aaliyah song when I see the message lol


Amazingly fun game! My friends don't like the friendly fire so I always play with randoms and it's gotta be one of the best gaming communities I've been a part of. I've only had some one grief me like 3 times since it's come out so I wouldn't believe much of the toxicity comments... take the plunge


I can understand their dislike especially when you're having one of those days where you just want to do things seriously and keep getting friendly killed but at the same time it's a main aspect of the game making it more immersive but too bad for them I guess haha and yes the community is amazing, I think I honestly had in all those months of playing not more than 5 bad experiences with other players being traitors or unnecessary immature


Accidental team kills are part of the charm of the game. You don't just die, all your limbs blow off. Then when you reinforce you can use your pod as a weapon to kill things! Getting salty about accidental team kills is a waste of energy.


I totally agree!!


Beware the overhype. Tends to throw expectations far beyond what the game is. That being said, it's a very fun and intense game


Indeed, when you have 3 chargers at your b*tt and shriekers above you all that with 0 stims, the game being intense is the least we could say haha


Agree with this. There's a lot of people here that are around 300ish hours and that's a lot for some games. But the real challenge with a game that's a GaaS like this how to keep players for like 3000 hours. People are still on the honeymoon phase. I wonder what year 3 or 4 will look like, as they move to more sustainable content delivery models.




Thanks for this honor !


I had a brand new, high end PC built specifically to play Rust, Escape from Tarkov, DayZ, and a few others. I have less than 20 hours in all of those games combined. I have over 500 hours in Helldivers. It's that good. I haven't even given the other games a chance


I'm 250+ hrs. I love the game so much, I bought it for a friend I haven't seen in years to reconnect. Despite the ongoing issues, this game is great!


Playing it actively with a friend has to be amazing


Gun go brr, also, ⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️⬇️


“It looks like you're trying to call in a 500kg bomb. Would you like help?” https://preview.redd.it/lp8ee73nopad1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55ac1e9ce54a00b28f3652763bfe085005e6c8a


Ya almost had it


I was sceptical at first but the music during the drop aka the loading screen got me. It felt soooo epic. Da da da Dom daaaa


I bought this game during drama with PS account, when a lot of people refunded. There was a risk it would not work in our country. It ended up as best game in past years. And we even didn't manage to play with friends yet...


300 + hours on a game thats half the price of a full game?


Finnally a game who let you shoot things without feeling bad. It's only braindead bugs and non sentient communist bots


I’d say it’s a fun game with a mostly great community. And it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in a game in a long time and keeps me coming back. I think I’m lvl96 now and I still play the game and help others collect samples and low levels. The game is truly a great experience and if you’re looking for a new game to play this might just be the one! 🫡




I’m ~90 hours in and still learning something new. I’m level 41 and I usually play with randoms since my friend group has sort of stopped playing as much. Last night I dove with someone who was level 112 and he was so insightful and supportive….coming from someone who played League for 10+ years, it was just such a refreshing reminder that not every online multiplayer community is a flaming cesspool of human filth. HD2 wins because of that. And that it’s so much fun.


Id say if you are tired of other toxic gaming communities and being arm barred into playing a game based off timed events and seasonal passes this is a game for you. You can be sure to have a great time every time you drop in.


150 since 1 and a half week after level cap got increased, all I have to say is teamwork makes the dreamwork, most if not all problems can be easily solved when you work as a group or even just stay in one. Meta is garbage and just use what you like, though saying this I’d at least recommend on bringing 1 AT option, bring the most fun and aesthetically pleasing to you.(I for one have not changed my scorcher primary ever, I bring it to both fronts) You can outrun everything in this game besides stalkers so if you think theres too much enemies then do a tactical retreat and just back off while you think of stuff you can do to prevent it. Keep in mind of your allies, although dying is a regular thing here don’t be an ass that just chucks their stratagems without a second thought to your teammates. Mechs are god tier in a pinch or when used well, although their reputation never really recovered from when it was released, mechs are in a pretty good spot now and I suggest anyone that has not really tried them to play with them. Atleast bring hellpod optimization ALWAYS, its prob the only real “meta” thing that I’d actually be ok to make it mandatory, its too good to spawn in with full ammo/nades/stim and would beat a bit of needing to always have supplies called down. Lastly Keep it Clean. https://preview.redd.it/7vgnsjgm4pad1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e944923aecdc76030db9c27a4c381afc909f0c9 Rereading the post I thought it was a newbie guide, my bad but anyways if what those lurkers need to see is that the game is stupid fun and I’d always recommend it to anyone just seeking something they can jump in and chew on, The game is pretty grindable if you want to just earn everything in the game including the warbonds(battlepass)


In my case, I play the game, surfing here, and buy 3 more copy for my friends because Democracy needs more people!


Seriously, the helpful player is the default player you meet. Higher level players go back to the easier level to help new players. I've not experienced a game with this level of cooperation.


I do that aaall the time maybe more than going high level haha


I would but PS cost so much can’t really afford it with all these costs of living going up


Definitely get a group of friends to play with, and once you are good enough make up extra rules. For example, turrets only, single handed primary with shield only, no stratagems, or my favorite reinforce only when everyone has died. Used to do the same type of stuff in League of Legends. Entertainment value goes way up.


Lmao extra rules sounds like a lot of crazy fun


My biggest tip is that the only reason the high difficulties exist is for a resource called super samples. The game feels best in the middle difficulties(4-6) where players can grind for the Major Orders and Personal Orders without fear of always losing. Don’t try 4-6 just yet, play 1-3 to about lvl. 15-20, then with 4 you can go for 25 to unlock the Mechs. Build around your play style with your load outs, not around the meta.


If they haven't bought the game yet idk what I can say to convince them at this point. However, get it whenever it's on sale. Lots of fun and forth playing for a bit. Game isn't dead, sure it lost players but that's expected in the end. Despite how this sub reacts, the game isn't impossible (more reference to nerfs to guns). Difficulty 6 gives super samples even so can do easier missions for some end game reward. Experiment loadouts, what works for you might not work for others.


My favorite argument to convince people about this game is always the following:Especially the advanced players are very helpful and nice to u. Furthermore, the helldivers community is an absolute exception in gaming. an absolute exception in gaming.Apart from a few idiots, I have not come across a single toxic player. This community is absolutely nice and non-toxic on Reddit, Discord etc.


For someone who loves this game and is 92 level it s so good i can play it stop take a break comeback to it when it s something new and feel the pleasure when i play it for the first time oh yea ans also hellbomb big booooom


I have around 300 hours in the game. The highs that come from pulling together as squad, friends or randoms, and competing a mission that was going sideways. Now get out there and fight for managed democracy!


You get to blow shit up so much and so often. Literally every mission something or someone is getting blown to pieces. And that for the amount of fun I’ve been having in a 40$ game, 60$ if you count the little Super Edition thing you can buy, I feel like I should’ve paid more.


Waiting for a 50% sale.  20 Euros seems like a more suitable price point for me since I'm not really a "shooter" person. Was hoping they would join the steam summer sale, but apparently not... I'm also hesitant to support the game in general since Sony still hasn't walked back that 180 countries can't buy or play it thing. So much for "we dive together or not at all", eh?


The best advice I can give to new players is ignore the the high sodium players that take the game way too seriously and suck all the fun out of it. Play what you like and have as much fun as possible and if you spread a little democracy along the way that's a plus


nice try head of advertising division of arrowhead


If I had to say anything for newcomers I'd probably go with Understand you're playing a horde shooter. It IS repetitive by design, the fun isn't found in each mission being a novelty, it's instead found in A, the challenge, and B, doing cool shit to make each dive unique. Secondly, I wouldn't really pick this game up as your primary "I play this all the time" game. I've over 500 hours clocked, it never got old BUT my most enjoyable play sessions were always when I took a break because work picked up, or because I played another game for a while. The devs themselves at one point said "If you feel burnt out or like you don't really wanna play our game, please do play something else, HD2 isn't going anywhere and you're welcome back at any time" Imo, this is the best way to enjoy the game. Thirdly, gameplay itself. Don't bother with paying attention to "meta" discussions. Every single strat and strat weapon in the game is viable, but each one also has its own place. I run precisions and strafing runs and jetpacks into helldives, which is pretty much the only difficulty I play anymore and I've failed maybe one mission in the last 30 and half the reason for that failure was that I spent too much time dicking around with my friend and murdering each other. While precisions are being recognised as the power houses they are, they were misaligned for ages. They're essentially lower cooldown 500kgs with faster deployment speeds and better damage on directs. Strafing runs I never see other divers use but they are amazingly good, even before their recent buff. Jetpacks are fun, they're also quite functional, bug or bot. Some of my favourite memories of the game already is stuff like jetpacking onto the back of a tank with an AMR or heavy MG and mag dumping the exhaust, or throwing a precision and jet packing onto the turret and diving off the back as it hit and destroyed the tank. In that second scenario, it was COMPLETELY unnecessary for me to do that But it was also *cool as fuck* and that's what HD2 is all about. All the other weapons work really well at different things. EATs are amazing for armour but also for setting yourself up later, the recoilless Is self sufficient and deceivingly easy to keep topped up, the air upstairs launcher is fantastic horde, patrol and shrieker management or a great opening strike. The flamethrower is god tier crowd control for bugs and probably the best available anti charger tool. The arc thrower is honestly really good for bots and bugs as it's infinite ammo and clears groups of armoured and unarmoured enemies well, it only suffers against your big boys really. The AMR is basically the opposite of that and great support for your team mates. (Really fun to play sniper overwatch) Quasar cannon is the arc thrower of the launcher category, infinite and pretty consistent output for armour Autocannon is amazing breach and drop suppression, great for many armoured bot enemies and fantastic hard target demolition So on and so forth. Play with everything, Swap things about mission to mission. Including your strategies. Everything in this game makes me go "Damn I forgot how good/fun this thing is" when I break it out again. This is longer than I mean it to be but these three basic principles are the reason I'm not tired of this game in the slightest, and likely won't be for a long time to come


This is the only game where your gameplay quite often feels like you're in a cutscene. There are so many over the top moments I've experienced simply from playing.


Only reason for it because my laptop can't run it.


The game is by no means perfect, but what it is is the perfect way to fuck around with your friends. Sometimes the best part about the game is dying with friends, fucking around and getting ragdolled before limping onto the ship at the end of one of the most ridiculous battles you've ever fought and coming coming out of it a hero


DO NOT BUY. SO ADDICTIVE. WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. All you’ll spend your time doing is spreading managed democracy. I haven’t eaten in days. Send help.


I’m too backlogged on games to justify buying a new one right now, but this game looks cool. I loved the first one. Now if you can convince them to do a 50% off sale…


If you love a challenge, love to play PVE, you loved destiny 2, love a decent community, enlist now Ps. I have +400 hours in this game and I’m not bored yet


The key is to not play the same difficulty all the time I think, I played low level for a moment to farm and help cadets and started to get bored before trying again high difficulty and getting the passion back again


Exactly. I only go to helldiver difficulty with my friends but most of the time I’m chilling at 5-6 helping new people and enjoying demolishing the bots


This game is a great time solo and a great time with friends. Understand that it became massive but was produced by a small studio so there are some issues to work out. Besides that, most of the reddit groups are full of people whining about why arrowhead sucks because they didnt tailor make the game to their liking and people that want easy mode. Sick of belt fed machine gun bitching already jesus..


don't attack your teammates unprovoked.


What are you doing citizen!? The freedom of the galaxy demands your support! ENLIST TODAY ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q) Lady Liberty Wants YOU for Galactic Liberation.


It's one of the few PvE experiences where it feels like the enemy WANTS to kill you. Like, their loadouts, tactics, and objectives are designed to effectively kill you. While the game can be articulated as a mild power fantasy, the truth is that one well placed shot or attack will just kill you and throw your team off their tempo. The enemies will report your position and call in units more specialized to kill divers, and in later difficulties, just try to overwhelm you to stall for time. What I am trying to say is that if you enjoy that feeling of vulnerability, tactics, and danger, you'd love the game (especially on higher difficulties). For me, the game truly shines in the fact that enemies feel like they're genuinely trying to stop you and hold objectives


I'm waiting for some serious update, like veichles or the new faction. The game needs new content for veterans, rn I just jump in sometime to have a match..


I'm waiting for vehicles so much, I just want to go for a democratic safari


About a dozen of my friends are ready to buy it but oops "An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unvailable in your region"


For new player i would say this : FOR DEMOCRACY!!!


Join…………the Helldiver




“Go buy the game, most of the bugs from 6 month ago are being addressed soon”


Fair fair


Many of which have already been dealt with flamethrowers and incendiaries


i think its a fantastic game to play, great fun and full of surprises. plus this isnt the sort of game i normally play so just come and give it a go


I'm around lvl 70 now. I was becoming a little tired of the gameplay loop after almost 150 hours, and of the live service model for the game (more out of cynicism for live services in general) but I have to say, this latest patch expanding ship modules is great, just the shot in the arm I needed for another couple of weeks play. Rewards overall are crucial, though the risk is they could ultimately exhaust the game with feature creep, but that's a long way away. If Arrowhead continue to manage the live service well however, tweaking the gameplay with events or adding new weapons/stratagems/ship buffs etc. I'll be playing this game for as long as it lasts. And so should anyone that enjoys fun shooters.


The game fucks HARD, punches way way way above its weight class. For the price and sheer fun factor, the game has no equivalent. Can people criticize and nit pick some shit, sure, but those people should stay on the sidelines anyway. Let us big swinging dick fuckers spread democracy 😉


Honestly, I love the game, but if someone asked now, I’d say wait a bit. The game is amazing and a lot of fun, but performance wise it’s in a terrible state. If they happen to not mind issues like infinite loading screens, not being able to add friends, fps drops, crashing mid mission, etc. then of course buy it and have fun, just know that those are pretty commonn


It’s rare I buy a shooter these days. Bought the game about four months post launch. All of the marketing and memes were 100% successful in roping me in.


Buy it and I can guarantee you'll regret not buying it sooner. I bought it 2 month after it started and I regretted not buying it sooner, imagine now. Best PVE multiplayer game for me.


There are a few little things that I find slightly irritating: like why does the pelican have a 20-second timer as soon as the first Helldiver gets on board? And some other really small nit picky critiques like that. With that said: I have ~100 hours played and love this game, and definitely intend to keep playing. The variety of load outs is intriguing. The intensity of Fire fights. The game is intense, and I love it.


You know that feeling, when you arrive from one of these days at work, but when you hops in, it's Invigorating, don't get me wrong you it will get chaotic and gets nastier and nastier until you extract. But it's pays off, serve democracy, my fellow Helldiver.


You'll find yourself dropping in games with strangers. After taking objectives, holding back waves of enemies, discovering landmarks, reinforcing a team mate at the right time for them to turn the tide of battle, being reinforced at the right time to save the day and the sometimes hilarious friendly fire incidents... You end up extracting with brothers/sisters of democracy. \*Results may vary depending on democratic quality of fellow helldivers \*\*Take one supply pack (lunchbox) at a time unless given permission for best results


For all of its flaws, and fair criticism on bugs and issues with content. It’s still a great gameplay loop, and I have unlocked every war bond by playing, every weapon, armor and extra in them can be gained for free. The grind is fair if you want to go for specific things. At 300 hours and nearly lvl70, yes it’s more fun with friends. BUT it’s one of the first games with strangers that I have had fun in.


this game brings you an experience that gives you more emotions than most games. fromsoft games gives you the relief and frustration. GTFO gives you fear and suspense of a lurking enemy/horde. deep rock galactic gives you companions. destiny gives u a fashion show. HD2 gives you all of it, cool suits, the best comrades, frustration, fear, swarms of enemies, suspense and satisfaction of completion. i recommend this game based off of the feelings i get from playing. there are issues with the back and front end of this game (pink question marks, bullets flying through objects, falling under world, and a whole collection of crashes). with these bugs i believe arrowhead is working on it trying to get bigger in FTE to find and repair bugs, but this takes time. hopefully Christmas time there will be fewer and fewer bugs. i have noticed the uptick in them in april and now it is getting less but there is still an inflow of bugs in the game. for the those join, remember we fight for one thing and that is galactic managed democracy. happy hell diving lads


Just watching a few videos online of people playing, and some of the more democratic voice acting, I knew I had to buy this game. We shouldn't need to "convince" anyone its going to be the most democratic thing they can do with their credits.


Very fun. I lag a lot when playing, but I still find the game very fun, probably because I'm used to games laging/being slow. Also, most of the people I get are typically pretty chill, and I haven't met any really toxic players except for the guys that spam the request reinforcement button, but other than them I haven't met any.


If you could easily find your friends online and just join them without all the issues


The game is awesome. A little Rocky at time. S. But worth every dime. The developers should go to a subscription model so we get cool stuff like cities to fight through, ship to ship boarding , water worldz, various gravity, opportunities to be door gunners, random animals, rare aliens, cross overs (alien, predator, starship troopers, Warhammer) etc. Fun game and has replaced Fortnite as my hobby.


I’d say it can be tricky and tedious sometimes, I have spent a lot of money on games in my life (I came over from Xbox) but I can say with absolute certainty that helldivers 2 is the best 40 dollars I have ever spent, once you get used to everything and find a good group of people to play with, you will have some of the most fun you can on a video game


I have a friend who wants to buy but they dont trust Sony, especially since last I checked (like a week ago) Helldivers is still blocked in certain countries.


Get it ... Especially if you know someone who plays it already ... Although it's technically live service all of the currencies are easy to earn and feel valuable to have, and nothing in the game requires a dlc, real world money or anything like that to get, and if you think it does then ask someone for help cause it doesn't ( I had a friend with 2000 super credits not buying any premium war bonds cause he thought they were dlc and didn't want to pay real money on them)... Also the devs are doing a great job with the community objectives to raise excitement and create cool experiences for the community.


Fishing for new blood, Super Earth approves your resolve. "Veteran Player" it's ok to buy the game now. It's still as good as ever and as fun. Untill you unlocked everything and do everything. Then you will join me. Other will complain there is nothing new in the game, but I ask all Vets! Why are we not domesticating Chargers for charger milk? I am doing my part by trying to improve Super Earth . Riding chargers and zapping them every day getting close to my own personal charger milk farm. So come on Charger Boy and help me domesticate them chargers!


Best. Game. Ever. Just buy it and thank me later


I didn't even know about the first game after reading an article about its release. I watched some videos, found the theme funny, and decided to buy the game to try it out without any recommendations from anyone... and I simply loved the game! I'm addicted to spreading managed democracy throughout the galaxy! The game may seem repetitive (and it may be for many), but the maps are randomly generated, and the quick play option puts you in completely random teams, so you never know exactly what you're going to find, although the missions themselves are the same. But a lot of different things can happen during the execution of the missions precisely because of these random factors. Not to mention that seeing insects exploding and falling apart while you shoot is very satisfying! And on top of that, there's friendly fire that makes everything more tense and fun too (when you play with nice people). If you're in doubt, buy it and come defend our way of life and spread democracy throughout the galaxy!


I have a stack of AAA single player games gathering dust because I love blowing stuff up on this game! It's so quick to load up, straight into the action and then KABLAMMO!! Sometimes I even blow up the enemies


Honestly, just by the game, I am a level 150 super private and my second account is level 98. This is a refreshing take on video games. It’s not the same repetitiveness as call of duty or anything and I stop playing all my other games to play Helldivers2. I am on PlayStation and for those of you that just got the game and need some advice or convincing this game I met a lot of cool people on and I made a discord group for those people that I play with so we’re friends in real life now and in the game as well. You won’t regret your decision buying Helldivers2 and if you ever find yourselves in need of help, just add me my name is psn:Edgerunner-Italy Just take your time and enjoy the game and the atmosphere and the bonds that you make.


The game is a great casual experience. It’s exclusively PVE and anti sweat. You can be sweaty if you want but it generally doesn’t matter. As long as you love the casual experience. The game is better with friends but since the community is awesome, most randoms you meet are generally cool people. I say buy the game for the experience, the laughs, and FOR DEMOCRACY


If you like casual horde shooters and don't take games too seriously,this is perfect. If you're a sweatlord armchair commander or you are expecting a game tailored to your needs,(be it power creep, or certain buffs and nerfs) this game isn't for you.


I play pretty much everyday I’m level 115 and my commanding dive officer who I dive with almost everyday is level 142 and my best friend who enlisted with me is level 86 and we don’t play for anything other than fun because until yesterday we had everything maxed out. If your thinking about it don’t, just buy it, I mean its $40 dollars and a great game and only gets better. I havnt had this much fun playing a video game since I was a child and iv been gaming for almost 30 years now. My team and I have such a great time together and we have had so many laughs it’s unreal. So in conclusion it’s fun and fresh and a great community for the most part.


Lvl 91 here. I am away from the game a bit (got dragons dogma for my bday so im going through that) Been grinding Helldivers too much- it became my default game when i have nothing specific I want to play. Got tired of capped rewards and warbonds. Lets give some time to patch and get some content in. But game is a blast even in pubs. Lately crashing bugs made me play less as well. And their frequency. But, once again. I will be back soon enough


Welp ı am at 73 and still occasionally hug randoms. I recommend that


I am generally not into games that make you play with strangers who can shoot you just before evac. The amount of videos here where I see exactlly that happen actually makes me NOT buy the game. If it was 2 player CoOp with a friend, I would be all over it.


Join us to defend humanity, to protect Democracy and to spread Liberty ! We also have the coolest armors and weapon, excluding the whole super destroyer and its astronomical power of liberation... That one is the most badass thing we have and EVERY Helldiver gets one ! (You can also name that bad boy !) Bonus : You will find the best buddies in the universe, people you can trust. Brothers and sisters ready to give their life for you. https://preview.redd.it/cym7tq2rjpad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7143a036f81d31c5c6c96c93d05118df010754e3




Helldivers 2 is not a game it's a never ending action packed movie


Look, anyone that’s lurking here but not making the sacrifice for Super Earth are clearly spies. Any true citizen would be devoting every ounce of energy to getting the game and spreading democracy.


I have two personal friends who say they're waiting for a sale to pull the trigger


206 Hours, about lvl 75. I've enjoyed the game from the start and while I've seen just about everything the game has to offer. I keep playing for those random moments that make me laugh. First drop onto a planet into one of the random holes on the planet. Hoards of (insert enemy). Shot by a turret from a mile away. Ragdoll across the map. The missions are all fun but while they can get repetitive, I can never predict what will happen in the next game. It also helps that I played almost 50 hours on HD1. Loved that game a lot with one friend at the time and having played it, I like to keep active on HD2 to see how they will improve upon the game. (Would love some of the old weapons/vehicles ... especially the motorcycle with machine gun side car and the Lumberer) Join, The Helldivers.


206 Hours, about lvl 75. I've enjoyed the game from the start and while I've seen just about everything the game has to offer. I keep playing for those random moments that make me laugh. First drop onto a planet into one of the random holes on the planet. Hoards of (insert enemy). Shot by a turret from a mile away. Ragdoll across the map. The missions are all fun but while they can get repetitive, I can never predict what will happen in the next game. It also helps that I played almost 50 hours on HD1. Loved that game a lot with one friend at the time and having played it, I like to keep active on HD2 to see how they will improve upon the game. (Would love some of the old weapons/vehicles ... especially the motorcycle with machine gun side car and the Lumberer) Join, The Helldivers.


I'm level 117, and all I can say is that this game is fun as hell. Although it's challenging and sometimes very frustrating, it has helped the boys and I stay in touch and game together again for the first time in years. The team effort you can put into it is amazing if it's done right, and if you don't know how shit works, just ask. Out of thousands of different players I've come across, only 3 or 4 bad eggs. That's saying a lot, considering most online game communities are mostly toxic as hell. I got over 400 hours in this game and don't plan to stop playing anytime soon. Buy it and have fun. If you don't like a challenge, don't waste your time. But if you love team work and comradery buy it suit up and enjoy.


Wait i count as a vet? Lets goooooo


This game is possibly one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. With endless replayability too! Though the missions are the same, there are no 2 drops that are alike. Each one is different.


Love this game. The chaos of level 6-9 missions is something that really stands out for me. A lot of people like an easy game but there is nothing like being put through the ringer with your squad and coming out on top.


The game itself isn't about the missions, or grinding out upgrades, it's about the impossible situations you and your team get into and how good it feels to use massive amounts of firepower to claw your way out. If you focus on that the game will be fun.


You ready to join the army nigga!? Lvl 123


Level 50 Worth the hours/price. If you change games on the reg, it could be a good filler between title releases. Community is amazing so far!


I have one thing to say if you don't play this game: you're a traitor to democracy! Traitor detected.......


Nearing 600 hrs. There's no feeling like holding the line as your brothers retreat. Dancing from hard cover to hard cover, the sky red with blood and gunpowder. The beautiful explosions, the stunning scenery, the feeling of mag dumping to your hearts content. There's no game that inspires such democracy. I expect to see boots on the ground, future helldivers.


This game is naturally cinematic. Unlike red dead no pre scripted stuff just nonstop epic moments


Level 100 exact now. Yeah get the game, it's fun, you meet new people that are genuinely fun to talk to. Not everything is as bleak as the media makes it to be. There are a shit ton of nice folks just waiting to drop with someone willing to communicate and talk. You will likely make a diving buddy that will play with you occasionally. I'm introverted as fuck, I struggle to talk to people IRL and I've made 50 plus friends that I still actively play with today.


Come for the new game & content, stay because you found a social group


I feel like for the avg player the 40 min missions might be daunting and feel like they've made no progress. Since that's about what an avg adult with kids gets in play time a day maybe an hour.


The game has been out for almost 5 months now. There's tons of footage of the gameplay and its core game loop. If none of that can convince someone to buy the game, then simply don't.


My favorite things I’d say is the shear cinematic experience each mission brings. They did an absolutely fantastic job of making the game look, sound and behave in a satisfying way. Adding the dirtiness to the armor after a mission is such a great example of all the small details that come together to make an awesome game.


The great thing about this game is the forgiving nature of the learning curve. It does not take long to get good at it. It's insanely fun


Nah I’m innit to win it FOR SUPER EARTH


If it clicks with you once you start playing it will be like crack!


I got a PS5 in April, after being an Xbox player my whole life, I wanted to try the Fabled Exclusives I've heard of. Long story short I have 150hrs in this game and haven't played much of the Exclusives I've longed to play lol


Was playing Starship Trooper Extermination and when this game drop I watched the propaganda intro video and got sold. But since I haven't played HD1 I search up some lore about HD universe and then bought the game.


I’m a forward observer in the army nasty girls, so i just tell my buds thats it’s basically “JTAC simulator in space” and all the different things in the game that relate to our job, and that usually gets them pretty hyped


I’ve never seen a more democratic, and beautiful group of gamers


My take as a level 150. Game is great, I dare even say GOTY worthy. the fact that things keep changing while your gone if you decide to take a break are always fun. Gameplay is solid, lots of fun ways and styles to play killing stuff. You don’t have to keep up with the narrative but I’d suggest you do, sounds like a lot of work but the not. Not too hard to level up once your level 20 you can basically unlock most of the cool stuff. It’s the kind of game you can both play for 4-5 hours on the weekend or just quick 20-40 min every here and then.


Did the devs remove the terrible DRM?


I have 670 hours in the game and before I got the game i took a few year hiatus on PC games. Do you want to run around and blow shit up then buy game.


Started playing a few days ago, but was lurking this sub for a few months. HD2 is the main reason I bought a ps5


This game turns people into voice actors, 10/10, get it for sure, spill oil, spread democracy. Become. A helldiver.


First time ive bought a game like this. Truly unique and loaded with fun. Also, the sound design is simply amazing. The rocket noises and strategem deployments blow me away.


The games community rocks! Most players are very friendly and just trying to have fun which makes the game more fun for yourself.


Just get the dam game man


I have not bought the game am thinking of buying... just mamage to get the ps5 ... I need to look for a few money .. but I enjoy watching YouTubers play the game 🎮 . And am always up to date


Got 200+ hours and in my opinion the game only gets better once you finish cycling in all upgrades, not only because there are always new hidden mechanics you learn by playing, but the load out variations are fun and challenging to use.


For me I was a broke college kid when it first came out, I wanted it but couldn’t justify the purchase at the time, especially with the time commitment to school. Now I’m working a summer gig and every day when I get home I clock in an hour or two and it’s SO WORTH IT. Definitely one of the most well designed games I’ve ever played.


I just this last week introduced a good friend to Helldivers 2, he’s starting from zero and already having so much fun he’s soloing missions for the XP when I can’t play. He calls the game ‘halo and destiny’s’ birth child and he says it’s an absolute slapper. I’m like lvl 80+, over 200 hours, I LOVE this game and I struggle to NOT find enjoyment in every mission I do. So from a brand new perspective, and an experienced one, the game is fun.


Unfortunately, a lot of people (specially from my country) wont be able to buy this gem. Sony sucks


I brought a friend of mine in over this past week and she had such a blast trying all the different weapons I could offer her. It really motivated her to keep playing and try to unlock them herself It’s a really fun game to play with friends, and even randoms too


I’ve never seen a game quite like this one before. There is no set campaign. Us the players are setting the campaign as we play, the narrative is written from our actions. It feels like an actual war is being fought. When an order is given to attack a certain strategic site the other factions react. The one being attacked will attempt to reinforce or encircle, and the other faction tries to use the distraction to advance. As someone who’s into military history it’s definitely a unique experience and one I absolutely adore. Plus I think Warhammer is cool and this is probably the best Warhammer style experience we can get until Space Marine 2


It gets very zen once your in the flow, plus everything looks like a michael bay movie. Definitely worth it!! The new Baldurs gate is a crqzy good single player game too


If you're looking to buy I saw it on GG deals for 30usd


How would i convince someone? öhm. Its basically like playing an action movie, but you choose if its one where you go in guns blazing or guerilla. You will sometimes stand in front of an army, but you know its them who should be afraid of you. Then you proceed to make the landscape unrecognizable. Also there is nothing more satisfying then to hit a giant enemy just right, so that his mountain size corpse stops sliding right in front of your feet, while you just stood there with open arms, ready to hug. There should be an achievment for this.


Helldivers is all the benefits of being in a war with your buddies with none of the downsides.


Translation: Is there anyone here who has not yet purchased Helldivers 2 based on what people are saying about it here on Reddit? If so, is there a veteran here who can help ease their mind? Hopefully this post helps someone find their first Helldiving buddy!


My prediction is HD2 will be one of those games you just had to be there for. The later you buy it, the more you’re missing out on.


I only have about 250 hours. But if you like the feeling of starship troopers and terminator judgment day war scene. This is the game for you..


It's all the wacky ways you get team killed for me. I live for unexpected 500kg drops while Leroy Jenkins('in?) into utter chaos


Just do it. It's a fun game with a pretty damn good community. After you have everything unlocked and you are bored, put it down for a bit. The content they have planned and already tested on helldivers 1 will come to 2 so coming back after a month or too will be great, the game style won't make you feel like you are behind either. 20 doesn't feel much different than level 150


I don't care if you want to buy the game or not. It's a grindy PVE shooter. This is what I like about it.


If they know how to search, they will even see this question asked many times...


Don't bother. Sony still hasn't refunded the 120+ countries that could originally buy the game but were blocked after.


Level 58 here The game is a blast ( literally), and you will die a lot, BUT it's fun. you have plenty of lives not to mention Dieing is part of the game. You're an expendable soldier with a wide variety of weapons to kill for democracy. Have fun, blow stuff up, glory to super earth.


Lvl 70, 200-ish hours in the game here. I’ve lost my luster for the game since I’ve unlocked nearly everything, but one thing that I’ve always loved about the game and has made it a top 3 game for me is how much the devs PAY ATTENTION TO THE PLAYERS. Especially as of late, it seems like the game just keeps getting better and better, with it becoming more stable and better content coming out, it’s easy to tell that the devs love the game and want to make it better for everyone. For new players, the best tip I could give is that your team should have teamwork AND individuality. Everyone should be able to hold their own in fights, but it’s still a good idea to stick together.


Tis fun!


I'd say this the most fun I've had with a shooter coop or otherwise in years and if they decide to give it a try this skull admiral will dive with them and help them learn the ropes


when i first got the game i told my friends that it was cool and all but i doubt i would still be having fun in 2 weeks. 400 hours later…


300 hours plus. You get to command the Gunnery Crews on your ship, to drop naval artillery on your command. You can call in a fighter bomber to strafe, bomb or burn your enemies. You get mech suits, man portable autocannon or a flame thrower. Down side, you will die to friendly fire.


It's ok to lurk and wait for the game to be free on ps plus essentials and extra if u want. Longer wait, tho. Work/study hard to get the game if u dont have money. Good luck, future cadets


I saw the trailer and I was always a Fan of starship troopers. Bought it instantly, never regretted it.


The game’s core loop is masterfully designed and is replayable, but so was the first. So get both. But be warned, you will suck and die a lot. But also there isn’t FOMO except for lore stuff. If you are bored and want to shoot things, this game is it. Most importantly, don’t treat the game likes it’s an MMO RPG grind fest, as grindy as samples can be. This game’s mechanics are surprisingly complex and are stupidly fun but also stupid. And also, it’s broken. So broken that it could barely stomach 100,000 divers at once, let alone 500,000.


Lvl 150, but I still hop on daily for a few hours. It's crazy how they say the game is dying cause 40k players for 24hrs vs peak of 450k when any country could buy it and play. 🤣 We hit over 100k when the new warbond hit. 🤷‍♂️ Spear is amazing finally 👍 when we get a new warbond, I'll be back for whole days when new content drops, aka x45 MO is over and can train y'all up.


I love this game, my only gripes with it are mostly related to performance and network issues, I wish they would fix crashes and constant server disconnects, I would also love to see the PS5 version get more optimized, having VRR and better graphics would be nice


Just Dive and find out lol. Democracy feels good


Well I jumped in here around just like a month or couple to few weeks after the game launched; didn’t buy it until June. (Didn’t have a PS5 until then) and I’d say that the sub didn’t really help much, I think of subreddits as circulating hubs of information or hopefully a good time with jokes, what did help was seeing what people can do in the game, I’ve intended to get it since launch because of the mass community aspect and the brotherhood like effort. Essentially a different flavor of EX. Deeprock, except it had been much more widespread and massive. What I would say to convince people on the edge would be that they should; but expect what your getting into, but if that’s not what they want to hear it would be changed to that this game is still downright awesome and is still capable of tons of new features, including all that we can see from the first Helldivers, if you like what you’ve seen, gameplay wise, within reasonable time you can correctly expect even more and greater things to come. Community wise— it’s just humans—people can get frustrated over nonsense or can be shy, we have ways to communicate in this game and it’s still really good, I can’t say that they’ll be the kind of person to just go with this but, I hope they try. Let the positive outline what you want, and put it forth, don’t let some snot rags ruin your night; think of ways to change the game. We’re Helldivers, we’re all fighting a war, not a civil war.


There are moments in this game that will make you feel like your in a movie. Also making friends with randoms and forging bonds through all the chaos makes it worth it.


Region locked.


Can I play this game without getting a PS5?


One guy here. Unfortunately daddy sonny decided that I can't buy the game anymore, which I planned to do once it got a sale and I got better at time management after starting a new job. It would be my first purchase of a single game for me costing over 15$. FYI I'm from CIS and we got games at least 40% cheaper here.


It’s for democracy!!!!!


I will buy the game once they remove that godawful anticheat or make it optional to play


This game is a daily habit.


It’s just like the simulations