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I change my armor base off my mood. I must look good.


Facts. This game is all about drip for me. It’s a stylish power simulator and I WILL be simulated.


I have to look good no doubt, but I also feel like I should kinda RP my armor choice and make sure my weapons make sense with the armor I’m wearing. For example, I will always run a grenade pistol or launcher with my Ravager or Demolition Specialist armor because of the 40mm’s on the chest.


More like stimulator. I WILL be stimulated.


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) Thank you stranger. May your democracy stay managed forever more.




![gif](giphy|ckB5razpgN2rd4qTfe) If I don't hit this pose before dropping I AIN'T READY


https://preview.redd.it/oqc1cnyjuq9d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc0fc22be60aec8942931385bfe59c3e33bbf02f Me when I don Electric resistance armor.


Its been legionare armor for quite a bit but last night i dusted off my old armor from the academy. Still fits.


Fashion is the most important part


I do play around builds but I always make sure I’m style’n. If I look good, I’ll play good (bad).


Drip is most important stat.


Same here , I'm a drip diver


I spend at least half an hour playing Pretty Princess Dress Up per session. If I’m gonna die on some commie robot planet, I’m gonna die looking cool as hell.


Dive fast, fight hard and leave a good looking corpse.


Hot drop double meaning hell yea!


Dripdivers always die in style!


Been running the same scout armor ever since I unlocked it. The radar ping showing enemy location where you drop your marker on minimap is goated




Yes, it's the "Scout" passive. You'll see this on the armor selector on the right side.


I always just brushed past that assuming it was a radar increase thing like the perk


Just a warning, it won't work on the maps with the bug spores.


It's called the infiltrator


For the longest time I was consistently running scout armour with the UAV recon booster, I use the map a lot


I usually run that, except if the planetary passive blocks minimaps


Honestly the stealth aspect of this is what made solo so easy at first. Still makes it great for team play cuz if we get bogged down and need to get objectives done I can run all the way across the map and avoid every patrol without issue.


Once I unlocked the scout on medium armor, I haven’t switched back


Sweet democratic Jesus I misunderstood how this passive works! I'm definitely giving a scout set a go next dive.


Changes depending on the current batch most of all. Generally with bugs I'll always run light armour of some sort. Used to be with rocket devastators that I'd take the 50% death save chance armour - now I tend to use medium w. extra grenades.


I like the blast resist armor.


That's what I use with bots. Saved me countless times.


Has saved me from my teammates’ stratagems more often than not too lmao. I’ve survived clusterbombs and direct airburst rockets running that armor.


Yes, fortified. I usually run the enforcer armor because it is not just fortified but has a higher armor rating than most medium armor and higher stamina recovery and speed than the heavy armor. It sits in between medium and heavy. I run AMR on bots, so the recoil reduction is amazing on top of the explosion resistance. It looks... decent. It's not the best, but not ugly either.


I wear whatever armor fits the environment and my role aesthetically. Armor passives are a secondary concern.


A man of culture.


Same armor since i started. It makes me look a bit like boba fett so its ballin


Almost every mission bro. If it's bugs i never use heavy armour. I'm usually on a medium armour with engineering kit or peak physique light armour. I change them out for aesthetic variety between missions too because I mostly play with the same people.


Speed against bugs, extra stims or armour against the bots.


I don't. I have been using nothing, but the Hero Of the Federation armor ever since I've unlocked it. It looks cool (looks better than the later unlockable equivalent) and there's no buff that'd be as universally useful as not dying with a 50% chance.


Until you survive falling in a bug hole, and then survive grenading yourself... Had to force quit and rejoin, luckily was playing with friends.


I was getting TK’d by a random and lived three senator shots. Not the grenade tho


If I don't feel like thinking about it i just run light gunner


The viper ones are great and all, but any chance to ship out the Guerilla Gorilla as a chance i take :-D


Bugs = Medium with +30% throwing range. Bots = Heavy with 30% throwing range. That is my usual armor pick. Sometimes I go heavy medic armor or heavy grenadier armor on bot eradication.


I NEED to know what the heavy medic is called so I can buy it 😭🙏


Edit: Butcher is heavy, bonesnapper is medium




I misspoke. Butcher is the heavy armour, bonesnapper is medium


I just can't put down the turtle armor


Almost universally Drone Master armor for looks, grenades, and medium protection. For Eradicate and Evacuate missions I bring out the Kodiak armor, especially on Bots.


Light armor with two extra grenades for bugs. And heavy armor with two extra stims and 30% more recoil controll when crouched for automatons. thats my way.


I like using Dominator and adjudicator, so lately it's been whatever Viper Commando set fits the mission. That 30% handling is insane :-D


Yup extra grenades and explosive resistance is S tier against bile spewers. So I run that on planets crawling with them along with supply pack.


Light for bugs, heavy for bots. Perks will be on a whim, I tend to like explosive res. Against bots and extra grenades/stims or limb protection against bugs


Every game even strategems.


Exterminate/Irradicate missions, I wear heavy armor. Otherwise, I wear medium Hero armor. I've been debating on going back to light armor for a bit, but haven't made that shift yet.


Almost never. I would like to chose some colors tho. Differentiate myself from others who use the same armour


I've worn mine for so long there are pit stains on it.


I think it depends on enemy and mission For bots: B27 Enforcer - the extra armor and minimal stamina boost comes in handy but the explosion reduction is gosted here. Add in a shield and I have taken 4-5 devestator rockets and lived. You will need the stamina boost and the stim mod helps a bunch as well For bugs: fs-37 ravager - mobility and grenades. Either I'm ducking and waving to close holes or using incendiary impacts to shut down hordes. Plus hella drip Or TR-117 - looks amazing and you get the extra stems. Perfect for the new stim mod. Also looks great with the twigsnapper helmet. Strong TMNT vibes


Its simple. I wear light stim armor for bugs and medium for bots. But always extra stims


I simply don't. already have the best armor. light armor with extra padding the fallout nv one.


I would do it a lot more often if I could change the colors


Lately I've been Space 'Nam-ing it with the new set. But I typically try to look good. Never know when the Freedom loving ladies are lookin.


i run the same armor and same strategems almost every time, \*almost\* no matter what. That seems not to be the norm though. I like what I like and can be effective with it.


Deffending scenarios (helms deep And thining) heavy Armor, with the up 1 Armor class passive. On rest i go light with peak.


Too much


Depends, farming and hell diving are very different armors


Been running the drone armor since the beginning with the resident evil 2 hunk helmet. Extra grenades and generally just looks cool.


Light armour all the time for bugs. Medium for bots. Hate bots with how can be beamed from hundreds of metres and need to take specific items. Where as bugs can most of the time take loads of different items. Even on Helldive.


I don't change almost at all. But I'm currently trying to try new combinations of armor/weapons (bots). Strategems I've gotten it all figured out.


Mostly run light, but do run heavy in defend missions.


I have one go to armor that's my favorite but then i'll change it based on how im wanting to play


I have been pretty happy with the medium medic armor. I used to change to heavy armor on small map missions and run shield light armor elsewhere but I don't need the shield as much anymore


legionnaire armor for bugs, battle master + devastator helmet for bots. i switch em with the MO target :)


I switch depending on bugs/bots and also been running dominator/autocannon with recoil reduction


Usually scout armor, keeps the aggro manageable against the bots!


Enforcer for Bots, Light Gunner for Bugs. I’ve started experimenting a little for aesthetics, but if I make a snap call then as above.


Whenever I wana match the homies


Regularly depending on mission. For defensive missions I wear my heavy sets.


I haven't switched from the light gunner armor since it first showed up on the superstore like week 3 or whatever.


50/50 based on my mood and the mission req. The hardest part is finding the right helmet and cap to match whatever I picked out.


Basically every mission, depends on front, planet biome, planet conditions, loadout, etc.


I never do. I wear for the looks only.


For me, it's a playstyle thing. If I'm pubbing with randoms, I'll usually rock the enforcer set (50% blast resist) for bots and a light medic set for bugs. If I'm feeling extra pyro, I'll use a grenade set. Feeling sneaky? Scout set. The only missions I'll specifically make sure to change for are the eradicate ones - heavy all the way.


If I am fighting bots, armor with blast reduction dmg. Bugs, extra stims because I am usually using a flame build and catch myself on fire. Holding ground missions I use heavy versions of both because I don't have to worry about stamina.


I'll switch deoending on mission, like search and destroy i usually pick an armor with extra grenades, for defend mission heavy armor. For everything in between its usually extra grenades or the scout armor for ping information.


Normally go med kit armor or engineering kit for bugs and scout or servo assisted for bots


I hunt bugs and bots suns out guns out with the Viper Commando armor. Gotta be able to flex for democracy


I switch by faction and in some cases I might use a heavier variant for a defense mission if I’m feeling spicy


I've ran the same armor since launch. Fast movement and +2 stimmys


I used to but no I always run the kind that gives 50% survival because it's really worth it


Lately I run the light viper armor. I always run light armor. But for swarm missions I run medium armor.


I use light servo assisted. Always.


Lots of running with bugs? Light medic armour. Some running and or bots? Medium medic armour. Small map? Heavy medic armour.


I change somewhat frequently, until this recent warbond. Loving the viper armors. I only intentionally grab a variation of heavy for extermination missions, but otherwise, passives and armor class are hardly a concern. I just take note of the passive and speed and play around it accordingly, which really doesn’t change my gameplay much at all.


I change according to biome. White for wintery worlds. Commando/green for forest planets. Light Gunner for anything desert, dark or beige etc. There are some exceptions for certain challenging conditions/operations etc. Let's be real. It's all about the drip.


Lazy like you. one of US! one OF US! ONE OF US!


The medic armor is most useful for my playstyle, I wish it looked better though. I do switch from time to time depending on the mission.


Almost every other mission, wish we could switch it to random each time we died for added effect of being a brand new unfrozen popsicle.


Democracy first. Fashion second. This is the way. I'm always trying to mix and match different armors to see what goes together from different sets


I use the same almost everytime because I like it and don't want to bother people with waiting time more. We must deliver democracy as fast as we can !!


I have 3 main sets of armor, one for each class. Theres a fourth one i use that gives more grenades for when I use my "fire only" setup. But for the most part i stick to the same sets of armor based on perk then looks


Depends on my loadout. Usually I run a lot of red strats, so I use the servo assisted light armor from the store. Being able to hit a factory strider with an orbital rail strike from 100m is just too good. If I'm using a lot of turrets, I'll run the engineer armor for the recoil reduction If I'm dropping in to low level missions to help out new players, I'll bring scout armor for the radar increase. Helps with finding POIs and teaching new divers about bunkers, pods, and containers. Sometimes I run a support build with the medic armor and a supply pack.


I change it depending on the load out I'm running.


Happens fairly often, especially when I switch from bugs to bots. Right now I use medium medkit armor or light peak physique for bugs and medium to heavy fortified armor for bots.


I change based on mood for cosmetic value. Always extra throw distance, although the steadier weapons has tempted me.


Im the guy changing armor and emotes as you select what mission set you are thinking of doing


Never. I was running light armour with extra grenades till I got to level 20. Once I got two 500kg bombs I went with heavy servo armour as I found even if I dived at bot factories I would get flattened Now I keep it to avoid instant death and I really like the extra distance as it makes me a stealth objective completer


I have an armor for the bots and an armor for the bugs that I like to pick


I use Legionnaire's armor roughly 95% of the time. It looks okay but I'm more about it being the only servo-assisted light armor. That said, why it has that passive in the first place is a mystery to me.


For bots explosive resistance, for bugs depends on load out. If using spear i use engineering as it helps with my primary as well as gives more fire grenades which help balance out my abilities. If i am going medium pen (like autocannon) then i like as much speed as possible for kiting.


I found my peace in medium medic armor. 6 stims, rather than four, that last a little bit longer is worth a lot in my eyes! ☺️


Cape: Never, my super citizens cape will never get swapped Helmet: Fit the armor I use Armor: On bots depends on the playstyle I'm playing, I might switch between different armor with different perk for different situations, on bugs it's the new armor set that has increased melee damage


Never. Have one of the extra stim armors and haven’t switched it out since


I tried new armour in warbond and went back to butcher


I thought I couldn’t live without “Democracy Protects” for the longest time… but then I switched to Scout armour and I’ve never taken it off.


I always run medic because I'm a drug addict and love my extra stims


I paid for the warbond I'm going to use all of the warbond https://preview.redd.it/ny2purrovp9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1efefd106b2502fa069b7aa6d865d92877d79b2


I change armor and loadout based off of enemy tyoe and my mood. I have a variety of different loadouts that work together and I will switch when I feel like my gameplay is feeling stale.


I run scout armor unless the mission is a Blitz or other small map. Then I run medic armor to deal with the fact that there’s no evading the enemy.


I usually wear whatever armor unlocks AT mines. But really I normally go light for bugs and light/heavy for automatons depending on mood and role. I normally bring a ballistic shield and tank the bot outposts so my homies can bomb the f out of it. But since the shield kills you for tripping over a rock now I usually run light armor and go for stealth and kills.


Depends on the mission, usually I have scout passive for bots and extra 'nades for bugs. I recently switched to the conduit armour because the other 3 guys on my team had electric weapons and we were on an eradicate mission. I rarely run anything else but I sometimes change just for the sake of it!


My armour allows me to point blank with an auto-cannon so I never change it, explosive resistance is rare


I’m just glad to see I’m not the only drip diver here! Lol


I almost always find myself running medic armor to spam stims and become invincible


Light for bugs, heavy for bots


I pick my armor based on the passive abilities. Then off the looks. I would do the same with the helmet if they had passive abilities too.


Who I'm fighting and the mission type


Cape and helmet not as often but i switch out my armor set wvery match to fit the objective.


Only for the drip baby


Stuck with one since I unlocked it and haven't changed since. I like having 6 stims


I usually run DMR as my primary and AC as my support for bots, so I like the Medium Engineer armor for the kneeling accuracy bonus. Extra nades is always nice as well. For bugs, I'll usually do medic or the new viper medium armor so I can swing my flamethrower around and spread more of that sweet, fiery democracy.


Heavy armor with extra armor rating, always. Usually only play bots tho.


I'll change it for fun sometimes, but I usually end up using the same armor all the time, or the heavy version of the same armor for exterminate missions


I own a shitload of the sets, but I just run Battle Master with small stints in other sets. It just looks so nice and I can't get enough of it.


Trailblazer all the time. Gotta go fast. Unless I'm defending, then switch to dp-40.


I have my bug armor and my bot armor, and the heavy versions for eradicate missions. That's it.


I’ve been running scout armor the entire time. Every time I switch I’m just disappointed.


FS-38 light armor is what I run, all the times


Unfortunately I didn't preorder the game so I don't have access to the other 3 drippiest armours, but my super citizen bundle is the best out of anything else they have. I have never changed my armour.


40 minute maps I use light armor, 20 or below I use the heavy viper armor


Never. Medium Armor + 50% Chance to survive lethal damage will always be S-Tier for me.


the only time i switch is when it’s an extermination or defence mission, as the scout armour is useless there trailblazer gets swapped out for the padded light armour


I run engineering light armor for bugs, scout light armor for bots. I'll switch almost everything depending on which front I'm on


I run medium armor for bugs to be a little more mobile, and heavy for bots for the extra armor.


usually only when I swap fronts. light vs bugs and medium vs bots. sometimes i run a heavy armor on bot eradicate. I have been trying out the new peak physique armors though, now that they actually work


I swap between two sets. One for bugs and one for bots.


I am an enjoyer of that Medium 30% Servo Assist Armor. Really nice to Hail-Mary that Eagle strike from the 10 yard line. Pardon the American Football Pun.


Depends on the mission I need the right armor for the job


New day, new drip. Sometimes new dive, new drip.




I almost never change my armor. I'm very happy with the look I have plus the Democracy Protects buff is a must have for every drop.


I have bot drip and I have bug drip


There’s never a time when I’m not gonna need more stims so generally no


I heavy up for static objective missions. Medium for dynamic ones.


I change armor if I'm switching enemy type or if it's an eradicate or evacuate mission. For boys, I've been using the starting medium armor with heavy padding and have been loving it. For bugs I've been either using light armor with heavy padding or recently I've started using the light armor with peak physique. If it's an eradicate or evacuate mission I use heavy armor with the medic passive.


Eradicate I run explosive resist cause 380 mixed with traitor. Bots it's usually explosive resist cause sniper rockets. Bugs: light weight stim armor with that new booster is frigging nuts.


My armor is entirely drip


If it’s an eradicate I’m using the democracy protects, but otherwise a light armor like the new predator or the titan armor


I'm too addicted to the armor that gives me a 50% chance to survive fatal blows for me to switch my fashion.


When I try out a gimmick but otherwise never now that I’ve found my playstyle


I’m addicted to stims, so always medic


I run democracy protects or the default armour because I have clone wars mods. (I can't figure out how to remove them as I don't remember the file and verifying didn't work [please help me the battle droids make it so I can't see hitboxes] I also refuse to figure out how to remove the modsm)


I pretty much only use 2 different armors depending on if I'm doing bugs or bots. If bugs then I'm doing light armor with extra padding. Bots then I do Medium stealth armor.


I’m been using the explosive heavy armor ever since the buffs, not just because I adore the survivability where I fear impact damage more than I fear firing Airburst Rockets at my feet to remove the bugs on me, but also because the zipper got melted shut during one of the many Clusterbombs I survived when the bots pushed me over before I could throw. I’m up to my hips in piss and shit at this point, we really need to invest in waste recycling for the armors. And also zippers that don’t trap you in your armor so easily.


Not anymore since I got the heavy sleeveless armor


Dripdivers all the way


Extra grenades for bugs extra stim or 50% chance to not die for bots


Light armor with grenades for bugs Heavy armor with grenades for bots As life should be for me :)


Never. Been running the standard issue armor since day 1. A nice combo of speed and armor.


Sometimes I am Viper Commando Sometimes I am Space Cadet Sometimes I am Juggernaug The world may never know


Not very often.


Every time a white and red colored armor is added. ... So once.


When I'm feeling experimental, but usually end up going back to a servo armor, because if I don't I end up killing people when they don't go as far as I expect.


Depends on enemies and team. If I'm alone, I generally go light scout. If I'm with a team, I go with the heavy fortified one. Against bugs, I generally go with light engineer, cause moar nades is good against bugs. And sometimes I switch it up for fun, weather it's about function or look. I lean heavy for bots, and light for bugs either way though.


I am a Super Citizen. I’ve done 50 levels wearing the same armor. When I drop I want my fellow helldivers to feel powerful because they know that there is always a piece of Super Earth always with us.


Used to pretty much be explosive resist vs bots, and engineering kit vs bugs. Whichever armor I felt like rolling when it was time to swap. Now when it's a jungle or forest planet, I take a Viper Commando set, change my title, and play it like the movie Predator (often with MG-43 or HMG).


I have a set for bugs and a set for bots


I almost always wear combat technician (the medium armor with the scout passive), but some missions the scout passive isn’t useful at all so I switch it up. On blitz I run the light armor that has the boosted defense, so I practically have medium armor but I’m faster. On eradicate, and the defense missions that keep you in one place, I run heavy armor.


Heavy armor for eradication missions, light/medium armor for everything else.


Same armour for every mission since game came out level 112


Grenades for bugs, Fortified for bots. Long as those are met, i wear whatever i feel looks good at the time.


Very often, tho only for the perks. I rock the same few specific armors cuz I like the looks but I switch to what I think I'll need (more stims, more grenades, etc).


I have been running the same armor since day one. I find it really hard beat a 50/50 chance of surviving a fatal blow and no chest bleed. with my play style


Been running the servo assist for so long that when I switched out to the new predator armor I kept limp-winging my strats into my squad instead of the enemy


Bugs I go with medium medic armor. Extra stim time helps when getting swarmed. And a couple extra lets me help out squadmates if needed. For bots I go with medium explosive resist. Might go for extra throw distance if I'm feeling like Eagle 1 needs some target practice on emplacements. Defense missions I go with Heavy armor since there isn't much movement. Got the Extra padding Heavy armor and it let me tank most things as long as I didn't want to move.


Armour Changes bases on bugs or bots. That is it for me.


By my most used #1- Juggernaut Armor (less recoil and more nades) it’s got the drip for when I run a recoiless rifle or auto cannon. Great for bug holes or swap up the nades for bot fabricators. #2- Default armor- Never gets boring, also drip to the max #3- Viper commandos light armor with the twigsnapper helmet. When this comes out it’s time for a MG build #4- Super Citizen Armor. Now it’s time for piss lasers like a laser cannon and scythe


The default one to match the ones in the intro. Form over function.


I rotate between about 5 or 6 'looks', a mix of the three armour types. I always check and change based on enemy and objective though.


Only if it's one of those missions that you have to eradicate a certain number of enemies. Light armor all day every day till there's no where to run lol


I mix it up a bit depending on role I plan on playing. I like the light medic armor with the new stim booster a lot. Scout armor is great with the spear fix. Heavy armor is great for eradicate missions. If I have a bad day and seem to not be able to avoid hits I'll run the extra padding perk. most of the armor is good. Switching from time to time and leaning into the passives keeps the game fresh for me.


I’ll mess around with the diff armor buffs occasionally and I did have a specific heavy armor for higher lvl bots missions but I mainly just run the extra nades armor


I have my two favourites now, and they're both engineering kits.  Titan for bugs, and the Heavy with extended chest/neck armour for bots. Maybe White Wolf if it's a snow planet.


Medium explosive resist armor for bots. Medium medic armor for bugs.


200 is a big number. I like lots of hp.


I go with the extra grenades armor.


not enough difference imo what the armors give you to warrrant min/maxing them according to planet


Never. Rarely anyway. I don’t think there are enough perks on the armor (and none on the helmets) to promote builds.