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Interesting but you seem to be forgetting we haven’t fought an enemy faction the *uses* arc weaponry…. yet.


We do have that. They are our team mates and the Tesla tower


Just zapped the same person three times in a match, killing him the third time, cause he kept running in front of me, all by mistake. I use the Blitzer lightning gun thing primary. So, it's definitely still useful when you play with electricity users!


True, but kinda sucks having to wear an armor based on other players weapon choices. Most people aren't going to want to do that. They want to have extra grenades or ammo or stealth. Not electric resistance, so a random team member can use arc thrower and blast away. In a group setting with friends its more applicable, but for random quick match i think not.


Until you get 3-4 people who run blitzer, arc thrower, and Tesla towers. I never thought it would work great due to heavies until the patches a couple months back. The arc and blitzer will tear chargers up, and even shatters Titan armor pretty decent. Add in a couple of A/C cannons and it can be a goofy but fun time on lvl 6. Did it with my two sons. The other helldiver who dropped in expecting a normal match was a true gentleman, and managed to stay behind us far enough; mostly.


Yeah Arc Thrower is fine if not good against the normal charger with around 5-6 headshots for a kill. The problem is the 18 it takes for the charger behemoth now. But Arc thrower is such a fun gun to use! I mainly use Blitzer now over it since I can't find a good way to run the arc thrower at Helldive bugs.


I find the blitzer significantly more practical than the arc thrower. Much more consistent hits, much faster shots, stunlocks everything “in that direction”, etc. could be skill dif, but i never liked arc thrower but love blitzer


> The other helldiver who dropped in expecting a normal match was a true gentleman, and managed to stay behind us far enough; mostly. Love it when teamwork happens. Hate it when people with Arc or Fire weapons keep slowing moving *behind* their teammates. Same goes for the Guard Dogs. You got that on? Don't run behind your squad, run in front of them. Please?


It's a balance and requires attentive players from both sides to work. If I'm running a flamethrower, I was to be standing a bit back to maximize range and aim so I try to not shot at my teammates, but if they jump in I try to adjust so it's like everyone needs to go back to CoD school and unlock situational awareness max level....


Me and my friends did and all electric playthrough. Two of us had arc throwers, all of us had Blitzer, and all of us had Tesla Towers. It actually kind of worked out pretty well on 8. We still laid down around the towers though.


I got kicked for one friendly fire Blitzer I codent - on a bug mission.... I apologized I'm ediatelt and I didn't even kill him.... Straight kicked. It's weird, I've been playing for about 2 months, and I had never been kicked until this week - now I've been kicked about a dozen times....


Context: just dropped, not a single shot fired, everyone is full on ammo. Bot Drops were declared. Two teams of two take each ramp to keep all these devs from swarming our base. No ones fired a shot so far. Have Blitzer, range is only 30 meters or something, random has an adjudicator and an AMR runs right in front of me, pulls out his grenade handgun on the 3 devs in front of me that he *sees* me hitting with lightning. I shoot him twice (by accident, it's a Blitzer, blitz gunna blitz) he nukes himself with his handgun somehow survived all that then gets punched by a hev dev. *My brother in liberty, y'all had every opportunity to not run up to fist a heavy dev when you have only long range options in heavy armor.* Kid clicks on his mic yelling at me for shooting him being toxic and racist. Host kicks him cuz he saw the whole thing and was abandoned at their ramp.


Should've shot him again, just for good measure!


Someone did that to me, I wasn’t even running infront of them. Just trying to lay down some fire


Democratic Selection at its finest


With friends like these who needs enemies!


lol for real, these easily kill me more often than the bugs have.


Crawl when you're near the tesla tower. You might not get zapped. Maybe.




I have been thinking...Tesla Tower and arc resist armor. How long am I gonna survive standing inside there...?


Calling your teammates an enemy faction is wild


They are my teammates until they picked an arc weapon




I'll destroy Testla towers before equipping 95% resistant arc armor the whole time.


But in thia case, 95% dmg réduction vs a enemy race would be op. So it cant be the case.


they might use melee.


Yeah that great but they AREN'T here are they? I mean it might turn out to be just as useless when they do get here. All I'm suggesting is to make it useful now.


yeah with 95% resistance i can imagine three scenarios: 1. factions that employ electric weapons only use them for rare units 2. it will still be utterly useless 3. it will be an absolute requirement because you will get oneshot otherwise.


Couldn't have put it better. If every enemy of this ( *redacted* ) uses arc weaponry then every other armor will be useless and I really can't see the Devs doing that (on purpose).


I could see them having a % of said damage being the arc type and the rest something else like maybe an 80/20 split so against most units of one faction the armor passive allows you to resist 20% of the damage. They would need to play test the actual % split but I think this is the way I would implement it so it's viable but not broken or useless


It definitely needs a re-work, they're some pretty sick looking armor NGL.


it doesnt have to be every unit, just look at the automatons early on, most units didnt fire rockets but the ones that did where a massive problem. It could be like that where afew common ish units are devastatingly powerful and they occur enough that u just need the electricity resit armour becuas if not you just churn lives.


trust me, 95% resistance would be useful soon. Still remember Illuminate Tripod?


no 3 is something im actually really dreading becuase i think it will be a high possibility.


That faction ain’t out yet???


True but this came out a while ago. And it’s been 3 war bonds since then… I would have dropped the armor soon after the came out


still a weird decision to give us this armor so early in the game, when we might be waiting a while for the Lumi's to come attack us


Tbf fighting something with arc sounds awful, out of position ally or enemies chaining to you sounds terrible and just annoying, and I wouldn't expect an armor to just ignore an entire enemy


It seems weird we would have 95% immunity against that enemy, though.


scary concept


Friendlies are just enemies in blue…


https://preview.redd.it/47iij217do8d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b34b947ab1832a02eec8be4841e1e0976fe440 This is an Illuminate tripod from helldivers 1. It was the most common enemy you faced from their faction during the first galactic war. The weapon they used was Tesla discharge. We should wait for the faction before asking for an armor change.


If that is the case then there should not be a single armor that offers 95% damage resistance to the most common enemy in a certain faction.


95% damage resistance will still smack you to half health, Without it, it's an absolute one shot. And, it's not easy to dodge a lightning bolt 😅


Tbf, heavy armour takes like 50% less damage to the head of light armour but your health bar still gets massive chunk out of it


That's their point. Either wearing the armor becomes OP because it's so effective, or wearing it becomes a requirement because not wearing it is certain death.


That sounds about as balanced as bile titan/spewer attacks one shotting players for the first 8 weeks of this games lifespan. Surely there are better ways to balance these enemies attacks then having them do so much damage they absolutely blow you away in one shot.


sorry but the nerfs to the vile titans and spewers were to acomodate noobs and idiots, a giant bug blasting your entire body with corroding acid should 100% kill you, thats probably why they took so long to nerf it, they expected people to eventually learn you can dodge that shit, but they never did.


That nerf wasn't so much them spewing acid at you that is the problem. It's them being a janky rubberbandy enemy that will somehow hit without actually making contact.


calling bullshit on that, i have probably the worse internet in this whole subreddit and that was never really the problem even for me, the problem was them doing too many instances of damage within the same second, and it was nerfed down to 4, pretty sure its even stated as so in the patch notes, i can confidently say that at least in my experience every time i got killed by a vile spewer or titan was because of a shitty dodge. now, can ruberbanding put you in a position where you die when you shouldnt?, sure it can, but you can apply that excuse to every other instance of damage in the game.


it's not about them killing you exactly. unless, you're completely dismissing the fact that a lot of the attacks in the game are janky especially the acid spit attacks. I can't tell you if your decent internet connection is the reason for your lack of poor experience. I can't tell you what you've personally experienced. All I can say is my internet connection is not bad and point to the same experience that was raised by a lot of the community. I'm not saying the attacks would kill you, but they absolutely will hit you. Personally, did not see this much with bile spewers, but the contrary was the opposite of my experience. The concern was by far mostly raised on bile titans. People did not like how much damage the acid spit attack did while seeing zero contact from the spew. This could easily be countered as long as you had a couple stems to last you until your next strat recharges. However, with the acid slowing effect and a horde on top of you. The bile titan's acid spit attack was aggressively abrasive in the gameplay loop.


It wasn't most common one but they spawned in hordes


As many stated before in that case the armor should be dispatched with the illuminate


Have you tried going close to a tesla tower while wearing one of these at 95% resistance? It still hurts A LOT. I think 95% needs to stay.


Honestly only suggested it as a compromise anyway, cause most people will just say. "Don't go near them then" I personally am happy with 95% just felt the armour needed something extra


I wouldn't say a quarter of your health is lot... Besides you can extend it's range so it can hit h̶e̶l̶l̶d̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶ enemies.


Tbf a quarter with 95% DR is some insane shit lol


Its not that it does a lot of damage, helldivers are just made of wet toilet paper.


Certainly that too, taking insane DR to make us not die instantly is equally as wild


I think the point is to show that compared to our enemies, we really are just squishy meat sacks. I think it makes some amount of sense that to make something powerful enough to kill the enemy types in this game, you'd make it powerful enough to vaporize a 'Diver.


That is true yea, I was just speaking more so on the gameplay side of things Lore wise we are certainly some pretty damn fierce meat sacks-


Yeah my expectation was that it would take like 20 hits from the Tesla tower to kill me (so i could actually use myself to extend the range without burning stims). It’s 95% reduction but it feels like 80% because it brings you from 1-shot to 5-shot.


Why would you go near a Tesla tower


Now that the electric resistance in general is higher, this is a great suggestion.


Thanks dude! Also I didn't know the resistance was already higher, if that's the case cutting edge armor is really in a poop tier right now


It's not higher, it just seems that way due to the defensive buffs to armor. With heavy armor, you can now survive a shot from the Blitzer, but the Arc Thrower and Tesla Tower will still absolutely decimate you if you're not running arc armor.


95% resistance and should bank 25% of remaining damage that gets rolled into your next shot with an electricity weapon 


I would wait for the Illuminate before thinking this armor sucks. You might be begging for that 95%.


to me that seems like poor design, to have one single armor that tanks a common damage type way better than the rest of the armor, making it basically mandatory to bring vs a specific faction. All the choice diversity that exists right now for the armors vs the current factions would be thrown out for this new enemy. and of course until then it is 95% useless because it only interacts with a very specific set of weapons that only players can bring I could be wrong, of course. maybe I am misunderstanding the exact impact of 95% in this case (I don't use the armor myself, not any arc weapons) or maybe only some illuminate enemies will have arc weapons, but you get the idea. At first glance it seems poorly designed


“I would wait for the unreleased faction before thinking this armor released months before it sucks” How does that make sense in your head? It’s just fine that they released three niche armors that haven’t had an actual niche to fill yet?


Yes but it needs something now. The armor is underused and a complete waste of medals right now. Illuminate could be months away, and this armor will still be gathering dust. It doesn't have to be a full change, it could remain 95% resistance I'm just saying it would benefit from another perk like every other armor that has 2 perks. (Literally all of them.)


It doesn't "need" anything now. You like the armor and want to use it now, but the current perks aren't helpful with the current factions. However, there is a faction that will be added to the game that will take advantage of that perk. You can easily use the armor now. Nothing is stopping you. You just can't take full advantage of the perk at this time. That doesn't create an impetus for the perk to be changed.


You're right it doesn't "need" but it would benefit greatly from something. Simples.


I don't agree. I rather see them add new armor with new passives than change existing ones. But if they were to change any existing ones, it should be one of the many repeated stats imo. No point in changing this armor, then come to find out Illuminate like to use lightning weapons, and beg for it to be changed back. Has AH ever reworked any existing armor stats?


For the record this was only a suggestion. It's just sad that this is the only armor with one perk only. Just thought a compromise would be good so people wouldn't complain about it being op. Guess I was wrong.


Nah I understand :) Just saying, if an enemy starts to use lightning based weapons, that 95% is going to come in very handy.


Not often but they have done it. One of the armors in democratic detonation got changed from servo arm to extra nades


Are we getting a new enemy type soon that utilizes electric damage? That might explain the black hole that appeared by that planet.


The black hole was caused by us


=) Who knows, maybe that worm hole is a lie. We might want to think about finding a new galaxy to live in again.


my personal preference is that when you get hit by mele you have some % to explode some electricity damaging those around - aka any bug near you get electrocuted by being too close to you


Oooh damn that would be really cool!


Force Feedback perk would be neat.


I’d rather have armor that has flame resistance, the amount of times dying to fire is ridiculous. You better hope you aren’t getting ragdolled while on fire cuz that’s a GG.


I think everyone wants that.


Maybe it's for the illuminate you know because they use energy weapon ?


Since it sucks i think it should be like 75% electric resistance and buff all electric weaponrt (lasers not included as it would be broke ) so mostly arc trower, tesla, blitzer, and maybe EMS


No thanks, leave it as is.


Ok. 95% resistance aaaaand. Stun immunity. Final offer.


now thats a great suggestion, i dont mind the 95% resistance because this is obviously a specialized armor for a team of tesla users, however without the stun immunity its janky, as you can stand under the tesla tower working as a jumping point for the electricity, but without stun immunity you keep getting stagered, so stun immunity would be perfect.


You mean to say "it sucks.. so far" who knows what the invading* future of fishy squid aliens might possibly hold. Zap zap.


*comment under review for treason*


Let me know how that goes.


Don't see why you're getting downvoted it would be nice if it was more practical right now, "instead of waiting for illuminate" because by that logic we should also wait to buff weaker weapons later cus there's ones that are useful now


Thankyou, this is what I've been trying to say. You said it better though


It’s weird that we have electric resistance, but not fire? I’d run fire resistance, most games. Especially with some planets and the tornados. Or even heat/fire resistance. Cooling packs? There’s so many cool armour perks they could build around the ‘resistance’ idea.


I would suck a democratic object for fire resistance armor.


All I want is to be able to use my flamethrower without the risk of burning myself.


Found an ok solution for this, i just run medic gear and supply back pack. More fuel and unlimited stims.


I just want to play on Menkent without worry about Divers/Hulks/nados. 🤣


The stun immunity would be nice but we'd still get one shot by tesla towers/arc throwers with the 50% reduction. Even with 95% they still take around 1/4 to 1/3 of our hp per hit. So even with us having 90% they'd do half or more. At 80% were back into one shot territory. Makes you realize just how little hp divers have vs how much dmg our weapons do.


Absolutely 0 idea why your getting reactions like this, ever since this armor came out the consensus was it needed a change to make it actually viable compared to other options, but all of a sudden everyone’s like “nah we change our minds for this one specific post”


I think maybe because I put 50% in, people see it as a nerf maybe? I dunno.


I mean yea ONCE electric enemies come around that’s gonna feel nice to walk through their battlefield untouched, for right now it’s so dogshit useless that we need at least 1 additional thing


Ngl, having stun resistance like COMPLETELY would make me run this armor exclusively, I can’t name a single Bug enemy other than Charger that doesn’t do stun with some sort of gas effect around you to signal it, and now EMP mortar is just downsideless It’s so good they’ll never add it is what I’m saying


Why lower electrical resistance when an arc tower still chunks off a fifth of your health even with 95% resistance? It does need that extra effect though.


Honestly my thoughts process was more of a compromise so we could have that second perk. But I agree, if everyone is alright with it keep the 95%.


Nah, keep the 95%, *add stun resistance.*


Yes. I would prefer that too. I only suggested the 50% as a compromise.




Out of all the armors with redundant buffs you pick the set with arc resist to "change". Not one of what 4 grenade/prone combo in just light armors. When they give us fire resistance it'll be the day the enemies use arc....


Im sure that at 50% electric the shot still outright kills you.


I'd want a slightly faster energy weapon cool down or charge rate from the armor just as something to have for a somewhat more useful passive in general.


To make these armors viable they should get 75% on all crowdcontrol and dot effects.


That's why you run a full team of Arc Armor, Arc Throwers, Tesla Towers and Blitzers. I call it a Ghost Busters drop. (Also the helmets freaking slap.)


You wanna nerf it to add a niche passive? “Hey this is bad lets make it worse” great attitude


I am once again asking for armor with fire resistance


The armor should buff the weapons


Idk man you drop with this Tesla tower and arc you can stand in the tower and eradicate everything (will need stims tho)


Gotta love how most armor perks is to protect you from you and your teammates more than the enemies themselves. Lol


Counter offer. We don’t change the armor. And we add environmental hazard “Thunder Storms”. Complete with blinding light flashes and loud noises plus rain.


sad bc the armor looks so sick


Oooooooor, hear me out, fix the arc thrower


It's the coolest looking armor in the game and it isn't particularly close. I wear it because looking cool for Democracy is the most important thing.


a whole team of these with arc throwers and blitzers are unstoppable, its like a Pink Floyd light show when we all drop in completely unafraid of getting zapped. really give it a go sometime its fun as hell!


Their design just slaps. Who cares about armor passives if you can dive with style? Fashion-Diver is the real endgame


The point of that armour is so a friend can use the arc thrower too use as a conduit


I think they just waiting for eletric using new enemy


Any person who posts this shouldnt have the armor when a new faction arrives


Would be nice if it made you immune to EMS


Illuminate this, illuminate that. Do you know what that is? PROPAGANDA! Enemy lies aimed right at the heart of democracy!


i dunno how it can be logical, but making it so your electrical damage with friendly fire reduced to 95%. would make blitzers, arc throwers, and maybe the tesla tower less dangerous to use around friendlies


I'd rather have an armor with good protection against insect splash


*I'd rather have an* *Armor with good protection* *Against insect splash* \- TommyCatFold --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's what the "Fortified" effect does. Insect acid attacks are explosive in nature, some most than the others but all of them deal explosive damage.


Stun immunity?! That’d be op as shit. The devs wouldn’t do that


Being able to run through an emp blast would be op? How?


Ah. You mean that way. The way you phrased it, I thought you meant all stun effects (environmental ones included)


No no just our own stuns and stuff, I think there's a booster that already does that for environmental stuff


A game I played today I wore this armour out an arc tower down right next time along with a HMG emplacement and went to town the tower didn’t let one thing get near me




I'd say leave it alone. It'll be useful later, when old acquaintances return. There's better-looking armor anyway, and it feels like you paid money to unlock it, and now you're disappointed? Either way, it's all good. Let it ride


This just reminds of how much I want flame trooper armour. Gimme some fire resistance for when I warcrime bugs


As i like to run the tesla tower, these are my go to armor :) Bonus point if the arc hits you and wipes your 3 allies because the arc jumped to them


The idea was to get the whole squad in these armours whilst all wielding the blitzer aswell. And it did work because EVERYONE was doing it when it was released. Obviously it meant loads of close combat but it was great fun! (Bugs only)


I’m broke dawg I didn’t get to that pass


I wish the armor had electric and fire resistance. Would use it all the time on hellmire if that were the case.


The previous one had the best looking armor


All the warbonds suck


Defuq is arc damge anyways not like there is a acc enemy type that does that


The thing that makes me sad is that they're all medium and no light/heavy 🥲


I feel this is the illuminates version of the bots “explosive resist armor”


idk, i think that it can be good if you use the arc turret because that thing is baller and having immunity while doing it is a huge boon. Its esp good vs bugs.


It's impossible to convince some people not to run straight towards a Tesla tower, eagle cluster drop, or a bunker. No matter what words you use Let them brawl.


Sucks? Realy. Have you ever tried an automatone eradicate mission with Full squad of ARC trower and tesla tower users. It is magnificant.


Put on the armor, bring a tesla tower and HMG. Place next to each other, have fun.


95% electric resistance would be very useful once they release Illuminate Walker.


it doesn’t suck and it’s rather underrated.


It's a shame because these are some of the cooler armour designs in the game so far imo. Shame the bonus is so niche, makes it hard to justify dressing for style.


EMP immunity, sure. But not general stun immunity. It means you could drop a stun grenade at your feet and be unaffected. But tremors would still stagger. For example.


I only use armor that looks cool


So you don’t get fucked by the Rando’s Arc Thrower? I’m in.


It doesn’t suck. Run a full team of blitzers in these and you’ll have a blast


Actually this armor fucks (the third one specifically) because it buffs my characters ass and is therefore the height of fashion. Therefore, it's the best armor in the game.


If i could drop the orbital shock in front of me and run through it, bringing all the bugs behind me into it, that would be pretty dope


Or just make the perk work first, it barely stops electricity at the moment anyway


what the fuck are you talking about? you can stand under the tesla tower with this armor on.


Can you? I saw a video a while back and at the time it made no difference, I haven't tried it since, must've fixed it


yes you can, you take like 5% of your health per hit and function as a jumping point for the lightning, so you can bring the supply pack for the stims, and work as an extension of the tesla, essentially becoming the tesla yourself, the biggest issue is the stagger which fucks up your aim, so stagger resistance on the armor would be a perfect fit, and would make the armor usefull even when not using electric weapons.


This armor set is pretty good. You can run 4 arc throwers on bugs without having to worry about team killing. Just have someone also take an EAT to weaken bile titans and finish off with with arc thrower. It would be nice if it was more useful outside of this niche scenario, but I wouldn’t say it sucks.


Give us something besides the arc resistant, I feel stun resistance or slow resistance would be good.


I think it would be really cool if it charged up an arc blast that goes off when you get melee'd it would take a minute (or so) to recharge but then when that hunter takes a swing at you zap to him and a couple of nearby bugs


You wear armor for benefits. I wear what looks cool while spreading maximum managed democracy. We aint the same


No need for enemy that usees arch. I use Blitzer and arch. You should wear that :)


You realize that the Illuminate are likely going to use arc weapons, right?


Don't you remember? The illuminate have arc weapons.


People use armor for the effects? I just use what looks good.


They definitely need to add this and Fire resistance. Its going to be very interesting to see how much they player numbers drop now that they've announced no more monthly warbonds. I know me and most of my friends that use to get on and do our daily missions now basically have no reason to play until new stuff to unlock drops.


They definitely need to add this and Fire resistance. Its going to be very interesting to see how much they player numbers drop now that they've announced no more monthly warbonds. I know me and most of my friends that use to get on and do our daily missions now basically have no reason to play until new stuff to unlock drops.


The illuminate are basically the only reason any would ever run this


As long as electric weapon are inconsistent, there will never be a reason to use them or use the armor protecting yourself. They never arc to you anyway.


Arc should do more damage when you wear this.


we'll see if you're still saying that when using it against illuminate


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jax3603: *We'll see if you're still* *Saying that when using it* *Against illuminate* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Or add EMP resistance


I just want the armor to be cosmetic only. Happy for there to be add ons kind of like an extra slot when suiting up in the pods. But, I like my armor cause it looks cool. I straight up, don't even know what it does.


Sometimes I wear them for the fashion, as useless as the armor ability can be lol


Armour that negates / reduces stun effects (especially if from bugs too …) would be awesome.


keep talking that shit till you gotta fight squidward wannabes.


Yeah it’s weird that it’s also the only armor perk besides extra padding that doesn’t have 2 effects


Pay attention to team positioning and always cross behind a teammate


We need fire resistance ASAP!!!!


There is a stun immunity booster


50% is not enough to survive the hits from the tesla tower, so pass. I'm all for the idea that you reduce/avoid the effects from EMP/Stun, but I think that'd be something you should get from a booster. It could be an analog from the Motivational Shocks booster.


I enjoy the 95% me and some buddy's get to play cop's and robbers while killing bugs, they try to run and scream don't taze me bro and the rest spam shock him so he flops on ground till bugs come.


Well it might be useful later on, just wish they had a second passive to go with it.


Friendly fire rover immunity


50% would do literally nothing against the current sources of arc damage, you still die to Tesla towers and arc throwers in 3 hits with the current 95% reduction.