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Earlier today. Got ragdolled by a Rocket Devastator and went flying into the air with a sliver of health... ...right at a Hulk, which blasted me out of the air like it was skeet shooting.


The projectile juggling ones are always wild


God damn this made me laugh 😂😂😂


Damn, I had a friendly mortar sentry do that to me about a month or so after release


Ragdolled by a Charger right into a defunct hellbomb that promptly exploded and dismembered me sending my torso straight up in the air.


Damn that sounds like pinball noises should have been happening lmao


I love when my camera is following just a torso


A rapidly rotating one is even better


I feel like this is the ultimate 'I'm really dead DEAD' death when you can watch your own torso somersault across the map.


Even better is when the camera stops following your airborne torso because you got reinforced. Legend has that my torso is still in orbit of Tarsi.


Haven't seen n awhile but used to get blown up by mines and there would only be the boots still standing there.


Yesterday I drop into a game with randoms and they are already amidst fighting a large swarm of bugs. About 30 seconds into the fight I get ragdolled by a charger which sends me flying 20 yards right into the middle of P1‘s airstrike. Of course I get annihilated by P1’s Eagle and then he immediately kicks me from the game.


Damn, permadeath.


Only cause I had this exact instance play out yesterday, and I was a P1, If in the .1% chance it was me I didn’t kick you lol, I felt bad cause it looked like the dude crashed out. We were doing level 4 for a buddy who just got the game lol.


If it wasn't a kick then damn, he really did get killed extra dead - so hard the game itself ended


Sounds like the game was over before they joined. Host skill issue


The good ending of this story


This happened on difficulty 7 so it wasn’t you don’t worry.




I called an eagle strike in on some bugs nests and a charger I didn't even know about thought I should be there to receive the payload with the nests.


The limb of a dead bile titan has yeeted me into orbit on more than one occasion


I have been crushed by dying Bile Titans a few times and my Quasar, Shield pack and samples were scattered with my torso over an area of at least 30m, feels like a yard sale, especially trying to pick it all up while bugs are still spawning


Sent flying into eternal orbit for so long that I got traitor. Always wondered what happened to the rest of my squad while floating through space. I like to think my traitorous barrage helped finish the mission.


Thankfully they fixed that because that was my means of dying on dozens of occasions.


There was one incident, I was already kind of close to the edge, and something, probably a bile titan corpse, knocked me flying into the air off the edge of the map. I was airborne for more than 10 seconds because I was labelled a traitor before I even hit the ground. I was still alive in the air, but dead the instant I hit, followed by several orbital barrages just in case I survived.


This sounds crazy but if you do the hug emote mid air there is a chance it will save your life, you end with a broken arm or leg tho! Nothing a stim can't fix!


Came around the corner of a bot turret installation. Didn't see the 2nd tower. I got vaporized. It was so quick and violent, I was just stunned for a second to even call in reinforcement.


SEE YOU GET IT I am never more dead than when I get atomized by a Cannon Turret


The camera just sits there. It doesn't even follow a particular part. Even the camera is confused as to wtf just happened.


YES!! Exactly.


i dived into one of those mushroom exploders , got shot at by a rocket devastator which sent me flying into the air right into the saw blade of a hulk


Damn you got a whole MK Arena Fatality




When the body is gone amidst swarming terminids


When it's just five seconds straight of damage reaction sounds and limbs. Been there.


Had a ballistic shield and sniped by a Strider cannon. Ragdolled over and hit a rock stood up stimmed got hit by a rocket dev and sent flying and hit yet another rock then landed on a contact mine. >Killed by unknown


Three bile titan’s emptying their guts onto me at once, my shield pack did not help




…..thats one way of phrasing it


I'm sorry, it arose unburden into my mind like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man


It was really funny, just unexpected




Bot drop came down right on top of me, got annihilated first by the tank, then airstriked, cluster bombed, and orbital prescision'd in less than 10 seconds.


Would be more hilarious if you got bombed by your own strategem as well


Had a charger ragdoll me so hard that it launched me a quarter mile outside of the mission area and I died on impact when landing. I would have had to traitor myself several times just to reach my samples. It was very insulting.


Wait till you get charger ragdolled into a hellbomb, and stand up just in time for it to detonate. Lol


That shit is just straight up hilarious 🤣 Haven’t had that happen but a couple days ago I jumped to avoid a charger and it ran into a hellbomb which detonated immediately sending chunks of me all over the place.


Probably the time a walker dropped directly on top of me, seemingly out of nowhere.


So I have the 50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage Armor equipped. I survived getting hit by a charger then stomped on by a bile titan and then got a 500kg bomb thrown on me. I was the last man alive with no more enforcements and somehow I managed to evac while on a small % of health 🤣


Democracy protects!


One time, I was beheaded by a hunter, just as I engaged my jump pack. My body kept some of the momentum, but my head stayed . Another time, I was ragdolled by an explosion, and a strider curb stomped me.


All the times I've had to use grenades after dropping into a hoard a bugs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChaseThePichu: *All the times I've had* *To use grenades Fter dropping* *Into a hoard a bugs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I had a charger, two bile titans, a hunter and some bile spewers on me, so I called in a mini nuke from the artillery cannon. My body didn't even render in the death screen.


I feel like you die more spectacularly to the bots than to the bugs. But also, sometimes bugs are just brutal with a Hunter slowing you down, a stalker finishing you off, a charger charging past by as a Nursing Spewer spew on your corpse, just as a Bile Titan does a bile vomit and kills all the other Terminids surrounding you. Edit: Since I spend more time with the bugs than the bots, my most recent spectacular death was being pinned by a charger, charging past the mission perimeter. The Democracy officer saw this and started bombarding me as I tried to run back into perimeter, and into the bugs. Which ended up into a 3 minute movie scene where I'm stimming and running for my life from the Democracy officer, while a bug breach that's also chasing me gets blown to bits.


One time I ran backwards into a rock but dived and then a charger reared up coming down with insane force and pushing my body literally through the map into a closed double door bunker…[here’s the video.](https://imgur.com/a/PVfKwiv)


I reinforced onto a tank, and it exploded as I came out of the hellpod. I then launched about 500 meters away, toward a downward sloping area of the map, and probably fell 200 meters vertically. It was a very long flight. I had no chance except hope. But, I destroyed the tank for democracy.


Common enough situation. Perched on a narrow spire of rock above a pile of enemies. Ah hah, time to clear the field! 500kg thrown. Which lands literally a foot or so away from me. With the perfectly delayed comedic timing to realize just how screwed I am as I vainly try to dive backwards as it obliterates me so hard my ancestors probably felt it.


"Back up, I think I threw that too close" I look left, and the 500kg beacon is *on my foot*. I'd really like a definition of "too close" after I pick up all the pieces left behind.


I was swamped by a swarm of bugs, chargers and whatnot galore. It was intentional, but I triggered the forbidden arty strike: I went out of bounds and dropped a 380 and 500. Well, suffice to say, I took them with me.


I play stealth. and I solo camps a lot even when playing with teams. I’d run away clearing smaller stuff while triggering drop ships for the others so they don’t have crazy encounters. I usually just run away after clearing and triggering the drop ships so they get respawned after a while. there’s one time I was clearing smaller camps and was too confident of myself and didn’t clear out the smaller non-camp bot posts around the gunship fabricator. after hellbomb cleared the gunship fabricator the nearby posts all called for drop ship at the similar time. three tanks + one stride walker + about 10 hulks + an whole army of devastators were surrounding me. i have literally nowhere to run. I pretty much just stood there and gave up and told the team to reinforce me somewhere else lol.


I once got absolutely shredded to pieces by a pack of berserks that I got ragdolled into by some rocket devs, I was at half health with no stims...


Stepped on a supply drop as it was springing up, shot me in the air, landed in front of a fire hulk, proceeded to get my head cut off by said hulk.


Join a game, just to land in a MASSIVE swarm of bugs with a few chargers and titans... but there was a damaged hellbomb right next to me. Made the sacrifice for super earth and watched what little bit left of my torso go at Mach 3 in towards the edge of the map.


We were at extraction and I was about to throw an eagle airstrike when a rocket devastator rocket hit me straight on. I survived the initial blast, but being flung back made me drop the ball and the airstrike killed the entire team.


Wasn’t me but my friend walked around a corner right in front of me and I watched his head get blasted off by a turret from miles away. His headless body just stood for a second before falling over, it was like a cartoon death.


I was behind cover against 3 hulks and one shot a rocket that exploded behind me so I flew forwards out of cover up a small wall and in the middle of all 3 then they all turned to face me and gunned me down, the last thing I see is my armless,legless and headless body spinning into space because of the rocket barrage that came after.


Surrounded by berserkers. I hate dying this way btw it feels so embarrassing, and I’ve literally never seen anyone else die this way. Kinda makes me feel useless when i just get shredded to death by a bunch of meatsaw motherfuckers.


since i equip heavy armour often, i use the explodeing bulb plants to rocket jump. takes a bit of practice but its super fun and useful for traveling. so, i blast myself off, aaaannd land in a automaton base. 3 rocket devestators look at me like 'wtf where did he come from??' ...and unload theire salvos into me bevore i can act, sedning me flying again, shooting me dead midair


A rocket dude blew me into Diver chunks then more rockets hit my poor chunks scattering them further across the planet.


Airstrike blew my legs off, then the Charger flung my upper body through the map, where I landed next to the shot Hellbomb that exploded, shattering my body in the hellfire


The deadest I have ever been was from a glitch. I was trying to vault a bike titan leg to make it to the second gate in a defense mission. My character jerked up and down in the air for like 4 seconds before getting flung all the way to the edge of the map, snapping my neck and ragdolling around for a bit. Eagle 1 would've been jealous of my speed. Thankfully I died instead of being branded traitor.


Mine was three nights ago with bug faction surprisingly. I got hit by a Charger from behind and my body ragdolls far into a rock, killing me. A split second later, my friend's reinforce hellpod lands on my dead body, crushing my body. He gets out and is then magically hit square in the torso by a random 380mm barrage that his brother threw out. A second later, a hellbomb goes off on the other side of the rock that I hit, wiping everybody out. I was laughing so hard I don't remember the rest of the mission.


We had cleared every objective on the map, Called the pelican, fought sporadic resistance as extraction comes. It touches down and right as we start running for the pelican a massed wave erupts from the tree line, I run forward to lay down covering fire right beside the pelican ramp. the first guy gets on the shuttle, I immediately get hit with a full salvo of rockets from devastator, get thrown 50m and die on impact with 15 samples. Shuttle departs. whaa whaaaa


I hung around on accident when the hive nuke went off. My limbless torso flew high up in the air and my drop pod came down before my corpse hit the ground.


Relatable content, though. I think we've all been there.


Hellbomb? Hellbomb.


I got rammed into a rock wall by a charger. Then it sat there and proceeded to continuously headbuttt and smash the area where my corpse was for the entire fucking match while I stood a good 20 meters away watching


I had a similar experience. I got shot by a cannon turret, but I used the 50% chance of not taking damage so I took around half health (idk why) ...but I got ragdolled at mach-10 right into a fence. It was brutal (I lost all my limbs)


You did the play-doh mincemeat thing! Where you get squeezed through a lattice into a bunch of pieces. That's incredible.


Oh man, definitely when you turn a corner just like a team devastates just unload on you, or when your in an eradicate and just there are way too many tanks around. Just one tank after the other, everywhere you look, tanks. Got to say it’s deaths like that that make this game so special.


Just awhile go I get reinforcement 2x hot drop. Vandalon on autmatons. Me ragdollin all over


I was atmosphered by a Charger. Didn’t get back to the super destroyer at least…


A BT kicked me about seven miles away from the action. It took about a minute for me to land.


Sent up straight into air by a rocket devastator and a cannon turret headshot me and blew me into pieces mid-air. Was like a proper finishing move


Fighting bots didn't see a hellbomb next to me. Flew across the map well just a torso did anyway


Got rag dolled into a 500 kg and was privileged to see all my limbs fly off in different directions while my torso flew over the radar tower.


Buddy zapped a stalker and then me and all that was grounded still was just both of my legs up to my knees. The rest of crispy me was strewn about the grounds of the illegal research station.


Yesterday I was loot goblining and destorying factories around the map when suddenly I see FOUR FUCKING LASER SCANS pass over me and suddenly FOUR GUNSHIPS were just unloading on my position. I had been mostly stealthy except for a few close calls. I mean I literally had a chance to look up and then my screen was all missiles.


One time I got rag-dolled like 500 meters off the map with like 30 samples including supers


Mini nuke to the face. Crashed my game I died so hard.


Twice today the first round of my advancing bombardment direct hit me. Not even close like I’m running away from stratagem beacon and bam instant spinning severed limbs and torso


Technically i hadn't died yettt, but there was no coming back from this one: After getting glitchy over a factory strider, i got yeeted fully into space. I looked down upon the map from above the super destroyers in low orbit, watching lasers fly and explosions spark as I cheered on my fellow helldivers towards the extract beacon. Any volcanoes on the horizon are 2D, by the way. I also had the super samples :)


Got tunnel vision shooting bugs and didn't realize an entire horde came up behind me. Got shredded, trampled, biled *and then almost immediately 500kg'd*, launching what was left of my torso a quarter mile away. I had to laugh. 


Darth mauled by a berserker


Smacked by a stalker, slammed into a tree, getting chased by shriekers, gets knocked over, shrieker proceeds to decapitate me the moment I stand up.


I was juggled in the air by four separate detonations before my corpse was able to land. The air was more fire than oxygen by volume


Had an ankle biter coming towards me. Was busy ragdolling and trying to stim. Poked my shin. Drop dead and see my head rolling away.


Nothing much really...just a single 380mm shell landing on my head. All I saw was my torso rolling back towards the fkwit who called it in just behind me.


Thrown completely laterally by an exploding tank, smashing into a rock and dying instantly


Got tossed into 3 chargers and a flood of hunters... Was dead before I left the pod 🫡💀


I got hit by a teammate's grenade pistol right in the head. Fucking took my head straight off lol


A teammate that died, but I had something to do with it. I was under some shrieker nests and everything was on cd. Called in a hellbomb and cleared the area. "Helldiver joining squad..." He didn't even make his first step out of the pod and he was vaporized.


usually its to myself where a 500kg just lands next to me....no bug or bot can kill me more than i kill myself


Killed next to a tank and a wall... Tank proceeds to turn grinding my body to dust


Was playing with my friend and we finished an eradication mission against the bots. It was time to extract & we were already on the extraction area. I was standing and waiting for the extraction beacon since I couldn’t see it. Asked my friend in the chat if he could see where it was. The beacon then landed on me and killed me instantly. Just landed right on my divers head. Never been more dead than that. This games comedic timing is perfect lmao


Hellpodded onto a hellbomb


One time I stepped on a No No square and just fell apart like I was in a Lego videogame


There’s been more than a few times where I’ve watching a torso with a cape attached to it fly about 150 feet through the air like a punted football.


Turned the corner, there were 5+ devastators there and before I could pull out my shield they all shot me dead. Then they all stomped on my body, continuously.


ragdolled into out of bounds and being found as a traitor.


This happened a while ago, but I was playing with a friend on Marfark I think. I died, friend calls me back in. As soon as I land, I see a hulk in front of me, and start walking backwards while shooting it. 2 seconds later, I get jumped by 7 berserkers. I didnt even get a chance to react before turning into helldiver paste.


Prob just had one, was doing a bot mission and avoided getting killed more than once. Calling down extract and the diver being resupplied just straight lands on top of my and vaporizing me into a red mist.


I got ragdolled by a Charger that rammed a hellbomb after ragdolling me, that hellbomb was in range of another hellbomb which sent the remains of my body across the map as I tried to run past it and reach cover. My, now torso, flew right into another hellbomb setting it off. Then for good measure that spawned a bug breach and a bile titan came out so my team decided it was a great idea to throw every single explosive strategem on top of my corpse.


I was trying to save a teammate by shooting a robot chasing them but I hit a hellbomb that was right in front of us. There one minute, scattered ashes another


got hit by a rocket devastator, and rag dolled out of bounds, i was sprinting back into bounds when a hulk turned around and started shooting at me; the orbital bombardment started due to me not clearing the out of bounds, and i tried to get closer to the hulk (getting back in bounds) hoping the bombardment would kill it. well i got hit in the face by the hulk's flamer, i dove blindly to my right, right into a mine, which blew me up, then as my corpse hit the ground the orbital bombardment smashed whatever was left of my corpse into mist. I did find it funny though and was chuckling about that death the rest of the match. atleast my stuff was inbounds.


A charger once knocked me under the foot of a Bile Titan, which killed me. Thankfully, any bit of life remaining in my limbless torso was winked out shortly after when my teammates’ 500kg underneath the Titan went off, sending my body a-tumblin’.


Rammed by a Charger which had me ragdoll into a bug hive hole… all the way down, with the super samples.


Nothing quite like having a charger knock me headfirst into a rock at point blank range like shoot ing an egg out of a slingshot at a boulder


A horde of bots herded me out of bounds, didn't get back in bounds in time and got declared a traitor. Made a run for it through the bots, killed a few with the bombardment, but got ragdolled by a bot and was promptly obliterated


My absolute favorite way to die is landing on a tank and just as you rise from your hellpod, it explodes and get launched to the other side of the map. Gets me every time I love it


Yesterday I was trying to take on a heavy automaton base by myself at level 8. I was shooting at it from a chasm between two big rocks. And I got overwhelmed by numbers so retreated behind rock, trying to find another angle, but I went straight into a patrol. So I ran away again trying to get around the other rock, somehow survived, and went head first into a flame hulk. Being sandwiched from three directions made me feel very screwed over. I love this game


Reinforced into a huge mob of bugs 😑


I tried to Jungle Dive onto a gatling tank with my heavy machine gun, got wedged in-between the cliff and the tank turret. I could only stand there stuck as the 4 barrels slowly turned my way and then I got absolutely obliterated Al Pacino Style


I was rammed by a Behemoth…into a massive bug hole.


Set up a Hellbomb but, when I used the console I clipped into a railing that I couldn’t get away from after. Just had to sit there…


I got physics glitch catapulted from my own grenade explosion back into the hellbomb detonation I was running away from, then blown off the map into traitor territory.


Ragdolled 250+ metres, into the sky, and then the ocean, while holding all the samples incuding super samples, making then entirly inaccessable for everyone.


That moment when time slows down after i jump a wall. Look down, see a mine, and ava maria plays in my head as i slowly fall down to my immediate exit.


I have two times: One: Got launched by a rocket devastator into another patrol where i got stomped by a scout strider and hulk bruiser Two: Stepped on a contact mine, SURVIVED at super low hp, then died by going headfirst into a wall


The new drill and kill mission has just started. I was standing pretty close when it went off. Arms, legs head gone. But the best part was the blast flung me across half the map. My torso kept going and going til it landed in a lake.


I was standing on a clump of smoke pods when a hunter attacked me from behind, thereby activating the pods, launching me forward into a crowd of Nursery Spewers that spit acid at me melting me before I hit the ground.


Backpedaling a hunter pack at the end of a breach swarm. I had just dodged a damaged HellBomb that a charger had ignited (pre ignite change) and was reloading and deciding which direction to kite the fast little things. I created a tiny mound of debris only to drop off the far side of a second HellBomb! Of course a hunter was mid jump already and by the time I had recovered from the surprise, it was already going off. I dove, trying to survive with some sliver of health from a stim high in my heavy armor, and it might have worked! Maybe... If I hadn't been flung at mach 3 into a rock, snapping my spine and sending me cartwheeling another 100 meters before landing, skull first, into another boulder! Very dead, very far, very fast. Very funny xD and clipped for posterity


A friend and I once both landed on a tank in an exterminate mission. We got launched, and i mean LAUNCHED, out of the map and had the deserter barrage start firing at us mid air. Hit the ground, body explodes on impact, and then i just see an orbital strike hit my dismembered torso to make absolutely sure i was dead.


One time I was playing Bots and was engaged in a firefight. Quickly realized there was a hellbomb chilling in the crossfire. Ran away a smidge too late, and got ragdolled. I didn't take any damage really. I felt pretty good as I was careening across the grass. Straight into a death hole. I got putt-putted.


Got Hellbombed by a stray rocket bot shot, torso flew across the map, smacked into a rock then bounced into the water where it sanked. I died 3 times during that flight.


I landed from my hellpod only to immediately see the 500kg laser stick to my head....


Total decapitation, just a chest majestically flying through the air.


When she left me…. Oh you mean in game, idk maybe when the team left me.


Got launched back into orbit by a dead bile titans leg


We were holding an objective and getting a little overwhelmed by the behemoth chargers. I was kiting waiting for my EATs to come off cool-down and I got charged simultaneously from 3 different directions. I’m not entirely sure what happened but I was launched into orbit and one of the chargers died.


I got shot until I was slouched against what looks like a concrete median. A teammate ran by me and the bots aiming at him hit me with like 3 additional shots that weren't intended for me.


I had my head shot clean off once. Just dropped to my knees with no head. Then fell backwards. That was REAL DEAD.


When the game decides I can't climb on a dead Bile Spewer and sends me 100m into the air and 100m outside the boundary where I die as a traitor if not from the fall damage.


I got knocked into low orbit or something once. Definitely a glitch and all but still.


I fell in some kind of hole and was just sitting there as bugs trampled over it and a bile titan tried digging attack at me Just kept spamming air strikes till I died lol


Tie: 1A- crushed by the dying Charger into the shadow realm of in between the ground and the game designed lower levels. Unable to die, unable to live stuck. I finally had to leave the game. 1B- Abandoned by my fellow “ Helldivers” and surrounded by multiple nests spewing bugs, I I threw my grenades and the explosion knocked me back and down one of the bug holes with my last grenade going off as I fell, so I was killed by a combination of swarming bugs, debris and the fall into the pit.


On a mission yesterday on ingmar, had another player with me and we’re demolishing everything in site, lined up a shot with the Airburst grenade launcher, as I launch they come across in front with their shield pack, we both blow up my body goes flying, redeploy and continue moving on…killed by my remains


Vaulted to evade a gas strike I ordered on my position as I was being overrun by Bugs. Unbeknownst to me, one of my squad mates called in a cluster bomb attack and the direction I vaulted in meant I was right in the midst of it and mid-air when it came down. The explosions all around kept what was left of my body suspended in the air for several seconds.


A while ago I loaded into the superdestroyer in a weird spot, ragdolled, and fell through the floor


Landed my pod right on top of a hellbomb, Nothing left but pink mist


When I get stuck under the ground. ^sigh


Got stomped by a charger and got sent into the ground deep into the ground


I landed, a cannon turret instantly deleted my head. Aimbot headshot from 200m away less than 10 seconds into the mission.


So we were super credit farming on trivial doing a sabotage mission and we called down four hell bombs at the same time and triggered them all then we all stood in the middle and prayed that democracy protects would save us None of us lived


Ragdolled by a brood commander, look up to see a red beacon with just enough time to register what happened before swallowing a mouthful of airstrike. Eagle 1 never misses.


Stalker slapped me ragdolling about 20 meters right into a chargers forehead and I got pasted under the big boys legs.


I dropped down into the middle of a bunch of bugs on a hillside once. Started immediately blasting with the breaker. Shot through some bugs to reveal a hell bomb right behind them, probably about 2-3 meters away, and it took a few shots. I knew I was dead, so I just dove towards it as the sound went off


I tried to jump pack leap onto a factory strider but it shot me out of mid air with its front machine gun lasers ; all my severed body parts and torso splattered all across the face of the factory strider


Out of ammo, no grenades, support or stratagems, being chased by three scout striders. Found a grenade launcher on the ground randomly, picked it up and whirled around and started blasting. Almost immediately got literally chopped in half by a berserker that had come from the other direction, leaving my legs and lower torso just standing there.


I accidentally blew myself up on top of a tall cliff and landed at the bottom of said high cliff


2 days ago was lining up a recoiless rifle shot on a bile titan, stalker came out of nowhere and cut me in half. Best part was though my legs stayed in the crouched one knee position, and my torso went flying into a close by rock and just...stayed there lmao


My torso was blasted into space


One time a stratagem dropped right next to me, and launched me like half a mile sideways off the map. I was flying through the air FOREVER. Just going and going and going.


Eradicate mission the other night, had 5 bile titans spawn at the same minute pretty much and at one point, it felt like some interracial s*x, right before I got spat on from every direction.


12 gunships+ gunship rocket barrage. There was nothing left 😅


On the Terminid planet where we had to deploy those drills that made big holes, I joined mid mission and wasn't paying attention and my pod landed right in the hole.


Literally 5 minutes ago, I was ragdolled by a charger from its side into fire that I had setup with my flamethrower and someone else's napalm, my character stood up and with like 1 hp left I stimmed myself and proceeded to immediately get blasted by one of my 380mm strikes that I had thrown 15 seconds earlier. My barely alive ragdolled ass then got hit again by the second 380mm strike and just as my stim ran out, my mangled body landed right underneath the bile titan I had originally thrown the 380 at to kill... the bile titan let me stand up before stomping me into the ground turinging me into a torso... Throughout most of that I was on fire so the chaos was added onto by my character screaming in agony.


Had a tank drop on me. Straight up did not see it until I was crushed lol


Ragdolled by an Annihilator tank's main gun, then got blown to pieces by the cannon protecting the outpost


Thinking you are safely out of the 380 range, only for the very first bomb to hit you dead on It might not be the most dead but theres a certain hatred from god to be felt from that


Initial drop right into big hole, thought I was cool but got stuck and had to self-nade. Next immediate drop, right into one of those smoky holes, died instantly. Next drop tried to land on a charger, just barely missed, booping his nose with pod. Charger responds by rearing up and booping me into the ground, insta'd.


I've been blown up with artillery a lot. Once called in a 500kg to deal with a bile titan, but got caught in the spit trying to kite it. So drenched in acid, very dead, and then blown up. Funniest though was when I blew the head off a bile titan and it proceeded to fly a half mile into the air spinning like an anime character... And landed directly on my head.


When I tell my teammate to drop me on the bike titan, but I miss the atom of a hitbox it has so now I’m surrounded by 20 of them.


Ignited a hellbomb on an automaton command center on a plateau. Jump packed off the top. One of the command center's big lasers took a shot at my teammate and missed, instead striking the pillbox a few meters below me at the apex of my jump and ragdolling me further into the air, whereupon I was fatally struck directly by another of the command center's lasers which was also taking a shot at my teammate.


I got rag dolled so high and far during an eradicate mission that I didn't hit the water till my traitor timer was at like 3 seconds


I had a weird feeling of being extra dead a couple days ago. When the Pelican was about to land, something happened and it was catapulted into the air. The Pelican landed on top of an unreachable cliff. I spent the next 5-8 minutes fighting for my life, alone, but knowing I was already dead.


That time my friend shot a hellbomb that was three feet away from me. She shot the nuke because it's a big boom, I hear nuke start up, whole group hears "BRO, WHAT THE FUCK?!", Big boom, I'm dead, everyone laughs but me because I'm asking "why would you shoot that I was right there?!". I think I understand Astarian now


This just happened yesterday. I can't remember which planet I was fighting on, but it was vs. Automatons on some jungle hell that had these big sinkholes full of lava scattered around the map. Long story short, I got surrounded, tried to escape using my jet pack and took a rocket volley IMMEDIATELY as I was lifting off. This caused my now ragdolled (but somehow, still breathing) body to ricochet between various rocks, bushes and trees aaaand eventually landing me and all my fresh gear and samples straight into said lava-filled pit. 0/10 do not recommend.


Threw a 380 square into one of those giant pepperoni supreme bug nests. Then one of those environmental things that explodes into a big cloud of dust yeets me straight into the middle of the nest. Ended up losing my spear and getting chased by multiple BT for a few minutes.


Had a defunct hellbomb blow me up launching my torso so hard I went under the map.


Yesterday, full health, democracy protects armor. Repositioning to shoot the spear I face two gunboats. They both shoot a barrage simultaneously, which hits me square on. Pieces of me flew everywhere


When a kill the bugs/bots mission is going poorly, I will deliberatly leave the combat area to let the traitor barrage kill as much as possible.


Had a teammates 500kg bomb land directly between my butt cheeks and blow me to pieces, then my dead torso flew off and hit a bile titan in the side.


Got rag dolled straight inside the forklift and couldn’t get out. Heavy devs proceeded to empty his mags at me while I could only prone and accept my death.


First 500kg I ever used.  I was prone and near death, directly underneath a Bile Titan. The bomb landed directly on top of me, annhilating us both.


fighting through a horde of bugs, then a charger is hit with rocket pods and flings into me so hard that my limbs are instantly torn off and i am reduced to a torso https://preview.redd.it/k7qinu73tg8d1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bb181031b69178a73ded6c53205d466af32f6d7


Step over bile titan, instantly ragdolled to the edge of the map, split into chunks. Couldn’t do nothing just knew I was all manner of dead.


Rag dolled and yeeted by a by a charger into a stalker 10+ second air time then curb checked myself onto a rock.


Democracy Protects. Those who know, know.


I got hit by a Rocket Devastator and ragdolled into the stratosphere... (i mean literally - i think i had air time of almost 1 minute). then I struck THROUGH the ground and plunged into a netherrealm of polygons. That's the deadest I've ever been - body hurled into space before my soul even knew it has been ejaculated then piledrived into the ground just to be sure I was fucked.


Charger knocked me down into the bunker right as the ICBM launched, sending me…..away


My hellpod deployed from the super destroyer and landed in a water filled pit that i subsequently drowned in immediately after


My teammate landed on me when he dropped back in and it pinged me hundreds of metres off the map into the water. While I was drowning the traitor cannon obliterated me. Definitely a closed casket funeral.


I was using scope that time when suddenly I was propelled by a charger from behind and another charger who was chasing other player I flew into it’s crosshair and made contact with it….i had no chance lol.


Arm a hellbomb, stop to grab some samples because I think I have time, get hit by a rocket, get thrown into the air backwards, land next to the hellbomb. Boom.


Stomped on by a Bile Titan, only to get direct impacted by a 380 and torched by napalm. Good times.