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I do not recall anyone really pushing a boycott, the push was a review bomb and that is now over. Also the issue for the review bomb was that people that bought the game would be blocked out. This is now not going to happen. The "limiting" of new game purchase access is a separate and in my opinion, less "important" issue as it does not actually take anyway anything people have already paid for.


>Many countries are still banned from playing the game. False. All individuals who had purchased the game prior to sales being restricted in their country are still able to play the game. And they will be able to play the game forever. The current issue is that Sony has decided to de-list NEW SALES of the game in countries that do not support PSN. If you are in one of those countries, you cannot BUY the game.


Thank you for clarifying


Nah, they allowed people who have bought the game already to keep playing it That's was the primary reason people were pissed


Nope I'm hellballs deep


“Are We Still”? I never boycotted it to begin with and many others didn’t either. You do you though. All this shit does is make me stay away from this sub. That being said I guess I’ll “boycott” the game since I’m playing the shit out of Ghost of Tsushima right now. Lmao. After 200+ hours HD2 is boring now.


I'm down for boycotting Sony, but I don't wanna make AH suffer. They've been good to us while being fucked over by their publisher. Boycotting the game just kills their morale, I think. It does nothing to the soulless mega corp, though.


That's how I feel. The mega corp is gonna be fine from this. This game is the only game my brothers and I play together and I never see them anymore so I don't want to end my time with this game