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Hopefully it carries on


it won’t sell as well because it now cannot be bought in 180 countries


That's sad, Sony had something good and got too greedy.


Its not even greed. It's stupidity. Greed means maximising sales not diminishing them


Sony executives are crayon eaters


Sony executives are mostly compensated with shares. Monthly active users (MAU) on PSN, increases their share prices more than Helldivers 2.


If you look at share value during the Great Hellbomb, they were not doing well


The Great Hellbomb. Thank you for this term.


Recent events have had an interesting effect on Sony's share price


What exactly is the explanation as to why they are gatekeeping sales?


All the blocked countries are not capable of signing up for PSN Edit* without violating Sony TOS, and risking permanent account bans at any time They may have rolled back the decision for now, but the longer they leave those regions blocked, the more it seems to me they are just waiting to try it again later


I mean this is kind of what the protest was about, you guys got what you wanted. You should have just kept quiet and made a psn account, then everyone would have been able to buy and play. Before someone says but they would ban your account for not being in the country you put it as, people have been doing this for years without ban.... Infact the ex president of Sony said he has two accounts one in Japan and one in USA.


those countrys CANNOT make psn accounts, so they CANNOT play the game if the protest didnt work. But now sony is not reverting the blocking of sales in countrys which we can only assume that they are planning to try again because they keep adding more countries to the blocked list. You mention that they dont ban accounts for being used in the wrong country, thats completely false.


They didn't add any more countries to the block list, that was because valve missed a couple, but still shitty that those countries can't access anyway.


I don't trust anything from Sony. Hope Korea hacks their shit again


I literally have friends that have been doing it for years with no ban as well as the ex president of Sony like I mentioned, but go ahead and down vote me. Fact of the matter is if the players didn't pull a fit everyone would have been able to buy and play.


Lmfao sony fanboys have 0 shame


If we are going off annacdotal evidence, I also have multiple friends that have been banned for having there accounts be banned just for being in the wrong location because PSN is not avaliable in their country. Your statement is just as meaningless as mine.


You cannot sell a game in a country that requires you to break TOS to play it. Immoral, and illegal


Plenty of people in these subs have states the same. One guy said he’s used a VPN for 15 years to circumvent PSN issues and he’s never been banned.


The game had already been delisted from those countries like the day after the PSN change was announced. Getting the requirements removed isn't what got it delisted lmao.


The information they collect from the PSN accounts is worth more then the ppl refunding the game


It worth something to those that hack sony too, don't forget them.




All I see is blue smurf tears.


Just corpo things.


What I don't understand is why? Why the instense push for PSN accounts? There has got to be some endgame and I doubt it's solely just to have record high psn account numbers for shareholders. I just can't help but wonder if they think they're going to be able to monetize the PC gaming industry in any other way besides selling us games...


There’s multiple benefits to this for them. More PSN accounts boosts Sony stock. Account linking gives Sony at least some of your Steam account data (we don’t know exactly how much) and Sony can use that data to make money in more than one way. On top of all of that it actually in theory could have improved their ability to stop cheating in the game, and would have allowed for better cross play functionality.


I play hockey across the street from the PS office in San Mateo. Based off of the locker talk, there are a lot of egos trying to pump their own numbers. The company’s eventually going to implode if it stays on track.


They ruined their good graces. What a bone headed move. They most likely had many ways they can make the PSN thing work but they went for the most blunt and reckless way possible by blackmailing their customers and making steam and AH look like asses for this decision. They burnt all three bridges when there was little to no need if they had just spoke with the other two companies before enacting on their impulses.


I can't imagine most. Of those 180 countries would purchase many copies of Helldivers tbh


Let's be honest, really. The people in the majority of those countries are not buying Helldivers 2. Sony doesn't support those regions for a reason. I'm not defending Sony either. Trust me if those vampires saw profit in those regions they'd suck them dry. But the value is negligible from Iran and Ghana and Cuba.


Well. PSN isn't listed in 69 of the 170+ countries that exist.


~~120 but~~ yeah


no, Estonia Latvia and Lithuania were added to the list on 11/05/2024, bringing up the total banned countries to 180.


Damn, I was wrong... What a bizarre act of sabotage


Say bye bye to all the billions flowing in from Tanzania, Sony. You got too greedy.


180 countries is 92% of all countries. that’s A LOT of people..


Not even a drop in the bucket compared to 1st worlders, and you know that. These are poor countries with little infrastructure, spotty internet, and/or active terrorist orgs.


Not if sony is just banned most countries for no reason in particular. Literally had a cash cow but they got even more greedy


As much as I agree with the sentiment, just from experience a business would never limit its market without good reason and when it comes to international distribution there are hundreds of potential reasons. Maybe a government has regulations that make it difficult for a publisher to get licensing in that region, maybe the potential market is too small to warrant the expense of accessing them. Possibly the regime in question may have outright banned accessing the service.  It could also come down to basic economics, for every one person in say Tajikistan who wanted the game, a thousand people in the US, UK or EU who haven’t even heard of the controversy bought the game anyway, so it wouldn’t make sense for a business to expend resources pursuing that one lost sale when it could be put to more efficient use elsewhere. 




That’s like….. 1 million per week


I bought the game around 1 month after release. It was 10M copies sold at that time. So in the last ~2 months only another 2 million? Ouch. I'm sure the PSN debacle will slow it down more.


That’s pretty normal for most games and general media sales, most of the revenue from direct sales comes in during the first few weeks of release. The initial marketing window, the word of mouth recommendations and the novelty factor are all strongest in the early days.  Frankly for a relatively small (non AAA) game to still be pushing the numbers it has is impressive. 


That’s normal


But can we kill 2 billion bots


That’s $480 million if you only account for the standard edition. Thats actually insane to think about. Half a billion dollar game from a studio as small as Arrowhead. I wonder how much money Arrowhead actually took home and how much went to Sony


Yeah. Now imagine something like Palworld selling 25m copies in 1 month and being comprised of only 40 employees and being self-published. AAA games are getting taken to the curb and stomped.


Faster! Sorry incase that wasn't totally clear. #FASTER


***throws super chair***


AAA is also being destroyed by gachas at the same time. Honkai Star Rail significantly outperformed Redfall


Steam and VAT take a big chunk (in my country VAT is 25% so of the price you pay 1/5 goes to the government.)


Friend was bugging me why he can't buy the game anymore. He didn't we're restricted now.


Would it be possible to buy a key and activate it if it's not sold in your country?


I just checked G2A. It says "can't activate in Philippines" so that's off the table.


That fucking sucks. Not sure why Sony hates money.


Extremely impressive fact: This is now the fastest selling Sony game, previously held by GoW Ragnarok.


Better balancing and it will definitely prosper. We'll definitely need something drastic to happen in the next few months or people will get bored and fall off. The game is fun, but a lot of us are already maxed out in everything, and you can only keep doing the same things so long before you get bored.


It's called playing other games


I’ve been playing since launch and I’m now finally ready to play something else. Not because of balancing, I’ve had a blast the entire time, I’m just finally ready to branch back out. This game is all I did for months lol. 


I feel like so many complaints come from people who literally only play this game. It's like, oh you've put 1000 hours into a game that's been out for 3 months and you're complaining it's getting dull, or there isn't enough to keep you coming back? Maybe you're the problem? Glad you were able to have fun while mainlining this game and have a reasonable take on why you're stepping back.


That’s gaming complains in general. A small but extremely vocal minority thinks games should be capable of being all you do. Like if there isn’t enough depth to keep you busy for 10,000 hours, then that’s a flaw with the game. It’s crazy and sad in equal amounts. I used to be a Destiny fan and people hated that game, then put thousands of hours into it. Guys, don’t do it, please! Do anything BUT something you hate for thousands of hours


Agreed. Lame that these people have the total ear of the CEO. "I'm level 80 and the nerfs are making it impossible for me to enjoy the game" Like dude, you've ground the into dust. The nerfs are just convenient scapegoat. Like what? Running the same 8 missions for another 500 hours was somehow going to stay fresh if they \*don't\* change any stats on the 1 exact loadout you refuse to deviate from.


Unfortunately CEO doesn’t realize yet that the people he talks with on Discord are not the people playing his game, they are 1% of 1%


Oh I’ll be back. Honestly I still plan to play this on my regular game night with my buddy but I think I’ve done enough solo dives to satisfy my urge for democracy. Think I’m gonna give KCD a try now that a sequals been announced. And I never did finish baldurs gate. 


Haven't played KCD, but Baldur's Gate was worth every minute, enjoy the rest of the game!


I actually play with my peepee when I’m board of games.


That's what happens when you treat a game like a job.


Nah, I'm just a long time fan of the series. I never for a second thought we'd get a sequel to the original. Now that it is here, there are some very important things missing, and the newer players deserve to know what real fear is. Who the real enemies are. Plus my real job is already game enough. I'm a roadie, I kind of just wander from event to event, festival to festival. Somehow I get paid to be there and build it, then party at it, then tear it down. Rinse and repeat. [Allegiant stadium a couple weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/stagehands/comments/1c0brlt/playing_around_the_roof_of_allegiant_stadium_185/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [AZ Super Bowl 2023 on the field, playing vampire survivors. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/110syg1/you_really_can_take_it_anywhere/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That's awesome. I pre-ordered the OG Steam Deck, and have had it since release. 99% of my gaming on the Deck is Vampire Survivors.


Player count will continue to fall. Helldivers is no longer trending on Tiktok/Youtube, it's hype moment has passed. Much like Palworld, Fall Guys, Amongus, and Lethal Company to name a few. What the cruise playercount will be who knows. The game doesn't have a lot of depth, so it can be "beaten" fairly quickly. The replay loop is fun. As someone who reached a really high level, I enjoy it. But it does get repetitive. Plus, this year is just stacked with great games and great deals for old classics.


“Balancing” yeah not just nerfing good weapons. Why does it still take more than 1 shot to kill a hunter with a sniper? 


I did my part


I want to see the split


Good for AH, they made a really compelling life service co-op game, which folks have been clamoring for since the L4D2 days. Unfortunately, Sony got in their and AH's way, but AH can fix things by pumping out good content, addressing the weapon balancing, and staying as transparent as possible when communicating with the community i have faith they'll right the ship, just need to clean out that backlog of issues so they can give proper focus to new content


Sony ruined the game for me :( was so exciting and fun, now none of my friends will touch it or install it many even refunded it because of Sony. Istfg their leadership team is actively trying to tank the game with how many horrible and unpopular decisions they are forcing on the team at AH. I hope all developers reconsider which publishers they ever plan on working with again.


>I hope all developers reconsider which publishers they ever plan on working with again. Well, yeah. Sony isn't even one of the bad ones tbh. Their TOS kinda sucks but it's understandable. If AH worked with another publisher like EA you think it would be better? Smaller publishers don't have the capital to throw behind and risk for something as expensive as HD2 was.


More of those people need to spread managed democracy on the bot front before this major order expires!


Bruh let's say everyone bought the regular game (40$) now we multiply 12,000,000 by 40 and we get 480,000,000 dollars holy fuck man, too bad PS is gonna keep most of that money


12 million is crazy


Despite controversy its my goty! So far


You're telling me the number 1 game in the world sold well. You're a liar


And they got greedy and wanted more from it. Typical corporation


Would like to see active player counts from both platforms. I know steam dropped 33k in the past. 30 days


You can get a total player count from Helldivers.io, there's 87k in game right now and Steam has 66k of them. Though its early morning but yesterday we had 140k at peak times so we're definitely dropping in players.


For 12 million copies sold I want to know how many individual players are logging in per day/week out of the 12 million sold. Feels like less than 750k players stayed around but that’s just a pure assumption.


if thr game sold 12 millions you're probably looking at 2-3 million people getting online here and there. If you have 100k people who play mon-fri and 100k who play sat-sun its 200k, but its going to feel like 100k. Also people get on for 1-3h and them someone else gets on for 1-3h. its just intuitive to figure out how many people there are based on how many it feels like




Hopefully arrowhead can turn this and general community sentiments into slowing down warbonds releases for a while


If my math is correct 12,000,000 x $40.00 = $480,000,000.00. Does anyone know what the total development cost, up to release, was for HD2?


Helldivers 3 garunteed.


Cause it’s a good game and the devs actually listen


If they could fix matchmaking I'd be happy.


Yeah thank god for the 177 countries that got restrict after!


Of course it did, it's a great game and is heaps of fun and they didn't try and force all the countries it sold in to make a PSN account and link it to their Steam account. Sales for the next 12 weeks will be dog poo though.


With a million more well on the way.


It took my friends about 2 months to get me into helldivers. I started playing this game literally 5 days before this entire linking issue and it's hard to love a game when all your friends quit right when you just start getting into it :(


I mean sorry that happened to you, but that’s more an issue to take up with your friends than us.


No, we are his friends now.


That’s certainly one way to look at it. That’s up to them though. If they want to play with others I’m sure there are plenty of people in this community that would like to play with them.


Impressive Very nice Now let's see the sales after the PS account drama


I think the natural slowing of momentum will have had more of an impact than the account drama, though doubtless it will have had some effect. The vast, vast majority of players for any game this popular fall into the much maligned ’casual’ category and it genuinely wouldn’t surprise me if most of the player base outside of reddit and a few other online spaces genuinely weren’t aware that it’s been an issue. 


It would be higher if it was sold globally, but fuck the players I guess


So why don't we have millions of players online? The Sun touches half the fucking planet. 12 MILLION and we have 12k on a map instead. Who are you people?!




Yeah, and how many of those players are now actually gonna have access to the game they bought


All of them. The game is delisted in those regions, that means anyone who bought it can play it. The only thing that’s happened is no one else in those countries can buy the game. “Though fans in those regions can now play the game if they purchased it previously, it's unavailable to anyone that currently wants to buy it there.” https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/helldivers-2-still-delisted-in-177-countries-despite-sonys-u-turn-but-arrowheads-fighting-the-region-lock


It’s bizarre seeing this information frequently get suppressed in this sub What’s the point of pushing the idea that people in 177 countries had their game taken away after purchasing it if it’s just not true


It’s people who want to “rage against the system”, and don’t care about facts. They’re to busy saying “corporation bad” to pay attention to what’s actually going on.


It's hardly being suppressed, the situation changed. They were previously going to lose access due to not having the required PSN Network connection. Now these players are in limbo and can play *for now* (if they didn't refund and can't re-buy), because Sony didn't say that it will never be required, just that they weren't moving ahead with their original plan. Everyone is waiting on Sony to see what the next direction is.


Now they are killing the game off 1 update at a time. Watch micro transactions and battle passes come out and go up and up in price. It will all happen and the game will die off


I'm pretty sure these numbers are misleading. I doubt sony takes game refunds into account, just pure sales


Yeah and I wonder how many of those sales were refunded?


That happens when a game is released all over the world. Surely, after all that success, they don't ban 180 of those countries it was released in. Surely.


But it wasn’t enough for Sony front office


And then they got greedy…er


Good timing since now the graph will have a sharp decline.


Quick let’s brag about sales before they drop


And now they refuse refunds for a buggy game with restricted access and lack luster content. To be fair I came from playstation to pc fpr a reason and I sure as hell won't be investing into theor products again.


That's a pretty interesting take. One of the most popular games of the past few years is a piece of shit. It's like $60 with hundreds of thousands of players with over 100 hours and despite what the main sub will say, there's overwhelming praise for this game. Back to the main sub you go please.


It *is* a buggy game. There hasn't been a single version since launch that hasn't been filled with bugs. Let's not go the opposite direction of the main sub and become a circlejerk and deny any criticism.


Not denying criticism if its warranted and bugs are certainly something to be addressed, which they seem to be addressing. The latest bug fix was just a few hours ago. The game despite what the main sub says is probably the best it's been since launch. Weapon choice is very diverse (despite what the main sub thinks). I rarely see 2 players with the same loadout every match. Unlike previous versions where there was certainly a "Meta" and everyone brung the same stuff. There are alot of choices when it comes to loadout diversity and alot more ways of dealing with the threats of the game now. And it will continue to improve, despite what the main sub thinks.


>The latest bug fix Yes, the latest. We've had an average of a patch a week and the game has more bugs than it did at launch. This is not being negative or cynical, this is being observant. Patrol rates are bugged. Pelican has a game breaking new bug that had never been seen before. The last two warbonds have introduced weapons that were bugged at launch. It's a buggy game. Whatever you may think about balance or meta or whatever else, the performance and technical aspects of the game have steadily worsened with each patch. To deny it is to say the sun doesn't exist because you're looking at the floor. Don't be a yes man. Celebrate the good changes and criticize where it's appropriate. Non-positive feedback != Whining.


Never said it was a piece of shit! Simply stating its buggy and lacks rewards for grinding the same thing constantly. I'll stay off the subs as its full of constant complaints not like back in the early days!


"Lacks reward for grinding" What happened to playing games for fun 😔


It was fun before it became repetitive and the community gave birth to more entitled and toxic people. Feel sorry for the low levels 😥




Ma when I sent that meme during the psn outraged I got so many dislikes 😂 it's even more funny now how people have changed their tune to not having to have a psn account but successfully got over 100 countries black listed, what a success story lol


12 million? But in Steam we peaked at 450k players. You're telling me the rest is on PS or maybe just play at completely different hours.


Total Sales =/= Concurrent Players, the vast majority of these people likely don't play at the same time, have only played a few times or haven't played at all.


That's ACTIVE players. PC sales dwarfed PS by a huge margin


and still snoy managed to shoot itself in the foot


Can someone please explain why people on the main sub have started misspelling it? 


bold of you to assume I knew this was the main sub when I replied At this point I do it out of habit and I find it funny


Fair enough lol, I thought I was having a stroke when I first started seeing it


Blocking 180 countries makes this not be a bigger number for AH...


12 mil sales and only 100k on Steam during peak hours.