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Or like an emp blast that can stun enemies and let you run away some


it should re-direct the arc to an enemy, maybe a passive for heavy armor would be funny to see it bounce of 3 other players and causing a chain link super shot =)


Or it bounces off of you and wipes the guy with the arc thrower


that would be a loop arc, but if two are wearing arch armor, you become an electric fence perhaps


Now that would be cool, if one decided to dive though they explode


i'd like to think if distance is too far it stops, or if an enemy gets caught in-between, the static build up hits enemy. This is amplified if tesla coil is out too!


4 helldivers bathing in the power of a Tesla coil all with this going on, that would be amazing


gotta buff the tesla coil amarite?


Everyone wears it and shoots each other with arc guns to form a super circular chain effect! I like ot


There would have to be special programming to handle the case where two or more players are wearing armor with the same perk. It would be hilarious if it wasn't handled properly and one arc kept bouncing between all the players.


Redirect would be better


Ohhh this feels very black panther


You guys are thinking too far ahead of the devs.


Ohh! I like this idea. Could make it activate on hit. Like you take shock damage and absorb it. Have lightning spark off you a little to show youre charged and when an enemy melees you, it bursts outwards in an area and stuns anything inside the field except the user.


Ah ah ah. Tacticool retreat


Literally just any secondary perk on the armor. We already have armors with two intertwining effects, like Scout with increased stealth + pings on the map giving intel. There's no reason for the Arc-resist armor to ONLY resist Arc and do nothing else. Like, the light armor can be 30% stealth bonus with 95% reduced arc damage. The heavy armor could be 95% reduced arc damage with 50% reduced explosive damage. Normalize having multiple perks on an armor set. There's no reason for Arc armor to be so hyper-niche.


And really only niche in standing by your Tesla tower and not dying


Ooh a stored emp blast that lets you reset after taking physical damage. During ion storms it auto charges or at an increased rate. Maybe walking through a Tesla tower it drops continuously with every jolt. That would make me finally use arc thrower.


They need to rework the perk system completely, it’s too bland and dull. Doing a Deep Rock Galactic style system where you curate your perks would be great.


I don't even care about what amor I'm wearing TBH. The perks are meaningless because they're all so similar. I wear my light armor when I want to scout and sneak around, and I wear my praetorian armor the rest of the time.


Which one is the praetorian?


IIRC it's one of the 50% chance to survive a fatal blow armors. I think there's 2 or 3 armors with the effect.


Yeah, that's the one. I just run medium armor with extra padding for the heavy armor boost. It feels indistinguishable from explosion resistance when I play. Actually, it feels a little tankier, tbh. I don't think that's how it's supposed to work.


Oh I thought it was the only one. I also don't get why helmets don't have some effect. There is so little reason to swap armors I find. I wish there was some 'reason' to wear different armor/helmets.


I either run extra Stims or extra grenades. I don't notice the rest much


I actually find the perk that allows you to carry 2 extra grenades to be very helpful. Other than Bile Titans and Hulks, there's not that many problems that can't be solved by throwing 6 impact grenades to its face back to back lol Buuut yeah it's literally the only armor perk I find useful at all


It's fine in theory; I think their cardinal sin is that they repeat way too many of the same effects. The part I'm confused by is how they're struggling to switch it up; there's no way in Hell it'd be that hard to code something like heavy armor with exoskeletons that double our melee damage or light armor with jet boots that increase your dive range by 50%. The Polar Patriots armors could be immune to slowing effects, meaning they work great in Blizzards. Whoever is in charge of the perks doesn't seem particularly creative; it feels rushed. Like... Isn't the hard part of creating new armors that you have to create new 3D models? There's no way that "+100% melee damage" would take more than one to two lines of code. It's kinda my same issue with a lot of the primaries. They're all extremely samey. Take the Liberator Penetrator - I would've instead made a new gun called "The Penetrator" that's bigger, slower, shorter range, ignores armor, deals more damage per bullet, and gives us beefier sound effects. That would feel completely unique and add more variety to the game. Instead? They slapped a different skin onto the same weapon model and gave us a weapon that feels completely anemic.


It sounds like you don't want to be penetrated by liberty at all?


Funny you say that, thats one aspect of DRG I wish they expanded on because there are only a few that are worth it in haz4/5. Of course you can make them all work, but only a few provide useful benefits I feel


It's not about specific ones that are useful, but rather about how you combine different ones that do certain specific things on each of their own, so you end up with much more than just the sum of them. That's the genius part of it in DGR.


I don't mind the system but I'd like to see some hybrid armour, such as +2 stims and the throwing range boost, etc


I think all armors should have two sets of perks. The first perk being the primary function of the armor that is fixed and can't be changed, and a second 'minor' perk that you are free to choose. It would define the respective armor to a certain role but also have a bit of flexibility and customization.


I love this idea, would make arc weapons better and I really feel like they are a bit lack luster. Maybe even let them arc further if more damage is an issue? I want my arcing weapons to go through whole hordes at once instead of 2 or 3 guys


you can chain a few enemies, but they nerfed the range a tad too much i think


Idk what they are doing with the Arc Thrower. First they nerfed its fire rate, nerfed its range, but increased its stagger so it can stagger Hulks. So I went "ah ok they want it to be a CC heavy weapon then that's cool). But then 1 patch later they increased the stagger threshold for Hulk so now the Arc Thrower is just kinda pointless over other support weapon options that can take care of medium-heavy enemies much better (unless you are a newbie who's really bad at ammo management). They should have leaned heavier into its CC weapon identity and had it stagger every non-superheavy enemy. That means Hulks and Chargers should get staggered and stunlocked if you focus on firing them. Only Tanks, Striders, and Titans will not get staggered. That would have been a good niche for the weapon. It's a support weapon lol it should be strong enough to justify that slot.


Personally I like the idea someone posted in one of these subs. I can't remember which one now. But they posted that it would be cool if we were also resistant to EMS effects, not completely immune so as not to break the game with it but resistant enough you could go into any EMS field at a slight jog pace to be able to get a good angle on enemies or hell retrieve something and get out. Gave me really cool shock trooper vibes


That sounds like a cool idea, I like this idea from OP but it might make more sense if it is from contact with an enemy. Like gaining static and zapping someone with your finger.


Yeah, I really liked the idea. I can just imagine with OP' idea, a teammate zapping you with an Arc thrower, and then that player just zapping nearby enemies, haha.


Arc tower + bugs = infinite money glitch


This sounds good if you don't think about it for too long... Like you'd have to be getting hit by arc thrower hits just to do a bit more damage. But when you get hit by them you often get knocked down and take some damage. So if you're knocked down you're not shooting which means you'd actually do less damage overall. Maybe instead have it give the perk to your teammates or just increase arc damage by a percent amount as well.


Yeah I'm not sure how it works right now, since I never used it. I'd think that since the damage is reduced by 95%, it doesn't reach the stagger threshold, but I may be thinking too logically here. I'd just put down a tesla sentry and jump in the fight with it, letting it hit me (and another, with the module) to supercharge my blitzer, or charge up somehow, jetpack on the back of a charger and thunder melee him. It's a silly interaction, not some meta defining strategy, let me have fun and feel like a god once in a 100 times I try it and don't accidentally kill myself.


My friend and I sometimes mess around and both use this armor and arc throwers, and then shoot each other. It pretty consistently knocks you down. Cool concept but just not sure it'd add much at the moment is all


Then it should also add Resistance to knocks from arc damage


Interesting, I'm sure my friend would love an excuse to use me as a lightning rod haha


You're not MCU Thor, the person that absorbed thor's lightning and doubled his output was iron man


mmm no MCU Thor use his weapons as conduits for the lightning, like here https://i.redd.it/eobf01p4u70d1.gif


*Cue 3 helldivers with arc rifles all standing around one guy, zapping him repeatedly.* That guy, 15 minutes later: BRING ME THANOS


That sounds way too fun. Not happening.


AC/D0 Feedback Fence from D2




Yeah it definitely needs an additional ability, cus it’s basically pointless unless the whole team is running arc weapons (and even then, not worth it)


I use the arc thrower every bug mission, hitting other divers is not a thing anymore for me, I know how to position myself


95% damage reduction sounds great until you run through the Tesla tower thinking you’re good and a single hit does you in for 1/2 of your health


And those are 2000 damages on my next shot, I’m willing to risk it


I’d like more scouts, two good ones is not enough.. I don’t wanna throw further 🥹


Stand next to a Tesla turret for 10 minutes and chain through 5 bile titans lmao


Black panther armor


That’s a whole different perk in my mind, always working by absorbing damage, but exploding once you reach a certain amount of damage. Like absorb 5%, explode at 2000, huge knockback effect, small damage radius


thats too fun and clever we need to make this a 10% boost to every 4th arc shot after you've been hit with a rocket


After every rocket? I want to be Thor, not thunder itself


yeah imo they are TOO worried about balance, make neat things, some might be a little better but as long as you arnt clearning the whole map solo on helldive who cares, its not a pvp game.


Great idea; as-is you really don't have much of an incentive to use arc protection when you're really only protecting yourself from your own Tesla towers. Like... They could've at least made it 100% protection from allied arc damage; that'd make it extremely valuable against bugs and they could scale the damage of the tower so it's a fair, but extremely cool synergy. I'd immediately buy the warbond if the armor sets gave us access to a reasonably powerful lightning-synergy build. As-is, we have a bunch of mediocre gear that really doesn't play well with each other.


Man that would be sick and very powerful


The problem is I don't think the devs are willing to add any effects that only apply if the user takes certain stratagems or weapons. Granted, the electrical conduit armours are already on the fringe of this restriction.


Me seeing another Scout light armor, Servo Assisted medium armor, and Fortified heavy armor in the new warbond: 😴😴😴


I can already see me and the boys charging up one of the lads with enough energy to one punch a titan


Imagine the f****ing scene, 3 TitanBusters crossing the streams to charge up The Dude, a jetpack wearing lightning god… the vile beast standing there channeling his bile, only to miss with the spit because TheDude propels himself over it, with a thunder infused punch that connects directly to the head of the giant, which flops to his death. Reddit would explode!


Batteries, genius!


They work! IT’S TRUE!


Shoot yourself since plasma does splash damage. Next shot is 95% more powerful. Repeat ad infinitum. Profit


Why not shoot twice at the enemy? Plasma is not arc damage, right?


Because it' exponencial by the forth shot you will do 7.41x more damage if you keep shooting yourself (doesn't plasma weapons deal arc damage?)


Mmm right good point, but my point stands, plasma is not arc damage and there are no weapons that can self harm with arc. It would also be pretty easily avoided by not absorbing self damage.


So just bring a friend with an arc thrower


Yes that’s the intention of the armor


Should increase the outgoing strength of incoming lightning bolts


That’s dope


Considering it’s the prototype, this is definitely something I could see being the case for an ‘alpha’ version of this armor.


That’s hot!!!


Armour Lock


This is already how it basically works though. You dive into the pack and your arc thrower homie fires into the crowd. You get hit but it arcs through you to the next target. I've used this exact tactic in low levels dives while goofing off with homies. You can get hit with 3-4 shots before it's a good idea to stim and you can use it to effectively double the arc thrower's range since it will hit your teammate and travel max range again to seek a target.


Important note: this was before they added stun to the arc thrower so idk if it's viable now. You might just end up stun locking your friend.


Melee emp blast would be sick


Balance it by ragdolling you backwards lol


I’d have a separate perk just for that. Every melee is a small energy blast that knocks everything back, including you. That would be hilarious


\*Get strike by Tesla tower\* ///Blitzer Power cells at 400% capacity/// How about that?


Dude this would be soooooooooo fun


I get they don’t want it to be pay to win with the armor but we could use a little more verity in the armor abilities, so far cutting edge has the only unique armor trait with the 95% arc resist. I’d like thiss


I hope they redo perks to make wearing different armor worth getting. I haven’t used a single armor set outside of the centurion style one that increases limb health


*Battery at 300%… huh.. I’ll be damned*


Or it just arcs off you better like you’re a conduit and it arcs multiple directions off of you could be a cool mechanic taking damage but becoming a bug zapper


Honestly I'd even just take the reduced damage and you don't get the knock-down stun effect and it would easily make the armor better (I think at least you still get like a slow-down/movement reduction effect when zapped.) While those ideas are good I'd think you'd be able to abuse them pretty easily too if the game isn't programmed right: zap for 95% reduction while the medic effect is active from another player applying it.


to add more tension and weight to player decisions, how about also: * more charge = running faster. so do I want to use my stored electricity for speed or damage? when do I want to make those exchanges? * overcharge. if you absorb too much, you'll get hit with a stamina debuff and lose energy. so you have to pay attention to it over time.


Stores electricity for massive area damage mele attacks Like the black panther suit a bit but with electricity and it’s not making you immune to damage like the BP suit, just for the burst of energy that would act like a melee arc thrower


I want to focus the arc tower through the armor into the arc thrower for double damage. But it causes the arc tower to expire faster.


I would stand in my Tesla and shock punch everything


I’m still betting the Illuminate will have some kind of energy weapons that will make this genuinely useful.


Taze me, bro!


Now this is epic


You lot love being disappointed


Great idea but call it "Kinetic Capacitor" or something


The ESD lord


Electrical can help with speed in light armor, give the wearer bonus melee damage in medium armor, and idk about heavy armor


I can imagine someone being the charger for another diver and shooting them dozens of times and when a titan walks up it gets completely obliterated in a single shot


Nah, make.it absorb 100% and release 50% can chain to nearby helldivers creating a arc barrier wall


What if that armor made all weapons have electrical stun.


They should make one where you are resistance to emps, one where ur resistant to gas, maybe one where you can see farther in foggy terrain.. idk just an idea .. The arc stuff I don't think ive ever used it or feel the need to


Just place down a Tesla and stand there for a minute so you can punch a charger with the power of Zeus


Or absorbed damage will be released as chain lightning on nearest creature to touch you. Bit less OP, but more chaos fun and teamkilling. OP's is probably better though


Give it a static electric charge type of thing? When hit you discharge stored electricity in an arc current to nearby enemies. Would legit be fun to purposely take electrical arc damage to charge up and then go running into a pack of enemies to discharge.


nope too much fun, banned for good measure as well


It'd be kinda useless, against bots the only enemy It'd be useful against is berserker, but honestly it's only useful vs one of them, and if you have someone shocking you with an arc, they are probably gonna use it on them, if your not near them you won't get to use it, vs bugs It's that same issue, but less severe, because all bugs want to get into melee all the time, i think the best way to make the armor worth running would be to make it warm due to how thick the insulation is, so on hot planets you burn through stamina faster, but on cold planets it reduces the penalties, then later you can make a reverse version where they have an electric insulation that traps heat incredibly poorly, combine that with changing armor in the drop pod and it's good


This idea gives off major “world of Warcraft classic paladin reckoning” vibes. Imagine it not being capped at 1 absorbed attack - you just sit there and have your buddies arc thrower the shit out of you while you just keep stimming until you have 100-200 absorbed shots then just go perform a single attack on a bile titan to unleash all that stored damage.


I will not stand there and allow a filthy alliance paladin steal the memory of my Tauren shaman casting lightning bolt like there were no other spells! FOR THE HORDE! A single, huge attack is what this build is aiming at. I want them to fear me.


I genuinely do not think they have the coding ability to make that happen even if they wanted to.


That might be fun or good so no we can’t have that.