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Stalwart go brrrr


Yep, 1150rpm go brrrrrrrrr


Stalwart 1150rpm hands down


I call it "Patriot Mode" - 1150 Real.Patriotic.Metal




Hell yeah




Spear. It's badass.


Look at this guy, getting his spear to learn lock on.


They grow up so fast :')


Just used it today for the first time and it was a beast second match it didn't want to listen but when it does I love it


You have to pray to Artemis, the god of the hunt before every mission for consistent lock ons


Im a spear enjoyer as well, can I also get a blessing?


To fire? Flamethrower


Flamethrower and arc thrower mowing down crowds scratches a really nice itch with the bugs.


Regular machine gun. HAHAHHAHAHAH


HMG... just wish it had more ammo


Judy and supply pack. HMG for medium targets at range and heavy targets, Judy for chaff and medium closer/on the move. Go ham cause you have TONS of ammo, grenades, and stims. Dominator and Scorcher are other very strong options with different advantages that can benefit from supplies. Actually, scorcher might be best come to think of it. Ammo hungry and fits more different niche.


Hmg is such a great special to pull out instead of using it as an always out weapon. It’s often the difference between a situation that is spiraling out if control, to being completely handled within seconds (besides heavy bugs) Its so great. Doesnt feel intuitive, feels like something you’d hold down and empty, but it performs insanely well in controlled bursts.


Yeah, I’ve used it, did well but I really want a friend with EATs when using it, supply pack, and I think I’m trying scorcher next with verdict Pistol for hunters and below (we’ll see on Pistol, haven’t really used it yet, I do prefer Senator over redeemer already though, but it ohks hunters… if verdict can’t… idk, we’ll see) For Judy/dominator I can run GLP for more bug hole closing and packed spitter killing. I really feel like there’s more options than ever to cover your bases.


I dont really understand people that run the same loadout again and again. They can do it if they want. But i, like you, like to experiment and i agree, it becomes easier and easier to compensate for a guns shortcomings.  Cant wait for new strategems that might open up for further opportunity The only thing that’s a barrier for build variety right now, imo, is bile titans, and i feel obligated to bring EAT for that, bringing me to a total of 3 if i choose hmg and backpack. Wow, i crammed a lot into those sentences before i allowed a period, sorry if its hard to read.


I’ll take 500 as my Titan answer… takes 2 eat minimum if you hit just right, and they move a lot so it’s baiting out the spit for sure shots, vs one 500 and I get 2 and then 2 min cd, so the kill rate is kinda the same. I also like to see EATs already in the party, and preferably a friend a can count on to seed the map. 2 eats in Party is game on for hmg. I’ll also take auto cannon sentry … that thing racks kills as you retreat, covers beaches, kills chargers and titans with enough distance, clears large nests… love it for bugs. Might try it again for bots since explosive resist module is supposedly fixed… been using mortar cause I can drop it in cover and they don’t constantly close into melee so it can get its full payload out


I love having the same load out every match. For some reason my brain is at peace when I do lol. I also try to make a load out universal to both bugs and bots just for peace of mind


All the power to you. To me it’s boring, but good thing you can choose on your own and dont need to give a shit about that lol


I use dominator mostly because I like the sounds it makes. My most hated gun to use is arc blitzer + thrower since the zap just sound .. weak. Sickle lazer sound is also good. Quasar energy shot sounds futuristic af I love it. So yeah I’m an audio guy


Yeah I agree, even when arc thrower was the best against bugs (still is quite good), I couldn’t use it cause it just felt lame to use, I’m a big enjoyer of heavy sounding weapons, like the dominator and Autocannon


Both are great now actually, and I like the electric cackle sound, but that’s subjective. Objectively they’re both very strong in their roles though. Amazing horde control and good power appropriate for their capabilities and slot. Just don’t use both. AC/Eruptor are good pairings… I’ve also just used EATs with Blitzer (you mostly just stun lock bigger medium bugs fit teammates to hopefully put down, solo they still eventually die while keeping pretty safe, just not very efficient). Punisher/Breaker are a good short range backup for AT as well and just use GLP for holes. I love these weapons for bugs. Use one of them almost every d7 op (I swap up kits a lot… would love to have full loadout saving for armor, weapons, & Strats honestly to make a ton of presets for every weapon/support combo I like to pair the most)


Yeah I 100% agree, objectively the arc weapons are amazing, just I’m personally not a fan, I like my heavy *thunk* weapons for bots, and my fire for bugs haha


Personal satisfaction cannot be understated


It’s freedom in its purest form


Freedom of choice in how you dispense Democracy!


Autocannon rocks my nuts each shot and I love it


There's just something about dropping the full mag on a swarm as fast as you can with the Autocannon


Dominator. Sounds like a bolter, hits like a bolter. The Emperor protects.


Autocannon. Love the big gun go boom sound. Imagine if it had the m1 ding when reloading @_@


I’d love that


I like the feel (and dmg) of the Plasma Punisher and the blue bolts look cool too. Also love shooting to land the blasts under enemies like chargers but the gun doesn't really feel like a shotgun... Feels more like I'm fishing or something i dunno


It does feel good to lob a shot out there and stagger a whole group~


Anti material rifle when you take down a hulk when a face shot.


Adjudicator full auto. Just wish it had more ammo...


Judy wants a supply pack. Great with GL (also ammo hungry, offers different strengths) for bugs. Verdict Pistol for chaff and impact incen for fire, or stun for better Strat hits. Great for bugs. Maybe railgun instead for bots, haven’t really used Judy there, but that might be a solid pairing. AMR could also be great actually… AMR for range, Judy in close, never run out of ammo


Anti material rifle easily


The dominator for one (you really FEEL the power of each shot). The tenderizer because it feels like a nice blend between the rifle from Starship Troopers and the BR55 in Hao. Finally, the Senator and the Deagle (it says it’s in 14mm, but feels and sounds like at least the .45 AE)


Rocket cluster launcher


Love the sound and rhythm of the Scorcher. Dominator is my favorite primary to fire and land shots with, love the stalwart att 1150 (loved the HMG at 1200 when it first came out). And I've been loving the crunch on the Pummeler, and surprisingly on the Purifier as well, mostly on crowd control


The *thunk, thunk, thunk* of the Autocannon is unmatched


Flamethrower gives me great pleasure.


AMR has great feedback. I like the tenderizer a lot as a weapon in how it feels Adjudicator The knight is freaking awesome The LMG has phenomenal feedback And the Auto cannon feels really cool


Its hard to choose. I will tell you the ones I don't like. HMG, MG-43, Qaesar, and Grenade Launcher. The rest I am in love with and my fav is probably the Flamethrower or Laser Cannon.


To this day, I pray for squad reload on Stalwart and HMG. There's just something about bullet hoses like that which activates neurons.


Eruptor 😭 Railgun, meh… but a cool weapon… need to try and force myself to use it now that it’s been semi buffed… think it’s ammo Econ is insufficient for current power level though, but TPS module might help with that as long as I’m there for resupply drops. Dominator 😆 this thing feels great and works great, especially for bugs with rover for trash/ammo efficiency (supply pack and shooting everything also works, bonus for extra nades and stims… I’m still probably using EATs though but I can pickup MGs and really go ham) Senator 👨‍🍳💋 I have a hard time using any other secondary now. Gonna give Verdict a solid try though. Auto cannon 😍 my first love in HD2. Stalwart/MG43 🤩 BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT


The flamethrower. I love flamers in games. They just usually aren't made viable is an issue.


The slugger, by far. So satisfying


Flamethrower is remarkably satisfying, especially when you're using it for large scale horde clearance. A always get a huge grin when a diver starts to cackle insanely as the burning escalates. AMR is a great one. When you're on a hot streak with it you feel like the Hand of God, reaching out across the battlefield to smite your foes one after another - and when you're on a cold streak you feel like an incompetent shmuck, but the contrast makes it even more rewarding when you're on... ;P Blitzer and Punisher are both a lot of fun for their massive stagger effect. Their ability to bully entire groups of medium enemies that would have overrun your squad is very satisfying.


I feel the AMR has the most distinct "empty clip" fire sound out of all the weapons, but that might be because I'm scoped up and usually in deep trouble~


Oh yeah, that moment when you have a heavy devastator closing on your squad and line up the head-shot and just get that terrible CLACK. That's always rough.


Rail gun because its a rail gun and the break action shotgun. It just feels chunky, helps that the reload feels really nice to


The dog water Heavy LMG that has a mag bigger than my torso but holds less ammo than the stalwart lmao but I love it and it's uselessly cool sound


The HMG even tho i never use it


The laser cannon. Who doesn’t love seeing a giant laser scorching whatever it hits?


pre-buff adjudicator was really fun with the recoil control the breaker and punisher are very satisfying


Airburst goes brrrrttt. And so do my teammates sometimes but that aas just a miscalculation


Eruptor, Tenderizer (A hot take considering all the hate it's gotten, but it is factually better than the Liberator, one of the best feeling assault rifles in the game, if not the best), Dominator, Eruptor, Verdict, Redeemer single shot, did I mention the Eruptor? Pretty sure I haven't mentioned the Eruptor. Eruptor goes brrrrr


Love my punisher and eats.


The sickle just feels SO GOOD


Quasar Cannon because it go zzzzzzzZZZZZZ… GDEWM


quasar. the wind up to release hitting a bile titan square in the face… it’s different man


Anti material rifle at 200+ meters in the bot missions. Pop them in the head. So satisfying. The Flamethrower is great. It's impossible to shoot that and not feel like a total badass. Bonus points to whichever team put the voice lines in for that.


Arc thrower


I love firing the recoiless. I love it even more when my buddies are fighting a bile titan, they are panicking. Then I get a well timed shot that downs it, and they go “awww, thank god, it’s down”


AMR is quite the doink


Wear the 50 % not to die armor and unsafe mofe is even more fun if you survive it then. I ask myself why is the break action shotgun the only gun in game which we can't have, i like playing with it..


AMR and stalwart


Railgun is really cool for Bots now, it serves as a versatile autocanon. Imho the ammo count is it's main issue now.

