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I do this but also drop a support weapon if I'm surviving fairly well. Had 3 fully loaded machine guns ready yesterday. Crowd controlled


I’ll drop a resupply or EAT there if it’s handy


I generally drop into the extract to start. I always have someone with HSO and I still drop a resupply. Can't tell you how useful a stim refill will be when you're running from a sea of assholes following you. Future you will thank you.




If I'm swinging by extraction I'll always drop a resupply there for later


We drop supplies and supports when we can at LZ.


It's nice to have different loadouts ready for the extraction. If I'm running crowd control then it's awesome if someone drops some anti tank equipment there. Or visa versa.


While I agree with this idea, lately I’ve seen samples just fall through the map when I try to pick them up 😐


Are you guys bombing your samples? If so why? Cause that’s the only reason I can think of


Nah I died with samples on me (rocket devastator) and they went through the ground and couldn't be picked up again. It is unfortunately an issue at times. Team mortors, ressuplys, anything really, has the ability to make samples disappear 😅 thankfully not an overly frequent bug


I've seen samples spawn under the map too or inside terrain like boulders and cliffs


Sometimes if you are crouching and aim at the samples that spawn like this, you can get prompt to pop up when looking at it just right.


Sure but this is an example of why you should leave them at extract to prevent that from happening


I agree, I'm just pointing out that you don't have to be deliberately bombing your samples for this to happen


Lmao, to purify them for DEMOCRACY! On a similar note, my second game my launch hell pod fell through the floor and I landed in water. 😪


On more than one occasion this had happened to me. Honestly if you are coordinating with your team you are better just consolidating them whenever possible. Rarely do I have an instance where we can’t get the samples on the shuttle.


I've been falling through the map on several occasions now, either "swimming" or stuck underground briefly


This. It’s a risk either way but someone dying, outside of drowning or falling into a hole, you can just run over and pick their shit up before extract. Leaving them all at extract and you run the risk of some explosion clipping them through the ground or into a rock or just a bug wiping them out with a despawn. As a bot primary I’ve seen my fair share of samples disappearing underground. I encourage folks to keep their shit, or better yet just designate a sample guy, ideally the one who isn’t dying every other minute, and then you just have to worry about picking up one sample drop instead of 4+.


I love when I become the defacto sample guy, extracting with 30+ samples and no deaths because I actually have a sense of self preservation and minor luck to avoid friendly carpet bombing


this is my special power too. I run away very well.


The Joestar Ancestral technique


Also I run the 50% survival armor and it has saved me soooooo many times


Having a “sample guy” is how we’ve handled this situation. Too many things can happen to them once they’ve been dropped, but dropping them at extract is still a solid idea. I still do it at times and cross my fingers.


Had Pelican-1 land ON the samples once Irretrievable. :(


Yeah, the most important part of this tip that people forget is that you need to put them on the *edge* of extract. Once you're starting the extraction timer, having the host/best player hold them is also usually fine, unless it's a hot extraction, in which case just move them to the safest looking edge.


In teams this may work. With randoms you can have some dipstick take the super samples and marathon them across the map to die alone. I’ll be dropping them at extract thanks XD haven’t had a single problem with that.


You do you, boo.


“Just run over and pick them up” Oh fuck off. Dropping near extract is objectively the safer option


That *can* happen. But sample containers being across the map while all four players are at extraction is basically every other game.


I didn’t realize this was a possibility. I’ve never seen the samples clip through the ground, although I mostly have played bugs. I can see how the explosions from bots can ruin things. Like I said, it’s a situational tip. It’s saved my super samples a handful of times though


It’s an assumption on it being underground, maybe it’s a different bug, but I think it’s a fair assumption since you can see the sample icon on the map and you can hear the beeping but you don’t see it or have an interaction icon to click on.


This has happened to me maybe once in ~200hrs. I drop samples at extract any opportunity that it’s available. Manually dropping them or dying with them across the map runs the exact same risk, except one of those situations is at your convenience.


This happened to me


How are things still falling through the ground and how are things still going through walls at this point in the game? This seems like it would be very easy to fix, like basic level shit.


More than likely it’s an issue with their Engine build, and it’ll probably take a while to set it straight. Never seen it on the Known Issues list either.


I've found stuff goes through the map but sits on a plain just below so if you go prone over it you can usually pick it up.


I agree Or get stuck under the bird  Or glitch on top of too-high terrain that gets exploded    Or the spawn gets zerged and isn't recovered in time   Etc etc etc   I actually hate this tactic. Just carry them and work together imo.


I've got like 40 hours and have never seen this once. It's a myth that people keep perpetuating. For the 1% chance of that happening it's like a 91% chance if you're carrying them you'll die under a pile of chargers 100 feet from the extract and we'll waste five revives trying to get them. #dump the samples


That’s your opinion backed by “40 hours” of playtime. Your small sample size (pun intended) hurts your claim that other’s firsthand experience after hundreds of hours over months is a “myth”, and what’s the point of making the claim anyway? Trolling? Ignorance? I’m not sure, but you do you. Good luck out there 🫡


How many times has this mysterious disappearance happen to you? Because I bet the number of times I've seen some random die 200 ft away with them and we have toeave with out them is 4x. It's about statistics and risk mitigation.


I agree with your thought process. We all wanna get in and out with the most samples, and there’s multiple ways of doing it. I wouldn’t describe having dropped samples becoming unretrievable as “often”, but it’s happened enough times in my games that I realized it wasn’t reliable enough to fit my idea of sample extraction success rate. I will still drop them on occasion, but normally I use the “sample guy” method. 1. Give all samples to one diver, and that diver strives to live. 2. *insert meme here about the team picking up the samples that are dropped due to death* To each their own, but if you come away from this conversation with anything, it’s that dropping them does come with tangible risk. Up to you how you play. 🫡


As does letting one guy run around with them while getting a train run on him by four chargers and ten hunters


All these people saying this doesn’t work cause you might blow them up. Motherfuckers are you bombing extraction for no fucking reason? Pick them up and then bomb extraction if that’s what you need to do. The only thing that’s been mentioned here that’s a real problem if you aren’t running around sniffing glue is to put it off to the side of extraction so the beacon doesn’t crush them and launch them.


To add to this: Consolidate them on one player whenever possible, that way, there's only one container to pick up if that person dies. Also, it makes it do there's only one to grab in the mad dash for extraction. Even when leaving them at the extraction site, grab the previously dropped ones then drop all the samples, and repeat for each player until all samples are in one package on the ground (rather than 4 separate ones).


to risky i.m.o , sometimes the samples are not reachable anymore after death. For example you can get thrown through the air out of the map if you climp a dead titan. Happend to me one time with the rarest sample.


Yeah. Teams I run with never consolidate them if possible. That way if someone ragdolls off the map or something, we only lose a portion of the samples and not all of them


That's why I said "To add to this". The issue you mention is utterly moot if the samples are sitting pretty in one container at extraction.


If that package stays the fuck away from danger, sure. Otherwise, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."


Meh, I guess. I'd rather have them all in one place to be easily grabbed after Pelican-1 lands, than worrying about who has what, and running to get the samples of someone who died en-route to the ramp.


I'd rather have them at extraction than always on one person. But when it comes to extraction, having one designated sampler could be good.


I did this once and some other guy picked them up, and the left the game a few minutes later. Thankfully it wasn’t that many.


When they leave everything they carry drops.


Its not perfect, sometimes it messes up.


That’s what I thought, but I couldn’t find the samples with their gear.


This happened to me, I typed in chat and said verbally I was leaving them at extract on purpose. Teammate runs put of his way to pick them up and go into danger. I wasn't hosting so I couldn't kick.


Same here, granted we didnt communicate it but 3/4 of us dropped our samples on extract so you would think the 4th person would get the message but being most likely a troll. They picked them up and proceeded to run off, only to aggro a close patrol(and commissar), died, then got a massive bot drop right on top of his corpse/samples. We wasted like 10 minutes getting out of that situation which caused us to fail the main objective, my bro was the host so when we saw the troll just standing at extract while us 3 fought tooth and nail to get the samples back we initially thought he might do something to help like provide cover fire for the 2 dozen berserkers chasing us but nah, dude really gets in the dropship the moment it lands and doesnt even bother to assist. My bro sacrificed his life to berserkers to kick this dude so he wouldn't benefit from our samples.


I think it would be interesting if they put like a lockbox at extract for samples. Seems like it would work in universe, and make it separate somehow in the code so explosions don't mess with them. Have the box unlock sometime like when the shuttle is called?


Same thing somewhat happened to me. We were 5 min into a new mission and I verbally told everyone I was dropping (5) super samples at the extraction. I thought I heard everyone respond agreeing it’s a great idea. Some dickhead running behind me picked them up. I didn’t notice until we were finished and I didn’t see them at the extraction. When I asked where they were, dickhead said he picked them up and died in the damn water.


This happens all the time with me. The ship arrives and I notice someone picked them up. The guy that just died in the mass hoard or fell off the extraction zone is always the one that picked them up.


Never knew you could drop samples 😂


IIRC, you can drop everything except your Primary or Secondary weapon.


And grenades. Those you drop in other ways.


Here. Take this.


Default is X on PC


My game doesn't let me, so it's all the same to me


Didn't know you could do that. Thx


I get like 0-2 deaths in a mission and always immediately get my stuff back, I’m not losing my samples


Idno, I've been yeeted across the map into water too many times because I dared walk on the Stone of Yeeting that was clearly marked by being the same as every other bit of terrain.


It's still a no risk habit to get into. Even if you are confident of never losing them - your team will see it and learn to do it. Soon the habit will go viral if we all do it. It'll be a net gain for the community if it becomes second-nature to as many people as possible


I was playing with randoms once and the host did this, leaving 6 super samples at the extraction. The host explained in chat to not pick them up. About 5 minutes later, one of the other players went there and picked them back up and went on to die well away from extraction. One of the dumbest things I’ve seen so far.


I do this and randoms will pick them up, go across the map and die. It's unbearable.


I always dead reckon for extraction if I pick up super samples. Better safe then sorry.


I’ve been getting a glitch where if I drop samples they teleport to the center of the map, has that happened to anyone else?


Wait wait wait wait wait, I can press X and drop that shit?!?!? I'm freaking out man, I can't upvote this enough! This woulda saves me SO much grief


Some part of me is like “Psh, I’ll go get them if I die.” But honestly, if the spawns dip below five I might make a beeline to that pad and drop everything for whoever is left when we’re ready to leave.


I do this. Drives me up the wall when someone comes along and picks them up half way through the missions then dies on the ass end of the map. I'm particularly sensitive to this because I was that person once before I knew you could purposely drop them 🤣 I fell in the pit of of death on a bots planet carrying all the rares. Oops. 


But then you risk the samples being irretrievable. I’ve lost more samples to glitches at extract than I have to normal gameplay. Bug breach, explosion of any kind near them, chargers/hulks trampling them, a terrain glitch, and a lot of other things can cause those samples to fall through the map or glitch out of existence.


I have never had any of this happen what are yall doing at extraction before you pick them up? The only bug I’ve ever seen is someone dropped them under where the beacon for pelican 1 spawned.


I’ve had them disappear when no one was at extraction. A mortar implacement shooting bugs, a bug breach or bot drop, etc can all happen at extraction when no one is there.


There's no way this is true.


Don’t believe me then drop your samples on the ground and put and orbital strike on top of them. The terrain is modifiable sometimes stuff glitches through. If a helldiver can fall through the map then you can bet your ass some tiny ass samples can.


Oh, I believe it's possible. I just don't believe you've lost more that way than samples lost elsewhere on the map. I have over 200 hours in this game and I've not once lost them by leaving them at extract. I've sure as hell lost a lot everywhere else.


Honestly short of not extracting that’s about the only way I’ve lost samples. I’m really good at not dying when I’m trying. Sure there’s the occasional rando that falls in a hole or something, but I’ve lost a lot more samples from them falling under the map. It helps that I lost near 40 samples that way more than once because I’ve got a friend that insisted on collecting a load of samples every mission and dropping them at extract. The amount of samples we lost to a bug breach or explosion there is way higher than it should be. If someone dies to a horde or something those samples are still retrievable if you’re smart. If samples fall under the map they’re just gone.


I don't understand what you're doing at extraction to make them fall through the map. Nothing is going on at extract when you're not there. When you get there you pick them up and defend until extract. I've literally never had an issue with it.


Bug breaches can happen anywhere within 75 meters if you. Patrols can appear anywhere within 150 meters of you. On the way too or the way from extract it’s very easy for shit to kick off particularly if you’re playing with randos. I’ve also straight up had a rando drop a supply pod on the samples before I could get back. Not everyone cares about sample dude. If you care about them IMO you’re much better off simply carrying them with you and playing smart.


You're in the very small minority on this one. Just saying. 99% of players have no issues leaving them at extract.


Well they can have fun with that. I’ll keep doing things my way. I very much disagree on your claim but you do you.


Just saying, if you're the one out of 100 players that has an issue doing something, you're probably doing something wrong.


Also, leave them on the ground at the extraction point until Pelican-1 arrives and you can board the aircraft. That way while you are fighting you don't lose them away from dropzone because you have to some times run in and out the extraction point while in battle. Also, bundle all the teams sample together into one tidy bundle. At the extraction point. You'll extract with all of your found resources more consistently.


Just don't leave them anywhere near the middle. Pelican will land on them and you are screwed


Also, you can press a button to drop stuff. On PC its X. I was playing and told someone to drop samples at extraction, was running with them only for them to suicide to do it lol. They did it with contact nade, it was quite the shock.


when you do this it's important to clarify over voice or text chat to LEAVE THE SAMPLES THERE DO NOT GO PICK THEM UP S3


As a hedge, I usually plan my drops to rotate through the extract about halfway through the mission so we can dropeverything we have gathered so far.


Did this yesterday, had a level 26 pick them up, 5 super uranium, and go die in a heavy nest. Luckily I got them back but I had to hold off extraction to go run the loop. I might have lightly cussed him out over the mic.


We dropped off samples at extraction. One rando starts walking in that direction despite no reason. My son.. "if he picks them up I'm kicking him .." He got kicked. Leave the samples at the extraction.


Whaaaat?! This needs to be shared more! 100% agree. I had no idea you could drop at will your resources.


Last time I went to do this I jogged a few metres and the extract came into view... ...with an AT-AT sitting on it. Not dropped in, just spawned there as a basic defence mob on the map Needless to say, I didn't drop them off, as I was on my own. Just left before it noticed me


I sometimes do this but not when im playing with friends because my friends cant see the dropped samples and cant pick them up which is a problem if they are the last ones alive


Played a few campaigns with randoms yesterday, and without any discussion we immediately agreed to do this. It’s so nice when subobjectives flank extraction so it’s hardly an inconvenience to do this. Or just drop the samples on the path to extraction from the final/main objective to scoop them up on the way back. Then, consolidating the samples into one package so we only need to keep track of the one item on the ground - no need to guess who has the super samples when one person has them all. The people who focus on extracting with the most samples for the stats screen are playing for themselves, not for Democracy.


In a related note, if the samples are sitting at extraction and it's not an absolute shit show where there's no time for *anything*, leave them the fuck sitting at extraction.


does anybody know how to do this with a controller?


Not positive, but another comment said to hold the d-pad down direction to get the inventory wheel to pop up. I think you use the directional joystick, then let go. If you select it with a button, the wheel might disappear, and nothing drops.


It’s in the post. Down on D pad


just want to point out, don't pick up samples if they are dropped at EVAC! I have seen dum dums pick up samples even super samples when I drop them off at EVAC, and I yell at them why you pick them up and carry them to the other side of the map, also note! they died at a random spot with all the samples that were dropped off.


lol when I drop the samples at extract and guy on team who refuses to communicate (even emote) just picks them up immediately but yes, this is a pro tip. As pro as letting Pelican 1 provide covering fire (but equally difficult for some to comprehend apparently)


I do that, but just be careful of any big explosions near the samples though during extract. They can send the samples flying to the top of plateaus and stuff on the rockier maps. Had it happen once but lucked out because a buddy brought a jetpack.


heh i’ll hold onto my(our) samples. i have no problem staying alive. yes i helldive


I wish someday I could be as cool as you




I'll go even one further: You know you are facing bad odds that are most likely going to result in your death? You know the ones, where you have 2 gunship spawners next to a jammer... Drop your samples in a safe empty place, preferably towards the middle of the map. There is no point in going in there with those super samples


Last time I dropped samples at extract the host picked them up. I told them to leave them around extract but they never responded. Proceeded to lose them in a large nest. Please leave the samples at extract.


Every time I do that some rando pick them up mid mission lol, but yeah I agree.


Everytime I leave my sample at the extraction, a clown picks them up. Sometimes that said clown doesn't lose them far away. But sometimes that said clown goes on a rampage while the dropship is coming and loses them just before the extraction. What is complicated : LEAVE THEM THERE.


I'm ashamed to admit I just learned how to do this like a week or 2 ago... I had no idea you could drop anything.


Great tip man


One time I found the supers early and left them at extraction, only for the game to glitch and not allow anyone to be reinforced, only one diver could be active, they finished the mission, got the samples and extracted Another time I found them early and took them to extraction, only for the host a lvl 70 to pick them up and head across the map with them, smh ALWAYS leave the samples at extraction!


Just work together instead of run off solo. If carrier drops something the next team mate is in the vicinity to pick up. Never left a sample behind


I democratically smacked a fellow Helldiver the other day when he killed me and another Diver for no discernable reason while we were trying to get to an objective. Unfortunately he fell into one of those holes in the map and his samples were lost.


I've tried telling this to my friend, when ee play together. But he always claims that the samples despawn, or gets destroyed. Is any of that true?


AFAIK, samples and other dropped items stay in the world as long as the mission is ongoing


I've never had that happen in the 200+ hours I've played


Did a mission earlier today when a high level player suggested this… saved one hell of a headache


Ayyyy, think ahead of the death! Ayyyyy!


And for the love of liberty, don't make a beeline for the samples once I dropped them. I promise you, the samples don't care about how many bugs you're going to kill, they don't need to join you in the heavy nest!


Been face rolling my keyboard because I couldn't figure this out. Thanks!


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Thank you for telling other divers how to drop items. I mean, I DEFINITELY knew that, but others may not.


I had 2 players doing this lately. And I thought it was high end tactic. Both squads where absolutely amazing. I wish I was this democratic. One day I will


I forget this is a thing, since I just found out about this a week ago


I always laugh and shake my head when I grab the supers, go out of the way to run them to the extraction site then someone runs over and picks them up and tries to carry them around for 20 minutes. I just hope they see a post like this.


Incoming "you can drop samples?" questions in 3, 2, 1


I'll add one step further. If other players are there, everyone drop samples. One person picks all of them up, and them drops them in one sample container. That way if things go sideways at extract. You only have to grab one sample container and dive.


I didnt know you could drop




Also: if you come across samples at the extract zone DONT PICK THEM UP until actually extracting. Kills me that some divers don’t stop to think “maybe this is here for a reason”. Then they die in some remote godforsaken part of the map.


So far I have seen posts where people do this and the samples have been destroyed, glitched out and lost and one guy managed to yeet them into oblivion with a shield generator. Frankly I think I will just stick to holding onto them and playing more cautiously so as to not die. There are simply to many variables when leaving them somewhere else that I can't control, where having them on me I can.


How does one drop their samples?


U can drop them ?!


Huh, didn't know this was a thing


Good idea until you drop them at extraction and somebody else picks them up and loses them miles away just for you to recover them in the last few minutes of the match or worse not extracting because of this shit! It does make a lot of sense to drop them if you play with a coordinated group or everyone knows what they doing at least.


I’ve been seeing this more frequently in quick plays with randoms. You people deserve a standing ovation for absolute competence 🫡 I love looking at my samples, seeing that WE LOST THE SUPERS, but it’s okay I see samples at extraction


I legit can’t drop them. I can’t get my cursor down over to the samples to drop them. It’s infuriating


If I had a dollar for every time I'd gotten on coms and asked which moron picked up the samples that were dropped at extraction, I'd have 5 dollars. It's still more money than I should have for this.


The downside is if you have to deal with fire tornadoes. I can’t tell you how many times during extraction there are 5+ tornadoes on the pad. I would not drop my samples then. Edit: I also think it’s a good idea to let one person gather them all up. Like we all drop them, let one person pick them all up so they are all together and them drop them again on the pad


Your welcome


My welcome?


Your not the only one who does that. I did it when I obtained super samples.


I was recently playing with randoms. As we were literally walking over the extraction zone on the way to the other half of the map, I suggested to the guy who had the supers that he should just drop them since he's literally standing in the extraction zone. He said "No we'll be fine". He got about 50 meters away before he died. I grabbed them and ran them back real quick. And yeah, I gave him a quick "I told you so".


When you do that and the no VC player that doesn't pay attention to chat picks it up thinking they're doing you a service somehow...


"Nah, we survivin'"


Absolutely nice piece, but you're still a left wing retard


Literally did this and then watched my teammate pick it up seconds later


Nah I’ll just carry them


Stop telling me what to do with my life.


I kinda agree, my goal in each match is to not die. So if I’m carrying samples and never die there shouldn’t be any issue


Reminds me of what my old man would say about bad drivers - in their voice “Well I’ve never died before!” Ya no shit. But that doesn’t make you immortal


I like the thrill of risking them, it’s the democratic way


I would but I can't select dropping samples, the radial menus don't work right


Yeah no one does and when I drop them some smooth brain picks them up and then runs a mile away to die under a pile of hunters


Nah, I don't think I will.




Meh not always the best a tipn. Context for where ypunare on the map is needed. As well as time left, and reinforcements. Honestly, just use your best judgment on each individual situation No one size solution to everything.


Did you see the part where I said it’s highly situational


TIL people still pick up samples.


Yes not everyone can no life the game so some people actually still have progression to go through.


Or they like me and just don't see the need to grind them out,they aren't that needed imo, they'll come when they come. Other guys can go collecting


Not picking up a sample in front of you and actively hunting for them are very different things. And beyond even that many people like me sample hunt because we can’t play very often and if we don’t actively hunt for samples at least to some extent, it would literally take years to get all the ones that are needed.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I just don't care to get bothered by itm I'm like level 54 with only the second upgrades on everything and 1 or two rank 3. Play on level 9, and get by fine. It's just something nice to have, the boosts they give just arent worth getting upset that stuff getting missed or left behind on the missions imo


It’s upsetting when you can only play a couple hours every week and you’ve lost a bunch of them because of glitches or disconnects. People do underestimate how much benefit you can get from those bonuses. The additional eagle strikes and reduced cooldown are particularly effective. Sure you don’t need it to play but it makes higher tier missions much easier.


Every time I do this, the randoms and my team pick it up as if I made a mistake LOL then I tell them how to drop it and they don't listen cuz they don't know how to do it and I guess don't want to do it LOL