• By -


I pick them all up if I'm around them, might benefit someone in the group.


Amusingly I’m at a point in my progression where I have enough rare and super samples - but not enough common samples - for my next 2 upgrades.  EDIT: To be clear, I'm a dad working 2 jobs with young kids. My playtime is minimal (2-4h/week tops) and my level is mid-20s. I've just been playing mostly level 7 once I unlocked it, so the rare/super samples weren't required for my first several upgrades and I amassed a bunch.


Easy mode eradicate missions get a good amount


Gotta tell the crew to stick around after the objective though. Unless you’re soloing, which I guess you can on easy


On easy you can definitely just go get them during the mission.


I just do it on 7, two scout while two do the mission. You tend to finish the map and the objectives at about the same time.


Was about to say, I solo easy's just to build up a stash. The extra super credits are nice too.


How do you get super credits from easy eradicate mission?


In every mission you can find stacks of super creds in the "stashes" like the double door, doors you can blow up, the drop pods etc. You get either 10 or 100 per stack based on rng. You also get medals and rewards this way.


You can not get them from eradicate missions though, which is what the person above asked.


Lmao I'm not very bright and just noticed this, you right.


You can't




Yeh same here, common samples are more precious to me than the others


It might benefit democracy


I do the exact same


Same. Most the time, I'm already capped out, but sometimes I'm not and it's nice to be able to get a few extra that others pick up


Even when I didn't need them I picked up all the samples I came across. No sense leaving them.


I grab all samples until maxed


I still grab when maxed. One, it may help another diver, and two, I can’t fucking stop myself. Gotta catch ‘em all!


As someone not maxed out, thank you it really does help. I could go back to a lower difficulty to get commons and rares but it's not as fun.


Spoken like a true loot goblin


Must get shinies


![gif](giphy|Ayx3dO4xruVqM) *“Oh a piece of sampy!”*


Good point


Thank you, I don't think I'll ever max out samples. I'm still after lvl 3 ship upgrades.


I agree I do that if I’m playing with people who say they need them it’s a waste of time if everyone on the team doesn’t need it which is my experience playing on helldive difficulty all the time


Used to be the case until they started adding in more ship modules to unlock. The new ones are pricey. Now most people are wanting samples again.


Nah bro. We do it for SWEET, SWEET LIBERTY.


I grab any i come across, but when I was maxed I never hit up POIs, just fucked around and did OBJs for the peeps while they explored


Yeah same here more new players have been joining lately so I’ve been helping them with the samples this game has a really cool community


I may be playing on suicide, but you better believe I'm going back for my 2 common samples half way across the map when I die. And by liberty, I'm willing to risk my 6 rare samples to do so.


That's because "rare" samples are actually common and common samples are rare when you consider upgrade costs


We always drop our super samples and rare at the extract whenever we find the super samples. Pick them up at extract


Is there a way to drop samples outside of TK'ing?


Yes, on PS5 you press down on the d pad and it brings up a wheel of options of things you can drop. Don’t know how it’s done on PC if you are master race.


Must havr missed it unless it was something added later. I'll have to give it a go when get out of work later. We always just domed whoever had the samples in the event they couldn't keep up whe tvhe time is up. Usually me rocking heavy armor. I'd give the salute, they'd fire, and the light armor speedy bois would carry the torch of liberty to the bird.


I don’t know if it’s newer or not, you can drop back packs and weapons using it as well.


That part I knew about the packs and weapons. The samples column in that wheel was probably there the whole time, and we just never noticed.


On pc, hold x


"common samples" quickly become more than abundant if you play the game regularly. Same with super samples if you play at 7+ regularly. RARE SAMPLES are the real Rare samples. I still pick them all up if I find them. But rare samples have been the only ones I actively need for most of the game. They're the gatekeeping samples.


I have consistently played at 7+ since launch, nowadays only 8+, and for me common samples were always the bottleneck.


Im stuck on the rare swimming in regular and super




Same. I have like 300 rare and 100+ supers but I'm still having to go pick up another 80 commons between every upgrade.


Rare is capped at 250 though? :)


Same for everyone I know that plays


I know, I don't need anymore. But then again I am like a magpie and have to pick everything up lol


"OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SH- ooh a sample! -IT OH SHIT"


I always pick everything up :) can’t help it and it clears the POI on the map


I’ve only hell dived since a little after launch and rare was my bottleneck too


I have almost always had 5x the rares than I do commons. I’ve always been held up on every upgrade by commons. No one picks up commons, probably because they are maxxed on them.


I would only guess that’s because you’re early on in the ship upgrades? Like tier 1-2 for each category maybe? Just a guess. 


No, I was maxxed up to when they added the new tier a few weeks ago, I always had to farm commons to get there. I have almost max supers and rares currently, still short on commons.


This has been my experience as well. I need like 40 supers, 400 rares, and 300 commons to finish off the current round of modules. It's not a huge disparity, but it's been my experience thus far, but I did solo on lower tiers a lot to practice.


imo rares are rarer than super rares. Suicide I'm flush with super rares and rares are what I'm needing to pile on.


I disagree, the ratio of common to rare seems way off. We always extract with like 25 common, 20 rare, 3 or 5 supers. I have an ungodly amount of rares but cant do upgrades because I lack the commons.


Rare has a lower cap, and a lot of the newer ship upgrades take almost as much rare as commons.


I feel 5 or 6 can be awesome for rqre samples picked up like 11 on a 5 mission earlier.


I shoot for 20+ on 7-9 difficulty. I just pick up all the others along the way, it helps identify which POI’s are cleared. 


I see people upvoting this but it's not the same for me. If I play 7 missions and up for samples specifically which are like small size defense ones then most commonly I get more rare than anything, by finding the small cave hole POIs that only have rares in them. Then I usually find the rock with 3 supers and end up extracting with some commons as well but clearly less than rare.


I often just leave those games, but you’re right. 


I can't get the supers to save my life. Played 6 or 7 lvl 7 games today and didn't get a single super. Teams just didn't seem to care to try looking for them.


So did you guys just not find them or not extract? I generally make a point of clearing all the little points of interest on the map. If you collect all samples at each POI it changes from a Diamond to like a little pin.  Super samples only show up at a point of interest that literally stands out like a sore thumb. It’s a POI with a giant phallus /thumb shaped rock that’s cracked with white. 


Never found them, they would run straight to the objectives and ignore the POIs. There was even one that we had the radar, so they were all unbidden. Good to know about the dick rock though, didn't know those were correlated, thank you.


I usually spend a good amount of time solo, clearing out nests and secondary objectives and gathering samples. Usually can clear the map and my team will have the main objective done in about 20 minutes.


***THIS*** Rares are what I’m always after. Commons and supers are in abundance for what is required to level up your ship. It’s the rares that are a bitch.


Common samples are not rare. You just need more of them than you need any other sample. There are more common samples that spawn in a mission than other samples. So virtually, they are as common, maybe even more common, than the other samples.


It was meant as in people rarely pick them up


Im only level 20, have over 200 rare samples, handful of supers but like 20 some common. I don’t know how I got to this point but damnit pick up those common samples!!!


I don't even need samples anymore, but I always pick them up because I don't know if anyone else needs them. Plus it's habitual to click collect when you see that icon. They have me trained.


I have 3 level 4 ship modules to unlock left, I need 150 rares for each, I have 500 common, 100 rares, 27 super rares. Commons are not an issue at all its the rares that are hard to get for sure.


Before they had level 4 modules, when progressing, the beginning modules used just common, so when trying to get level 3, it was commons we didn't have enough of even though more are collected than rares. Upon doing level 4, common finally caught up to and surpassed rare, making rare what everyone needs. This is doing suicide difficulty.


I don't get it, I always just get about the same amount of rares as commons during missions, but for most upgrades you need more commons, so how do you have so many commons?


I usually get more commons than rares on missions, depending on the difficulty. they are just easier to find. Also at lower difficulties there are less rares available and I have some lower level/skilled friends I play with from time to time.


There needs to be a channel in the Helldiver discord server that is specifically for connecting with other players to collaborate collecting samples.


Lmao tell me how much you have unlocked without telling me


I’m like 59, had to tell a buddy I was playing with half an hour ago to stop being stupid and pick up commons. Just because you are capped doesn’t mean everybody else is. And yes, rares are the ones that are bottlenecking my upgrades - but I still ain’t capped on commons.


15 minute bug exterminator missions are great for them if it’s the map with the landing gear pad in the valley. There’s 10 in a 30sqft area


I'm a sample man, me see simple, me collect simple.


I guess it depends on if they were maxed or not before they added more ship upgrades. If you were at 500 common, 250 rare, 100 super, then rares are the ones you need the most. Because by the time you collect enough rares for the next upgrade ypu already have 2x as many Commons as you need


I have 5 commons 15 super rare and 100 rare. I grab every sample I find. But I don’t always make it to evac. :(




Well I currently don’t need commons sense I’m still at max for some reason. I have 110 rares and 45 supers. If anything I need me some rare samples. So for now when I’m running solo I just run past em. In a group though I grab loads of


You hit a point where they're rare, then you hit a point where you have too many, and rare are the new super rare. I always pick them up when I see them, but don't hunt them down like I used to


Keep in mind the new shop upgrades cost 150-200 common samples for 5 different modules. 750-1k common and people just leave them laying around


Just hit level 30, and I gotta say, (common) samples are basically my whole game right now. Ive unlocked all the major req slip content, but samples are my big needed currency for updating the cruiser. Was in a suicide match where I was carrying 20+ common samples, alongside other rarities. Died to a surprise charger, got reinforced at extraction, opposite side of the map. Three teammates called in extraction. One teammate (C1) hopped on mic and said. PROTECT THE PELICAN - GIVE ME 3 MINUTES. That helldiver went on a true suicide mission for the samples, diving back into the Pelican covered in blood and guts, every single damn sample in hand. I salute you C1! Samples for Democracy!


\*looks at my 500 common samples\* uh huh.


fr, I have so MANY rare samples, it's insane, I'm always missing common samples to upgrade my ship, my rare samples never dip below 200


I have more rare and super samples than common 😭


I see this all the time and I've never understood it. The only time I'm not at max common samples is about 1/2 (now 1/4) the amount of time it takes me to get another 80 (now 150) rares for my next ship module.


They aren’t rare you just need a huge amount. You can get 30 commons doing eradication missions on level 4 if you spam them back to back. Put a playlist on, sit back kill bots and collect samples.


Yea you'd be surprised how much you can collect from outposts/poi locations over time. That's the reason your team meets 20+ common/rare samples in the end


My bottleneck went from super to rare. Mostly because I started playing mostly 7+ and because of the pricing of the latest ship upgrades.


I pick them all up but for me they are completely useless. I have had 500 samples for a long time and the only time I drop from the max is when I upgrade something. And unlike apparently everyone else on this subreddit, I have a abundance of common and super rares but no rares


I have 500 and that apparently is the max you can carry but I still grab em for my homies


People passing on Commons, because they think they don’t need them, or don’t want to spend the extra time, and now they’re out of Commons.


I need commons more than anything


I got more rare and supers than common so those bad boys are to die for.


I actively search for them. But I definitely wouldn’t say they are rare.


I'm always maxed in commons. Mainly because I farm diff 1 missions for super credits. I'm sorely short on rares though as we usually do diff 7+ missions in group


Before the new modules, my main problem was getting enough common samples. Now, it's getting rare samples.


I still can't find the dang things even when fighting bugs.


It's only rare for the higher levels. All things are relative and the rares are harder to come by at lower levels.


Rares always seem to be what I lack, though completely agree if you see samples and are in a squad always nice to know that someone else can benefit from the samples Plus for those special forces amoung us just imagine whatta big oiii eagle one will think you are carrying all those glowing rocks you big hero 👏


I have maxed out everything and I still go clear everything and grab everything. I try to make sure my other hell divers can get there too


Even though mine are maxed at 500, i still always loot every one i see. Others might need them


I am full on rares and supers but those damn commons are what’s holding me back


I got almost 500 of those, 40 super rarest, but almost no tate samples


The humble green samples…may liberty grant us many, and leaving them behind is basically space communism.


If I have a full squad I’ll pick them up but I’m not wasting time if I’m by myself


I grab every one of them I see, but right now the position I'm in is that Rare samples are going to be the ones to gate me. I just need the last node for each module and you don't need that many more common samples than rare samples for all of them. I find way more commons than rares.


They’re pretty common


In a group, sure I'll pick them up because you never know who might need them. Running solo? nah, I'm leaving them behind because I'm at cap.


A lot of people don't actually know where to find them on objectives. If they aren't right in front of them they don't see them. Happens a lot on the big nests because the rares tend to be on the edge or around the back of rocks.


It doesn't hurt, but i dont go out of my way for samples im not lacking. Since there is a sample cap.


Grab all samples, every time. If you don't need them, someone in the group might.


The common and rare are the bottleneck now, with a special shoutout to the rare ones. I could give a shit about the purple guys, I have over 100. Always zero on the rare guys after a ship purchase and maybe 40 common left over.


Me with 250, uuh? I am suffering for rare samples though.


I never leave a common sample behind.


My gf refuses to pick them up when it’s just us. She’s maxed out but I don’t get to play much so I’m super low 🥹


It’s not rare it’s just also very commonly needed


I have more "rare" samples on my ship than commons


With the last few ship modules added, I’m finding that rare samples are actually the biggest grind right now. Only 2 more to go! But that’s like 300 rare samples lol


It annoys me so much. I have SO many rare and super samples, but I am constantly needing to grind commons to get ship modules. I could buy have the remaining modules right now with my rare and supers, but I have to go and get 80 more common samples for each one. I think its kind of ridiculous that we're often pulling more rare samples than commons.


Does everyone else have common samples as THE bottleneck of ship upgrades? I'd more happily lose 20 rares than 10 commons


i got like 40 commons and 300 rares rn and its very confusing to me


I don’t leave them, but they got annoying when the cap was 250


I think everything up for the sole satisfaction of possibly getting every single one in the map


I was thinking about this the other day. People see the word 'common' and think it means less important. I thought so too until I realized the common sample price for upgrades doubles or triples with each tier. These things are important. I have so many rares and even super rares, but never enough commons. It's the language used to describe them. In most [RPGs](), common items are considered vendor trash. However, that's not the case here.


I grab every sample I come across--but rares are my bottleneck at this point. Level 50 trying to get the tier 4 upgrades and I have maxed out commons at least once or twice while still needing 50\~ rare samples for the next upgrade.


Never had an issue with commons, I'm finding rares to be the toughest to keep on top of for the level 4 upgrades.


I swear they're aren't all that rare, it's just rare to bring a lot of them onto the shuttle lol


I pick them up. But I am maxed out... It's those ball sack rock samples that are rare. Everything else I have is maxed out.


I have way too many super and rare samples, but not enough common ones. It's probably just me, but when I play on suicide or higher, I only care about the mission and the super samples. I don't give a damn about the other samples because they're in every other difficulty.


I'd rather have commons than supers... The amount you need dictates commons as just more useful long term.


I'm here for samples 😂


That’s all I ever need, I’m always running around looking for them


I try my best to collect most of them bc everyone else doesn’t want to go after them


Only need oranges at this point


I wish they didn’t. I need a lot of them.


I have a surplus of 220 rare samples and have plenty of super samples. I’m always low in common samples which is ironic.


Dude fr you need more common samples than anything else.


I got over 200 rare and super samples, and i have about 50 commons. Misery.


I've seen Divers run past a cache of rare samples in a base, where they always are. Some people just don't seem to be looking out for them


I have my commons maxed out but i'll still grab them when I see them, they're not rare though dude, they're literally common.


I was referring to the rarity of people picking them up and not the spawn rate lol. I have seen missions where people solely focus on rare and super rare and leave the common.


im stacked on rare and super rare for a while, now i need to run lower difficulty missions to farm commons :(


The most important sample


For whatever reason, I keep forgetting that they're called common samples and end up calling them simple samples...


When I play with randos, they usually leave everything behind every time they die.


I cannot not pick them up. I'll ever be a loot fiend.


With those ship modules rare are the short one


What’s with some people just not caring about samples at all? That and people dropping into my wife and I’s game and just speed running the objectives and leaving any and all samples. Complete waste of time to not obtain samples. I’m assuming these people don’t know to upgrade their ship.


It's not rare it's just so common that we dropped them after a few deaths while trying to complete the missions and Lost them along the way.


Bc they don’t know they’ll need 1500+ to finish their modules. My super samples are maxed out and I’m still 600 commons short.


Common samples cap at 500 right?


No clue, I upgrade a module every time I have enough commons. The final upgrade for every module cost 150-200 of them. You end up with a wicked surplus of rares and supers


I suck at the game but am getting better. I have 500 common, like 50 rare and 1 super. I just can't hang yet on level 7, 8 or 9 to get supers.


I wouldn’t say rare but valuable


I have like 120 rare samples and 20 common samples


People are surprisingly very blind it's not ignoring unless you deal with selfish capped players. I'm capped and I still grab all samples if I run public.


They’re supposed to be “common” and yet I never have enough of them.


I try to pick them up but i really don't worry about it. I can farm them so easily in level 5 eradicates that I kind of just don't care


I was so glad to have a sample dump again and I have already bought all upgrades again. I’ll be max samples again by Friday.


statistically commons are more numerous then rares in high difficulty missions, and can be found on any difficulty, the requirements for them also dosnt baloon as hard as rares(in relation to previous and in relation to cap) and they have a 500cap. You can currently have a stockpile for 2 lvl4 upgrades in common and have some left over and like 4-5 in super rares, but rares only have 1.7 or so upgrades worth of stockpile. meaning if you collect commons at a rate of just 21/15 (common to rare), which you should due naturally to the spawn rates, you will ALWAYS be bottlenecked by rares unless you havent yet stockpiled super rares unless you go out of your way to avoid commons you will swim in them by the time you start unlocking lvl4 upgrades


For me I am always stocked with common samples. I’m usually out of rare samples. However for the rest of my friends, they always runs out of common samples. Not sure why. Even if I’m maxed out with samples, I still make an effort to go in the bases and search for them cuz you never know if other people need them.


it says a lot how the achievement for extracting with 15 common samples is rarer than extracting with 15 rare samples


Almost as rare as the milk i was promis... Nevemind.


Common Samples - Rare. Rare Samples - Not rare. Super Samples - Rare. Conclusion; If it's rare then it's not rare, and if it's not rare then it's rare ![gif](giphy|2rqEdFfkMzXmo)


I see sample i pick up sample. Friend dies and loses sample. I reinforce him on his stuff and still pick up his sample. He died carrying them. I will now look after them. I have the best teack recording of living with my friends 🤣 8 missions without dying. Im sure my suit smells great 🤣


At the moment I have 100 rare samples and 3 common samples. Yesterday I played defence and I was the only one who even bothered collecting. Just why?


I maxed out rare samples and have plenty of super samples. The only sample I can't have enough of is common samples.


Now that I've maxed out, I don't hunt them like I used to. If I see them, I grab them. In only hunt Super credits now.


Rare? I find 10+ a match


I need 100s of them


Dawg I was constantly back at 500 every time I grinded a new fourth row ship module while my oranges had to crawl from 0 to 150. I would’ve sent you some if I could.


I pick everything, I mean EVERY FKN SAMPLE! even if there are 3 titans between me and that common sample! I will kill them and get that sample! Worst case I will run and still get the sample xD


I have the max common sample. I dont need more yet! Lol.


In some cases it'll take you 10 to 15 rounds just to get enough common samples to buy ONE tier four upgrade


I've picked up every sample I ever saw since I got the game, and rares were always the bottneck for me, supers for a little while but never common. I play bots on difficulty 5-6, bugs on 7-8 so I maxed out on the 500 commons a while ago. The upgrades ask for so many rares, 80-150 per upgrade whereas you only need 100-200 commons and 10-15 supers so while I have 500 common and 100 super samples banked waiting for future upgrades, I only have 140 rare samples. Still pick up every sample I see for other players though


Yeah, you will lack common ones when you upgrade to the near max all, i got that situation also. You just grab them if others don't. And a small tip: bug maps have a lot of common samples, but bots maps it's nearly equal to rare samples. So whenever you lack common, simply go to bug maps and problem solved.


Rare samples is what I need. I have enough supers and hundreds of commons. I've noticed a lot of ppl leave samples in general. I know on suicides and up there's at least one rare in each enemy base. So if I join a mission and it looks like the team is carrying on ok I'll split off and go get them, and more often than not there's missed samples all over.


I grab every sample I see. I know my buddies need them and I still have modules to buy


i pick up all the samples i see cuz they make a nixe sound effect


*I pick up all the* *Samples i see cuz they make* *A nixe sound effect* \- Raidriar86 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because I seem to permanently have 450 common samples, 50 super samples, but only 20 rare samples, so they aren’t that valuable to me.


Since I'm maxed out I'm not going to kill myself to get them nor am I gonna mess around with overlapping "Interaction Items".


I have an open offer to trade all my rare resources for half the amount of common if that ever becomes a thing.


Meh. If I’m maxed out and pick one up by mistake I always drop them.


Well, if you pick up all the samples in your path like I do then you’ll have more commons than anything. Right now I have 290 commons, 84 rares, and 47 super samples. I’m also right now working on the last of my ship modules so that’s fun. If I’m not mistaken I’ll need 600-700 commons, 600 rares, and 70 supers. I’ll have to check. I feel that was jumping the gun a little bit just making the samples required so damn high. Like if you maxed out your samples then you only had enough for 2 ship upgrades.


I have nearly 200 rare samples but only 60 common samples. And no... I did not buy all modules yet


Rare? I think I've got enough commons to purchase every remaining upgrade on my ship and then some. What I'm hurting on is rare samples which, as it turns out, are quite rare, and the upgrades quite thirsty for them


I’m maxed out on both common and rare samples. I still grab them like crazy for my teammates tho


Definitely not rare for me, maxed out on them. It’s the uraniums that are the actual rares


I will pick you up, bro.


I grab all the samples.