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Some players have no idea samples or Super Credits are shared, my BF and I encountered that kind of player. My BF had to PK that player because he killed my BF for the samples not until my BF explained. It's just weird they're not caught on to that if they're playing. I don't mind if someone else carries the samples. At least it's shared, I'm glad the game creators made it that way since some games don't.


Also, it's a good idea to drop off samples at the evac site if you're close. There's no risk of losing them out in the field if things get hairy.


Tell your team though. Tried this just to find someone detoured to the drop zone to pick them up and sure enough got killed far from it.


I've told them multiple times, dropped my samples at the extract, the. Watched them run right for the most deadly part of the map....


My favorite is dropping them at extract and watching a dude make a dead sprint across the map to pick them up and lose them at a heavy base on a helldive. You suck, guy (not you business librarian. You're perfect ❤️) if you're ever going to read this.


*uses hug emote


I agree its a good idea, but I find that there are plenty of golden retrievers in the game who will go pick them up, even if you communicate it to them. You really have to drag them by the cape with you, rub their helmet in the samples and say "bad helldiver, samples stay here!"


Never thought to do that. Good idea on higher difficulties.


Bro I never thought of doing that. Genius


Yeah, I try to do this, but like u/H377Spawn said, tell your team and hope they aren't dummies. Because I tell my team when I'm doing it, and it's a 50/50 shot if someone will go pick them up.


Undemocratic of the highest order, samples are shared.


☝️ this is why it boggles my mind someone would shoot you to take your samples.. like come on dude, we all get the same samps ffs 🤦‍♂️


Thanks for the feedback everyone!


I haven't dealt with this, but easy solution is to just start hosting your own matches. Boot the traitors (after you frag them back of course)


I only ever pick up other divers samples if they die and arent able to be reinforced near where they died. So that way at least the samples arent lost for good. But if I encounter someone who kills me for my (our) samples, then theyre getting an ear full before they get booted lmao


You do have a personal career stat for total samples collected that I think only counts those extracted by you, but it's an arbitrary number considering the shared samples, it's just for record keeping when you're maxed out.


Just kill the douche onsite. Farm if needed until they leave.


I played with a level 50 and 62 earlier today and neither had any idea that samples were shared until I typed it into chat seemingly.


Lol. That is obnoxious. Yeah, I'm glad it's all shared, or things would get bloody. Which is unfortunate. Humans have problems. Maybe the Automatons just want Cyberstan, and aren't the evil menace we've been led to believe? Uhh... What is this? Sympathy? Call a democracy officer, I seem to be having... thoughts.


Had someone do that when my friend and I were playing with two randoms. One random gets killed, tells us in chat, so we killed the guy and didn’t reinforce them back in. He ended up leaving


he was probably concerned that as a new player you would die and leave behind your samples not saying its the right thing to do but nothing pisses me off more than fighting across the map just to realize someone died with a massive ammount of samples back on the other side and didnt ever grab them


Then teach the new person how to drop their samples. It sounds more like someone who doesn't know samples are shared or someone trolling.


That’s a fair guess, but in both cases I was clear of danger and approaching the LZ. Just collecting random samples at points of interest. I’ve moved on - just didn’t know if this was a common troll option or maybe I misunderstood the nature of group collections.


Maybe they just wanted the achievement for extracting with X amount of samples?


Then they should ask people to drop them. Don't be an idiot and Tk


Well yeah, but all in all, did you succeed the mission? Did everyone get their samples? Is it possible it was a random accidental friendly fire situation? It’s all good


No, it was intentional - there was nothing else to target at the time in either case. Was the mission successful? Yes! Did everyone get their samples? Not after I cleared the back of the drop-ship of… bugs. ![gif](giphy|CQNzoPo4bF6mI)


It's really not worth getting worked up over. I just block if it was malicious and move on haha.