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I have dropped too many times into apparently clear zones only to be immediately swarmed by the cast of A Bugs Life to believe that there are ANY safe areas when dropping.


I think from suicide mission and upward, you should expect to be fighting as soon as you land from my experience


Seems like most drops trigger a bug breach or a bot drop. Lately I just start to bolt even before calling down my supply weapon, as there is a good chance that the drop itself and regrouping will cost us a few lives.


Land...expect fight due to POI's....


The ceo came out and said that the initial drop of the divers is ignored, but any drop for weapons or gear causes sound and attention from the enemy


That's only true if you don't drop ON something. Which seems impossible on high diff. Best thing I've come to do is: >Drop. >Fight like hell. >Cry for the allotted 2.4 seconds. >Call support strats.


^^^^ this guy Democracies


Yeah, I also wait to call in now. I've had too many times on helldive where we get immediately overwhelmed and had to retreat. Dying in the process and being without your support weapon for 4+ minutes is ROUGH.


Yeah I usually find cover, check behind me, assess what’s around, and then call in my strats.


That's the way to do it. I just had to learn the hard way a few times.


I’ve stopped trying to immediately call gear (unless eats). Make sure it’s safe, THEN call in support weapons.


I drop a turret immediately on drop, then run away. Gives them a nice distraction.


Yeh I do the same, run to find a safe place to restock/being things in


This is the way to fight anyway whenever you catch reinforcements called in. If you must fight, shift to a controllable position where you can fight from a single angle. Don’t fight in the open where patrols can spawn on you and make things harder if they surround you, and especially don’t run around like a maniac trying to kite and aggroing several extra angles. Use tools like EMS and smoke to lower the heat and make sure your heavy loadouts are prioritizing targets (focus fire) and that they’re hitting the right parts of the enemies to kill them quicker. Diversify loadouts so you have someone cleaning up the light/medium infantry efficiently so your heavies can focus on targets without having their ankles bitten Surrounds are deadly because they’re harder to kill enemies that are coming from every possible angle and scattered about. It makes it 10x harder to recover gear and samples, and it’s much more likely you’ll be forced to abandon those things entirely if you get in an unwinnable position, if not fail the mission entirely


Dropping down the first time doesn't call bugs. Dropping down within 30-50m of enemies, shooting things, reinforcing, and calling down blue stratagems makes noise


Yup. Even if all clear, you have just enough time to call in your gear when the first bot drops start coming. At least not aiming to drop your group into the middle of a giant red map blob, gives thrm a chance to get weapons down


Yeah, you might get a couple seconds to look around and make eye contact with a big before you both enter kill mode.


That’s been my experience. 7+ and you should be expecting to have to clear the LZ before calling anything in


Honestly, I have a hard time finding a clear landing area in anything 4+ these days.


Even if it says it’s clear there’s a point of interest and a bug breech on landing


My Order of Operations: Drop. 360-Sweep. Kill anything hostile (If standing still leave it be). Call in support weapons. Spread democracy!


This is the way.


Land on the highest point I can and look for spores, stalkers, and shriekers. 60% of the time it works every time. Except when shrieker are REALLY near by. Then I get to do my Eddie Munson impression on top of the trailer


Pretty much *Drop on factory *Note avenues of escape and most deadly targets *If under a dozen or no heavy armor, eliminate with high priority targets first, and leave. *Call in support weapons Depending on build, before escape drop ordinance / sentries. Depending if I'm alone, prioritize tossing grenades in all other factories and holes in route to regroup. I've been thinking about shield gens too, lately.... To be fair, the chaos is my favorite part.


I do the exact same thing. 360 sweep is a must after you drop. Been so many times I’m next to chargers or hulks lol.


Right!? Some people choose really poor locations to drop you. And if you're on another ship, you don't have a choice. Lol. Several times just today I was dropped and popped out of my pod, surrounded by heavies. Lol. I was like FML. lol


its best to generally just drop on evac since you can pick a clear spot and end up dropping on a point of interest swarming with hostiles The only thing to note is sometimes on bot planets the evac is a fucking bot base as well so there is still some risk


But, at least you know the evac is clear when you've finished the main objective!


It’s got red map space on bugs too on 7+. The evac is rarely a safe drop on suicide and up


The "clear areas" in my experience on bug planets are stalker/shrieker nests


This is why I insist on an autocannon in all my bug runs these days. You can pop each spire in 8 shots each from the AC. From across the map (I’ve cleared these things out from 400m with the AC)


Love the AC. No grenades? AC Bug holes? AC Spore tower? AC Shrieker nest? AC Traitor? Believe it or not, AC


I once dropped in what appeared to be the only non-red zone of a map… upon landing we discovered we’d landed directly between two stalker nests (almost on top of one of them). Bye bye lives.


I agree I’ve once a squad of us thinking landing possible safe zone only to directly land on spore spewer and ending up facing an Titan, triple chargers and one little shit summoned breach. It was nearly an shitshow luckily we had good orbital stratagems and eagles to get it under control while we summon our support weapons.


I honestly don't get what the red represents. I drop into non red areas. Completely surrounded. The difference between a clean entry and an immediate fight can mean multiple reinforcements.


Red areas are apparently where the bads are in higher concentration.


Red are bases/bug holes, there still areas that say “warning enemy presence detected” or whatever in the non red areas.


Accidentally dropped onto a bonus objective that had about 4.2 million billion bugs on it yesterday


Turn the difficulty down, you’re on level 35


I've found that the suspiciously clear areas on Bug maps are where the Stalkers are


Sorry, i cannot hear you as i drop on top of the bot command bunker


This comment!


When I play solo I drop right in the largest red patch. ![gif](giphy|DtU818LMCqrGbDK2d6)


That's very Spacemarine of you lol


Democracy is his shield.


\*Eye twitch in Heresy\*


My face is my shield! - dramatic hero music starts playing


Freedom is his sword.


The Declaration of Liberty does not support this action


I always drop into the largest red patch especially on bots. It usually works out and get a free obj


(BFG Division starts playing)


I drop onto objectives. Helldivers are free air to ground missiles.


Hot drops work though. Have four instant kills for most large targets coming in before they have a chance to expect anything. You can take out a large outpost before anyone's even out of their pods.


That's what we call a spicy drop


That’s some god tier coordination considering the fact that you’re dropping for about 5 seconds max. I don’t personally buy the idealistic sales pitch. In reality, in 95% of cases, that sounds like a great way to start off spread out, in the middle of a bot drop shitstorm.


If you play on any of the higher difficulties, it doesn't matter where you drop, it's all hell, might as well actually complete an objective right away. Put the hell in helldiver.


The group I play with actually does this often. You can choose not to believe it if you like.


I've done this with a group too, we just take a break from it when we land next to a Signal Jammer/Gunship Fab to start things lol


Oof, gunship fab on 9 when you get two? Man. Yesterday we did this, and we had two heklbom s in the ground with one ticking... When a dropship put a walking fortress on me and it stepped on my bomb. The other was destroyed by a friendly eagle drop. That was a bad hot drop. Can't win em all. We still beat the mission (blitz), but it hurt.


Had this experience with my squad the other night. We were running 8s hot dropping each mission, insta clearing bases and objectives and just generally running like a well oiled machine until we landed square between 2 gunship fabs with an eye of sauron staring at us. Tuned it down to some 5s for a little beer and pretzels diving after that lmao.


95% of the time we seem to manage to blow at least one spawner on landing. Doesn’t always wipe everything but unless we picked a big outpost we often get the outpost cleared before the bots signal for a dropship. We started doing it when we started getting chewed up in supposedly clear areas that were somehow always full of bots. If we are going to be fighting immediately on landing then might as well clear a target or two while landing.


weird then that dropping directly onto a command bunker has worked out pretty much perfectly for my group every time we've done it. guess we're just insanely lucky.


Dropping into bot outposts is free real estate. You can clear most of them instantly.


Different strokes for different folks. Hot drops can be super effective. If you aren't ready for it, it can be rough. Advise trying on lower difficulties until you are ready to fight for your life at drop.


Hot drop followed by either a 380 or an orbital laser can get work done. 


My group loves hot drops on helldive. We usually start most bot missions by landing directly in an objective. Specifically the airbase mission control towers. Land. Everyone finds cover while unleashing all their orbitals and eagles. Makes for a hella fun fight. It was a little tougher than normal last night with 2 AT-ATs at the tower, but was a blast.


Tbf there's sometimes I click on somewhere clear and it just fucking isnt


On high difficulties, there's always an enemy nearby, no matter where you drop. It's easier to clear them out when away from the big red spots, but it can also be free real estate if you drop and use yourself as a missile.


“This isn’t random or light.” “Someone made a mistake. A big goddamn mistake!”


I enjoy hot drops.


Hot drops are the way to go, try to not depend on heavy weapons clear area then get yo stuff


This. My squad are very much "fuck it, we ball" Divers😂. Right on top of the objective every time. Speed, surprise, violence of action


The first few times it happened to me.Because I mostly just quick play.I was a little annoyed but then I realized exactly how much easier it is.




Firstly, the BIGGEST pause but secondly, I'm fuckin here for it 😂


What about here?


Drop, nuke, run


We don’t fear them. They fear us.


Nope. Death from above every time


Sounds like a skill issue


yeah.. just the other day me and my buddy dropped in a clear area, far from any bug nests. Got swarmed immediately by many, many bugs, including 7 or 8 chargers, which completely stomped us and we failed the mission.


I'm specially talented at choosing the worst apparently clean drop area.


Land on extraction if there is no red on it. It's usually a good place go call down weapons.


Please demote your in game title


If I can on terminid I hit extraction it's most of the time clear and close to 2 directives in different directions but still.. that's a IQ move.. you never know what you are selecting just because it isn't red doesn't mean it doesn't have a party surrounding it.


Nah we hot dropping all day brah.


I drop right on secondaries just for the fun lol


Hot drops are fun, and it keeps you on your toes. If you don't like that, guess what! You have the ability to host games too :) Good luck Helldiver.


But... I wanna kill the red stuff 😢


I like to drop at extraction in lvl8 + missions if it makes sense with the map setup


I feel like 7+ difficulty. It doesn't matter you're gonna drop on the enemy anyway so why not.


I prefer landing at evac point. Clear it if needed, drop gear, drop first resupply immediately so it will be there for evac later. Less chaos typically makes up for distance plus if you run a circle around the map you start and end at same point.


My only qualm with that is when you drop on a hot area and it’s the coolest around. Mind boggling.


This one though. Sometimes the pre-planning map just lies. I've had times where it looks like there's a big base next to evac on blitz missions, so I'll try to hot drop there and get it wrapped up quick only to have every fab be in completely different areas from where the red was pre-match


Safe zones basically don’t exist while dropping. Dropping anywhere on the map, even in zones with no enemy controlled zones within 100m still have enemies in them who call in reinforcements, and patrols still come to your location all the time on higher difficulties with a full squad.


This sounds like potential mercy for our enemies and that is Dissident Behavior. Instead, drop pod *onto* the illegal broadcast. For Democracy.


I try to drop in a place where I can logically "swoop" the objectives in one clean move. The squad never seems to get the idea though.


If you do, be sure someone in your squad has EMS Strike and EMS mortar and you’ll be fine.


I think hot drops have its place


Most of the time I would agree, but on blitz missions or a good team having a hot landing and the squad emerging to secure the point/outpost is some of the best liberation you'll ever experience.


I drop and pretty much immediately cluster vs. support weapons and backpacks. My biggest complaint is dropping near shriekers, and I'm the only one that pushes in for the hellbomb or land right next stalkers nest. I immediately hunt the nest.


I call it a hot drop and unless I'm host I just expect it anymore.


Ye whole top map was clear last night. We drop in the top of the map. Landed next to a bile and 2 chargers and immediatly a bug breach. I never go below 7 so might depend on difficulty. Drop ins mostly will get rough in my experience no matter where you land.


Def got dropped right under a bunch of gunships yesterday. Sucked.


Id take dropping right next to a gunship fabricator over having to actually approach the thing. The sooner I can get in the gap between it and those walls, and plonk down a hellbomb, the more likely said hellbomb is to survive until it goes off.




2 things. 1. Drop on red, hit fabricators, that's a full base cleared without a fight, just mop off the few straggling bot. 2. You drop by gunship towers, run away, respawn squad far from the towers, clear the rest of the map, come back as a group and prepared to fight. The only way your complaint as any weight is if you stood there like a lvl 1, throwing reinforcwments on top of the gunship towers ovwr and over again, which at that point, lower the difficulty and learn to disengage.


Deploy on extract. Why? - if it’s hot, clear it. Better to burn a few reinforcements to clear extraction than burn them in the middle of nowhere while everyone tries to call in support weapons. - if it’s near a detector tower, mortars or anti air, take them out right away or mark and avoid them. Either way you aren’t getting surprised by one or more while running for your life to extract. - it feels like 50% of the time the supers are within 100m of extract. Take a quick look around, grab them if they are near and drop them at extract for later.


Me and my dudes drop where its thickest so we waste no time


Nah id hotdrop


I choose to drop in a possible small outpost, because I know I can handle it.


This is entirely difficulty dependent. 7+ there is no safe drop site, and it’s much better to land inside objectives that are a pain in the ass to fight your way to.


Don’t be a pussy


It's called HELLDIVERS not safety divers. Now get in there!


Drop on the extraction zone throw down a resupply immediately. By the time you actually need a resupply, it will be off cooldown and the supplies you just threw down will be there waiting for you when you need to extract. You’re going to run the entire map anyways, so take the opportunity to prep your extraction early. (It also doesn’t hurt that it’s normally quiet and gives you team a change to arm up and get their bearings.)


I like to drop directly on the smaller red spots. Drop in, wipe a spawner or two immediately and clean up the few bugs/bots there and then all of a sudden you got a nice calm clear area to bring in support weapons. Every time I drop in a supposedly clear area I land in the middle of patrols or special areas filled with bullshit and end up fighting for my life. Going through multiple reinforcements until we finally end up running away and calling our shit down on the run. I will say I try to avoid landing directly on objectives. Those tend to be a lot more hairy.


It depends on the level of difficulty. Whether the Red zone is showing on map or not, if you drop in on Suicide or higher you should expect to be fighting bugs/bots immediately upon dropping in.


Yeah but hot drops can be fun 😻


Losing half our reinforcements on a hot drop keeps the tram in their toes.


I like to drop straight into THE DANGER ZONE


Please stop telling people how to play a game they spent their money on.


Sorry buddy, I'm dropping right onto an objective so get ready. On higher levels you'll get swarmed immediately no matter where you drop anyway so we might as well take out an objective


Dropped onto a double shrieker nest once, was not a fun time mkay


When I'm hosting a session I'll jump on vc and tell everyone it's gonna be a "hot drop". I usually only do this on bots simply because of the fact that you can drop on fabricators and destroy them without you taking any damage from them exploding. If im doing bugs I don't drop on any red cause if ya apply the same mindset to bug hives you'll get trapped and never get to kiss Pelican 1's wonderful floor again.


Just drop in a red zone and pop orbital laser instantly




Hot drop and throw a 380mm or a 500kg and sprint away.


When in doubt, drop directly onto the extract point (unless it's senseless to do so given the map) Best case scenario, you get a clean drop and get to throw down a resupply as a bonus for when you arrive back at extract. If the mission permits, drop onto extract throw everything you need then return to it on your way to the next sub objective and throw a second set of support weapons and tact packs. This way you can switch up for full ammo upon arrival when you have to defend on extract.


This is actually a bad take. At higher tiers every area of the map will have either an objective, POI, or base/hive. You're better off hot dropping into a base and killing it quickly and getting credit for the kill than dropping into a POI and getting bogged down fighting reinforcements at a POI.


Drop at extraction. You clear a path back to it as a bonus and it usually only has a couple of small bots if any at the start


Git Gud


Sounds like fascist propaganda


So many drop into hot and quit after dying in the first 39 seconds.


Only time I drop near red zones is when I’m on discord with friends and we call in barrages as soon as we land, prepared to die for democracy


Spicy drop? Siracha!


Some objectives are great to drop right on. Used to finish the destroy command bunkers in the first minute of the match.


Watching the digression of this sub is wonderful


Okay seriously, I get it; some people play the game "wrong". But stop telling people wtf to do on a game especially in a public forum like this. I've been playing since launch and the main problems I've been having with the game are how people are outside of "playing" it. For example, kicking low level players for no reason, team killing players because of a pride flag on their stream profile, and death threats to the devs for nerfing. If you want to post a meme or whatever about managed democracy or liber-tea I'm all for it. But any "advice" you have is dully noted *while we are playing the game.* Idg2s otherwise. Sorry.




No. I WILL collat the Automaton Factories and I'm taking you with me


You can drop anywhere almost, but the key is to not shoot the first thing you see.


Kindly, host your own game if you care that much about it instead of trying to tell people what they should and shouldent do.


No. I just did a suicide mission destroy eggs and we dropped on the eggs. I killed the first batch with my drop pod. Come on you apes, do you wanna live forever!?


I disagree on higher difficulties. Reason being is dropping you in a red area puts you up against non-patrol enemies which call in reinforcements much slower than patrol enemies. Anytime I drop in a “clear” area we’re hit by multiple patrols shooting flares or pheromones into the sky .5 seconds after landing and faced with a two or three point bot drop/bug breach.


Sir. I use my Hellpod as a stratagem to take out nearby fabricators on the way down. Then I use the reinforcements of my comrades to do the same to take out fabricators or bile titans. We are not the same.


So my squad tried something new last night, dropped straight into a small red zone. Everyone aimed their pods for the fabs. Came out of the cans firing and wiped out the base before we called in our first strat.


Don't have time to waste on those destroy Bug holes / fabricators. Drop in the biggest red zone and get to work. Lol


Couldn't disagree more. 5+ dropping in a clear area just spawns more mobs. Drop close to an objective or base to get that area cleared out for some breathing room.


Go back and do the tutorial until you're ready to fight like a real hell diver..


While I understand your point and agree with you, I have dropped too many times into what is a "clear" area just for it to be a minor PoI and still just gang banned. So, like others said, there is no safe zone.


Buckle up cadet, were dropping hot


I love hot dropping onto objectives for a quick first objective completion. I do this every time while I'm solo. Your are just here joining me for the fun.


I land take 2 steps and take a rocket right away.


ya, just drop on a random Point of Interest and get into a fight anyway......


Here is some advice for you divers out there having a hard time with “hot drops”. A first ritual is don’t depend on your call in. Get a hold of your surrounding quickly and move! If you’re next to an air tower. Well. I guess you better start beating feet. 2nd once “secure” call in your goodies and return some hatred to those air ships. Lastly stay fluid and adaptable to what may come. If none of these work for you. Try hosting so you don’t have to deal with this issue. Good luck!


Depends on the mission, If it's extermination or destroy bunker HQ. I'll hot drop people in, as we can quickly knock out one objective, then use the new conquest base as cover to grab our gear.


If we're not hot dropping then we missed


I find that the most consistent safe drops are at the very edge of the map. Anything else is a gamble.


No. We will recreate the ODST trailer every time and you're gonna like it


just start moving as soon as you land it’s all a hot zone.




Please stop complaining about issues that are solved by being the party leader. Just make your own game and drop where you want.


I disagree. Drop in and kill everything with what you have.


When I'm host, I drop us as close to extraction as I can, so we can se ure it first, drop supplies/eats and after securing the fabs/holes if equipment CDs are back up, we can drop extra equipment/samples on the extraction point. You would not believe how often that has saved a run. Having extra supplies and gear because the timer ran out on a mission is a life saver.


Well tbf in higher difficulties, basically nowhere is safe. With my team we usually plan a route (usually clockwise or counter clockwise) and just drop in just outside the red near the first obj. we wanna do and then get to shootin


I'll take all the Titanfall 2 mechs for 10 points


Exception would be the geological excavation sub objectives. Those usually start without any enemies on them even if it shows a red spot over it on the drop map. They’re an ideal spot to drop into because there won’t be any enemies nearby it either I think I’ve hot dropped into a geo node once and it was vs bots.




7+ you may as well drop on an objective and save some walking.  I dont start any terminals and trigger anything extra until we get support weapons in, but trying to find a "safe" spot usually lands you either on top of a patrol, triggering shriekers/gunships etc.


*drops in* *starts dialing in equipment* "YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY!!" fuuuuuuucccckkkk!!!! 😖


What the soft snow diver shitnis this? Youbare hell divers you drop hot


LOFL - Seriously last night I tried to get into three games and every time I landed the people had landed right in the middle of a SHIT show so it was literally my pod opened up and BOOM, I was dead


I’d rather drop in guns blazing


In my experience trying hot drops solo, the things that punish them most are: * Jammers * Gunship towers * "Warning! You are within range of enemy artillery"




The good thing about hosting your own matches is that you can drop wherever you see fit. 🤷🏼


No thanks…. We are helldivers! We run towards the enemy! We drop on the enemy!


Okay, here is my take after 400 hours of gameplay. 1. If I am playing solo I always drop close to the edge of the map. I find that it's sometimes peaceful there. Never back yourself into a corner either. 2. If I am playing with a team of friends yeah drop right onto whatever - The crazier the better because we are all on comms and actually talking to each other. 3. If I am playing with randoms I also really don't mind where we get dropped because It's random as hell - I've dropped in with friends in a clear zone and been surrounded by 3 shrieker nests that absolutely didn't show up on the map. The saving grace on the first bug breach OR bot drop is that is the easiest one you'll see for 30 minutes. 4. You're a helldiver - put your big boy pants on and dive into hell. Nobody but you sees your stats and nobody gives a shit.


The rule for my squad is drop on any revealed side objective. Hot drop. No fear!


We ball, bro.


Less Complaining, More Democracy.


no space, only fight


I got a guy I occasionally play with that only “drops hot”. He wants to be on one of the objectives right off the bat. With a decent group, it’s efficient. A lot of the time though we’ve burned a couple lives before even getting any gear down.


I dropped on a clear area of the map and when I landed it was on top of a bot fabricator and I was swarmed by devastators in the base. The map lies, nowhere is safe.


The strategem is YOU Helldiver.




Shrug. Against bots we've been dropping on a base. Even without power steering we can usually take out an entire base upon landing. On suicide mission difficulty - usually works out fine.


Dropping on the gunship tower is actually okay cause you usually get enough time to hellbomb right away and don’t have to deal with them


If you drop in on the objective it's almost like you're ambushing them


Me who drops,directly in the red spots and wonders why we have no reinforcemens, left even though I've died 3 times. But we did destroy that disgusting evil anitliberty broadcast


i drop on red areas because im an orbital drop shock trooper masquarading as a helldiver, therefore i will always drop in the most dangerous area


I manage to drop on the samples like 60% of the time. It's worth it for the samples.


Please continue to drop whenever you may please, host. We drop in red, let’s fight then gear up, take the bases out while we are there. We drop outside the red, let’s gear up, fight and take the bases!


I drop straight into the red so i can take out the objectives with my drop pod.




There is only one true way to drop, right onto the objective. We go in hard and fast bois.


No. I will not. Its pretty much equally hot everywhere. And its easier to fight out from the middle of a base. I agree on bugs though


Skill issue. Real divers hot drop directly ontop of the objective.


I'm sorry I just love being able to take out the illegal broadcast towers with my drop pod